strncpy.s   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
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#include <machine/cpu_capabilities.h>

// *****************
// * S T R N C P Y *
// *****************
// char  *strncpy(const char *dst, const char *src, size_t n);
// We optimize the move by doing it vector parallel.  This introduces
// a complication: if we blindly did vector load/stores until finding
// a 0, we might get a spurious page fault by touching bytes past it.
// To avoid this, we never do a load that crosses a page boundary,
// and never store a byte we don't have to.
// We align the destination, because unaligned vector stores are slow.
// Recall that strncpy() zero fills the remainder of the dest buffer,
// and does not terminate the string if it's length is greater than or
// equal to n.

#define	kShort	31			// too short to bother with vector loop

        .globl _strncpy

        .align 	4
_strncpy:				// char  *strncpy(const char *dst, const char *src, size_t n);
	pushl	%edi
	pushl	%esi
	movl	12(%esp),%edi		// get dest ptr
	movl	16(%esp),%esi		// get source ptr
	movl	20(%esp),%ecx		// get length
	movl	%edi,%edx		// copy dest ptr
	negl	%edx
	andl	$15,%edx		// how many bytes to align dest ptr?
	jnz	LCheckShortCopy		// align destination first
// In order to avoid spurious page faults, we loop until nearing the source page
// end.  Then we revert to a byte-by-byte loop for 16 bytes until the page is crossed,
// then resume the vector loop. 
//	%esi = source ptr (unaligned)
//	%edi = dest ptr (aligned)
//	%ecx = buffer length remaining

LNextChunk:				// NB: can drop down to here
	movl	%esi,%eax		// copy source ptr
	movl	$4096,%edx
	andl	$4095,%eax		// get offset into source page
	subl	%eax,%edx		// get #bytes remaining in source page
	cmpl	%ecx,%edx		// will buffer run out before the page end?
	cmova	%ecx,%edx		// get min(length remaining, bytes to page end)
	shrl	$4,%edx			// get #chunks till end of page
	jnz	LLoopOverChunks		// enter vector loop
// We can't use the chunk loop yet.  Check for short and empty buffers, then use byte loop.

LCrossPage:				// if buffer is large enough, cross source page
	movl	$16,%edx		// move 16 bytes to cross page but keep dest aligned
LCheckShortCopy:			// we propose to copy %edx bytes in byte loop
	cmpl	$(kShort),%ecx		// much left?
	ja	LLoopOverBytes		// yes, loop over bytes then more chunks
	movl	%ecx,%edx		// no, use the byte loop for everything
	testl	%ecx,%ecx		// have we filled buffer?
	jnz	LLoopOverBytes		// no
	jmp	LDone

// Loop over bytes.
//	%esi = source ptr
//	%edi = dest ptr
//	%ecx = buffer length remaining
//	%edx = count of bytes to loop over (<= buffer length)

	.align	4,0x90			// align inner loops to optimize I-fetch
	movzb	(%esi),%eax		// get source byte
	inc	%esi
	dec	%ecx			// decrement length
	movb	%al,(%edi)		// pack into dest
	inc	%edi
	testl	%eax,%eax		// 0?
	jz	LZeroBuffer		// yes, we're done copying string
	dec	%edx			// more to go?
	jnz	LLoopOverBytes
	testl	%ecx,%ecx		// at end of buffer?
	jnz	LNextChunk		// no, xfer chunks
	jmp	LDone			// yes

// Loop over 16-byte chunks.
//	%esi = source ptr (unaligned)
//	%edi = dest ptr (aligned)
//	%ecx = buffer length remaining
//	%edx = chunk count

	.align	4,0x90			// align inner loops to optimize I-fetch
	movdqu	(%esi),%xmm1		// get source
	pxor	%xmm0,%xmm0		// get some 0s
	addl	$16,%esi
	pcmpeqb	%xmm1,%xmm0		// compare source to 0s
	pmovmskb %xmm0,%eax		// get result mask for 0 check
	testl	%eax,%eax		// any 0s?
	jnz	LFound0			// yes, exit loop
	movdqa	%xmm1,(%edi)		// no 0s so do aligned store into destination
	addl	$16,%edi
	subl	$16,%ecx		// decrement length remaining
	dec	%edx			// more to go?
	jnz	LLoopOverChunks
	jmp	LCrossPage		// cross page but keep dest aligned

// Found a zero in the vector.  Figure out where it is, and store the bytes
// up to it.  It is possible that we should check to be sure (%ecx >= 16), and
// just do an aligned store of %xmm1 if so.  But if we did, we'd be doing byte
// stores into the same double quadword in bzero(), which might hit a hazard.
// Experimentation needed.
//	%edi = dest ptr (aligned)
//	%eax = result mask
//	%ecx = buffer length remaining
//	%xmm1 = source vector

	bsf	%eax,%edx		// find first 0
	subl	%edx,%ecx		// decrement remaining buffer length
	test	$8,%dl			// 8-byte store required?
	jz	4f			// no
	movq	%xmm1,(%edi)		// pack in 8 low bytes
	psrldq	$8,%xmm1		// then shift vector down 8 bytes
	addl	$8,%edi
	test	$4,%dl			// 4-byte store required?
	jz	3f			// no
	movd	%xmm1,(%edi)		// pack in 4 low bytes
	psrldq	$4,%xmm1		// then shift vector down 4 bytes
	addl	$4,%edi
	andl	$3,%edx			// more to go?
	jz	LZeroBuffer		// no
	movd	%xmm1,%eax		// move remainders out of vector into %eax
1:					// loop on up to three bytes
	movb	%al,(%edi)		// pack in next byte
	shrl	$8,%eax			// shift next byte into position
	inc	%edi
	dec	%edx
	jnz	1b

// We've copied the string.  Now zero the rest of the buffer, using commpage bzero().
//	%edi = dest ptr
//	%ecx = buffer length remaining

//	The stack currently is aligned to 4 mod 16 (it was 0 mod 16 at the time of
//	the call, and the return address, edi, and esi have been pushed).  It needs
//	to aligned 0 mod 16 when we call bzero, so we subtract 20 from esp (not 4
//	because we need to have 8 bytes for the arguments to bzero).
	subl	$20,%esp
	movl	%ecx,4(%esp)	// remaining buffer size
	movl	%edi, (%esp)	// pointer to first unstored byte
	call	_bzero
	addl	$20,%esp

	movl	12(%esp),%eax		// original dest ptr is return value
	popl	%esi
	popl	%edi