/** * This file is part of the DOM implementation for KDE. * * Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (knoll@kde.org) * (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (koivisto@kde.org) * (C) 2001 Peter Kelly (pmk@post.com) * (C) 2001 Dirk Mueller (mueller@kde.org) * Copyright (C) 2004 Apple Computer, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ //#define EVENT_DEBUG #include "dom/dom_exception.h" #include "dom/dom_node.h" #include "xml/dom_textimpl.h" #include "xml/dom_docimpl.h" #include "xml/dom2_eventsimpl.h" #include "xml/dom_elementimpl.h" #include "khtml_part.h" #include "html/dtd.h" #include "html/htmlparser.h" #include "rendering/render_canvas.h" #include "misc/htmlhashes.h" #include "css/css_valueimpl.h" #include "css/css_stylesheetimpl.h" #include "css/cssstyleselector.h" #include "xml/dom_xmlimpl.h" #include #include using namespace DOM; using namespace khtml; AttributeImpl* AttributeImpl::clone(bool) const { AttributeImpl* result = new AttributeImpl(m_id, _value); result->setPrefix(_prefix); return result; } void AttributeImpl::allocateImpl(ElementImpl* e) { _impl = new AttrImpl(e, e->docPtr(), this); } AttrImpl::AttrImpl(ElementImpl* element, DocumentPtr* docPtr, AttributeImpl* a) : NodeBaseImpl(docPtr), m_element(element), m_attribute(a) { assert(!m_attribute->_impl); m_attribute->_impl = this; m_attribute->ref(); m_specified = true; } AttrImpl::~AttrImpl() { assert(m_attribute->_impl == this); m_attribute->_impl = 0; m_attribute->deref(); } DOMString AttrImpl::nodeName() const { return getDocument()->attrName(m_attribute->id()); } unsigned short AttrImpl::nodeType() const { return Node::ATTRIBUTE_NODE; } DOMString AttrImpl::prefix() const { return m_attribute->prefix(); } void AttrImpl::setPrefix(const DOMString &_prefix, int &exceptioncode ) { checkSetPrefix(_prefix, exceptioncode); if (exceptioncode) return; m_attribute->setPrefix(_prefix.implementation()); } DOMString AttrImpl::nodeValue() const { return m_attribute->value(); } void AttrImpl::setValue( const DOMString &v, int &exceptioncode ) { exceptioncode = 0; // ### according to the DOM docs, we should create an unparsed Text child // node here // do not interprete entities in the string, its literal! // NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised when the node is readonly if (isReadOnly()) { exceptioncode = DOMException::NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR; return; } // ### what to do on 0 ? if (v.isNull()) { exceptioncode = DOMException::DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR; return; } m_attribute->setValue(v.implementation()); if (m_element) m_element->attributeChanged(m_attribute); } void AttrImpl::setNodeValue( const DOMString &v, int &exceptioncode ) { exceptioncode = 0; // NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: taken care of by setValue() setValue(v, exceptioncode); } NodeImpl *AttrImpl::cloneNode ( bool /*deep*/) { return new AttrImpl(0, docPtr(), m_attribute->clone()); } // DOM Section 1.1.1 bool AttrImpl::childAllowed( NodeImpl *newChild ) { if(!newChild) return false; return childTypeAllowed(newChild->nodeType()); } bool AttrImpl::childTypeAllowed( unsigned short type ) { switch (type) { case Node::TEXT_NODE: case Node::ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: return true; break; default: return false; } } DOMString AttrImpl::toString() const { DOMString result; result += nodeName(); // FIXME: substitute entities for any instances of " or ' -- // maybe easier to just use text value and ignore existing // entity refs? if (firstChild() != NULL) { result += "=\""; for (NodeImpl *child = firstChild(); child != NULL; child = child->nextSibling()) { result += child->toString(); } result += "\""; } return result; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ElementImpl::ElementImpl(DocumentPtr *doc) : NodeBaseImpl(doc) { namedAttrMap = 0; m_prefix = 0; } ElementImpl::~ElementImpl() { if (namedAttrMap) { namedAttrMap->detachFromElement(); namedAttrMap->deref(); } if (m_prefix) m_prefix->deref(); } void ElementImpl::removeAttribute( NodeImpl::Id id, int &exceptioncode ) { if (namedAttrMap) { namedAttrMap->removeNamedItem(id, exceptioncode); if (exceptioncode == DOMException::NOT_FOUND_ERR) { exceptioncode = 0; } } } void ElementImpl::setAttribute(NodeImpl::Id id, const DOMString &value) { int exceptioncode = 0; setAttribute(id,value.implementation(),exceptioncode); } NamedAttrMapImpl* ElementImpl::attributes(bool readonly) const { updateStyleAttributeIfNeeded(); if (!readonly && !namedAttrMap) createAttributeMap(); return namedAttrMap; } unsigned short ElementImpl::nodeType() const { return Node::ELEMENT_NODE; } const AtomicStringList* ElementImpl::getClassList() const { return 0; } const AtomicString& ElementImpl::getIDAttribute() const { return namedAttrMap ? namedAttrMap->id() : nullAtom; } const AtomicString& ElementImpl::getAttribute(NodeImpl::Id id) const { if (id == ATTR_STYLE) updateStyleAttributeIfNeeded(); if (namedAttrMap) { AttributeImpl* a = namedAttrMap->getAttributeItem(id); if (a) return a->value(); } return nullAtom; } const AtomicString& ElementImpl::getAttributeNS(const DOMString &namespaceURI, const DOMString &localName) const { NodeImpl::Id id = getDocument()->attrId(namespaceURI.implementation(), localName.implementation(), true); if (!id) return nullAtom; return getAttribute(id); } void ElementImpl::setAttribute(NodeImpl::Id id, DOMStringImpl* value, int &exceptioncode ) { if (inDocument()) getDocument()->incDOMTreeVersion(); // allocate attributemap if necessary AttributeImpl* old = attributes(false)->getAttributeItem(id); // NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised when the node is readonly if (namedAttrMap->isReadOnly()) { exceptioncode = DOMException::NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR; return; } if (id == ATTR_ID) { updateId(old ? old->value() : nullAtom, value); } if (old && !value) namedAttrMap->removeAttribute(id); else if (!old && value) namedAttrMap->addAttribute(createAttribute(id, value)); else if (old && value) { old->setValue(value); attributeChanged(old); } } AttributeImpl* ElementImpl::createAttribute(NodeImpl::Id id, DOMStringImpl* value) { return new AttributeImpl(id, value); } void ElementImpl::setAttributeMap( NamedAttrMapImpl* list ) { if (inDocument()) getDocument()->incDOMTreeVersion(); // If setting the whole map changes the id attribute, we need to // call updateId. AttributeImpl *oldId = namedAttrMap ? namedAttrMap->getAttributeItem(ATTR_ID) : 0; AttributeImpl *newId = list ? list->getAttributeItem(ATTR_ID) : 0; if (oldId || newId) { updateId(oldId ? oldId->value() : nullAtom, newId ? newId->value() : nullAtom); } if(namedAttrMap) namedAttrMap->deref(); namedAttrMap = list; if(namedAttrMap) { namedAttrMap->ref(); namedAttrMap->element = this; unsigned int len = namedAttrMap->length(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) attributeChanged(namedAttrMap->attrs[i]); } } bool ElementImpl::hasAttributes() const { updateStyleAttributeIfNeeded(); return namedAttrMap && namedAttrMap->length() > 0; } NodeImpl *ElementImpl::cloneNode(bool deep) { // ### we lose the namespace here ... FIXME int exceptioncode; ElementImpl *clone = getDocument()->createElement(tagName(), exceptioncode); if (!clone) return 0; // clone attributes if (namedAttrMap) *clone->attributes() = *namedAttrMap; if (deep) cloneChildNodes(clone); return clone; } DOMString ElementImpl::nodeName() const { return tagName(); } DOMString ElementImpl::tagName() const { DOMString tn = getDocument()->tagName(id()); if (m_prefix) return DOMString(m_prefix) + ":" + tn; return tn; } void ElementImpl::setPrefix( const DOMString &_prefix, int &exceptioncode ) { checkSetPrefix(_prefix, exceptioncode); if (exceptioncode) return; if (m_prefix) m_prefix->deref(); m_prefix = _prefix.implementation(); if (m_prefix) m_prefix->ref(); } void ElementImpl::createAttributeMap() const { namedAttrMap = new NamedAttrMapImpl(const_cast(this)); namedAttrMap->ref(); } bool ElementImpl::isURLAttribute(AttributeImpl *attr) const { return false; } RenderStyle *ElementImpl::styleForRenderer(RenderObject *parentRenderer) { return getDocument()->styleSelector()->styleForElement(this); } RenderObject *ElementImpl::createRenderer(RenderArena *arena, RenderStyle *style) { if (getDocument()->documentElement() == this && style->display() == NONE) { // Ignore display: none on root elements. Force a display of block in that case. RenderBlock* result = new (arena) RenderBlock(this); if (result) result->setStyle(style); return result; } return RenderObject::createObject(this, style); } void ElementImpl::insertedIntoDocument() { // need to do superclass processing first so inDocument() is true // by the time we reach updateId NodeBaseImpl::insertedIntoDocument(); if (hasID()) { NamedAttrMapImpl *attrs = attributes(true); if (attrs) { AttributeImpl *idAttr = attrs->getAttributeItem(ATTR_ID); if (idAttr && !idAttr->isNull()) { updateId(nullAtom, idAttr->value()); } } } } void ElementImpl::removedFromDocument() { if (hasID()) { NamedAttrMapImpl *attrs = attributes(true); if (attrs) { AttributeImpl *idAttr = attrs->getAttributeItem(ATTR_ID); if (idAttr && !idAttr->isNull()) { updateId(idAttr->value(), nullAtom); } } } NodeBaseImpl::removedFromDocument(); } void ElementImpl::attach() { #if SPEED_DEBUG < 1 createRendererIfNeeded(); #endif NodeBaseImpl::attach(); } void ElementImpl::recalcStyle( StyleChange change ) { // ### should go away and be done in renderobject RenderStyle* _style = m_render ? m_render->style() : 0; bool hasParentRenderer = parent() ? parent()->renderer() : false; #if 0 const char* debug; switch(change) { case NoChange: debug = "NoChange"; break; case NoInherit: debug= "NoInherit"; break; case Inherit: debug = "Inherit"; break; case Force: debug = "Force"; break; } qDebug("recalcStyle(%d: %s)[%p: %s]", change, debug, this, tagName().string().latin1()); #endif if ( hasParentRenderer && (change >= Inherit || changed()) ) { RenderStyle *newStyle = getDocument()->styleSelector()->styleForElement(this); newStyle->ref(); StyleChange ch = diff( _style, newStyle ); if (ch == Detach) { if (attached()) detach(); // ### Suboptimal. Style gets calculated again. attach(); // attach recalulates the style for all children. No need to do it twice. setChanged( false ); setHasChangedChild( false ); newStyle->deref(getDocument()->renderArena()); return; } else if (ch != NoChange) { if( m_render && newStyle ) { //qDebug("--> setting style on render element bgcolor=%s", newStyle->backgroundColor().name().latin1()); m_render->setStyle(newStyle); } } else if (changed() && m_render && newStyle && (getDocument()->usesSiblingRules() || getDocument()->usesDescendantRules())) { // Although no change occurred, we use the new style so that the cousin style sharing code won't get // fooled into believing this style is the same. This is only necessary if the document actually uses // sibling/descendant rules, since otherwise it isn't possible for ancestor styles to affect sharing of // descendants. m_render->setStyleInternal(newStyle); } newStyle->deref(getDocument()->renderArena()); if ( change != Force) { if (getDocument()->usesDescendantRules()) change = Force; else change = ch; } } NodeImpl *n; for (n = _first; n; n = n->nextSibling()) { //qDebug(" (%p) calling recalcStyle on child %s/%p, change=%d", this, n, n->isElementNode() ? ((ElementImpl *)n)->tagName().string().latin1() : n->isTextNode() ? "text" : "unknown", change ); if ( change >= Inherit || n->isTextNode() || n->hasChangedChild() || n->changed() ) n->recalcStyle( change ); } setChanged( false ); setHasChangedChild( false ); } // DOM Section 1.1.1 bool ElementImpl::childAllowed( NodeImpl *newChild ) { if (!childTypeAllowed(newChild->nodeType())) return false; // For XML documents, we are non-validating and do not check against a DTD, even for HTML elements. if (getDocument()->isHTMLDocument()) return checkChild(id(), newChild->id()); return true; } bool ElementImpl::childTypeAllowed( unsigned short type ) { switch (type) { case Node::ELEMENT_NODE: case Node::TEXT_NODE: case Node::COMMENT_NODE: case Node::PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: case Node::CDATA_SECTION_NODE: case Node::ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: return true; break; default: return false; } } void ElementImpl::dispatchAttrRemovalEvent(AttributeImpl *attr) { if (!getDocument()->hasListenerType(DocumentImpl::DOMATTRMODIFIED_LISTENER)) return; //int exceptioncode = 0; // dispatchEvent(new MutationEventImpl(EventImpl::DOMATTRMODIFIED_EVENT,true,false,attr,attr->value(), // attr->value(), getDocument()->attrName(attr->id()),MutationEvent::REMOVAL),exceptioncode); } void ElementImpl::dispatchAttrAdditionEvent(AttributeImpl *attr) { if (!getDocument()->hasListenerType(DocumentImpl::DOMATTRMODIFIED_LISTENER)) return; // int exceptioncode = 0; // dispatchEvent(new MutationEventImpl(EventImpl::DOMATTRMODIFIED_EVENT,true,false,attr,attr->value(), // attr->value(),getDocument()->attrName(attr->id()),MutationEvent::ADDITION),exceptioncode); } DOMString ElementImpl::openTagStartToString() const { DOMString result = DOMString("<") + tagName(); NamedAttrMapImpl *attrMap = attributes(true); if (attrMap) { unsigned long numAttrs = attrMap->length(); for (unsigned long i = 0; i < numAttrs; i++) { result += " "; AttributeImpl *attribute = attrMap->attributeItem(i); AttrImpl *attr = attribute->attrImpl(); if (attr) { result += attr->toString(); } else { result += getDocument()->attrName(attribute->id()); if (!attribute->value().isNull()) { result += "=\""; // FIXME: substitute entities for any instances of " or ' result += attribute->value(); result += "\""; } } } } return result; } DOMString ElementImpl::toString() const { DOMString result = openTagStartToString(); if (hasChildNodes()) { result += ">"; for (NodeImpl *child = firstChild(); child != NULL; child = child->nextSibling()) { result += child->toString(); } result += ""; } else { result += " />"; } return result; } void ElementImpl::updateId(const AtomicString& oldId, const AtomicString& newId) { if (!inDocument()) return; if (oldId == newId) return; DocumentImpl* doc = getDocument(); if (!oldId.isEmpty()) doc->removeElementById(oldId, this); if (!newId.isEmpty()) doc->addElementById(newId, this); } #ifndef NDEBUG void ElementImpl::dump(QTextStream *stream, QString ind) const { updateStyleAttributeIfNeeded(); if (namedAttrMap) { for (uint i = 0; i < namedAttrMap->length(); i++) { AttributeImpl *attr = namedAttrMap->attributeItem(i); *stream << " " << DOMString(getDocument()->attrName(attr->id())).string().ascii() << "=\"" << DOMString(attr->value()).string().ascii() << "\""; } } NodeBaseImpl::dump(stream,ind); } #endif #ifndef NDEBUG void ElementImpl::formatForDebugger(char *buffer, unsigned length) const { DOMString result; DOMString s; s = nodeName(); if (s.length() > 0) { result += s; } s = getAttribute(ATTR_ID); if (s.length() > 0) { if (result.length() > 0) result += "; "; result += "id="; result += s; } s = getAttribute(ATTR_CLASS); if (s.length() > 0) { if (result.length() > 0) result += "; "; result += "class="; result += s; } strncpy(buffer, result.string().latin1(), length - 1); } #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- XMLElementImpl::XMLElementImpl(DocumentPtr *doc, DOMStringImpl *_tagName) : ElementImpl(doc) { m_id = doc->document()->tagId(0 /* no namespace */, _tagName, false /* allocate */); } XMLElementImpl::XMLElementImpl(DocumentPtr *doc, DOMStringImpl *_qualifiedName, DOMStringImpl *_namespaceURI) : ElementImpl(doc) { int colonpos = -1; for (uint i = 0; i < _qualifiedName->l; ++i) if (_qualifiedName->s[i] == ':') { colonpos = i; break; } if (colonpos >= 0) { // we have a prefix DOMStringImpl* localName = _qualifiedName->copy(); localName->ref(); localName->remove(0,colonpos+1); m_id = doc->document()->tagId(_namespaceURI, localName, false /* allocate */); localName->deref(); m_prefix = _qualifiedName->copy(); m_prefix->ref(); m_prefix->truncate(colonpos); } else { // no prefix m_id = doc->document()->tagId(_namespaceURI, _qualifiedName, false /* allocate */); m_prefix = 0; } } XMLElementImpl::~XMLElementImpl() { } DOMString XMLElementImpl::localName() const { return getDocument()->tagName(m_id); } NodeImpl *XMLElementImpl::cloneNode ( bool deep ) { // ### we loose namespace here FIXME // should pass id around XMLElementImpl *clone = new XMLElementImpl(docPtr(), getDocument()->tagName(m_id).implementation()); clone->m_id = m_id; // clone attributes if (namedAttrMap) *clone->attributes() = *namedAttrMap; if (deep) cloneChildNodes(clone); return clone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NamedAttrMapImpl::NamedAttrMapImpl(ElementImpl *e) : element(e) { attrs = 0; len = 0; } NamedAttrMapImpl::~NamedAttrMapImpl() { NamedAttrMapImpl::clearAttributes(); // virtual method, so qualify just to be explicit } bool NamedAttrMapImpl::isHTMLAttributeMap() const { return false; } AttrImpl *NamedAttrMapImpl::getNamedItem ( NodeImpl::Id id ) const { AttributeImpl* a = getAttributeItem(id); if (!a) return 0; if (!a->attrImpl()) a->allocateImpl(element); return a->attrImpl(); } Node NamedAttrMapImpl::setNamedItem ( NodeImpl* arg, int &exceptioncode ) { if (!element) { exceptioncode = DOMException::NOT_FOUND_ERR; return 0; } // NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this map is readonly. if (isReadOnly()) { exceptioncode = DOMException::NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR; return 0; } // WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: Raised if arg was created from a different document than the one that created this map. if (arg->getDocument() != element->getDocument()) { exceptioncode = DOMException::WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR; return 0; } // Not mentioned in spec: throw a HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERROR if the user passes in a non-attribute node if (!arg->isAttributeNode()) { exceptioncode = DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR; return 0; } AttrImpl *attr = static_cast(arg); AttributeImpl* a = attr->attrImpl(); AttributeImpl* old = getAttributeItem(a->id()); if (old == a) return arg; // we know about it already // INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR: Raised if arg is an Attr that is already an attribute of another Element object. // The DOM user must explicitly clone Attr nodes to re-use them in other elements. if (attr->ownerElement()) { exceptioncode = DOMException::INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR; return 0; } if (a->id() == ATTR_ID) { element->updateId(old ? old->value() : nullAtom, a->value()); } // ### slightly inefficient - resizes attribute array twice. Node r; if (old) { if (!old->attrImpl()) old->allocateImpl(element); r = old->_impl; removeAttribute(a->id()); } addAttribute(a); return r; } // The DOM2 spec doesn't say that removeAttribute[NS] throws NOT_FOUND_ERR // if the attribute is not found, but at this level we have to throw NOT_FOUND_ERR // because of removeNamedItem, removeNamedItemNS, and removeAttributeNode. Node NamedAttrMapImpl::removeNamedItem ( NodeImpl::Id id, int &exceptioncode ) { // ### should this really be raised when the attribute to remove isn't there at all? // NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised when the node is readonly if (isReadOnly()) { exceptioncode = DOMException::NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR; return Node(); } AttributeImpl* a = getAttributeItem(id); if (!a) { exceptioncode = DOMException::NOT_FOUND_ERR; return Node(); } if (!a->attrImpl()) a->allocateImpl(element); Node r(a->attrImpl()); if (id == ATTR_ID) { element->updateId(a->value(), nullAtom); } removeAttribute(id); return r; } AttrImpl *NamedAttrMapImpl::item ( unsigned long index ) const { if (index >= len) return 0; if (!attrs[index]->attrImpl()) attrs[index]->allocateImpl(element); return attrs[index]->attrImpl(); } AttributeImpl* NamedAttrMapImpl::getAttributeItem(NodeImpl::Id id) const { bool matchAnyNamespace = (namespacePart(id) == anyNamespace); for (unsigned long i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (attrs[i]->id() == id) return attrs[i]; else if (matchAnyNamespace) { if (localNamePart(attrs[i]->id()) == localNamePart(id)) return attrs[i]; } } return 0; } NodeImpl::Id NamedAttrMapImpl::mapId(const DOMString& namespaceURI, const DOMString& localName, bool readonly) { assert(element); if (!element) return 0; return element->getDocument()->attrId(namespaceURI.implementation(), localName.implementation(), readonly); } void NamedAttrMapImpl::clearAttributes() { if (attrs) { uint i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (attrs[i]->_impl) attrs[i]->_impl->m_element = 0; attrs[i]->deref(); } delete [] attrs; attrs = 0; } len = 0; } void NamedAttrMapImpl::detachFromElement() { // we allow a NamedAttrMapImpl w/o an element in case someone still has a reference // to if after the element gets deleted - but the map is now invalid element = 0; clearAttributes(); } NamedAttrMapImpl& NamedAttrMapImpl::operator=(const NamedAttrMapImpl& other) { // clone all attributes in the other map, but attach to our element if (!element) return *this; // If assigning the map changes the id attribute, we need to call // updateId. AttributeImpl *oldId = getAttributeItem(ATTR_ID); AttributeImpl *newId = other.getAttributeItem(ATTR_ID); if (oldId || newId) { element->updateId(oldId ? oldId->value() : nullAtom, newId ? newId->value() : nullAtom); } clearAttributes(); len = other.len; attrs = new AttributeImpl* [len]; // first initialize attrs vector, then call attributeChanged on it // this allows attributeChanged to use getAttribute for (uint i = 0; i < len; i++) { attrs[i] = other.attrs[i]->clone(); attrs[i]->ref(); } // FIXME: This is wasteful. The class list could be preserved on a copy, and we // wouldn't have to waste time reparsing the attribute. // The derived class, HTMLNamedAttrMapImpl, which manages a parsed class list for the CLASS attribute, // will update its member variable when parse attribute is called. for(uint i = 0; i < len; i++) element->attributeChanged(attrs[i], true); return *this; } void NamedAttrMapImpl::addAttribute(AttributeImpl *attr) { // Add the attribute to the list AttributeImpl **newAttrs = new AttributeImpl* [len+1]; if (attrs) { for (uint i = 0; i < len; i++) newAttrs[i] = attrs[i]; delete [] attrs; } attrs = newAttrs; attrs[len++] = attr; attr->ref(); AttrImpl * const attrImpl = attr->_impl; if (attrImpl) attrImpl->m_element = element; // Notify the element that the attribute has been added, and dispatch appropriate mutation events // Note that element may be null here if we are called from insertAttr() during parsing if (element) { element->attributeChanged(attr); element->dispatchAttrAdditionEvent(attr); element->dispatchSubtreeModifiedEvent(false); } } void NamedAttrMapImpl::removeAttribute(NodeImpl::Id id) { unsigned long index = len+1; for (unsigned long i = 0; i < len; ++i) if (attrs[i]->id() == id) { index = i; break; } if (index >= len) return; // Remove the attribute from the list AttributeImpl* attr = attrs[index]; if (attrs[index]->_impl) attrs[index]->_impl->m_element = 0; if (len == 1) { delete [] attrs; attrs = 0; len = 0; } else { AttributeImpl **newAttrs = new AttributeImpl* [len-1]; uint i; for (i = 0; i < uint(index); i++) newAttrs[i] = attrs[i]; len--; for (; i < len; i++) newAttrs[i] = attrs[i+1]; delete [] attrs; attrs = newAttrs; } // Notify the element that the attribute has been removed // dispatch appropriate mutation events if (element && !attr->_value.isNull()) { AtomicString value = attr->_value; attr->_value = nullAtom; element->attributeChanged(attr); attr->_value = value; } if (element) { element->dispatchAttrRemovalEvent(attr); element->dispatchSubtreeModifiedEvent(false); } attr->deref(); }