/** * This file is part of the XSL implementation. * * Copyright (C) 2004 Apple Computer, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifdef KHTML_XSLT #include "xslt_processorimpl.h" #include "xsl_stylesheetimpl.h" #include "html_documentimpl.h" #include "loader.h" #include "khtmlview.h" #include "khtml_part.h" #include "KWQLoader.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace khtml; using namespace DOM; namespace DOM { XSLTProcessorImpl::XSLTProcessorImpl(XSLStyleSheetImpl* sheet, DocumentImpl* source) :m_stylesheet(sheet), m_sourceDocument(source) { if (m_stylesheet) m_stylesheet->ref(); if (m_sourceDocument) m_sourceDocument->ref(); } XSLTProcessorImpl::~XSLTProcessorImpl() { if (m_stylesheet) m_stylesheet->deref(); if (m_sourceDocument) m_sourceDocument->deref(); } static void parseErrorFunc(void *ctxt, const char *msg, ...) { // FIXME: It would be nice to display error messages somewhere. } static XSLTProcessorImpl *globalProcessor = 0; static xmlDocPtr stylesheetLoadFunc(const xmlChar* uri, xmlDictPtr dict, int options, void* ctxt, xsltLoadType type) { if (!globalProcessor) return NULL; switch (type) { case XSLT_LOAD_DOCUMENT: { KURL url = KURL((char *)uri); KURL finalURL; KIO::TransferJob *job = KIO::get(url, true, false); QByteArray data; QString headers; xmlDocPtr doc; xmlGenericErrorFunc oldErrorFunc = xmlGenericError; void *oldErrorContext = xmlGenericErrorContext; data = KWQServeSynchronousRequest(khtml::Cache::loader(), globalProcessor->sourceDocument()->docLoader(), job, finalURL, headers); xmlSetGenericErrorFunc(0, parseErrorFunc); // We don't specify an encoding here. Neither Gecko nor WinIE respects // the encoding specified in the HTTP headers. doc = xmlReadMemory(data.data(), data.size(), (const char *)uri, 0, options); xmlSetGenericErrorFunc(oldErrorContext, oldErrorFunc); return doc; } case XSLT_LOAD_STYLESHEET: return globalProcessor->stylesheet()->locateStylesheetSubResource(((xsltStylesheetPtr)ctxt)->doc, uri); default: break; } return NULL; } DocumentImpl* XSLTProcessorImpl::transformDocument(DocumentImpl* doc) { // FIXME: Right now we assume |doc| is unparsed, but if it has been parsed we will need to serialize it // and then feed that resulting source to libxslt. m_resultOutput = ""; if (!m_stylesheet || !m_stylesheet->document()) return 0; globalProcessor = this; xsltSetLoaderFunc(stylesheetLoadFunc); xsltStylesheetPtr sheet = m_stylesheet->compileStyleSheet(); if (!sheet) { globalProcessor = 0; xsltSetLoaderFunc(0); return 0; } m_stylesheet->clearDocuments(); // Get the parsed source document. xmlDocPtr sourceDoc = (xmlDocPtr)doc->transformSource(); xmlDocPtr resultDoc = xsltApplyStylesheet(sheet, sourceDoc, NULL); globalProcessor = 0; xsltSetLoaderFunc(0); DocumentImpl* result = documentFromXMLDocPtr(resultDoc, sheet); xsltFreeStylesheet(sheet); return result; } static int bufferWrite(void* context, const char* buffer, int len) { static_cast(context)->addToResult(buffer, len); return len; } void XSLTProcessorImpl::addToResult(const char* buffer, int len) { m_resultOutput += QString(buffer, len); } DocumentImpl *XSLTProcessorImpl::documentFromXMLDocPtr(xmlDocPtr resultDoc, xsltStylesheetPtr sheet) { // FIXME: For now we serialize and then reparse. It might be more optimal to write a DOM converter. if (!resultDoc || !sheet) return 0; DocumentImpl *result = 0; xmlOutputBufferPtr outputBuf = xmlAllocOutputBuffer(NULL); if (outputBuf) { outputBuf->context = this; outputBuf->writecallback = bufferWrite; if (xsltSaveResultTo(outputBuf, resultDoc, sheet) < 0) return 0; // There are three types of output we need to be able to deal with: // HTML (create an HTML document), XML (create an XML document), and text (wrap in a
        // make an XML document).
        KHTMLView *view = m_sourceDocument->view();
        const xmlChar *method;
        XSLT_GET_IMPORT_PTR(method, sheet, method);
        if (method == NULL && resultDoc->type == XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE)
            method = (const xmlChar *)"html";
        if (xmlStrEqual(method, (const xmlChar *)"html"))
            result = m_sourceDocument->implementation()->createHTMLDocument(view);
            result = m_sourceDocument->implementation()->createDocument(view);
        result->setDecoder(m_sourceDocument->decoder()); // FIXME: Should just be UTF-16.

        if (xmlStrEqual(method, (const xmlChar *)"text")) {
            // Modify the output so that it is a well-formed XHTML document with a 
 tag enclosing the text.
            m_resultOutput = "\n"
\n" "\n" "\n"; } // Before parsing, we need to detach the old document completely and get the new document // in place. We have to do this only if we're rendering the result document. if (view) { view->clear(); view->part()->replaceDocImpl(result); } result->open(); result->determineParseMode(m_resultOutput); // Make sure we parse in the correct mode. result->write(m_resultOutput); result->finishParsing(); result->setParsing(false); if (view) view->part()->checkCompleted(); else result->close(); // FIXME: Even viewless docs can load subresources. onload will fire too early. // This is probably a bug in XMLHttpRequestObjects as well. } return result; } } #endif