implement.tex   [plain text]

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%nlg- time to make this a real document

\title{\Huge Kerberos V5 Implementer's Guide}
\date{\ifdraft \\ {\Large DRAFT---}\fi\today}
\author{MIT Information Systems}



	This document is designed to aide the programmer who plans to
change MIT's implementation of Kerberos significantly.  It is geared towards
programmers who are already familiar with Kerberos and how MIT's
implementation is structured.

	Some of the more basic information needed can be found in the
API document, although many functions have been repeated where
additional information has been included for the implementer.  The
function descriptions included are up to date, even if the description
of the functions may not be very verbose.


\section{Cache and Key table functions}

\subsection{Credentials cache functions}

\subsection{Replay cache functions}

\subsection{Key table functions}

\section{Operating-system specific functions}

\section{Principal database functions}


\section{Encryption system interface}

\section{Checksum interface}

\section{CRC-32 checksum functions}
