errstack-001.js   [plain text]

/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: NPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
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* The Original Code is JavaScript Engine testing utilities.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications Corp.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2002
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* Date:    28 Feb 2002
* SUMMARY: Testing that Error.stack distinguishes between:
* A) top-level calls: myFunc();
* B) no-name function calls: function() { myFunc();} ()
* The stack frame for A) should begin with '@'
* The stack frame for B) should begin with '()'
* This behavior was coded by Brendan during his fix for bug 127136.
* See
* Note: our function getStackFrames(err) orders the array of stack frames
* so that the 0th element will correspond to the highest frame, i.e. will
* correspond to a line in top-level code. The 1st element will correspond
* to the function that is called first, and so on...
* NOTE: At present Rhino does not have an Error.stack property. It is an
* ECMA extension, see
var UBound = 0;
var bug = '(none)';
var summary = 'Testing Error.stack';
var status = '';
var statusitems = [];
var actual = '';
var actualvalues = [];
var expect= '';
var expectedvalues = [];
var myErr = '';
var stackFrames = '';

function A(x,y)
  return B(x+1,y+1);

function B(x,z)
  return C(x+1,z+1);

function C(x,y)
  return D(x+1,y+1);

function D(x,z)
    throw new Error('meep!');
  catch (e)
    return e;

myErr = A(44,13);
stackFrames = getStackFrames(myErr);
  status = inSection(1);
  actual = stackFrames[0].substring(0,1);
  expect = '@';

  status = inSection(2);
  actual = stackFrames[1].substring(0,9);
  expect = 'A(44,13)@';

  status = inSection(3);
  actual = stackFrames[2].substring(0,9);
  expect = 'B(45,14)@';

  status = inSection(4);
  actual = stackFrames[3].substring(0,9);
  expect = 'C(46,15)@';

  status = inSection(5);
  actual = stackFrames[4].substring(0,9);
  expect = 'D(47,16)@';

myErr = A('44:foo','13:bar');
stackFrames = getStackFrames(myErr);
  status = inSection(6);
  actual = stackFrames[0].substring(0,1);
  expect = '@';

  status = inSection(7);
  actual = stackFrames[1].substring(0,21);
  expect = 'A("44:foo","13:bar")@';

  status = inSection(8);
  actual = stackFrames[2].substring(0,23);
  expect = 'B("44:foo1","13:bar1")@';

  status = inSection(9);
  actual = stackFrames[3].substring(0,25);
  expect = 'C("44:foo11","13:bar11")@';

  status = inSection(10);
  actual = stackFrames[4].substring(0,27);
  expect = 'D("44:foo111","13:bar111")@';;

 * Make the first frame occur in a function with an empty name -
myErr = function() { return A(44,13); } ();
stackFrames = getStackFrames(myErr);
  status = inSection(11);
  actual = stackFrames[0].substring(0,1);
  expect = '@';

  status = inSection(12);
  actual = stackFrames[1].substring(0,3);
  expect = '()@';

  status = inSection(13);
  actual = stackFrames[2].substring(0,9);
  expect = 'A(44,13)@';

// etc. for the rest of the frames as above

 * Make the first frame occur in a function with name 'anonymous' -
var f = Function('return A(44,13);');
myErr = f();
stackFrames = getStackFrames(myErr);
  status = inSection(14);
  actual = stackFrames[0].substring(0,1);
  expect = '@';

  status = inSection(15);
  actual = stackFrames[1].substring(0,12);
  expect = 'anonymous()@';

  status = inSection(16);
  actual = stackFrames[2].substring(0,9);
  expect = 'A(44,13)@';

// etc. for the rest of the frames as above

 * Make a user-defined error via the Error() function -
var message = 'Hi there!'; var fileName = 'file name'; var lineNumber = 0;
myErr = Error(message, fileName, lineNumber);
stackFrames = getStackFrames(myErr);
  status = inSection(17);
  actual = stackFrames[0].substring(0,1);
  expect = '@';

 * Now use the |new| keyword. Re-use the same params -
myErr = new Error(message, fileName, lineNumber);
stackFrames = getStackFrames(myErr);
  status = inSection(18);
  actual = stackFrames[0].substring(0,1);
  expect = '@';


 * Split the string |err.stack| along its '\n' delimiter.
 * As of 2002-02-28 |err.stack| ends with the delimiter, so
 * the resulting array has an empty string as its last element.
 * Pop that useless element off before doing anything.
 * Then reverse the array, for convenience of indexing -
function getStackFrames(err)
  var arr = err.stack.split('\n');
  return arr.reverse();

function addThis()
  statusitems[UBound] = status;
  actualvalues[UBound] = actual;
  expectedvalues[UBound] = expect;

function test()

  for (var i=0; i<UBound; i++)
    reportCompare(expectedvalues[i], actualvalues[i], statusitems[i]);

  exitFunc ('test');