# $Id: 02-header.t,v 1.1 2004/04/09 17:04:48 dasenbro Exp $ use Test::More tests => 18; use strict; BEGIN { use_ok('Net::DNS'); } my $header = Net::DNS::Header->new; ok($header, "new() returned something"); $header->id(41); $header->qr(1); $header->opcode('QUERY'); $header->aa(1); $header->tc(0); $header->rd(1); $header->cd(0); $header->ra(1); $header->rcode("NOERROR"); $header->qdcount(1); $header->ancount(2); $header->nscount(3); $header->arcount(3); is($header->id, 41, 'id() works'); is($header->qr, 1, 'qr() works'); is($header->opcode, 'QUERY', 'opcode() works'); is($header->aa, 1, 'aa() works'); is($header->tc, 0, 'tc() works'); is($header->rd, 1, 'rd() works'); is($header->cd, 0, 'cd() works'); is($header->ra, 1, 'ra() works'); is($header->rcode, 'NOERROR', 'rcode() works'); my $data = $header->data; my $header2 = Net::DNS::Header->new(\$data); is_deeply($header, $header2, 'Headers are the same'); # # Is $header->string remotely sane? # like($header->string, '/opcode = QUERY/', 'string() has opcode correct'); like($header->string, '/ancount = 2/', 'string() has ancount correct'); $header = Net::DNS::Header->new; # # Check that the aliases work properly. # $header->zocount(0); $header->prcount(1); $header->upcount(2); $header->adcount(3); is($header->zocount, 0, 'zocount works'); is($header->prcount, 1, 'prcount works'); is($header->upcount, 2, 'upcount works'); is($header->adcount, 3, 'adcount works');