[plain text]

# Copyright 2004 Apache Software Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

=head1 NAME

Mail::SpamAssassin::Message - decode, render, and hold an RFC-2822 message



This module will encapsulate an email message and allow access to
the various MIME message parts and message metadata.


=over 4


# the message structure, after initiating a parse() cycle, is now:
# Message object, also top-level node in Message::Node tree
#    |
#    +---> Message::Node for other parts in MIME structure
#    |       |---> [ more Message::Node parts ... ]
#    |       [ others ... ]
#    |
#    +---> Message::Metadata object to hold metadata

package Mail::SpamAssassin::Message;
use strict;
use bytes;

use Mail::SpamAssassin;
use Mail::SpamAssassin::Message::Node;
use Mail::SpamAssassin::Message::Metadata;
use Mail::SpamAssassin::Constants qw(:sa);

use vars qw(@ISA);

@ISA = qw(Mail::SpamAssassin::Message::Node);

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

=item new()

Creates a Mail::SpamAssassin::Message object.  Takes a hash reference
as a parameter.  The used hash key/value pairs are as follows:

C<message> is either undef (which will use STDIN), a scalar of the
entire message, an array reference of the message with 1 line per array
element, or a file glob which holds the entire contents of the message.

C<parse_now> specifies whether or not to create the MIME tree
at object-creation time or later as necessary.

The I<parse_now> option, by default, is set to false (0).
This allows SpamAssassin to not have to generate the tree of
Mail::SpamAssassin::Message::Node objects and their related data if the
tree is not going to be used.  This is handy, for instance, when running
C<spamassassin -d>, which only needs the pristine header and body which
is always handled when the object is created.


# month mappings (ripped from
my %MONTH = (jan => 1, feb => 2, mar => 3, apr => 4, may => 5, jun => 6,
	     jul => 7, aug => 8, sep => 9, oct => 10, nov => 11, dec => 12);

# day of week mapping (starting from zero)
my @DAY_OF_WEEK = qw/Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat/ ;

sub new {
  my $class = shift;
  $class = ref($class) || $class;
  my $self = $class->SUPER::new();

  $self->{pristine_headers} =	'';
  $self->{pristine_body} =	'';
  $self->{mime_boundary_state} = {};


  # create the metadata holder class
  $self->{metadata} = Mail::SpamAssassin::Message::Metadata->new($self);

  # Ok, go ahead and do the message "parsing"
  my($opts) = @_;
  my $message = $opts->{'message'} || \*STDIN;
  my $parsenow = $opts->{'parsenow'} || 0;

  # protect it from abuse ...
  local $_;

  # Figure out how the message was passed to us, and deal with it.
  my @message;
  if (ref $message eq 'ARRAY') {
     @message = @{$message};
  elsif (ref $message eq 'GLOB') {
    if (defined fileno $message) {
      @message = <$message>;
  else {
    @message = split ( /^/m, $message );

  # Go through all the headers of the message
  my $header = '';
  my $boundary;
  while ( my $last = shift @message ) {
    if ( $last =~ /^From\s/ ) {
	# mbox formated mailbox
	$self->{'mbox_sep'} = $last;
    } elsif ($last =~ MBX_SEPARATOR) {
	# Munge the mbx message separator into mbox format as a sort of
	# de facto portability standard in SA's internals.  We need to
	# to this so that Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::parse_rfc822_date
	# can parse the date string...
	if (/([\s|\d]\d)-([a-zA-Z]{3})-(\d{4})\s(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})/o) {
	    # $1 = day of month
	    # $2 = month (text)
	    # $3 = year
	    # $4 = hour
	    # $5 = min
	    # $6 = sec
	    my @arr = localtime(timelocal($6,$5,$4,$1,$MONTH{lc($2)}-1,$3));
	    my $address;
	    foreach (@message) {
		if (/From:\s[^<]+<([^>]+)>/) {
		    $address = $1;
		} elsif (/From:\s([^<^>]+)/) {
		    $address = $1;
	    $self->{'mbox_sep'} = "From $address $DAY_OF_WEEK[$arr[6]] $2 $1 $4:$5:$6 $3\n";

    # Store the non-modified headers in a scalar
    $self->{'pristine_headers'} .= $last;

    # NB: Really need to figure out special folding rules here!
    if ( $last =~ /^[ \t]+/ ) {                    # if its a continuation
      if ($header) {
        $header .= $last;                            # fold continuations

	# If we're currently dealing with a content-type header, and there's a
	# boundary defined, use it.  Since there could be multiple
	# content-type headers in a message, the last one will be the one we
	# should use, so just keep updating as they come in.
        if ($header =~ /^content-type:\s*(\S.*)$/is) {
	  my($type,$temp_boundary) = Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::parse_content_type($1);
	  $boundary = $temp_boundary if ($type =~ /^multipart/ && defined $temp_boundary);

	# Go onto the next header line, unless the next line is a
	# multipart mime boundary, where we know we're going to stop
	# below, so drop through for final header processing.
        next unless (defined $boundary && $message[0] =~ /^--\Q$boundary\E(?:--|\s*$)/);
      else {
	# There was no previous header and this is just "out there"?
	# Ignore it!

    # Ok, there's a header here, let's go ahead and add it in.
    if ($header) {
      # Yes, the /s is needed to match \n too.
      my ($key, $value) = split (/:\s*(?=.)/s, $header, 2);

      # If it's not a valid header (aka: not in the form "foo: bar"), skip it.
      if (defined $value) {
	# limit the length of the pairs we store
	if (length($key) > MAX_HEADER_KEY_LENGTH) {
	  $key = substr($key, 0, MAX_HEADER_KEY_LENGTH);
	  $self->{'truncated_header'} = 1;
	if (length($value) > MAX_HEADER_VALUE_LENGTH) {
	  $value = substr($value, 0, MAX_HEADER_VALUE_LENGTH);
	  $self->{'truncated_header'} = 1;
        $self->header($key, $value);

	# If we're currently dealing with a content-type header, and there's a
	# boundary defined, use it.  Since there could be multiple
	# content-type headers in a message, the last one will be the one we
	# should use, so just keep updating as they come in.
        if (lc $key eq 'content-type') {
	  my($type,$temp_boundary) = Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::parse_content_type($value);
	  $boundary = $temp_boundary if ($type =~ /^multipart/ && defined $temp_boundary);

    # not a continuation...
    $header = $last;

    # Ok, we found the header/body blank line ...
    last if ($last =~ /^\r?$/m);

    # Alternately, if a multipart mime boundary is found in the header area,
    # aka it's malformed, exit out as well and treat it as part of the body.
    last if (defined $boundary && $message[0] =~ /^--\Q$boundary\E(?:--|\s*$)/);

  # Store the pristine body for later -- store as a copy since @message
  # will get modified below
  $self->{'pristine_body'} = join('', @message);

  # CRLF -> LF
  for ( @message ) {

  # If the message does need to get parsed, save off a copy of the body
  # in a format we can easily parse later so we don't have to rip from
  # pristine_body ...  If we do want to parse now, go ahead and do so ...
  if ($parsenow) {
  else {
    $self->{'toparse'} = \@message;


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

=item _do_parse()

Non-Public function which will initiate a MIME part parse (generates
a tree) of the current message.  Typically called by find_parts()
as necessary.


sub _do_parse {
  my($self, $array) = @_;

  # We can either be passed the array to parse, or we may have find it
  # in the object data ...
  my $toparse;
  if (defined $array) {
    $toparse = $array;
  elsif (exists $self->{'toparse'}) {
    $toparse = $self->{'toparse'};
    delete $self->{'toparse'};

  # If we're called when we don't need to be, then just go ahead and return.
  return if (!defined $toparse);

  dbg("---- MIME PARSER START ----");

  # Figure out the boundary
  my ($boundary);
  ($self->{'type'}, $boundary) = Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::parse_content_type($self->header('content-type'));
  dbg("main message type: ".$self->{'type'});

  # Make the tree
  $self->parse_body( $self, $self, $boundary, $toparse, 1 );

  dbg("---- MIME PARSER END ----");

=item find_parts()

Used to search the tree for specific MIME parts.  See
I<Mail::SpamAssassin::Message::Node> for more details.


# Used to find any MIME parts whose simple content-type matches a given regexp
# Searches it's own and any children parts.  Returns an array of MIME
# objects which match.
sub find_parts {
  my ($self, $re, $onlyleaves, $recursive) = @_;

  # ok, we need to do the parsing now...
  $self->_do_parse() if (exists $self->{'toparse'});

  # and pass through to the Message::Node version of the method
  return $self->SUPER::find_parts($re, $onlyleaves, $recursive);

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

=item get_pristine_header()

Returns pristine headers of the message.  If no specific header name
is given as a parameter (case-insensitive), then all headers will be
returned as a scalar, including the blank line at the end of the headers.

If called in an array context, an array will be returned with each
specific header in a different element.  In a scalar context, the last
specific header is returned.

ie: If 'Subject' is specified as the header, and there are 2 Subject
headers in a message, the last/bottom one in the message is returned in
scalar context or both are returned in array context.

Note: the returned header will include the ending newline and any embedded
whitespace folding.


sub get_pristine_header {
  my ($self, $hdr) = @_;
  return $self->{pristine_headers} unless $hdr;
  my(@ret) = $self->{pristine_headers} =~ /^(?:$hdr:[ \t]+(.*\n(?:\s+\S.*\n)*))/mig;
  if (@ret) {
    return wantarray ? @ret : $ret[-1];
  else {
    return $self->get_header($hdr);

=item get_mbox_separator()

Returns the mbox separator found in the message, or undef if there
wasn't one.


sub get_mbox_separator {
  return $_[0]->{mbox_sep};

=item get_body()

Returns an array of the pristine message body, one line per array element.


sub get_body {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my @ret = split(/^/m, $self->{pristine_body});
  return \@ret;

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

=item get_pristine()

Returns a scalar of the entire pristine message.


sub get_pristine {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return $self->{pristine_headers} . $self->{pristine_body};

=item get_pristine_body()

Returns a scalar of the pristine message body.


sub get_pristine_body {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return $self->{pristine_body};

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------



These methods take a RFC2822-esque formatted message and create a tree
with all of the MIME body parts included.  Those parts will be decoded
as necessary, and text/html parts will be rendered into a standard text
format, suitable for use in SpamAssassin.

=over 4

=item parse_body()

parse_body() passes the body part that was passed in onto the
correct part parser, either _parse_multipart() for multipart/* parts,
or _parse_normal() for everything else.  Multipart sections become the
root of sub-trees, while everything else becomes a leaf in the tree.

For multipart messages, the first call to parse_body() doesn't create a
new sub-tree and just uses the parent node to contain children.  All other
calls to parse_body() will cause a new sub-tree root to be created and
children will exist underneath that root.  (this is just so the tree
doesn't have a root node which points at the actual root node ...)


sub parse_body {
  my($self, $msg, $_msg, $boundary, $body, $initial) = @_;

  # Figure out the simple content-type, or set it to text/plain
  my $type = $_msg->header('Content-Type') || 'text/plain; charset=us-ascii';

  # multipart sections are required to have a boundary set ...  If this
  # one doesn't, assume it's malformed and send it to be parsed as a
  # non-multipart section
  if ( $type =~ /^multipart\//i && defined $boundary ) {
    # Treat an initial multipart parse differently.  This will keep the tree:
    # obj(multipart->[ part1, part2 ]) instead of
    # obj(obj(multipart ...))
    if ( $initial ) {
      $self->_parse_multipart( $msg, $_msg, $boundary, $body );
    else {
      $self->_parse_multipart( $_msg, $_msg, $boundary, $body );
      $msg->add_body_part( $_msg );
  else {
    # If it's not multipart, go ahead and just deal with it.
    $self->_parse_normal( $msg, $_msg, $boundary, $body );

=item _parse_multipart()

Generate a root node, and for each child part call parse_body()
to generate the tree.


sub _parse_multipart {
  my($self, $msg, $_msg, $boundary, $body) = @_;

  dbg("parsing multipart, got boundary: ".(defined $boundary ? $boundary : ''));

  # NOTE: The MIME boundary REs here are very specific to be mostly RFC 1521
  # compliant, but also allow possible malformations to still work.  Please
  # see Bugzilla bug 3749 for more information before making any changes!

  # ignore preamble per RFC 1521, unless there's no boundary ...
  if ( defined $boundary ) {
    my $line;
    my $tmp_line = @{$body};
    for ($line=0; $line < $tmp_line; $line++) {
      # specifically look for an opening boundary
      if ($body->[$line] =~ /^--\Q$boundary\E\s*$/) {
	# Make note that we found the opening boundary
	$self->{mime_boundary_state}->{$boundary} = 1;

    # Found a boundary, ignore the preamble
    if ( $line < $tmp_line ) {
      splice @{$body}, 0, $line+1;

    # Else, there's no boundary, so leave the whole part...

  my $part_msg = Mail::SpamAssassin::Message::Node->new();    # prepare a new tree node
  my $in_body = 0;
  my $header;
  my $part_array;

  my $line_count = @{$body};
  foreach ( @{$body} ) {
    # if we're on the last body line, or we find any boundary marker,
    # deal with the mime part
    if ( --$line_count == 0 || (defined $boundary && /^--\Q$boundary\E(?:--|\s*$)/) ) {
      my $line = $_; # remember the last line

      # per rfc 1521, the CRLF before the boundary is part of the boundary:
      # NOTE: The CRLF preceding the encapsulation line is conceptually
      # attached to the boundary so that it is possible to have a part
      # that does not end with a CRLF (line break). Body parts that must
      # be considered to end with line breaks, therefore, must have two
      # CRLFs preceding the encapsulation line, the first of which is part
      # of the preceding body part, and the second of which is part of the
      # encapsulation boundary.
      if ($part_array) {
        chomp( $part_array->[-1] );  # trim the CRLF that's part of the boundary
        splice @{$part_array}, -1 if ( $part_array->[-1] eq '' ); # blank line for the boundary only ...
      else {
        # Invalid parts can have no body, so fake in a blank body
	# in that case.
        $part_array = [];

      ($part_msg->{'type'}, $p_boundary) = Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::parse_content_type($part_msg->header('content-type'));
      $p_boundary ||= $boundary;
      dbg("found part of type ".$part_msg->{'type'}.", boundary: ".(defined $p_boundary ? $p_boundary : ''));
      $self->parse_body( $msg, $part_msg, $p_boundary, $part_array, 0 );

      # rfc 1521 says /^--boundary--$/ but MUAs have a tendancy to just
      # require /^--boundary--/ due to malformed messages, so that'll work for
      # us as well.
      if (defined $boundary && $line =~ /^--\Q${boundary}\E--/) {
	# Make a note that we've seen the end boundary

      # make sure we start with a new clean node
      $in_body  = 0;
      $part_msg = Mail::SpamAssassin::Message::Node->new();
      undef $part_array;
      undef $header;


    if ($in_body) {
      # we run into a perl bug if the lines are astronomically long (probably
      # due to lots of regexp backtracking); so cut short any individual line
      # over MAX_BODY_LINE_LENGTH bytes in length.  This can wreck HTML
      # totally -- but IMHO the only reason a luser would use
      # MAX_BODY_LINE_LENGTH-byte lines is to crash filters, anyway.
      while (length ($_) > MAX_BODY_LINE_LENGTH) {
        push (@{$part_array}, substr($_, 0, MAX_BODY_LINE_LENGTH)."\n");
        substr($_, 0, MAX_BODY_LINE_LENGTH) = '';
      push ( @{$part_array}, $_ );
    else {
      if (m/^\S/) {
        if ($header) {
          my ( $key, $value ) = split ( /:\s*/, $header, 2 );
          $part_msg->header( $key, $value );
        $header = $_;
      elsif (/^$/) {
        if ($header) {
          my ( $key, $value ) = split ( /:\s*/, $header, 2 );
          $part_msg->header( $key, $value );
        $in_body = 1;
      else {
        $_ =~ s/^\s*//;
        $header .= $_;


=item _parse_normal()

Generate a leaf node and add it to the parent.


sub _parse_normal {
  my ($self, $msg, $part_msg, $boundary, $body) = @_;

  dbg("parsing normal part");

  $part_msg->{'type'} =

  # multipart sections are required to have a boundary set ...  If this
  # one doesn't, assume it's malformed and revert to text/plain
  $part_msg->{'type'} = 'text/plain' if ( $part_msg->{'type'} =~ /^multipart\//i && !defined $boundary );

  # attempt to figure out a name for this attachment if there is one ...
  my $disp = $part_msg->header('content-disposition') || '';
  my($filename) = $disp =~ /name="?([^\";]+)"?/i || $part_msg->{'type'} =~ /name="?([^\";]+)"?/i;

  $part_msg->{'raw'} = $body;
  $part_msg->{'boundary'} = $boundary;
  $part_msg->{'name'} = $filename if $filename;

  # If this part is a message/* part, and the parent isn't also a
  # message/* part (ie: the main part) go ahead and parse into a tree.
  if ($part_msg->{'type'} =~ /^message\b/i) {
    # Get the part ready...
    my $message = $part_msg->decode();

    if ($message) {
      my $msg_obj = Mail::SpamAssassin::Message->new({message=>$message, parsenow=>1});

      # main message is a message/* part ...
      if ($msg == $part_msg) {
      else {
        # Add the new part as a child to the parent
        # NOTE: if the message only has this one part, we'll be recursive so delete
        # the body_parts list appropriately.



  # Add the new part as a child to the parent
  # NOTE: if the message only has this one part, we'll be recursive so delete
  # the body_parts list appropriately.

  # now that we've added the leaf node, let's go ahead and kill
  # body_parts (used for sub-trees).  there's no point for a leaf to have it,
  # and if the main and child parts are the same, we'll end up being recursive,
  # and well, let's avoid that. ;)
  # BTW: please leave this after add_body_parts() since it'll add it back.
  delete $part_msg->{body_parts};

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

sub get_rendered_body_text_array {
  my ($self) = @_;

  if (exists $self->{text_rendered}) { return $self->{text_rendered}; }

  $self->{text_rendered} = [];

  # Find all parts which are leaves
  my @parts = $self->find_parts(qr/^(?:text|message)\b/i,1);
  return $self->{text_rendered} unless @parts;

  # Go through each part
  my $text = $self->get_header ('subject') || '';
  for(my $pt = 0 ; $pt <= $#parts ; $pt++ ) {
    my $p = $parts[$pt];

    # put a blank line between parts ...
    $text .= "\n" if ( $text );

    my($type, $rnd) = $p->rendered(); # decode this part
    if ( defined $rnd ) {
      # Only text/* types are rendered ...
      $text .= $rnd;

      # TVD - if there are multiple parts, what should we do?
      # right now, just use the last one ...
      $self->{metadata}->{html} = $p->{html_results} if ( $type eq 'text/html' );
    else {
      $text .= $p->decode();

  # whitespace handling (warning: small changes have large effects!)
  $text =~ s/\n+\s*\n+/\f/gs;		# double newlines => form feed
  $text =~ tr/ \t\n\r\x0b\xa0/ /s;	# whitespace => space
  $text =~ tr/\f/\n/;			# form feeds => newline
  # warn "JMD $text";

  my @textary = split_into_array_of_short_lines ($text);
  $self->{text_rendered} = \@textary;

  return $self->{text_rendered};

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# TODO: possibly this should just replace get_rendered_body_text_array().
# (although watch out, this one doesn't copy {html} to metadata)
sub get_visible_rendered_body_text_array {
  my ($self) = @_;

  if (exists $self->{text_visible_rendered}) {
    return $self->{text_visible_rendered};

  $self->{text_visible_rendered} = [];

  # Find all parts which are leaves
  my @parts = $self->find_parts(qr/^(?:text|message)\b/i,1);
  return $self->{text_visible_rendered} unless @parts;

  # Go through each part
  my $text = $self->get_header ('subject') || '';
  for(my $pt = 0 ; $pt <= $#parts ; $pt++ ) {
    my $p = $parts[$pt];

    # put a blank line between parts ...
    $text .= "\n" if ( $text );

    my($type, $rnd) = $p->visible_rendered(); # decode this part
    if ( defined $rnd ) {
      # Only text/* types are rendered ...
      $text .= $rnd;
    else {
      $text .= $p->decode();

  # whitespace handling (warning: small changes have large effects!)
  $text =~ s/\n+\s*\n+/\f/gs;                # double newlines => form feed
  $text =~ tr/ \t\n\r\x0b\xa0/ /s;        # whitespace => space
  $text =~ tr/\f/\n/;                        # form feeds => newline

  my @textary = split_into_array_of_short_lines ($text);
  $self->{text_visible_rendered} = \@textary;

  return $self->{text_visible_rendered};

sub get_invisible_rendered_body_text_array {
  my ($self) = @_;

  if (exists $self->{text_invisible_rendered}) {
    return $self->{text_invisible_rendered};

  $self->{text_invisible_rendered} = [];

  # Find all parts which are leaves
  my @parts = $self->find_parts(qr/^(?:text|message)\b/i,1);
  return $self->{text_invisible_rendered} unless @parts;

  # Go through each part
  my $text = '';
  for(my $pt = 0 ; $pt <= $#parts ; $pt++ ) {
    my $p = $parts[$pt];

    # put a blank line between parts ...
    $text .= "\n" if ( $text );

    my($type, $rnd) = $p->invisible_rendered(); # decode this part
    if ( defined $rnd ) {
      # Only text/* types are rendered ...
      $text .= $rnd;

  # whitespace handling (warning: small changes have large effects!)
  $text =~ s/\n+\s*\n+/\f/gs;                # double newlines => form feed
  $text =~ tr/ \t\n\r\x0b\xa0/ /s;        # whitespace => space
  $text =~ tr/\f/\n/;                        # form feeds => newline

  my @textary = split_into_array_of_short_lines ($text);
  $self->{text_invisible_rendered} = \@textary;

  return $self->{text_invisible_rendered};

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

sub get_decoded_body_text_array {
  my ($self) = @_;

  if (defined $self->{text_decoded}) { return $self->{text_decoded}; }
  $self->{text_decoded} = [ ];

  # Find all parts which are leaves
  my @parts = $self->find_parts(qr/^(?:text|message)\b/i,1);
  return $self->{text_decoded} unless @parts;

  # Go through each part
  for(my $pt = 0 ; $pt <= $#parts ; $pt++ ) {
    push(@{$self->{text_decoded}}, "\n") if ( @{$self->{text_decoded}} );
    push(@{$self->{text_decoded}}, split_into_array_of_short_lines($parts[$pt]->decode()));

  return $self->{text_decoded};

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

sub split_into_array_of_short_lines {
  my @result = ();
  foreach my $line (split (/^/m, $_[0])) {
    while (length ($line) > MAX_BODY_LINE_LENGTH) {
      push (@result, substr($line, 0, MAX_BODY_LINE_LENGTH));
      substr($line, 0, MAX_BODY_LINE_LENGTH) = '';
    push (@result, $line);

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

=item $str = get_metadata($hdr)


sub extract_message_metadata {
  my ($self, $main) = @_;

  # do this only once per message, it can be expensive
  if ($self->{already_extracted_metadata}) { return; }
  $self->{already_extracted_metadata} = 1;

  $self->{metadata}->extract ($self, $main);

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

=item $str = get_metadata($hdr)


sub get_metadata {
  my ($self, $hdr) = @_;
  if (!$self->{metadata}) {
    warn "oops! get_metadata() called after finish_metadata()"; return;

=item put_metadata($hdr, $text)


sub put_metadata {
  my ($self, $hdr, $text) = @_;
  if (!$self->{metadata}) {
    warn "oops! put_metadata() called after finish_metadata()"; return;
  $self->{metadata}->{strings}->{$hdr} = $text;

=item delete_metadata($hdr)


sub delete_metadata {
  my ($self, $hdr) = @_;
  if (!$self->{metadata}) {
    warn "oops! delete_metadata() called after finish_metadata()"; return;
  delete $self->{metadata}->{strings}->{$hdr};

=item $str = get_all_metadata()


sub get_all_metadata {
  my ($self) = @_;

  if (!$self->{metadata}) {
    warn "oops! get_all_metadata() called after finish_metadata()"; return;
  my @ret = ();
  foreach my $key (sort keys %{$self->{metadata}->{strings}}) {
    push (@ret, "$key: " . $self->{metadata}->{strings}->{$key} . "\n");
  return (wantarray ? @ret :  join('', @ret));

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

=item finish_metadata()

Destroys the metadata for this message.  Once a message has been
scanned fully, the metadata is no longer required.   Destroying
this will free up some memory.


sub finish_metadata {
  my ($self) = @_;
  if (defined ($self->{metadata})) {
    delete $self->{metadata};

=item finish()

Clean up an object so that it can be destroyed.


sub finish {
  my ($self) = @_;

  # Clean ourself up
  delete $self->{pristine_headers};
  delete $self->{pristine_body};
  delete $self->{text_decoded};
  delete $self->{text_rendered};

  # Destroy the tree ...

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

=item receive_date()

Return a time_t value with the received date of the current message,
or current time if received time couldn't be determined.


sub receive_date {
  my($self) = @_;

  return Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::receive_date(scalar $self->get_all_headers(0,1));

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

sub dbg { Mail::SpamAssassin::dbg (@_); }
