use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; use strict; use Getopt::Std; my $opt = {}; getopts( 'n', $opt ); my $have_zlib = eval { require IO::Zlib; 1 }; unless( $] >= 5.005_03 ) { die qq[Archive::Tar requires perl version 5.005_03 or higher to run\n]; } if( !$have_zlib and !$opt->{n} ) { warn qq[You do not have IO::Zlib installed. This means you can ]. qq[not read or write compressed archive!\n] . qq[Note: you can disable this warning (and the prerequisite) ]. qq[by invoking Makefile.PL with '-n'\n]; } my $prereqs = { 'Test::More' => 0, 'File::Spec' => 0.82, 'Test::Harness' => 2.26, # bug in older versions 'IO::Zlib' => 1.01, # the most recent, not modified since 2001 'IO::String' => 0, # for better 'return stringified archive' }; ### ok, you didn't want IO::Zlib ### delete $prereqs->{'IO::Zlib'} if $opt->{n}; WriteMakefile ( NAME => 'Archive::Tar', VERSION_FROM => 'lib/Archive/', # finds $VERSION dist => { COMPRESS => 'gzip -9f', SUFFIX => 'gz' }, EXE_FILES => ['bin/ptar'], PREREQ_PM => $prereqs, AUTHOR => 'Jos Boumans ', ABSTRACT => 'Manipulates TAR archives' );