/** File Name: lexical-002.js Corresponds To: ecma/LexicalConventions/7.2-3-n.js ECMA Section: 7.2 Line Terminators Description: - readability - separate tokens - may occur between any two tokens - cannot occur within any token, not even a string - affect the process of automatic semicolon insertion. white space characters are: unicode name formal name string representation \u000A line feed \n \u000D carriage return \r this test uses onerror to capture line numbers. because we use on error, we can only have one test case per file. Author: christine@netscape.com Date: 11 september 1997 */ var SECTION = "lexical-002"; var VERSION = "JS1_4"; var TITLE = "Line Terminators"; startTest(); writeHeaderToLog( SECTION + " "+ TITLE); var tc = 0; var testcases = new Array(); var result = "Failed"; var exception = "No exception thrown"; var expect = "Passed"; try { result = eval("\r\n\expect"); } catch ( e ) { exception = e.toString(); } testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "result=eval(\"\r\nexpect\")" + " (threw " + exception +")", expect, result ); test();