dom_element.cpp   [plain text]

 * This file is part of the DOM implementation for KDE.
 * (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
 * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

#include "dom/dom_exception.h"
#include "xml/dom_docimpl.h"
#include "xml/dom_elementimpl.h"

using namespace DOM;

Attr::Attr() : Node()

Attr::Attr(const Attr &other) : Node(other)

Attr::Attr( AttrImpl *_impl )
    impl= _impl;
    if (impl) impl->ref();

Attr &Attr::operator = (const Node &other)
    NodeImpl* ohandle = other.handle();
    if ( impl != ohandle ) {
    if (!ohandle || !ohandle->isAttributeNode()) {
	impl = 0;
	} else {
    Node::operator =(other);
    return *this;

Attr &Attr::operator = (const Attr &other)
    Node::operator =(other);
    return *this;


DOMString Attr::name() const
    if (!impl) throw DOMException(DOMException::NOT_FOUND_ERR);
    return impl->getDocument()->attrName(

bool Attr::specified() const
  if (impl) return ((AttrImpl *)impl)->specified();
  return 0;

Element Attr::ownerElement() const
  if (!impl) return 0;
  return static_cast<AttrImpl*>(impl)->ownerElement();

DOMString Attr::value() const
    if (!impl) throw DOMException(DOMException::NOT_FOUND_ERR);
    return impl->nodeValue();

void Attr::setValue( const DOMString &newValue )
  if (!impl)

  int exceptioncode = 0;
  ((AttrImpl *)impl)->setValue(newValue,exceptioncode);
  if (exceptioncode)
    throw DOMException(exceptioncode);

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Element::Element() : Node()

Element::Element(const Element &other) : Node(other)

Element::Element(ElementImpl *impl) : Node(impl)

Element &Element::operator = (const Node &other)
    NodeImpl* ohandle = other.handle();
    if ( impl != ohandle ) {
    if (!ohandle || !ohandle->isElementNode()) {
	impl = 0;
	} else {
    Node::operator =(other);
    return *this;

Element &Element::operator = (const Element &other)
    Node::operator =(other);
    return *this;


DOMString Element::tagName() const
    if (!impl) throw DOMException(DOMException::NOT_FOUND_ERR);
    return static_cast<ElementImpl*>(impl)->tagName();

DOMString Element::getAttribute( const DOMString &name )
    return getAttributeNS(DOMString(), name);

void Element::setAttribute( const DOMString &name, const DOMString &value )
    setAttributeNS(DOMString(), name, value);

void Element::removeAttribute( const DOMString &name )
    removeAttributeNS(DOMString(), name);

Attr Element::getAttributeNode( const DOMString &name )
    return getAttributeNodeNS(DOMString(), name);

Attr Element::setAttributeNode( const Attr &newAttr )
    return setAttributeNodeNS(newAttr);

Attr Element::removeAttributeNode( const Attr &oldAttr )
    if (!impl || oldAttr.isNull() || oldAttr.ownerElement() != *this)
        throw DOMException(DOMException::NOT_FOUND_ERR);
    if (impl->getDocument() != oldAttr.handle()->getDocument())
        throw DOMException(DOMException::WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR);

    int exceptioncode = 0;
    Attr r = static_cast<ElementImpl*>(impl)->attributes(true)->removeNamedItem(oldAttr.handle()->id(), exceptioncode);
    if ( exceptioncode )
        throw DOMException( exceptioncode );
    return r;

NodeList Element::getElementsByTagName( const DOMString &name )
    if (!impl) return 0;
    return static_cast<ElementImpl*>(impl)->
        getElementsByTagNameNS(0, name.implementation());

NodeList Element::getElementsByTagNameNS( const DOMString &namespaceURI,
                                          const DOMString &localName )
    if (!impl) return 0;
    return static_cast<ElementImpl*>(impl)->
        getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceURI.implementation(), localName.implementation());

DOMString Element::getAttributeNS( const DOMString &namespaceURI,
                                   const DOMString &localName)
    if (!impl) throw DOMException(DOMException::NOT_FOUND_ERR);
    NodeImpl::Id id = impl->getDocument()->attrId(namespaceURI.implementation(),
                                                 localName.implementation(), true);
    if (!id) return DOMString();
    return static_cast<ElementImpl*>(impl)->getAttribute(id);

void Element::setAttributeNS( const DOMString &namespaceURI,
                              const DOMString &qualifiedName,
                              const DOMString &value)
    if (!impl) throw DOMException(DOMException::NOT_FOUND_ERR);

    int colonpos = qualifiedName.find(':');
    DOMString localName = qualifiedName;
    if (colonpos >= 0) {
        localName.remove(0, colonpos+1);
        // ### extract and set new prefix
    NodeImpl::Id id = impl->getDocument()->attrId(namespaceURI.implementation(),
                                                    localName.implementation(), false /* allocate */);
    int exceptioncode = 0;
    static_cast<ElementImpl*>(impl)->setAttribute(id, value.implementation(), exceptioncode);
    if (exceptioncode)
        throw DOMException(exceptioncode);

void Element::removeAttributeNS( const DOMString &namespaceURI,
                                 const DOMString &localName )
    if (!impl) throw DOMException(DOMException::NOT_FOUND_ERR);
    NodeImpl::Id id = impl->getDocument()->attrId(namespaceURI.implementation(),
                                                    localName.implementation(), true);
    if (!id) return;

    int exceptioncode = 0;
    ((ElementImpl *)impl)->removeAttribute(id, exceptioncode);
    if ( exceptioncode )
        throw DOMException( exceptioncode );

Attr Element::getAttributeNodeNS( const DOMString &namespaceURI,
                                  const DOMString &localName )
    if (!impl) throw DOMException(DOMException::NOT_FOUND_ERR);
    NodeImpl::Id id = impl->getDocument()->attrId(namespaceURI.implementation(),
                                                    localName.implementation(), true);
    if (!id) return 0;

    ElementImpl* e = static_cast<ElementImpl*>(impl);
    if (!e->attributes()) return 0; // exception ?

    return e->attributes()->getNamedItem(id);

Attr Element::setAttributeNodeNS( const Attr &newAttr )
    if (!impl || newAttr.isNull())
        throw DOMException(DOMException::NOT_FOUND_ERR);
    if (impl->getDocument() != newAttr.handle()->getDocument())
        throw DOMException(DOMException::WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR);
    if (!newAttr.ownerElement().isNull())
        throw DOMException(DOMException::INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR);

    int exceptioncode = 0;
    Attr r = static_cast<ElementImpl*>(impl)->attributes(false)->setNamedItem(newAttr.handle(), exceptioncode);
    if ( exceptioncode )
        throw DOMException( exceptioncode );
    return r;

bool Element::hasAttribute( const DOMString& name )
    return hasAttributeNS(DOMString(), name);

bool Element::hasAttributeNS( const DOMString &namespaceURI,
                              const DOMString &localName )
    if (!impl || !static_cast<ElementImpl*>(impl)->attributes()) return false; // ### throw ?
    NodeImpl::Id id = impl->getDocument()->attrId(namespaceURI.implementation(),
                                                    localName.implementation(), true);
    if (!id) return false;

    if (!static_cast<ElementImpl*>(impl)->attributes(true /*readonly*/)) return false;
    return static_cast<ElementImpl*>(impl)->attributes(true)->getAttributeItem(id) != 0;

bool Element::isHTMLElement() const
    if(!impl) return false;
    return ((ElementImpl *)impl)->isHTMLElement();

CSSStyleDeclaration Element::style()
    if (impl) return ((ElementImpl *)impl)->styleRules();
    return 0;

bool Element::khtmlValidAttrName(const DOMString &/*name*/)
    // ###
    return true;

bool Element::khtmlValidPrefix(const DOMString &/*name*/)
    // ###
    return true;

bool Element::khtmlValidQualifiedName(const DOMString &/*name*/)
    // ###
    return true;

bool Element::khtmlMalformedQualifiedName(const DOMString &/*name*/)
    // ###
    return false;

bool Element::khtmlMalformedPrefix(const DOMString &/*name*/)
    // ###
    return false;