make-host-keytab.plin   [plain text]


$server = undef;
@princs = ();
$top = undef;

($whoami = $0) =~ s,.*/,,;
$usage = "Usage: $whoami [ -server server ] [ -princ principal ]
		[ -top dirname ] [ -verbose ] filename
	Server defaults to the local host.
	Default principals are host/hostname\@SECURE-TEST.OV.COM and
	If any principals are specified, the default principals are
	  not added to the srvtab.
	The string \"xCANONHOSTx\" in a principal specification will be
	  replaced by the canonical host name of the local host.";


while (($_ = $ARGV[0]) && /^-/) {
    if (/^-server$/) {
	($server = shift) || die "Missing argument to $_ option.\n$usage\n";
    elsif (/^-princ$/) {
	($princ = shift) || die "Missing argument to $_ option.\n$usage\n";
	push(@princs, $princ);
    elsif (/^-top$/) {
	($top = shift) || die "Missing argument to $_ option.\n$usage\n";
    elsif (/^-verbose$/) {
    elsif (/^--$/) {
    else {
	die "Unknown option $_.\n$usage\n";

@princs = ("host/xCANONHOSTx\@SECURE-TEST.OV.COM",
    if (! @princs);

$ktfile = shift(@ARGV) || die "need a keytab file\n";

$verbose++ if ($ENV{'VERBOSE_TEST'});

print "In $0 @ORIG_ARGV...\n" if ($verbose);

chop ($canonhost = `hostname`);

($canonhost,$aliases,$addrtype,$length,@addrs) = gethostbyname($canonhost);
die "couldn't get canonical hostname\n" if !($canonhost && @addrs);
($canonhost) = gethostbyaddr($addrs[0],$addrtype);
die "couldn't get canonical hostname\n" if (!$canonhost);

for (@princs) {

die "Neither \$TOP nor \$TESTDIR is set, and -top not specified.\n"
    if (! ($top || $ENV{'TOP'} || $ENV{'TESTDIR'}));

$top = $ENV{'TOP'} if (! $top);
$TESTDIR = ($ENV{'TESTDIR'} || "$top/testing");
$MAKE_KEYTAB = ($ENV{'MAKE_KEYTAB'} || "$TESTDIR/scripts/$whoami");
$SRVTCL = ($ENV{'SRVTCL'} || "$TESTDIR/util/ovsec_kadm_srv_tcl");
$TCLUTIL = ($ENV{'TCLUTIL'} || "$TESTDIR/tcl/util.t");
# This'll be wrong sometimes
$RSH_CMD = ($ENV{'RSH_CMD'} || '/usr/ucb/rsh');
$KADMIN = ($ENV{'KADMIN'} || "$top/cli/kadmin.local");

if ($server) {
# XXX Using /usr/ucb/rsh for now.

# Strip command line options because we're adding our own.

    $MAKE_KEYTAB =~ s/ .*//;

    if ($ENV{'TOP'} && ($top ne $ENV{'TOP'})) {
# Replace the old TOP with the new one where necessary
	    eval "\$$_ =~ s/^\$ENV{'TOP'}/\$top/;";

# Make the paths as short as possible so our command line isn't too long.
#	    eval "\$$_ =~ s/^\$TESTDIR/\\\\\\\$TESTDIR/;";
#	}
#	    eval "\$$_ =~ s/^\$top/\\\\\\\$TOP/;";
#	}

    $cmd = "cd $top; \\`testing/scripts/\\` execute TOP=$top ";
    $cmd .= "VERBOSE_TEST=$verbose " if ($verbose);
    $cmd .= "TESTDIR=$TESTDIR ";
    $cmd .= "SRVTCL=$SRVTCL ";
    $cmd .= "TCLUTIL=$TCLUTIL ";

    $cmd .= "CMD='$MAKE_KEYTAB ";
    for (@princs) {
	$cmd .= "-princ $_ ";
    $cmd .= " /tmp/make-keytab.$canonhost.$$'";#';

    $cmd = "$RSH_CMD $server -l root -n \"$cmd\"";

    $cmd2 = "$RSH_CMD $server -l root -n \"cat /tmp/make-keytab.$canonhost.$$\" > $ktfile";

    $cmd3 = "$RSH_CMD $server -l root -n \"rm /tmp/make-keytab.$canonhost.$$\"";

    for ($cmd, $cmd2, $cmd3) {
	print "$_\n" if ($verbose);

	system($_) && die "Couldn't run $_: $!.\n";
else {
    $redirect = "> /dev/null" if (! $verbose);

    # We can ignore errors here, because the ktadd below will fail if
    # this fails for any reason other than "principal exists"
    for (@princs) {
	next if (/^kadmin/);
	$cmd = "$KADMIN -q 'ank -randkey $_' $redirect 2>&1";
    $cmd = "$KADMIN -q 'ktadd -k $ktfile ";
    $cmd .= " -q " if (! $verbose);
    $cmd .= "@princs' $redirect";
    if (system "$cmd") {
	die "Error in system($cmd)\n";

if (! -f $ktfile) {
    die "$ktfile not created.\n";