RealmsConfiguration.m   [plain text]

 * RealmsEditor.m
 * $Header$
 * Copyright 2004 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * Export of this software from the United States of America may
 * require a specific license from the United States Government.
 * It is the responsibility of any person or organization contemplating
 * export to obtain such a license before exporting.
 * WITHIN THAT CONSTRAINT, permission to use, copy, modify, and
 * distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and
 * without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
 * notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and
 * this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that
 * the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining
 * to distribution of the software without specific, written prior
 * permission.  Furthermore if you modify this software you must label
 * your software as modified software and not distribute it in such a
 * fashion that it might be confused with the original M.I.T. software.
 * M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of
 * this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without express
 * or implied warranty.

#import "RealmsConfiguration.h"
#import "UNIXReadWrite.h"
//#import "krbports.h" // Kerberos 4 port names
//#import "osconf.h"   // Kerberos 5 port names

#pragma mark -

@implementation KerberosServer

// Note: typeMenuIndex is the index of menu items in the type popup menu

typedef struct __ServerType {
    unsigned int typeMenuIndex;
    NSString *string;
} ServerType;

#define kdcType     0
#define adminType   1
#define kpasswdType 2

const ServerType kServerTypes[] = { 
    { kdcType,     @"kdc" }, 
    { adminType,   @"admin_server" }, 
    { kpasswdType, @"kpasswd_server" }, 
    { 3,           NULL } };

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

+ (KerberosServer *) emptyServer
    return [[[KerberosServer alloc] init] autorelease];

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (id) init
    if ((self = [super init])) {
        hostString = NULL;
        customPort = 0;
        hasCustomPort = FALSE;
        typeMenuIndex = 0;
    return self;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (id) initWithTypeString: (NSString *) serverType 
            profileString: (NSString *) profileString
    if ((self = [self init])) {
        const ServerType *typesPtr;

        for (typesPtr = kServerTypes; typesPtr->string != NULL; typesPtr++) {
            if ([serverType compare: typesPtr->string] == NSOrderedSame) {
                typeMenuIndex = typesPtr->typeMenuIndex;

        NSRange separator = [profileString rangeOfString: @":" options: (NSLiteralSearch | NSBackwardsSearch)];
        if (separator.location == NSNotFound) {
            hostString = [profileString retain];
        } else {
            hostString = [[profileString substringToIndex: separator.location] retain];
            customPort = [[profileString substringFromIndex: separator.location + separator.length] intValue];
            hasCustomPort = TRUE;
    return self;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (void) dealloc
    if (hostString) { [hostString release]; }
    [super dealloc];

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (NSString *) profileString
    NSMutableString *string = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity: [[self host] length]];
    if (string) {
        [string appendFormat: @"%s:%d", [[self host] UTF8String], [[self port] intValue]];
    return (string != NULL) ? string : [self host];

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (NSString *) typeString
    const ServerType *typesPtr;
    for (typesPtr = kServerTypes; typesPtr->string != NULL; typesPtr++) {
        if (typeMenuIndex == typesPtr->typeMenuIndex) {
            return typesPtr->string;
    return NULL;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (unsigned int) typeMenuIndex
    return typeMenuIndex;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (void) setTypeMenuIndex: (unsigned int) newTypeMenuIndex
    typeMenuIndex = newTypeMenuIndex;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (NSString *) host
    return (hostString != NULL) ? hostString : @"";

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (void) setHost: (NSString *) newHost
    if (hostString) { [hostString release]; }
    hostString = [newHost retain];
    //NSLog (@"setting host string to '%@'", hostString);

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (NSNumber *) port
    if (hasCustomPort) {
        return [NSNumber numberWithInt: customPort];
    } else {
        return [self defaultPort];

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (void) setPort: (NSNumber *) newPort
    hasCustomPort = (newPort > 0);
    customPort = (hasCustomPort) ? [newPort intValue] : [[self defaultPort] intValue];

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (NSNumber *) defaultPort
    int port = 0;
    if (typeMenuIndex == kdcType) {
        port = 88 /* KRB5_DEFAULT_PORT */;
    } else if (typeMenuIndex == adminType) {
        port = 749 /* DEFAULT_KADM5_PORT */;
    } else if (typeMenuIndex == kpasswdType) {
        port = 464; // DEFAULT_KPASSWD_PORT
    return [NSNumber numberWithInt: port];


#pragma mark -

@implementation KerberosDomain

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

+ (KerberosDomain *) emptyDomain
    return [[[KerberosDomain alloc] init] autorelease];

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (id) init
    if ((self = [super init])) {
        nameString = NULL;
    return self;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (id) initWithName: (NSString *) name
    if ((self = [self init])) {
        nameString = [name retain];
    return self;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (void) dealloc
    if (nameString) { [nameString release]; }
    [super dealloc];

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (NSString *) name
    return ((nameString != NULL) ? nameString : @"");

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (void) setName: (NSString *) newName
    if (nameString) { [nameString release]; }
    nameString = [newName retain];


#pragma mark -

@implementation KerberosRealm

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

+ (KerberosRealm *) emptyRealm
    return [[[KerberosRealm alloc] init] autorelease];

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (id) init
    if ((self = [super init])) {
        krb5_error_code err = 0;
        nameInProfileString = NULL;
        nameString = NULL;
        defaultDomainString = NULL;
        serversArray = NULL;
        displayInDialogPopup = YES;
        if (!err) {
            serversArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
            if (!serversArray) { err = ENOMEM; }
        if (!err) {
            domainsArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
            if (!domainsArray) { err = ENOMEM; }
        if (err) {
            [self release];
            return NULL;
    return self;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (id) initWithName: (NSString *) name profile: (profile_t) profile
    if ((self = [self init])) {
        krb5_error_code err = 0;

        nameInProfileString = [name retain];
        nameString = [name retain];
        if (!err) {
            const char  *defaultDomainsList[] = { "realms", [name UTF8String], "default_domain", NULL };
            char       **defaultDomains = NULL;

            err = profile_get_values (profile, defaultDomainsList, &defaultDomains);        
            if ((err == PROF_NO_SECTION) || (err == PROF_NO_RELATION)) { err = 0; }
            if (!err && (defaultDomains != NULL) && (defaultDomains[0] != NULL)) {
                defaultDomainString = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String: defaultDomains[0]];
                if (!defaultDomainString) { err = ENOMEM; }
            if (defaultDomains) { profile_free_list (defaultDomains); }
        if (!err) {
            err = [self addServersFromProfile: profile];
        // Is the realm in the KLL realms list?
        if (!err) {
            KLIndex popupIndex = 0;
            [self setDisplayInDialogPopup: (KLFindKerberosRealmByName ([name UTF8String], &popupIndex) == klNoErr)];
        // The reason we don't have the realms load the domains is that some domains don't have a
        // realm listed in the profile -- this is common if you have DNS SRV records
        // instead the realms configuration will load them so it can create KerberosRealm objects
        // for these extra domain_realm mappings
        if (err) {
            [self release];
            return NULL;
    return self;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (void) dealloc
    if (nameString  ) { [nameString release]; }
    if (serversArray) { [serversArray release]; }
    if (domainsArray) { [domainsArray release]; }
    [super dealloc];

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (krb5_error_code) flushToProfile: (profile_t) profile
    krb5_error_code err = 0;
    if ([[self name] length] <= 0)    { err = EINVAL; }
    // Note: we do not need to deal with the case of creating empty realm sections.
    // Any nonexistent realm sections will be created when we try to write into them.
    // Check the v5 realm name to see if we need to rename it:

    if (!err) {
        const char *realmList[] = { "realms", [[self nameInProfile] UTF8String], NULL };
        err = profile_rename_section (profile, realmList, [[self name] UTF8String]);
        if (err == PROF_NO_SECTION) { err = 0; }  // OK if there isn't one yet
    // Write out the default domain:
    if (!err) {
        const char  *defaultDomainsList[] = { "realms", [[self name] UTF8String], "default_domain", NULL };
        char       **defaultDomains = NULL;
        if (profile_get_values (profile, defaultDomainsList, &defaultDomains) == 0) {
            if ([self hasDefaultDomain]) {
                err = profile_update_relation (profile, defaultDomainsList, defaultDomains[0], [[self defaultDomain] UTF8String]);
            } else {
                err = profile_clear_relation (profile, defaultDomainsList);
        } else {
            if ([self hasDefaultDomain]) { 
                err = profile_add_relation (profile, defaultDomainsList, [[self defaultDomain] UTF8String]);

        if (defaultDomains) { profile_free_list (defaultDomains); }

    // Write out the servers:
    if (!err) {
        err = [self flushServersToProfile: profile];
    // Write out the domains:
    if (!err) {
        err = [self flushDomainsToProfile: profile];
    // Is the realm in the KLL realms list?
    if (!err) {
        KLIndex popupIndex = 0;
        BOOL inPopup = (KLFindKerberosRealmByName ([[self name] UTF8String], &popupIndex) == klNoErr);
        if (inPopup && ![self displayInDialogPopup]) {
            err = KLRemoveKerberosRealm (popupIndex); // remove it
        } else if (!inPopup && [self displayInDialogPopup]) {
            err = KLInsertKerberosRealm (realmList_End, [[self name] UTF8String]);  // add it
    if (err) {
        NSLog (@"[KerberosRealm flush] for realm %@ returning err %d (%s)", 
               [self name], err, error_message (err));
    return err;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (krb5_error_code) addServersFromProfile: (profile_t) profile
    krb5_error_code err = 0;
    const char       *serversList[] = { "realms", [[self name] UTF8String], NULL, NULL };
    const ServerType *typesPtr = NULL;
    for (typesPtr = kServerTypes; typesPtr->string != NULL && !err; typesPtr++) {
        NSString  *typeString = typesPtr->string;
        char     **servers = NULL;
        serversList[2] = [typeString UTF8String];
        err = profile_get_values (profile, serversList, &servers);        
        if (!err && (servers != NULL)) {
            char **s;
            for (s = servers; *s != NULL && !err; s++) {
                NSString *profileString = [NSString stringWithUTF8String: *s];
                KerberosServer *server = [[KerberosServer alloc] initWithTypeString: typeString
                                                                      profileString: profileString];
                if (!server) {
                    err = ENOMEM; 
                } else {
                    //NSLog (@"Adding server '%@' of type '%@' for realm '%@'", 
                    //       realmString, typeString, profileString); 
                    [serversArray addObject: server];
                    [server release];
        // These errors are ok... there just aren't servers of this type
        if ((err == PROF_NO_SECTION) || (err == PROF_NO_RELATION)) { err = 0; }
        if (servers) { profile_free_list (servers); }
    return err;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (krb5_error_code) flushServersToProfile: (profile_t) profile
    krb5_error_code err = 0;
    const char  *serversList[] = { "realms", [[self name] UTF8String], NULL, NULL };
    // Clear out old servers:
    if (!err) {
        const ServerType *typesPtr = NULL;
        for (typesPtr = kServerTypes; typesPtr->string != NULL && !err; typesPtr++) {
            serversList[2] = [typesPtr->string UTF8String];
            err = profile_clear_relation (profile, serversList);        
            if ((err == PROF_NO_SECTION) || (err == PROF_NO_RELATION)) { err = 0; }
    // Store the new servers:
    if (!err) {
        unsigned int i = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < [serversArray count] && !err; i++) {
            KerberosServer *server = [serversArray objectAtIndex: i];
            if (server) {
                serversList[2] = [[server typeString] UTF8String];
                err = profile_add_relation (profile, serversList, [[server profileString] UTF8String]);
    return err;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (krb5_error_code) flushDomainsToProfile: (profile_t) profile
    krb5_error_code err = 0;
    NSString   *realmString = [self name];
    const char *domainMappingList[] = { "domain_realm", NULL, NULL };
    unsigned int i = 0;
    if (!profile) { err = ENOMEM; }
    for (i = 0; i < [self numberOfDomains] && !err; i++) {
        KerberosDomain *domain = [self domainAtIndex: i];
        if (domain) {
            char **domainMapping = NULL;
            domainMappingList[1] = [[domain name] UTF8String];
            if (!err) {
                err = profile_get_values (profile, domainMappingList, &domainMapping);
                if ((err == PROF_NO_SECTION) || (err == PROF_NO_RELATION)) { err = 0; }
            if (!err) {
                if (domainMapping) {
                    if ([realmString compare: [NSString stringWithUTF8String: domainMapping[0]]] != NSOrderedSame) {
                        // Eek!  this domain is already mapped to another realm!
                        NSLog (@"WARNING!  Domain '%s' is mapped to realms '%s' and '%s'", 
                               domainMappingList[1], [realmString UTF8String], domainMapping[0]);
                } else {
                    err = profile_add_relation (profile, domainMappingList, [realmString UTF8String]);
    if (err) {
        NSLog (@"[KerberosRealm flush] for realm %@ returning err %d (%s)", 
               [self name], err, error_message (err));
    return err;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (NSString *) nameInProfile
    return (nameInProfileString != NULL) ? nameInProfileString : @"";

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (NSString *) name
    return (nameString != NULL) ? nameString : @"";

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (void) setName: (NSString *) newName
    if (nameString) { [nameString release]; }
    nameString = ((newName != NULL) && ([newName length] > 0)) ? [newName retain] : NULL;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (BOOL) hasDefaultDomain
    return ((defaultDomainString != NULL) && ([defaultDomainString length] > 0));

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (NSString *) defaultDomain
    return (defaultDomainString != NULL) ? defaultDomainString : @"";

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (void) setDefaultDomain: (NSString *) defaultDomain
    if (defaultDomainString) { [defaultDomainString release]; }
    defaultDomainString = ((defaultDomain != NULL) && ([defaultDomain length] > 0)) ? [defaultDomain retain] : NULL;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (BOOL) displayInDialogPopup
    return displayInDialogPopup;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (void) setDisplayInDialogPopup: (BOOL) newDisplayInDialogPopup
    displayInDialogPopup = newDisplayInDialogPopup;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (unsigned int) numberOfServers
    return [serversArray count];

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (KerberosServer *) serverAtIndex: (unsigned int) serverIndex
    if (serverIndex < [serversArray count]) {
        return [serversArray objectAtIndex: serverIndex];
    } else {
        return NULL;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (unsigned int) indexOfServer: (KerberosServer *) server
    return [serversArray indexOfObject: server];

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (void) addServer: (KerberosServer *) server
    [serversArray addObject: server];

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (void) removeServer: (KerberosServer *) server
    [serversArray removeObject: server];

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (unsigned int) numberOfDomains
    return [domainsArray count];

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (KerberosDomain *) domainAtIndex: (unsigned int) domainIndex
    if (domainIndex < [domainsArray count]) {
        return [domainsArray objectAtIndex: domainIndex];
    } else {
        return NULL;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (unsigned int) indexOfDomain: (KerberosDomain *) domain
    return [domainsArray indexOfObject: domain];

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (BOOL) mappedToByDomainString: (NSString *) domain
    // This differs from indexOfDomain in that it does a string comparison!
    unsigned int i = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < [domainsArray count]; i++) {
        KerberosDomain *d = [domainsArray objectAtIndex: i];
        if ([[d name] compare: domain] == NSOrderedSame) {
            return YES;
    return NO;    

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (void) addDomain: (KerberosDomain *) domain
    // Make sure this isn't a duplicate (use string comparison)
    if (![self mappedToByDomainString: [domain name]]) {
        [domainsArray addObject: domain];

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (void) removeDomain: (KerberosDomain *) domain
    [domainsArray removeObject: domain];


#pragma mark -

@implementation RealmsConfiguration

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (id) init
    if ((self = [super init])) {
        krb5_error_code err = 0;
        useDNS = YES;
        configurationPathString = NULL;
        profile = NULL;
        realmsArray = NULL;
        defaultRealmString = NULL;

        if (!err) {
            realmsArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
            if (!realmsArray) { err = ENOMEM; }
        if (!err) {
            err = [self load];
        if (err) {
            [self release];
            return NULL;
    return self;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (void) dealloc
    if (profile                ) { profile_abandon (profile); }
    if (configurationPathString) { [configurationPathString release]; }
    if (defaultRealmString     ) { [defaultRealmString release]; }
    if (realmsArray            ) { [realmsArray release]; }
    [super dealloc];

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (krb5_error_code) load
    krb5_error_code err = 0;
    // If the profile is NULL, initialize it
    if (!profile) {
        NSString *configurationPathStrings[] = { 
            @"/etc/krb5.conf", NULL };
        NSString **paths = NULL; 
        NSString *newConfigurationPath = NULL;
        // Figure out which config file we should look at
        for (paths = configurationPathStrings; *paths != NULL; paths++) {
            NSString *path = [*paths stringByExpandingTildeInPath];
            if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] isReadableFileAtPath: path]) {
                newConfigurationPath = path;
		// If there were no config files, we need a new one 
		// (profiles need to be based on a file, so we use /dev/null at a starting place)
		if (!*paths) { newConfigurationPath = @"/dev/null"; }

        // initialize the profile
        if (!err) {
            const_profile_filespec_t configFiles[] = { [newConfigurationPath fileSystemRepresentation], NULL };
            profile_t newProfile = NULL;        
            err = profile_init (configFiles, &newProfile);
            if (!err) {
                profile = newProfile;        
		if (!err) {
			if (!*paths) { newConfigurationPath = @"/Library/Preferences/"; }
            if (configurationPathString) { [configurationPathString release]; }
            configurationPathString = [newConfigurationPath retain]; 
    // Clear out any existing realm state
    if (!err) {
        [realmsArray removeAllObjects];
    // Get the default realm
    if (!err) {
        const char  *defaultRealmList[3] = {"libdefaults", "default_realm", NULL};
        char       **defaultRealm = NULL;
        if (!err) {
            err = profile_get_values (profile, defaultRealmList, &defaultRealm);
            if ((err == PROF_NO_SECTION) || (err == PROF_NO_RELATION)) { err = 0; }
        if (!err && (defaultRealm != NULL)) {
            defaultRealmString = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String: defaultRealm[0]];
            if (!defaultRealmString) { err = ENOMEM; }
        if (defaultRealm) { profile_free_list (defaultRealm); }

    // Do we DNS for realm configuration
    if (!err) {
        const char  *dnsFallbackList[3] = {"libdefaults", "dns_fallback", NULL};
        char       **dnsFallback = NULL;
        if (!err) {
            err = profile_get_values (profile, dnsFallbackList, &dnsFallback);
            if ((err == PROF_NO_SECTION) || (err == PROF_NO_RELATION)) { err = 0; }
        if (!err && (dnsFallback != NULL)) {
            // In krb5, everything else is considered false
            [self setUseDNS: (strcasecmp (dnsFallback[0], "y") == 0 || strcasecmp (dnsFallback[0], "yes")  == 0 ||
                              strcasecmp (dnsFallback[0], "t") == 0 || strcasecmp (dnsFallback[0], "true") == 0 ||
                              strcasecmp (dnsFallback[0], "1") == 0 || strcasecmp (dnsFallback[0], "on")   == 0)];
        if (dnsFallback) { profile_free_list (dnsFallback); }
    // Do the v5 realms
    if (!err) {
        const char  *realmsList[] = { "realms", NULL };
        char       **realms = NULL;
        err = profile_get_subsection_names (profile, realmsList, &realms);
        if ((err == PROF_NO_SECTION) || (err == PROF_NO_RELATION)) { err = 0; }
        if (!err && (realms != NULL)) {
            char **r;
            for (r = realms; *r != NULL && !err; r++) {
                NSString *name = [NSString stringWithUTF8String: *r];
                KerberosRealm *realm = [[KerberosRealm alloc] initWithName: name profile: profile];
                if (!realm) { 
                    err = ENOMEM; 
                } else {
                    [realmsArray addObject: realm];
                    [realm release];
        if (realms ) { profile_free_list (realms); }
    // The reason we don't have the realms load the domains is that some domains don't have a
    // realm listed in the profile -- this is common if you have DNS SRV records
    // Now do the v5 domain-realm mappings (which depend on the realms)
    if (!err) {
        const char  *domainsList[] = { "domain_realm", NULL };
        char       **domains = NULL;
        err = profile_get_relation_names (profile, domainsList, &domains);
        if ((err == PROF_NO_SECTION) || (err == PROF_NO_RELATION)) { err = 0; }
        if (!err && (domains != NULL)) {
            char **d;
            for (d = domains; *d != NULL && !err; d++) {
                NSString *domainString = [NSString stringWithUTF8String: *d];
                if (domainString) {
                    const char  *domainMappingList[] = { "domain_realm", *d, NULL };
                    char       **domainMapping = NULL;
                    if (!err) {
                        err = profile_get_values (profile, domainMappingList, &domainMapping);
                        if ((err == PROF_NO_SECTION) || (err == PROF_NO_RELATION)) { err = 0; }
                    if (!err) {
                        NSString *realmName = [NSString stringWithUTF8String: domainMapping[0]];
                        KerberosRealm *realm = [self findRealmByName: realmName];
                        if (!realm) {
                            // Create it
                            realm = [KerberosRealm emptyRealm];
                            if (realm) { [realm setName: realmName]; }
                        if (realm) {
                            KerberosDomain *domain = [[KerberosDomain alloc] initWithName: domainString];
                            if (!domain) { 
                                err = ENOMEM; 
                            } else {
                                [realm addDomain: domain];
                                [domain release];
                    if (domainMapping) { profile_free_list (domainMapping); }
        if (domains) { profile_free_list (domains); }
    return err;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (krb5_error_code) abandon
    if (profile) {
        profile_abandon (profile);
        profile = NULL;
    return [self load];

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (krb5_error_code) flush
    krb5_error_code err = 0;
    int writable = 0;
    int modified = 1;
    // First flush the realms so all the names, servers and domains get updated:
    if (!err) {
        unsigned int i = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < [self numberOfRealms] && !err; i++) {
            KerberosRealm *realm = [self realmAtIndex: i];
            if (realm) {
                err = [realm flushToProfile: profile];
    // Walk over the profile looking for deleted realms:
    if (!err) {
        const char     *realmsList[] = { "realms", NULL };
        char          **realms = NULL;

        err = profile_get_subsection_names (profile, realmsList, &realms);
        if ((err == PROF_NO_SECTION) || (err == PROF_NO_RELATION)) { err = 0; }

        if (!err && (realms != NULL)) {
            char **r;
            for (r = realms; *r != NULL && !err; r++) {
                NSString *name = [NSString stringWithUTF8String: *r];
                KerberosRealm *existingRealm = [self findRealmByName: name];
                if (!existingRealm) {
                    // Realm is not in our array! Delete it.
                    const char *deletedRealmList[] = { "realms", *r, NULL };
                    err = profile_rename_section (profile, deletedRealmList, NULL);
        if (realms ) { profile_free_list (realms); }
    // Walk over the profile looking for deleted domains:
    if (!err) {
        const char     *domainsList[] = { "domain_realm", NULL };
        char          **domains = NULL;

        err = profile_get_relation_names (profile, domainsList, &domains);
        if ((err == PROF_NO_SECTION) || (err == PROF_NO_RELATION)) { err = 0; }

        if (!err && (domains != NULL)) {    
            char **d;
            for (d = domains; *d != NULL && !err; d++) {
                NSString *domain = [NSString stringWithUTF8String: *d];
                if (domain) {
                    const char  *domainMappingList[] = { "domain_realm", *d, NULL };
                    char       **domainMapping = NULL;
                    if (!err) {
                        err = profile_get_values (profile, domainMappingList, &domainMapping);
                        if ((err == PROF_NO_SECTION) || (err == PROF_NO_RELATION)) { err = 0; }
                    if (!err) {
                        KerberosRealm *realm = [self findRealmByName: [NSString stringWithUTF8String: domainMapping[0]]];
                        if (!(realm) || (![realm mappedToByDomainString: domain])) {
                            // Domain is not in our array or no such realm! Delete it.
                            const char *deletedRealmList[] = { "domain_realm", *d, NULL };
                            err = profile_clear_relation (profile, deletedRealmList);
                    if (domainMapping) { profile_free_list (domainMapping); }
        if (domains) { profile_free_list (domains); }
    // Write out the default realm:
    if (!err) {
        const char  *defaultRealmList[3] = {"libdefaults", "default_realm", NULL};
        char       **defaultRealm = NULL;
        if (profile_get_values (profile, defaultRealmList, &defaultRealm) == 0) {
            if ([self hasDefaultRealm]) {
                err = profile_update_relation (profile, defaultRealmList, defaultRealm[0], [[self defaultRealm] UTF8String]);
            } else {
                err = profile_clear_relation (profile, defaultRealmList);
        } else {
            if ([self hasDefaultRealm]) { 
                err = profile_add_relation (profile, defaultRealmList, [[self defaultRealm] UTF8String]);
        if (defaultRealm) { profile_free_list (defaultRealm); }
    // use DNS for realm configuration
    if (!err) {
        const char  *dnsFallbackList[3] = {"libdefaults", "dns_fallback", NULL};
        char       **dnsFallback = NULL;
        char        *newValue = [self useDNS] ? "yes" : "no";
        if (!err) {
            err = profile_get_values (profile, dnsFallbackList, &dnsFallback);
            if ((err == PROF_NO_SECTION) || (err == PROF_NO_RELATION)) { err = 0; }
        if (!err) {
            if (dnsFallback) {
                err = profile_update_relation (profile, dnsFallbackList, dnsFallback[0], newValue);
            } else {
                err = profile_add_relation (profile, dnsFallbackList, newValue);  
        if (dnsFallback) { profile_free_list (dnsFallback); }

    // See if the profile even needs to be updated
    if (!err) {
        err = profile_is_modified (profile, &modified);
    // And see if the user can just flush the profile as themselves:
    if (!err) {
        err = profile_is_writable (profile, &writable);
    if (!err && modified) {
        if (writable) {
			err = profile_flush_to_file(profile, [configurationPathString fileSystemRepresentation]);
        } else {
			err = EACCES;

		if (err) {
            char            *profileFileData = NULL;
            NSString        *resourcePath = NULL;
            NSString        *toolString = NULL;
            FILE            *toolPipe = NULL;
            AuthorizationRef authorizationRef = NULL; 
            err = profile_flush_to_buffer (profile, &profileFileData);
            // Locate the tool to copy the temporary file to the correct location
            if (!err) {
                resourcePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath];
                if (!resourcePath) { err = EINVAL; }
            if (!err) {
                toolString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@/%@", resourcePath, @"SaveNewProfile"];
                if (!toolString) { err = ENOMEM; }
            // Make sure the user is authorized to use the tool
            if (!err) {
                err = AuthorizationCreate (NULL, kAuthorizationEmptyEnvironment, kAuthorizationFlagDefaults, 
            if (!err) {
                AuthorizationItem   items = { kAuthorizationRightExecute, 0, NULL, 0 }; 
                AuthorizationRights rights = { 1, &items };
                AuthorizationFlags  flags = (kAuthorizationFlagDefaults |  kAuthorizationFlagInteractionAllowed | 
                                             kAuthorizationFlagPreAuthorize | kAuthorizationFlagExtendRights); 
                err = AuthorizationCopyRights (authorizationRef, &rights, NULL, flags, NULL ); 
            // Run the tool
            if (!err) {
                const char * arguments[] = { [configurationPathString UTF8String], NULL };
                err = AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges (authorizationRef, [toolString UTF8String], 
                                                          kAuthorizationFlagDefaults, (char **) arguments, &toolPipe);
            if (!err) {
                int   toolDescriptor = fileno (toolPipe);
                pid_t toolPID = WAIT_ANY;  // look for any child by default
                int   toolStatus = 0;
                // Read the child's pid
                err = ReadBuffer (toolDescriptor, sizeof (toolPID), (char *) &toolPID);
                // Write the file to the tool
                if (!err) {
                    err = WriteDynamicLengthBuffer (toolDescriptor, profileFileData, strlen (profileFileData));
                // Wait on the child so we don't drip zombies
                pid_t pid = waitpid (toolPID, &toolStatus, 0);
                if (pid == -1) { 
                    if (errno != ECHILD) { err = errno; } // okay if Security.framework already waited 
                } else {
                    if (WIFEXITED(toolStatus) && WEXITSTATUS (toolStatus)) { err = WEXITSTATUS (toolStatus); }
            // free these before abandoning the profile
            if (profileFileData ) { profile_free_buffer (profile, profileFileData); }  
            if (toolPipe        ) { fclose (toolPipe); }
            if (authorizationRef) { AuthorizationFree (authorizationRef, kAuthorizationFlagDefaults); }

            // Toss the profile since it still thinks its dirty
            if (!err) {
                err = [self abandon];
    if (!err) {
        err = [self load];
    if (err) { NSLog (@"[RealmsConfiguration flush] returning err %d (%s)", err, error_message (err)); }
    return err;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (BOOL) useDNS
    return useDNS;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (void) setUseDNS: (BOOL) newUseDNS
    useDNS = newUseDNS;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (BOOL) hasDefaultRealm
    return ((defaultRealmString != NULL) && ([defaultRealmString length] > 0));

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (NSString *) defaultRealm
    return (defaultRealmString != NULL) ? defaultRealmString : @"";

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (void) setDefaultRealm: (NSString *) defaultRealm
    if (defaultRealmString) { [defaultRealmString release]; }
    defaultRealmString = ((defaultRealm != NULL) && ([defaultRealm length] > 0)) ? [defaultRealm retain] : NULL;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (void) addRealm: (KerberosRealm *) realm
    [realmsArray addObject: realm];

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (void) removeRealm: (KerberosRealm *) realm
    [realmsArray removeObject: realm];

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (KerberosRealm *) findRealmByName: (NSString *) realmName
    unsigned int i = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < [realmsArray count]; i++) {
        KerberosRealm *r = [realmsArray objectAtIndex: i];
        if ((r != NULL) && ([[r name] compare: realmName] == NSOrderedSame)) {
            return r;
    return NULL;    

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (unsigned int) numberOfRealms
    return [realmsArray count];

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (KerberosRealm *) realmAtIndex: (unsigned int) realmIndex
    if (realmIndex < [realmsArray count]) {
        return [realmsArray objectAtIndex: realmIndex];
    } else {
        return NULL;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (unsigned int) indexOfRealm: (KerberosRealm *) realm
    return [realmsArray indexOfObject: realm];

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (BOOL) allowDomainString: (NSString *) domainString 
          mappedToNewRealm: (KerberosRealm *) realm 
              currentRealm: (KerberosRealm **) outCurrentRealm
    BOOL allow = YES;
    unsigned int i = 0;
    for (i = 0; (i < [realmsArray count]) && allow; i++) {
        KerberosRealm *r = [realmsArray objectAtIndex: i];
        if ((r != NULL) && ([[r name] compare: [realm name]] != NSOrderedSame)) {
            if ([r mappedToByDomainString: domainString]) {
                // Already mapped to a realm of a different name
                if (outCurrentRealm) {
                    *outCurrentRealm = r;
                allow = NO;
    return allow;
