asn-oid.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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// file: .../c++-lib/src/asn-oid.C   - OBJECT IDENTIFIER
//  Mike Sample
//  92/07/02
// Copyright (C) 1992 Michael Sample and the University of British Columbia
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it provided that this copyright/license information is retained
// in original form.
// If you modify this file, you must clearly indicate your changes.
// This source code is distributed in the hope that it will be
// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
// $Header: /cvs/Darwin/Security/SecuritySNACCRuntime/c++-lib/c++/asn-oid.cpp,v 1.4 2002/03/21 05:38:45 dmitch Exp $
// $Log: asn-oid.cpp,v $
// Revision 1.4  2002/03/21 05:38:45  dmitch
// Radar 2868524: no more setjmp/longjmp in SNACC-generated code.
// Revision  2002/03/20 00:36:50  dmitch
// Radar 2868524: SNACC-generated code now uses throw/catch instead of setjmp/longjmp.
// Revision 1.3  2001/06/27 23:09:15  dmitch
// Pusuant to Radar 2664258, avoid all cerr-based output in NDEBUG configuration.
// Revision 1.2  2001/06/21 19:51:43  dmitch
// Made AsnOid::Set(unsigned long...) thread-safe by making static arc arrays local.
// Revision  2001/05/18 23:14:06  mb
// Move from private repository to open source repository
// Revision 1.4  2001/05/05 00:59:19  rmurphy
// Adding darwin license headers
// Revision 1.3  2000/06/08 20:05:35  dmitch
// Mods for X port. These files are actually machine generated and probably don't need to be in CVS....
// Revision  2000/03/09 01:00:06  rmurphy
// Base Fortissimo Tree
// Revision 1.3  1999/03/21 02:07:37  mb
// Added Copy to every AsnType.
// Revision 1.2  1999/02/26 00:23:40  mb
// Fixed for Mac OS 8
// Revision 1.1  1999/02/25 05:21:53  mb
// Added snacc c++ library
// Revision 1.7  1997/02/28 13:39:46  wan
// Modifications collected for new version 1.3: Bug fixes, tk4.2.
// Revision 1.6  1997/02/16 12:32:49  rj
// name lookup of \for' scoping
// Revision 1.5  1995/08/17  15:31:14  rj
// set Tcl's errorCode variable
// Revision 1.4  1995/07/24  20:25:38  rj
// #if TCL ... #endif wrapped into #if META ... #endif
// call constructor with additional pdu and create arguments.
// changed `_' to `-' in file names.
// Revision 1.3  1994/10/08  04:18:28  rj
// code for meta structures added (provides information about the generated code itself).
// code for Tcl interface added (makes use of the above mentioned meta code).
// virtual inline functions (the destructor, the Clone() function, BEnc(), BDec() and Print()) moved from inc/*.h to src/*.C because g++ turns every one of them into a static non-inline function in every file where the .h file gets included.
// made Print() const (and some other, mainly comparison functions).
// several `unsigned long int' turned into `size_t'.
// Revision 1.2  1994/08/28  10:01:17  rj
// comment leader fixed.
// Revision 1.1  1994/08/28  09:21:06  rj
// first check-in. for a list of changes to the snacc-1.1 distribution please refer to the ChangeLog.

#include "asn-config.h"
#if TCL
#include <strstream.h>
#include "asn-len.h"
#include "asn-tag.h"
#include "asn-type.h"
#include "asn-oid.h"
#include "print.h"

  delete oid;

AsnType *AsnOid::Clone() const
  return new AsnOid;

AsnType *AsnOid::Copy() const
  return new AsnOid (*this);

// Initializes an AsnOid with a string and it's length.
// The string should hold the encoded OID.
// The string is copied
#ifndef _IBM_ENC_
void AsnOid::Set (const char *encOid, size_t len)
void AsnOid::Set (const char *encOid, const size_t len)
#endif /* _IBM_ENC_ */
    if (encOid != oid)
        octetLen = len;
#ifndef _IBM_ENC_
        oid = new char[octetLen];
        oid = (char *) mem_mgr_ptr->Get (octetLen);         /* Guido Grassel, 11.8.93 */
#endif /* _IBM_ENC_ */
        memcpy (oid, encOid, octetLen);

// Inits an AsnOid from another OID.
// The oid string is copied.
void AsnOid::Set (const AsnOid &o)
    if (&o != this)
        octetLen = o.octetLen;
#ifndef _IBM_ENC_
        oid = new char[octetLen];
        oid = (char *) mem_mgr_ptr->Get (octetLen);         /* Guido Grassel, 11.8.93 */
#endif /* _IBM_ENC_ */
        memcpy (oid, o.oid, octetLen);

// Given some arc numbers, an AsnOid is built.
// Set (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1) results in
// oid { 1 2 3 4 5 }.  The first negative arc number represnts
// the end of the arc numbers - at least 2 are required.
// The prototype in the AsnOid class provides default -1 parameters
// so you only need to provide the number of arc number in the oid
// as params. (eg Set (1,2,3,4,5))
void AsnOid::Set (unsigned long int a1, unsigned long int a2, long int a3, long int a4, long int a5, long int a6, long int a7, long int a8, long int a9, long int a10, long int a11)
    long int arcNumArr[11];
    char buf[11*5];  /* make big enough for max oid with 11 arcs*/
    char *tmpBuf;
    size_t totalLen;
    size_t elmtLen;
    long int tmpArcNum;
    long int headArcNum;

    tmpBuf = buf;

    arcNumArr[0] = a1;
    arcNumArr[1] = a2;
    arcNumArr[2] = a3;
    arcNumArr[3] = a4;
    arcNumArr[4] = a5;
    arcNumArr[5] = a6;
    arcNumArr[6] = a7;
    arcNumArr[7] = a8;
    arcNumArr[8] = a9;
    arcNumArr[9] = a10;
    arcNumArr[10] = a11;

    // munge together first oid arc numbers
    headArcNum = tmpArcNum = (arcNumArr[0] * 40) + arcNumArr[1];

    // figure encoded length for this arc number
    for (elmtLen = 1; (tmpArcNum >>= 7) != 0; elmtLen++)

    // write bytes except the last/least significant of the head arc number
    // more bit is on
    totalLen = elmtLen;
    unsigned i;
    for (i = 1; i < elmtLen; i++)
        *(tmpBuf++) = 0x80 | (headArcNum >> ((elmtLen-i)*7));

    // write least significant (more bit is off)
    *(tmpBuf++) = 0x7f & headArcNum;

    // repeat for the rest of the arc numbers
    for (i = 2; (i < 11) && (arcNumArr[i] > 0); i++)
        tmpArcNum = arcNumArr[i];
        for (elmtLen = 1; (tmpArcNum >>= 7) != 0; elmtLen++)
        totalLen += elmtLen;
        tmpArcNum = arcNumArr[i];
        for (unsigned j = 1; j < elmtLen; j++)
            *(tmpBuf++) = 0x80 | (tmpArcNum >> ((elmtLen-j)*7));
        *(tmpBuf++) = 0x7f & tmpArcNum;

#ifndef _IBM_ENC_
    oid = Asn1Alloc (totalLen);
    oid = (char *) mem_mgr_ptr->Get (totalLen);               /* Guido Grassel, 11.8.93 */
#endif /* _IBM_ENC_ */
    memcpy (oid, buf, totalLen);
    octetLen = totalLen;

}  /* AsnOid::Set */

// Like Set except frees old oid value first
#ifndef _IBM_ENC_
void AsnOid::ReSet (const char *encOid, size_t len)
void AsnOid::ReSet (const char *encOid, const size_t len)
#endif /* _IBM_ENC_ */
    if (encOid != oid)
#ifndef _IBM_ENC_
        delete oid;
      mem_mgr_ptr->Put ((void *) oid);                /* Guido Grassel, 11.8.93 */
#endif /* _IBM_ENC_ */
        Set (encOid, len);

// Like Set except frees old oid value first
void AsnOid::ReSet (const AsnOid &o)
    if (&o != this)
#ifndef _IBM_ENC_
        delete oid;
      mem_mgr_ptr->Put ((void *) oid);                /* Guido Grassel, 11.8.93 */
#endif /* _IBM_ENC_ */
        Set (o);

void AsnOid::ReSet (unsigned long int a1, unsigned long int a2, long int a3, long int a4, long int a5, long int a6, long int a7, long int a8, long int a9, long int a10, long int a11)
#ifndef _IBM_ENC_
    delete oid;
  mem_mgr_ptr->Put ((void *) oid);                /* Guido Grassel, 11.8.93 */
#endif /* _IBM_ENC_ */
    Set (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11);

// returns the number of arc numbers in the OID value
unsigned long int AsnOid::NumArcs() const
    unsigned i;
    int numArcs;

    for (numArcs=0, i=0; i < octetLen; )
        // skip octets in this arc num with the 'more' bit set
        for (; (i < octetLen) && (oid[i] & 0x80); i++)

        // skip last octet in this arc num (no more bit)


    // add one to return value because the first two arcs are
    // crunched together into a single one.
    return numArcs +1;

}  /* AsnOid::NumArcs */

int AsnOid::OidEquiv (const AsnOid &o) const
    return o.octetLen == octetLen && !strncmp (o.oid, oid, octetLen);

// Decodes the content of a BER OBJECT IDENTIFIER value and puts
// the results in this AsnOid object.
void AsnOid::BDecContent (BUF_TYPE b, AsnTag tagId, AsnLen elmtLen, AsnLen &bytesDecoded, ENV_TYPE env)
    /* treat like primitive octet string */
    octetLen = elmtLen;
#ifndef _IBM_ENC_
    oid =  Asn1Alloc (elmtLen);
    oid = (char *) mem_mgr_ptr->Get (elmtLen);                /* Guido Grassel, 11.8.93 */
#endif /* _IBM_ENC_ */
    b.CopyOut (oid, elmtLen);

    if (b.ReadError())
        Asn1Error << "BDecOctetString: ERROR - decoded past end of data" << endl;
        longjmp (env, -17);
    bytesDecoded += elmtLen;
} /* AsnOid::BDecContent */

AsnLen AsnOid::BEnc (BUF_TYPE b)
    AsnLen l;
    l =  BEncContent (b);
    l += BEncDefLen (b, l);
    l += BEncTag1 (b, UNIV, PRIM, OID_TAG_CODE);
    return l;

void AsnOid::BDec (BUF_TYPE b, AsnLen &bytesDecoded, ENV_TYPE env)
    AsnLen elmtLen;
    if (BDecTag (b, bytesDecoded, env) != MAKE_TAG_ID (UNIV, PRIM, OID_TAG_CODE))
	Asn1Error << "AsnOid::BDec: ERROR tag on OBJECT IDENTIFIER is wrong." << endl;
	longjmp (env,-57);
    elmtLen = BDecLen (b, bytesDecoded, env);

    BDecContent (b, MAKE_TAG_ID (UNIV, PRIM, OID_TAG_CODE), elmtLen, bytesDecoded, env);

AsnLen AsnOid::BEncContent (BUF_TYPE b)
    b.PutSegRvs (oid, octetLen);
    return octetLen;

// Prints an AsnOid in ASN.1 Value Notation.
// Decodes the oid to get the individual arc numbers
void AsnOid::Print (ostream &os) const
#ifndef	NDEBUG
  unsigned short int firstArcNum;
  unsigned long int arcNum;
  unsigned i;

  // print oid in
  os << "{";

  if (oid)
    // un-munge first two arc numbers
    for (arcNum = 0, i=0; (i < octetLen) && (oid[i] & 0x80); i++)
      arcNum = (arcNum << 7) + (oid[i] & 0x7f);

    arcNum = (arcNum << 7) + (oid[i] & 0x7f);
    firstArcNum = arcNum/40;
    if (firstArcNum > 2)
      firstArcNum = 2;

    os << firstArcNum  << " " << arcNum - (firstArcNum * 40);

    for (; i < octetLen; )
      for (arcNum = 0; (i < octetLen) && (oid[i] & 0x80); i++)
	arcNum = (arcNum << 7) + (oid[i] & 0x7f);

      arcNum = (arcNum << 7) + (oid[i] & 0x7f);
      os << " " << arcNum;
    os << "-- void --";

  os << "}";
#endif	/* NDEBUG */
} // AsnOid::Print

#if META

const AsnOidTypeDesc AsnOid::_desc (NULL, NULL, false, AsnTypeDesc::OBJECT_IDENTIFIER, NULL);

const AsnTypeDesc *AsnOid::_getdesc() const
  return &_desc;

#if TCL

int AsnOid::TclGetVal (Tcl_Interp *interp) const
  if (oid)
    strstream buf;
    buf << *this;
    buf.str()[strlen(buf.str())-1] = '\0';			// chop the trailing '}'
    Tcl_SetResult (interp, buf.str()+1, TCL_VOLATILE);	// copy without leading '{'
  return TCL_OK;

int AsnOid::TclSetVal (Tcl_Interp *interp, const char *valstr)
  if (!*valstr)
    delete oid;
    oid = NULL;
    octetLen = 0;
    return TCL_OK;

  Args arc;
  if (Tcl_SplitList (interp, (char*)valstr, &arc.c, &arc.v) != TCL_OK)
    return TCL_ERROR;
  if (arc.c < 2)
    Tcl_AppendResult (interp, "oid arc must contain at least two numbers", NULL);
    Tcl_SetErrorCode (interp, "SNACC", "ILLARC", "<2", NULL);
    return TCL_ERROR;
  if (arc.c > 11)
    Tcl_AppendResult (interp, "snacc limits oid arcs to no more than 11 numbers", NULL);
    Tcl_SetErrorCode (interp, "SNACC", "ILLARC", ">11", NULL);
    return TCL_ERROR;

  int na[11], i;
  for (i=0; i<arc.c; i++)
    if (Tcl_GetInt (interp, arc.v[i], na+i) != TCL_OK)
      return TCL_ERROR;
  while (i < 11)
    na[i++] = -1;

  ReSet (na[0], na[1], na[2], na[3], na[4], na[5], na[6], na[7], na[8], na[9], na[10]);

  return TCL_OK;

#endif /* TCL */
#endif /* META */