# file: selbox.tcl # file and content type selection box (ASN.1) # # $Header: /cvs/root/Security/SecuritySNACCRuntime/tcl-lib/Attic/selbox.tcl,v 2001/05/18 23:14:10 mb Exp $ # $Log: selbox.tcl,v $ # Revision 2001/05/18 23:14:10 mb # Move from private repository to open source repository # # Revision 1999/03/16 18:06:56 aram # Originals from SMIME Free Library. # # Revision 1.2 1997/02/28 13:39:56 wan # Modifications collected for new version 1.3: Bug fixes, tk4.2. # # Revision 1.1 1997/01/01 23:11:59 rj # first check-in # proc selbox_newfn {sbref} \ { upvar #0 $sbref sb set fn $sb(toplevel).f.fn.name set name [$fn get] debug $name } proc selbox_newbase {sbref} \ { global $sbref upvar #0 $sbref sb set fb_list $sb(toplevel).f.lists.basename set bs [$fb_list curselection] if {[llength $bs] == 1} \ { set base [$fb_list get $bs] debug base=$base set path [split $sb(fn) /] set len [llength $path] set last [expr $len-1] debug len=$len if {$base == {..}} \ { if {$len == 0} \ { set $sbref\(fn) .. } \ else \ { # set sb [join [lrange $path 0 $last] /] if {[lindex $path $last] == {..}} \ { append $sbref\(fn) /.. } \ else \ { set $sbref\(fn) [join [lrange $path 0 $last] /] } } } \ else \ { if {$len == 0} \ { set $sbref\(fn) $base } \ else \ { incr last -1 # set sb [join [concat [lrange $path 0 $last] $base] /] debug [list set $sbref\(fn) [join [concat [lrange $path 0 $last] $base] /]] set $sbref\(fn) [join [concat [lrange $path 0 $last] $base] /] } } debug "sb(fn)=$sb(fn)" } } #\[sep]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc selbox_update {name elem op} \ { debug ">selbox_update $name $elem $op" upvar #0 $name sb #debug "$name=$sb" set fb_list $sb(toplevel).f.lists.basename $fb_list delete 0 end $fb_list insert 0 .. set dir [file dirname $sb(fn)] set base [file tail $sb(fn)] set names [lsort [glob $dir/{.*,*}]] foreach name $names \ { set name [file tail $name] # debug $name if {$name != {.} && $name != {..}} \ { $fb_list insert end $name if {$name == $base} \ { $fb_list select from end $fb_list yview end } } } } #\[sep]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc selbox_tm_click {sbref} \ { upvar #0 $sbref sb global pdus set t $sb(toplevel).t.lists set tm $t.modules set tt $t.types set ms [$tm curselection] if {[llength $ms] == 1} \ { $tt delete 0 end eval $tt insert 0 $pdus([$tm get $ms]) } } #\[sep]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc selbox_ok {sbref} \ { upvar #0 $sbref sb set fn $sb(toplevel).f.fn.name set t $sb(toplevel).t.lists set m $t.modules set t $t.types if {$sb(want_fn) && $sb(fn) == {} && $sb(force_fn)} \ { tk_dialog .d {select filename} "You need to enter a file name" warning 0 Ok return } if {$sb(want_ct)} \ { set ms [$m curselection] set ts [$t curselection] if {[llength $ms] == 1 && [llength $ts] == 1} \ { set sb(ct) "[$m get $ms] [$t get $ts]" } \ else \ { tk_dialog .d {select content type} "You need to select a content type" warning 0 Ok return } } set sb(rc) 1 destroy $sb(toplevel) } #\[sep]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc selbox_cancel {sbref} \ { upvar #0 $sbref sb set sb(rc) 0 destroy $sb(toplevel) } #\[sep]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # the selbox (short for `file and content type selection box') # selbox has to be called with two arguments, which may be either empty or be the name of a global variable. # the selbox can display two sections: one for selecting a file name, a second for selecting a content type. # the selbox arguments denote the variable names for the the two sections. # if a variable name is empty, its corresponding section will not be displayed. # if filename_ref is non-empty, a filename will forced to be entered unless `nullfn' is given in args. # the 1x1 geometry for the listboxes below allows them to shrink when the selbox is resized. # (otherwise, the buttons and the second listbox will disappear!) set #sb 0 proc selbox {filename_ref conttype_ref args} \ { # change this if you get widget or variable name collisions: set prefix selbox # choose a unique variable and widget name: global #sb while {[winfo exists [set toplevel .[set sbref $prefix${#sb}]]]} \ { incr #sb } global $sbref upvar #0 $sbref sb if {$filename_ref != {}} \ { set sb(want_fn) 1 set sb(force_fn) 1 upvar $filename_ref filename } \ else \ { set sb(want_fn) 0 } if {$conttype_ref != {}} \ { set sb(want_ct) 1 upvar $conttype_ref conttype } \ else \ { set sb(want_ct) 0 } foreach arg $args \ { switch $arg \ { nullfn \ { set sb(force_fn) 0 } default \ { error "selbox: illegal argument $arg" } } } set sb(toplevel) [toplevel $toplevel] wm minsize $toplevel 1 1 wm geometry $toplevel 300x300 #--- up to three frames, for the file name, for the content type, and for a row of buttons: set borderwidth 5 set relief ridge if {$sb(want_fn)} \ { set f [frame $toplevel.f -relief $relief -bd $borderwidth] } if {$sb(want_ct)} \ { set t [frame $toplevel.t -relief $relief -bd $borderwidth] } set btns [frame $toplevel.btns -relief $relief -bd $borderwidth] #--- fill the upper file frame: if {$sb(want_fn)} \ { # set c [canvas $f.c -bg blue] set flabel [label $f.label -text {File name:}] set flists [frame $f.lists] set fnf [frame $f.fn] #$c create window 0 0 -window $flists -anchor nw #set hsb [scrollbar $f.sb -orient horizontal -command "$c xview"] # set fd_list [listbox $flists.dirname -relief sunken] set fb_list [listbox $flists.basename -relief sunken -width 1 -height 1 -selectmode single] # set fd_sb [scrollbar $flists.dir_sb] set fb_sb [scrollbar $flists.base_sb] $fb_list configure -yscrollcommand "$fb_sb set" $fb_sb configure -command "$fb_list yview" # tk_listboxSingleSelect $fd_list $fb_list # tk_listboxSingleSelect $fb_list # bind $fd_list "sb_newdir $sb" bind $fb_list "selbox_newbase $sbref" set fn [entry $fnf.name -relief sunken -textvariable $sbref\(fn)] #bind $fn "sb_newfn $sb" # pack $fd_list $fd_sb $fb_list $fb_sb -side left -expand 1 -fill y pack $fb_list -side left -expand 1 -fill both pack $fb_sb -side left -fill y pack $fn pack $flabel -fill x pack $fnf -fill x pack $flists -expand 1 -fill both # pack $c $hsb -expand 1 -fill both trace variable $sbref\(fn) w selbox_update # ``set sb(fn) {}'' doesn't work! (selbox_update will be called with the alias, not the global name!) if {[info exists filename]} \ { set $sbref\(fn) $filename } \ else \ { set $sbref\(fn) {} } pack $f -expand 1 -fill both } #--- fill the middle type frame: if {$sb(want_ct)} \ { set tlabel [label $t.label -text {Content type:}] set tlists [frame $t.lists] set tm [listbox $tlists.modules -exportselection 0 -relief sunken -width 1 -height 1 -selectmode single] set tt [listbox $tlists.types -exportselection 0 -relief sunken -width 1 -height 1 -selectmode single] set tm_sb [scrollbar $tlists.mod_sb] set tt_sb [scrollbar $tlists.type_sb] # tk_listboxSingleSelect $tm $tt $tm configure -yscrollcommand "$tm_sb set" $tm_sb configure -command "$tm yview" global pdus eval $tm insert 0 [array names pdus] bind $tm <1> "[bind Listbox <1>]; selbox_tm_click $sbref" pack $tm $tm_sb $tt $tt_sb -side left pack configure $tm $tt -expand 1 -fill both pack configure $tm_sb $tt_sb -fill y pack $tlabel -fill x pack $tlists -expand 1 -fill both pack $t -expand 1 -fill both } #--- fill the lower button frame: button $btns.ok -text Ok -command "selbox_ok $sbref" button $btns.cancel -text Cancel -command "selbox_cancel $sbref" pack $btns.ok $btns.cancel -side left -padx 3m pack $btns -fill x #--- now we're set up, let's go to work: set of [focus] focus $fn tkwait window $toplevel # if we got an affirmative response, export the selection: if $sb(rc) \ { if {$sb(want_fn)} { set filename $sb(fn) } if {$sb(want_ct)} { set conttype $sb(ct) } } focus $of return $sb(rc) }