[plain text]

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

=head1 NAME

Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::Parser - parse SpamAssassin configuration


  (see Mail::SpamAssassin)


Mail::SpamAssassin is a module to identify spam using text analysis and
several internet-based realtime blacklists.

This class is used internally by SpamAssassin to parse its configuration files.
Please refer to the C<Mail::SpamAssassin> documentation for public interfaces.


This is the structure of a config-setting block.  Each is a hashref which may
contain these keys:

=over 4

=item setting

the name of the setting it modifies, e.g. "required_score". this also doubles
as the default for 'command' (below). THIS IS REQUIRED.

=item command

The command string used in the config file for this setting.  Optional;
'setting' will be used for the command if this is omitted.

=item aliases

An [aryref] of other aliases for the same command.  optional.

=item type

The type of this setting:

           - $CONF_TYPE_STRING: string
           - $CONF_TYPE_NUMERIC: numeric value (float or int)
           - $CONF_TYPE_BOOL: boolean (0/no or 1/yes)
           - $CONF_TYPE_TEMPLATE: template, like "report"
           - $CONF_TYPE_ADDRLIST: address list, like "whitelist_from"
           - $CONF_TYPE_HASH_KEY_VALUE: hash key/value pair,
             like "describe" or tflags

If this is set, a 'code' block is assigned based on the type.

Note that C<$CONF_TYPE_HASH_KEY_VALUE>-type settings require that the
value be non-empty, otherwise they'll produce a warning message.

=item code

A subroutine to deal with the setting.  Only used if B<type> is not set.  ONE OF
B<code> OR B<type> IS REQUIRED.  The arguments passed to the function are
C<($self, $key, $value, $line)>, where $key is the setting (*not* the command),
$value is the value string, and $line is the entire line.

There are two special return values that the B<code> subroutine may return
to signal that there is an error in the configuration:

C<$Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::MISSING_REQUIRED_VALUE> -- this setting requires
that a value be set, but one was not provided.

C<$Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::INVALID_VALUE> -- this setting requires a value
from a set of 'valid' values, but the user provided an invalid one.

Any other values -- including C<undef> -- returned from the subroutine are
considered to mean 'success'.

=item default

The default value for the setting.  may be omitted if the default value is a
non-scalar type, which should be set in the Conf ctor.  note for path types:
using "__userstate__" is recommended for defaults, as it allows
Mail::SpamAssassin module users who set that configuration setting, to receive
the correct values.

=item is_priv

Set to 1 if this setting requires 'allow_user_rules' when run from spamd.

=item is_admin

Set to 1 if this setting can only be set in the system-wide config when run
from spamd.  (All settings can be used by local programs run directly by the

=item is_frequent

Set to 1 if this value occurs frequently in the config. this means it's looked
up first for speed.


=head1 METHODS

=over 4


package Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::Parser;

use Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf;
use Mail::SpamAssassin::Constants qw(:sa);
use Mail::SpamAssassin::Logger;

use strict;
use warnings;
use bytes;

use vars qw{

@ISA = qw();


sub new {
  my $class = shift;
  $class = ref($class) || $class;
  my ($conf) = @_;

  my $self = {
    'conf'      => $conf

  $self->{command_luts} = { };
  $self->{command_luts}->{frequent} = { };
  $self->{command_luts}->{remaining} = { };

  bless ($self, $class);


sub register_commands {
  my($self, $arrref) = @_;
  my $conf = $self->{conf};

  push(@{$conf->{registered_commands}}, @{$arrref});

sub set_defaults_from_command_list {
  my ($self, $arrref) = @_;
  my $conf = $self->{conf};
  foreach my $cmd (@{$arrref}) {
    # note! exists, not defined -- we want to be able to set
    # "undef" default values.
    if (exists($cmd->{default})) {
      $conf->{$cmd->{setting}} = $cmd->{default};

sub build_command_luts {
  my ($self, $arrref) = @_;

  my $conf = $self->{conf};

  my $set;
  foreach my $cmd (@{$arrref}) {
    # first off, decide what set this is in.
    if ($cmd->{is_frequent}) { $set = 'frequent'; }
    else { $set = 'remaining'; }

    # next, its priority (used to ensure frequently-used params
    # are parsed first)
    my $cmdname = $cmd->{command} || $cmd->{setting};
    $self->{command_luts}->{$set}->{$cmdname} = $cmd;

    if ($cmd->{aliases} && scalar @{$cmd->{aliases}} > 0) {
      foreach my $name (@{$cmd->{aliases}}) {
        $self->{command_luts}->{$set}->{$name} = $cmd;


sub parse {
  my ($self, undef, $scoresonly) = @_; # leave $rules in $_[1]

  $self->{scoresonly} = $scoresonly;
  my $conf = $self->{conf};

  # Language selection:
  # See
  # and
  my $lang = $ENV{'LANGUAGE'}; # LANGUAGE has the highest precedence but has a
  if ($lang) {                 # special format: The user may specify more than
    $lang =~ s/:.*$//;         # one language here, colon separated. We use the
  }                            # first one only (lazy bums we are :o)
  $lang ||= $ENV{'LC_ALL'};
  $lang ||= $ENV{'LC_MESSAGES'};
  $lang ||= $ENV{'LANG'};
  $lang ||= 'C';               # Nothing set means C/POSIX

  if ($lang =~ /^(C|POSIX)$/) {
    $lang = 'en_US';           # Our default language
  } else {
    $lang =~ s/[@.+,].*$//;    # Strip codeset, modifier/audience, etc.
  }                            # (eg. .utf8 or @euro)

  # get fast-access handles on the command lookup tables
  my $lut_frequent = $self->{command_luts}->{frequent};
  my $lut_remaining = $self->{command_luts}->{remaining};
  my %migrated_keys = map { $_ => 1 }

  $self->{currentfile} = '(no file)';
  my $skip_parsing = 0;
  my @curfile_stack = ();
  my @if_stack = ();
  my @conf_lines = split (/\n/, $_[1]);
  my $line;
  $self->{if_stack} = \@if_stack;

  while (defined ($line = shift @conf_lines)) {
    local ($1);         # bug 3838: prevent random taint flagging of $1

    $line =~ s/(?<!\\)#.*$//; # remove comments
    $line =~ s/\\#/#/g; # hash chars are escaped, so unescape them
    $line =~ s/^\s+//;  # remove leading whitespace
    $line =~ s/\s+$//;  # remove tailing whitespace
    next unless($line); # skip empty lines

    # handle i18n
    if ($line =~ s/^lang\s+(\S+)\s+//) { next if ($lang !~ /^$1/i); }

    my($key, $value) = split(/\s+/, $line, 2);
    $key = lc $key;
    # convert all dashes in setting name to underscores.
    $key =~ s/-/_/g;

    # Do a better job untainting this info ...
    $value = '' unless defined($value);
    $value =~ /^(.*)$/;
    $value = $1;

    my $parse_error;       # undef by default, may be overridden

    # File/line number assertions
    if ($key eq 'file') {
      if ($value =~ /^start\s+(.+)$/) {
        push (@curfile_stack, $self->{currentfile});
        $self->{currentfile} = $1;

      if ($value =~ /^end\s/) {
        if (scalar @if_stack > 0) {
          my $cond = pop @if_stack;

          if ($cond->{type} eq 'if') {
            my $msg = "config: unclosed 'if' in ".
                  $self->{currentfile}.": if ".$cond->{conditional}."\n";
            warn $msg;
            $self->lint_warn($msg, undef);
          else {
            # die seems a bit excessive here, but this shouldn't be possible
            # so I suppose it's okay.
            die "config: unknown 'if' type: ".$cond->{type}."\n";

          @if_stack = ();
        $skip_parsing = 0;

        my $curfile = pop @curfile_stack;
        if (defined $curfile) {
          $self->{currentfile} = $curfile;
        } else {
          $self->{currentfile} = '(no file)';

    # now handle the commands.
    if ($key eq 'include') {
      $value = $self->fix_path_relative_to_current_file($value);
      my $text = $conf->{main}->read_cf($value, 'included file');
      unshift (@conf_lines, split (/\n/, $text));

    if ($key eq 'ifplugin') {
      $self->handle_conditional ($key, "plugin ($value)",
                        \@if_stack, \$skip_parsing);

    if ($key eq 'if') {
      $self->handle_conditional ($key, $value,
                        \@if_stack, \$skip_parsing);

    if ($key eq 'else') {
      # TODO: if/else/else won't get flagged here :(
      if (!@if_stack) {
        $parse_error = "config: found else without matching conditional";
        goto failed_line;

      $skip_parsing = !$skip_parsing;

    # and the endif statement:
    if ($key eq 'endif') {
      my $lastcond = pop @if_stack;
      if (!defined $lastcond) {
        $parse_error = "config: found endif without matching conditional";
        goto failed_line;

      $skip_parsing = $lastcond->{skip_parsing};

    # preprocessing? skip all other commands
    next if $skip_parsing;

    if ($key eq 'require_version') {
      # if it wasn't replaced during install, assume current version ...
      next if ($value eq "\@\@VERSION\@\@");

      my $ver = $Mail::SpamAssassin::VERSION;

      # if we want to allow "require_version 3.0" be good for all
      # "3.0.x" versions:
      ## make sure it's a numeric value
      #$value += 0.0;
      ## convert 3.000000 -> 3.0, stay backwards compatible ...
      #$ver =~ s/^(\d+)\.(\d{1,3}).*$/sprintf "%d.%d", $1, $2/e;
      #$value =~ s/^(\d+)\.(\d{1,3}).*$/sprintf "%d.%d", $1, $2/e;

      if ($ver ne $value) {
        my $msg = "config: configuration file \"$self->{currentfile}\" requires ".
                "version $value of SpamAssassin, but this is code version ".
                "$ver. Maybe you need to use ".
                "the -C switch, or remove the old config files? ".
                "Skipping this file";
        warn $msg;
        $self->lint_warn($msg, undef);
        $skip_parsing = 1;

    my $cmd = $lut_frequent->{$key}; # check the frequent command set
    if (!$cmd) {
      $cmd = $lut_remaining->{$key}; # no? try the rest

    # we've either fallen through with no match, in which case this
    # if() will fail, or we have a match.
    if ($cmd) {
      if ($self->{scoresonly}) {              # reading user config from spamd
        if ($cmd->{is_priv} && !$conf->{allow_user_rules}) {
          info("config: not parsing, 'allow_user_rules' is 0: $line");
          goto failed_line;
        if ($cmd->{is_admin}) {
          info("config: not parsing, administrator setting: $line");
          goto failed_line;

      if (!$cmd->{code}) {
        if (! $self->setup_default_code_cb($cmd)) {
          goto failed_line;

      my $ret = &{$cmd->{code}} ($conf, $cmd->{setting}, $value, $line);

      if ($ret && $ret eq $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::INVALID_VALUE)
        $parse_error = "config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, ".
                        "\"$value\" is not valid for \"$key\", ".
                        "skipping: $line";
        goto failed_line;
      elsif ($ret && $ret eq $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::MISSING_REQUIRED_VALUE)
        $parse_error = "config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, ".
                        "no value provided for \"$key\", ".
                        "skipping: $line";
        goto failed_line;
      else {

    # last ditch: try to see if the plugins know what to do with it
    if ($conf->{main}->call_plugins("parse_config", {
                key => $key,
                value => $value,
                line => $line,
                conf => $conf,
                user_config => $self->{scoresonly}
      # a plugin dealt with it successfully.

    my $msg = $parse_error;
    my $is_error = 1;
    if (!$msg) {
      # use a default warning, if a more specific one wasn't output
      if ($migrated_keys{$key}) {
        # this key was moved into a plugin; non-fatal for lint
        $is_error = 0;
        $msg = "config: failed to parse, now a plugin, skipping, in \"$self->{currentfile}\": $line";
      } else {
        # a real syntax error; this is fatal for --lint
        $msg = "config: failed to parse line, skipping, in \"$self->{currentfile}\": $line";

    $self->lint_warn($msg, undef, $is_error);

  delete $self->{if_stack};


  delete $self->{scoresonly};

sub handle_conditional {
  my ($self, $key, $value, $if_stack_ref, $skip_parsing_ref) = @_;
  my $conf = $self->{conf};

  my @tokens = ($value =~ m/($lexer)/g);

  my $eval = '';
  my $bad = 0;
  foreach my $token (@tokens) {
    if ($token =~ /^(\W+|[+-]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)$/) {
      $eval .= $1." ";          # note: untaints!
    elsif ($token eq 'plugin') {
      # replace with method call
      $eval .= "\$self->cond_clause_plugin_loaded";
    elsif ($token eq 'version') {
      $eval .= $Mail::SpamAssassin::VERSION." ";
    elsif ($token =~ /^(\w[\w\:]+)$/) { # class name
      $eval .= "\"$1\" ";       # note: untaints!
    else {
      warn "config: unparseable chars in 'if $value': '$token'\n";

  if ($bad) {
    $self->lint_warn("bad 'if' line, in \"$self->{currentfile}\"", undef);
    return -1;

  push (@{$if_stack_ref}, {
      type => 'if',
      conditional => $value,
      skip_parsing => $$skip_parsing_ref

  if (eval $eval) {
    # leave $skip_parsing as-is; we may not be parsing anyway in this block.
    # in other words, support nested 'if's and 'require_version's
  } else {
    $$skip_parsing_ref = 1;

# functions supported in the "if" eval:
sub cond_clause_plugin_loaded {
  return $_[0]->{conf}->{plugins_loaded}->{$_[1]};

# Let's do some linting here ...
# This is called from _parse(), BTW, so we can check for $conf->{tests}
# easily before finish_parsing() is called and deletes it.
sub lint_check {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $conf = $self->{conf};

  if ($conf->{lint_rules}) {
    # Check for description and score issues in lint fashion
    while ( my $k = each %{$conf->{descriptions}} ) {
      if (!exists $conf->{tests}->{$k}) {
        $self->lint_warn("config: warning: description exists for non-existent rule $k\n", $k);

    while ( my($sk) = each %{$conf->{scores}} ) {
      if (!exists $conf->{tests}->{$sk}) {
        $self->lint_warn("config: warning: score set for non-existent rule $sk\n", $sk);

# we should set a default score for all valid rules...  Do this here
# instead of add_test because mostly 'score' occurs after the rule is
# specified, so why set the scores to default, then set them again at
# 'score'?
sub set_default_scores {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $conf = $self->{conf};

  while ( my $k = each %{$conf->{tests}} ) {
    if ( ! exists $conf->{scores}->{$k} ) {
      # T_ rules (in a testing probationary period) get low, low scores
      my $set_score = ($k =~/^T_/) ? 0.01 : 1.0;

      $set_score = -$set_score if ( ($conf->{tflags}->{$k}||'') =~ /\bnice\b/ );
      for my $index (0..3) {
        $conf->{scoreset}->[$index]->{$k} = $set_score;


sub setup_default_code_cb {
  my ($self, $cmd) = @_;
  my $type = $cmd->{type};

  if ($type == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_STRING) {
    $cmd->{code} = \&set_string_value;
  elsif ($type == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_BOOL) {
    $cmd->{code} = \&set_bool_value;
  elsif ($type == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_NUMERIC) {
    $cmd->{code} = \&set_numeric_value;
  elsif ($type == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_HASH_KEY_VALUE) {
    $cmd->{code} = \&set_hash_key_value;
  elsif ($type == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_ADDRLIST) {
    $cmd->{code} = \&set_addrlist_value;
  elsif ($type == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_TEMPLATE) {
    $cmd->{code} = \&set_template_append;
  else {
    warn "config: unknown conf type $type!";
    return 0;
  return 1;

sub set_numeric_value {
  my ($conf, $key, $value, $line) = @_;

  unless (defined $value && $value !~ /^$/) {
    return $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::MISSING_REQUIRED_VALUE;
  unless ($value =~ /^-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?$/) {
    return $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::INVALID_VALUE;

  $conf->{$key} = $value+0.0;

sub set_bool_value {
  my ($conf, $key, $value, $line) = @_;

  unless (defined $value && $value !~ /^$/) {
    return $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::MISSING_REQUIRED_VALUE;

  # bug 4462: allow yes/1 and no/0 for boolean values
  $value = lc $value;
  if ($value eq 'yes') {
    $value = 1;
  elsif ($value eq 'no') {
    $value = 0;

  unless ($value =~ /^[01]$/) {
    return $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::INVALID_VALUE;

  $conf->{$key} = $value+0;

sub set_string_value {
  my ($conf, $key, $value, $line) = @_;

  unless (defined $value && $value !~ /^$/) {
    return $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::MISSING_REQUIRED_VALUE;

  $conf->{$key} = $value;

sub set_hash_key_value {
  my ($conf, $key, $value, $line) = @_;
  my($k,$v) = split(/\s+/, $value, 2);

  unless (defined $v && $v ne '') {
    return $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::MISSING_REQUIRED_VALUE;

  $conf->{$key}->{$k} = $v;

sub set_addrlist_value {
  my ($conf, $key, $value, $line) = @_;

  unless (defined $value && $value !~ /^$/) {
    return $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::MISSING_REQUIRED_VALUE;
  $conf->{parser}->add_to_addrlist ($key, split (' ', $value));

sub remove_addrlist_value {
  my ($conf, $key, $value, $line) = @_;

  unless (defined $value && $value !~ /^$/) {
    return $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::MISSING_REQUIRED_VALUE;
  $conf->{parser}->remove_from_addrlist ($key, split (' ', $value));

sub set_template_append {
  my ($conf, $key, $value, $line) = @_;
  if ( $value =~ /^"(.*?)"$/ ) { $value = $1; }
  $conf->{$key} .= $value."\n";

sub set_template_clear {
  my ($conf, $key, $value, $line) = @_;
  $conf->{$key} = '';


sub finish_parsing {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $conf = $self->{conf};

  $self->find_dup_rules();          # must be after fix_priorities()

  dbg("conf: finish parsing");

  while (my ($name, $text) = each %{$conf->{tests}}) {
    my $type = $conf->{test_types}->{$name};
    my $priority = $conf->{priority}->{$name} || 0;

    # eval type handling
    if (($type & 1) == 1) {
      if (my ($function, $args) = ($text =~ m/(.*?)\s*\((.*?)\)\s*$/)) {
        my ($packed, $argsref) =
                $self->pack_eval_method($function, $args, $name, $text);

        if (!$packed) {
          # we've already warned about this
        elsif ($type == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::TYPE_BODY_EVALS) {
          $conf->{body_evals}->{$priority}->{$name} = $packed;
        elsif ($type == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::TYPE_HEAD_EVALS) {
          $conf->{head_evals}->{$priority}->{$name} = $packed;
        elsif ($type == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::TYPE_RBL_EVALS) {
          # We don't do priorities for $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::TYPE_RBL_EVALS
          # we also use the arrayref instead of the packed string
          $conf->{rbl_evals}->{$name} = [ $function, @$argsref ];
        elsif ($type == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::TYPE_RAWBODY_EVALS) {
          $conf->{rawbody_evals}->{$priority}->{$name} = $packed;
        elsif ($type == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::TYPE_FULL_EVALS) {
          $conf->{full_evals}->{$priority}->{$name} = $packed;
        #elsif ($type == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::TYPE_URI_EVALS) {
        #  $conf->{uri_evals}->{$priority}->{$name} = $packed;
        else {
          $self->lint_warn("unknown type $type for $name: $text", $name);
      else {
        $self->lint_warn("syntax error for eval function $name: $text", $name);
    # non-eval tests
    else {
      if ($type == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::TYPE_BODY_TESTS) {
        $conf->{body_tests}->{$priority}->{$name} = $text;
      elsif ($type == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::TYPE_HEAD_TESTS) {
        $conf->{head_tests}->{$priority}->{$name} = $text;
      elsif ($type == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::TYPE_META_TESTS) {
        $conf->{meta_tests}->{$priority}->{$name} = $text;
      elsif ($type == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::TYPE_URI_TESTS) {
        $conf->{uri_tests}->{$priority}->{$name} = $text;
      elsif ($type == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::TYPE_RAWBODY_TESTS) {
        $conf->{rawbody_tests}->{$priority}->{$name} = $text;
      elsif ($type == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::TYPE_FULL_TESTS) {
        $conf->{full_tests}->{$priority}->{$name} = $text;
      else {
        $self->lint_warn("unknown type $type for $name: $text", $name);


  # named this way just in case we ever want a "finish_parsing_start"
  $conf->{main}->call_plugins("finish_parsing_end", { conf => $conf });

  # free up stuff we no longer need
  delete $conf->{tests};
  delete $conf->{priority};
  delete $conf->{test_types};

sub trace_meta_dependencies {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $conf = $self->{conf};
  $conf->{meta_dependencies} = { };

  foreach my $name (keys %{$conf->{tests}}) {
    next unless ($conf->{test_types}->{$name}
                    == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::TYPE_META_TESTS);

    my $deps = [ ];
    my $alreadydone = { };
    $self->_meta_deps_recurse($conf, $name, $name, $deps, $alreadydone);
    $conf->{meta_dependencies}->{$name} = join (' ', @{$deps});

sub _meta_deps_recurse {
  my ($self, $conf, $toprule, $name, $deps, $alreadydone) = @_;

  # Only do each rule once per top-level meta; avoid infinite recursion
  return if $alreadydone->{$name};
  $alreadydone->{$name} = 1;

  # Obviously, don't trace empty or nonexistent rules
  my $rule = $conf->{tests}->{$name};
  return unless $rule;

  # Lex the rule into tokens using a rather simple RE method ...
  my @tokens = ($rule =~ m/$lexer/g);

  # Go through each token in the meta rule
  foreach my $token (@tokens) {
    # has to be an alpha+numeric token
    next if ($token =~ /^(?:\W+|[+-]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)$/);
    # and has to be a rule name
    next unless exists $conf->{tests}->{$token};

    # add and recurse
    push @{$deps}, $token;
    $self->_meta_deps_recurse($conf, $toprule, $token, $deps, $alreadydone);

sub fix_priorities {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $conf = $self->{conf};

  die unless $conf->{meta_dependencies};    # order requirement
  my $pri = $conf->{priority};

  # sort into priority order, lowest first -- this way we ensure that if we
  # rearrange the pri of a rule early on, we cannot accidentally increase its
  # priority later.
  foreach my $rule (sort {
            $pri->{$a} <=> $pri->{$b}
          } keys %{$pri})
    # we only need to worry about meta rules -- they are the
    # only type of rules which depend on other rules
    my $deps = $conf->{meta_dependencies}->{$rule};
    next unless (defined $deps);

    my $basepri = $pri->{$rule};
    foreach my $dep (split ' ', $deps) {
      my $deppri = $pri->{$dep};
      if ($deppri > $basepri) {
        dbg("rules: $rule (pri $basepri) requires $dep (pri $deppri): fixed");
        $pri->{$dep} = $basepri;

sub find_dup_rules {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $conf = $self->{conf};

  my %names_for_text = ();
  my %dups = ();
  while (my ($name, $text) = each %{$conf->{tests}}) {
    my $type = $conf->{test_types}->{$name};
    my $tf = ($conf->{tflags}->{$name}||''); $tf =~ s/\s+/ /gs;
    # ensure similar, but differently-typed, rules are not marked as dups;
    # take tflags into account too due to "tflags multiple"
    $text = "$type\t$text\t$tf";

    if (defined $names_for_text{$text}) {
      $names_for_text{$text} .= " ".$name;
      $dups{$text} = undef;     # found (at least) one
    } else {
      $names_for_text{$text} = $name;

  foreach my $text (keys %dups) {
    my $first;
    my $first_pri;
    my @names = sort {$a cmp $b} split(' ', $names_for_text{$text});
    foreach my $name (@names) {
      my $priority = $conf->{priority}->{$name} || 0;

      if (!defined $first || $priority < $first_pri) {
        $first_pri = $priority;
        $first = $name;
    # $first is now the earliest-occurring rule. mark others as dups

    my @dups = ();
    foreach my $name (@names) {
      next if $name eq $first;
      push @dups, $name;
      delete $conf->{tests}->{$name};

    dbg("rules: $first merged duplicates: ".join(' ', @dups));
    $conf->{duplicate_rules}->{$first} = \@dups;

sub pack_eval_method {
  my ($self, $function, $args, $name, $text) = @_;

  my @args;
  if ($args) {
    # bug 4419: Parse quoted strings, unquoted alphanumerics/floats and
    # both unquoted IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.  s// is used so that we can
    # determine whether or not we successfully parsed ALL arguments.
    while ($args =~ s/^\s*(?:['"](.*?)['"]|([\d\.:A-Za-z]+?))\s*(?:,\s*|$)//) {
      if (defined $1) {
        push @args, $1;
      else {
        push @args, $2;

  if ($args) {
    $self->lint_warn("syntax error (unparsable argument: $args) for eval function: $name: $text", $name);

  my $argstr = $function;
  $argstr =~ s/\s+//gs;

  if (scalar @args > 0) {
    $argstr .= ',' . join (', ', map {
            s/\#/[HASH]/gs; "q#".$_."#" 
          } @args);
  return ($argstr, \@args);


sub lint_trusted_networks {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $conf = $self->{conf};

  # validate trusted_networks and internal_networks, bug 4760.
  # check that all internal_networks are listed in trusted_networks
  # too.  do the same for msa_networks, but check msa_networks against
  # internal_networks if trusted_networks aren't defined

  my ($nt, $matching_against);
  if ($conf->{trusted_networks_configured}) {
    $nt = $conf->{trusted_networks};
    $matching_against = 'trusted_networks';
  } elsif ($conf->{internal_networks_configured}) {
    $nt = $conf->{internal_networks};
    $matching_against = 'internal_networks';
  } else {

  foreach my $net_type ('internal_networks', 'msa_networks') {
    next unless $conf->{"${net_type}_configured"};
    next if $net_type eq $matching_against;

    my $replace_nets;
    my @valid_net_list = ();
    my $net_list = $conf->{$net_type};

    foreach my $net (@{$net_list->{nets}}) {
      # don't check to see if an excluded network is included - that's senseless
      if (!$net->{exclude} && !$nt->contains_net($net)) {
        my $msg = "$matching_against doesn't contain $net_type entry '".

        $self->lint_warn($msg, undef);      # complain
        $replace_nets = 1;  # and omit it from the new internal set
      else {
        push @valid_net_list, $net;

    if ($replace_nets) {
      # something was invalid. replace the old nets list with a fixed version
      # (which may be empty)
      $net_list->{nets} = \@valid_net_list;


sub add_test {
  my ($self, $name, $text, $type) = @_;
  my $conf = $self->{conf};

  # Don't allow invalid names ...
  if ($name !~ /^\D\w*$/) {
    $self->lint_warn("config: error: rule '$name' has invalid characters ".
	   "(not Alphanumeric + Underscore + starting with a non-digit)\n", $name);

  # Also set a hard limit for ALL rules (rule names longer than 242
  # characters throw warnings).  Check this separately from the above
  # pattern to avoid vague error messages.
  if (length $name > 200) {
    $self->lint_warn("config: error: rule '$name' is way too long ".
	   "(recommended maximum length is 22 characters)\n", $name);

  # Warn about, but use, long rule names during --lint
  if ($conf->{lint_rules}) {
    if (length($name) > 50 && $name !~ /^__/ && $name !~ /^T_/) {
      $self->lint_warn("config: warning: rule name '$name' is over 50 chars ".
	     "(recommended maximum length is 22 characters)\n", $name);

  # all of these rule types are regexps
  if ($type == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::TYPE_BODY_TESTS ||
      $type == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::TYPE_FULL_TESTS ||
      $type == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::TYPE_RAWBODY_TESTS ||
      $type == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::TYPE_URI_TESTS)
    return unless $self->is_delimited_regexp_valid($name, $text);
  if ($type == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::TYPE_HEAD_TESTS)
    my ($pat) = ($text =~ /^\s*\S+\s*(?:\=|\!)\~\s*(\S.*?\S)\s*$/);
    if ($pat) { $pat =~ s/\s+\[if-unset:\s+(.+)\]\s*$//; }
    return unless $self->is_delimited_regexp_valid($name, $pat);
  elsif ($type == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::TYPE_META_TESTS)
    return unless $self->is_meta_valid($name, $text);

  $conf->{tests}->{$name} = $text;
  $conf->{test_types}->{$name} = $type;
  if ($type == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::TYPE_META_TESTS) {
    $conf->{priority}->{$name} ||= 500;
  else {
    $conf->{priority}->{$name} ||= 0;
  $conf->{priority}->{$name} ||= 0;
  $conf->{source_file}->{$name} = $self->{currentfile};

  if ($self->{main}->{keep_config_parsing_metadata}) {
    $conf->{if_stack}->{$name} = $self->get_if_stack_as_string();

  if ($self->{scoresonly}) {
    $conf->{user_rules_to_compile}->{$type} = 1;
    $conf->{user_defined_rules}->{$name} = 1;

sub add_regression_test {
  my ($self, $name, $ok_or_fail, $string) = @_;
  my $conf = $self->{conf};

  if ($conf->{regression_tests}->{$name}) {
    push @{$conf->{regression_tests}->{$name}}, [$ok_or_fail, $string];
  else {
    # initialize the array, and create one element
    $conf->{regression_tests}->{$name} = [ [$ok_or_fail, $string] ];

sub is_meta_valid {
  my ($self, $name, $rule) = @_;

  my $meta = '';

  # Lex the rule into tokens using a rather simple RE method ...
  my @tokens = ($rule =~ m/$lexer/g);
  if (length($name) == 1) {
    print "$name $_\n " for @tokens;
  # Go through each token in the meta rule
  foreach my $token (@tokens) {
    # Numbers can't be rule names
    if ($token =~ /^(?:\W+|[+-]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)$/) {
      $meta .= "$token ";
    # Zero will probably cause more errors
    else {
      $meta .= "0 ";

  my $evalstr = 'my $x = ' . $meta . '; 1;';
  if (eval $evalstr) {
    return 1;
  if ($@) {
    my $err = $@;
    $err =~ s/\s+(?:at|near)\b.*//s;
    $err =~ s/Illegal division by zero/division by zero possible/i;
    $self->lint_warn("config: invalid expression for rule $name: \"$rule\": $err\n", $name);
    return 0;

sub is_delimited_regexp_valid {
  my ($self, $name, $re) = @_;

  if (!$re || $re !~ /^\s*m?(\W).*(?:\1|>|}|\)|\])[a-z]*\s*$/) {
    $re ||= '';
    $self->lint_warn("config: invalid regexp for rule $name: $re: missing or invalid delimiters\n", $name);
    return 0;
  return $self->is_regexp_valid($name, $re);

sub is_regexp_valid {
  my ($self, $name, $re) = @_;

  # OK, try to remove any normal perl-style regexp delimiters at
  # the start and end, and modifiers at the end if present,
  # so we can validate those too.
  my $origre = $re;
  my $safere = $re;
  my $mods = '';
  if ($re =~ s/^m{//) {
    $re =~ s/}([a-z]*)$//; $mods = $1;
  elsif ($re =~ s/^m\(//) {
    $re =~ s/\)([a-z]*)$//; $mods = $1;
  elsif ($re =~ s/^m<//) {
    $re =~ s/>([a-z]*)$//; $mods = $1;
  elsif ($re =~ s/^m(\W)//) {
    $re =~ s/\Q$1\E([a-z]*)$//; $mods = $1;
  elsif ($re =~ s/^\/(.*)\/([a-z]*)$/$1/) {
    $mods = $2;
  else {
    $safere = "m#".$re."#";

  # now prepend the modifiers, in order to check if they're valid
  if ($mods) {
    $re = "(?".$mods.")".$re;

  # note: this MUST use m/...${re}.../ in some form or another, ie.
  # interpolation of the $re variable into a code regexp, in order to test the
  # security of the regexp.  simply using ("" =~ $re) will NOT do that, and
  # will therefore open a hole!
  if (eval { ("" =~ m#${re}#); 1; }) {
    return 1;

  my $err = $@;
  $err =~ s/ at .*? line \d.*$//;
  $self->lint_warn("config: invalid regexp for rule $name: $origre: $err\n", $name);
  return 0;


sub add_to_addrlist {
  my ($self, $singlelist, @addrs) = @_;
  my $conf = $self->{conf};

  foreach my $addr (@addrs) {
    $addr = lc $addr;
    my $re = $addr;
    $re =~ s/[\000\\\(]/_/gs;			# paranoia
    $re =~ s/([^\*\?_a-zA-Z0-9])/\\$1/g;	# escape any possible metachars
    $re =~ tr/?/./;				# "?" -> "."
    $re =~ s/\*+/\.\*/g;			# "*" -> "any string"
    $conf->{$singlelist}->{$addr} = "^${re}\$";

sub add_to_addrlist_rcvd {
  my ($self, $listname, $addr, $domain) = @_;
  my $conf = $self->{conf};

  $addr = lc $addr;
  if ($conf->{$listname}->{$addr}) {
    push @{$conf->{$listname}->{$addr}{domain}}, $domain;
  else {
    my $re = $addr;
    $re =~ s/[\000\\\(]/_/gs;			# paranoia
    $re =~ s/([^\*\?_a-zA-Z0-9])/\\$1/g;	# escape any possible metachars
    $re =~ tr/?/./;				# "?" -> "."
    $re =~ s/\*+/\.\*/g;			# "*" -> "any string"
    $conf->{$listname}->{$addr}{re} = "^${re}\$";
    $conf->{$listname}->{$addr}{domain} = [ $domain ];

sub remove_from_addrlist {
  my ($self, $singlelist, @addrs) = @_;
  my $conf = $self->{conf};

  foreach my $addr (@addrs) {

sub remove_from_addrlist_rcvd {
  my ($self, $listname, @addrs) = @_;
  my $conf = $self->{conf};

  foreach my $addr (@addrs) {


sub fix_path_relative_to_current_file {
  my ($self, $path) = @_;

  # the path may be specified as "~/foo", so deal with that
  $path = $self->{conf}->{main}->sed_path($path);

  if (!File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute ($path)) {
    my ($vol, $dirs, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath ($self->{currentfile});
    $path = File::Spec->catpath ($vol, $dirs, $path);
    dbg("config: fixed relative path: $path");
  return $path;


sub lint_warn {
  my ($self, $msg, $rule, $iserror) = @_;

  if (!defined $iserror) { $iserror = 1; }

  if ($self->{conf}->{main}->{lint_callback}) {
          msg => $msg,
          rule => $rule,
          iserror => $iserror
  elsif ($self->{conf}->{lint_rules}) {
    warn $msg."\n";
  else {

  if ($iserror) {


sub get_if_stack_as_string {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return join ' ', map {
  } @{$self->{if_stack}};

