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Mac OS X Kerberos Extras Installer

About the Mac OS X Kerberos Extras Installer Sources

To help other sites create an installer for the Mac OS X Kerberos Extras, we are providing the source files used to create the installer for public distribution. This source is nearly identical to the installer distributed by MIT .

If you are part of the MIT community, you should use the pre-built MIT installer, which can be found here.

Mac OS X Kerberos Extras Installer Source Documentation

The installer source is fully documented in the Mac OS X Kerberos Extras Installer Documentation.

Please also read Mac OS X Kerberos Extras Installer Customization Requirements & Tips.

Getting the Mac OS X Kerberos Extras Installer Source

The Mac OS X Kerberos Extras installer was created with Mindvision Installer VISE 8.0.2, and you will need that version or later. (Definitely upgrade to 8.0.2, it fixes lots of bugs under Mac OS X 10.2.)

You can get the Mac OS X Kerberos Extras Installer Source here.

The source includes: