BusProber.m   [plain text]

 * Copyright © 1998-2012 Apple Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

#import "BusProber.h"

@implementation BusProber

static void DeviceAdded(void *refCon, io_iterator_t iterator)
    io_service_t ioDeviceObj = IO_OBJECT_NULL;
    while( (ioDeviceObj = IOIteratorNext( iterator)) )
        IOObjectRelease( ioDeviceObj );
    [(BusProber *)refCon refreshData:false];

static void DeviceRemoved(void *refCon, io_iterator_t iterator)
    io_service_t ioDeviceObj = IO_OBJECT_NULL;
    while( (ioDeviceObj = IOIteratorNext( iterator)))
        IOObjectRelease( ioDeviceObj );
    [(BusProber *)refCon refreshData:false];

- initWithListener:(id)listener devicesArray:(NSMutableArray *)devices {
    if (self = [super init]) {
        _runLoopSource = NULL;
        _listener = listener;
        _devicesArray = [devices retain];
        if (listener == nil) {
            [NSException raise:@"BusProberBadListener" format:@"Listener must be non-nil"];
            [self dealloc];
            self = nil;
        } else if (! [self registerForUSBNotifications]) {
            NSLog(@"USB Prober was unable to register for USB notifications");
            [self dealloc];
            self = nil;
        } else {
            // no problems
            [self refreshData:true];
    return self;

- (void)dealloc {
    [self unregisterForUSBNotifications];
    [_devicesArray release];
    [super dealloc];

- (BOOL)registerForUSBNotifications
    kern_return_t kr;
    mach_port_t masterPort;
    IONotificationPortRef gNotifyPort;
    io_iterator_t  gAddedIter,gRemovedIter;
    kr = IOMasterPort(MACH_PORT_NULL, &masterPort);
    if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) return NO;
    gNotifyPort = IONotificationPortCreate(masterPort);
    _runLoopSource = IONotificationPortGetRunLoopSource(gNotifyPort);
    CFRunLoopAddSource([[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] getCFRunLoop], _runLoopSource, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
    kr = IOServiceAddMatchingNotification(gNotifyPort,
    if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) return NO;
    kr = IOServiceAddMatchingNotification(gNotifyPort,
    if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) return NO;
    DeviceAdded(self, gAddedIter);
    DeviceRemoved(self, gRemovedIter);
    mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), masterPort);
    return YES;

- (void)unregisterForUSBNotifications {
    if (_runLoopSource != NULL)

- (void)refreshData:(BOOL)shouldForce {
    if (!shouldForce && [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"BusProbeAutoRefresh"] == NO) {
    [_devicesArray removeAllObjects];
    CFDictionaryRef matchingDict = NULL;
    mach_port_t         mMasterDevicePort = MACH_PORT_NULL;
    io_iterator_t       devIter = IO_OBJECT_NULL;
    io_service_t        ioDeviceObj	= IO_OBJECT_NULL;
    IOReturn            kr;
    int                 deviceNumber = 0; //used to iterate through devices
    kr = IOMasterPort(MACH_PORT_NULL, &mMasterDevicePort);
    if (kr != kIOReturnSuccess) {
        NSLog(@"USB Prober: error in -refresh at IOMasterPort()");
    matchingDict = IOServiceMatching(kIOUSBDeviceClassName);
    if (matchingDict == NULL) {
        NSLog(@"USB Prober: error in -refresh at IOServiceMatching() - dictionary was NULL");
        mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), mMasterDevicePort);
    kr = IOServiceGetMatchingServices(mMasterDevicePort, matchingDict /*reference consumed*/, &devIter);
    if (kr != kIOReturnSuccess) {
        NSLog(@"USB Prober: error in -refresh at IOServiceGetMatchingServices()");
        mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), mMasterDevicePort);
    while ((ioDeviceObj = IOIteratorNext(devIter))) {
        IOCFPlugInInterface 	**ioPlugin;
        IOUSBDeviceRef			deviceIntf = NULL;
        SInt32                  score;
        NSString *				prodName = NULL;
        kr = IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService(ioDeviceObj, kIOUSBDeviceUserClientTypeID, kIOCFPlugInInterfaceID, &ioPlugin, &score);
        if (kr != kIOReturnSuccess) {
        kr = (*ioPlugin)->QueryInterface(ioPlugin, CFUUIDGetUUIDBytes(kIOUSBDeviceInterfaceID), (LPVOID *)&deviceIntf);
        ioPlugin = NULL;

        if (kr != kIOReturnSuccess) {
		//  Get the product name from the registry in case we can't get it from the device later on
		prodName = GetUSBProductNameFromRegistry( ioDeviceObj);
		if ( prodName == NULL )
			io_name_t class;
			IOReturn  status;
			status = IORegistryEntryGetNameInPlane(ioDeviceObj, kIOServicePlane, class);
			if ( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
				prodName = [[NSString alloc] initWithCString:class encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
				prodName = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"Unknown Device"];

        [self processDevice:deviceIntf deviceNumber:deviceNumber usbName:prodName];
        [prodName release];
    mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), mMasterDevicePort);
    [_listener busProberInformationDidChange:self];

- (void)processDevice:(IOUSBDeviceRef)deviceIntf deviceNumber:(int)deviceNumber usbName:(NSString *)usbName {
    BusProbeDevice *        thisDevice;
    UInt32                  locationID = 0;
    uint32_t                  portInfo = 0;
    UInt8                   speed = 0;
    USBDeviceAddress        address = 0;
    IOUSBDeviceDescriptor   dev;
    int                     len = 0;
	int 					currConfig;
    IOReturn                error = kIOReturnSuccess, actErr = kIOReturnSuccess;
	BOOL					needToSuspend = FALSE;
    thisDevice = [[BusProbeDevice alloc] init];
	bzero(&dev, sizeof(dev));
    [_devicesArray addObject:thisDevice];
    // Get the locationID for this device
    if (GetDeviceLocationID( deviceIntf, &locationID ) == 0) {
        [thisDevice setLocationID:locationID];
    // Get the connection speed for this device
    if (GetDeviceSpeed( deviceIntf, &speed ) == 0) {
        [thisDevice setSpeed:speed];
    // Get the device address for this device
    if (GetDeviceAddress( deviceIntf, &address ) == 0) {
        [thisDevice setAddress:address];
    // Set the name of the device (this is what will be shown in the UI)
    [thisDevice setDeviceName:
	 [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s Speed device @ %d (0x%08lX): .............................................",
	  (speed == kUSBDeviceSpeedSuper ? "Super" : (speed == kUSBDeviceSpeedHigh ? "High" :(speed == kUSBDeviceSpeedFull ? "Full" : "Low"))), 
	// Get the Port Information
	error = GetPortInformation(deviceIntf, &portInfo);
	if (error == kIOReturnSuccess) {
		[thisDevice setPortInfo:portInfo];
		[self PrintPortInfo:portInfo forDevice:thisDevice];
	else {
		char					buf[256];
		sprintf((char *)buf, "%s (0x%x)", USBErrorToString(error), error );
		[thisDevice addProperty:"Port Information:" withValue:buf  atDepth:ROOT_LEVEL];
		//[thisDevice addProperty:"Port Information:" withValue:(char *)[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Error %s", USBErrorToString(error)]  atDepth:ROOT_LEVEL];
		NSLog(@"USB Prober: GetUSBDeviceInformation() for device @%8x failed with %s", (uint32_t)[thisDevice locationID], USBErrorToString(error));
		error = kIOReturnSuccess;
	// Log the number of endpoints for each configuration
	[self GetAndPrintNumberOfEndpoints:deviceIntf forDevice:thisDevice portInfo:portInfo];
	// If the device is suspended, then unsuspend it first
	if ( portInfo & (1<<kUSBInformationDeviceIsSuspendedBit) ) {
		if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"BusProbeSuspended"] == YES) {
			// Set this flag so we re-suspend the device later on
			needToSuspend = TRUE;
			error = SuspendDevice(deviceIntf,false);
		else {
			error = kIOReturnNotResponding;
	// If we are not suspended, talk to our device and get the Device Desriptor
	if (error == kIOReturnSuccess) {
		error = GetDescriptor(deviceIntf, kUSBDeviceDesc, 0, &dev, sizeof(dev), &actErr);
	// OK, go get the descriptors and run with it
	if ( error == kIOReturnSuccess ) 
        int iconfig;
        [DecodeDeviceDescriptor decodeBytes:&dev forDevice:thisDevice deviceInterface:deviceIntf wasSuspended:needToSuspend];
		if (actErr != kIOReturnSuccess) {
			[thisDevice setDeviceDescription: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ - Gave an error getting descriptor - %s (0x%x)", usbName, USBErrorToString(actErr), actErr]];
		IOUSBBOSDescriptor	bosDescriptor;
		// If we have a SuperSpeed device, then go get and decode the BOS descriptors.  We first read the root BOS descriptor, which tells us the length, and then we read
		// the full descriptor, just like we do for config descriptors
		if ( speed == kUSBDeviceSpeedSuper )
			error = GetDescriptor(deviceIntf, kUSBBOSDescriptor, 0, &bosDescriptor, sizeof(bosDescriptor), &actErr);
			if ( error == kIOReturnSuccess)
				[DecodeBOSDescriptor decodeBytes:(IOUSBBOSDescriptor *)&bosDescriptor forDevice:thisDevice deviceInterface:deviceIntf];
		// Check the current configuration
		currConfig = GetCurrentConfiguration(deviceIntf);
		if(currConfig < 1)	// Almost everything has a current config of 1
			char buf[256];
			if(currConfig == -1)
				// failed the request for some reason
				sprintf((char *)buf, "%s", "failed to get configuration" );
				sprintf((char *)buf, "%d (unconfigured)", (UInt8) currConfig );
			[thisDevice addProperty:"Current configuration:" withValue:buf  atDepth:ROOT_LEVEL];

		// Go decode the Config Desriptor
        for (iconfig = 0; iconfig < dev.bNumConfigurations; ++iconfig) {
            IOUSBConfigurationDescHeader cfgHeader;
            IOUSBConfigurationDescriptor config;
            // Get the Configuration descriptor.  We first get just the header and later we get the full
            // descriptor
            error = GetDescriptor(deviceIntf, kUSBConfDesc, iconfig, &cfgHeader, sizeof(cfgHeader), nil);
            if (error != kIOReturnSuccess) {
                // Set a flag to the decodeBytes descriptor indicating that we didn't get the header
                cfgHeader.bDescriptorType = sizeof(cfgHeader);
                cfgHeader.wTotalLength = 0;
                [DecodeConfigurationDescriptor decodeBytes:(IOUSBConfigurationDescHeader *)&cfgHeader forDevice:thisDevice deviceInterface:deviceIntf configNumber:iconfig currentConfig:currConfig isOtherSpeedDesc:NO];
                // Try to get the descriptor again, using the sizeof(IOUSBConfigurationDescriptor) 
                error = GetDescriptor(deviceIntf, kUSBConfDesc, iconfig, &config, sizeof(config)-1, nil);
                if (error != kIOReturnSuccess) {
                    cfgHeader.bDescriptorType = sizeof(config)-1;
                    cfgHeader.wTotalLength = 0;
                else {
                    cfgHeader.bLength = config.bLength;
                    cfgHeader.bDescriptorType = config.bDescriptorType;
                    cfgHeader.wTotalLength = config.wTotalLength;
            [DecodeConfigurationDescriptor decodeBytes:(IOUSBConfigurationDescHeader *)&cfgHeader forDevice:thisDevice deviceInterface:deviceIntf configNumber:iconfig currentConfig:currConfig isOtherSpeedDesc:NO];
		// If the device is a hub, then dump the Hub descriptor
		if ( dev.bDeviceClass == kUSBHubClass ) {
			if(dev.bDeviceProtocol == 3)
				IOUSB3HubDescriptor	cfg;
				len = GetClassDescriptor(deviceIntf, kUSB3HUBDesc, 0, &cfg, sizeof(cfg));
				if (len > 0) {
					[DescriptorDecoder decodeBytes:(Byte *)&cfg forDevice:thisDevice deviceInterface:deviceIntf userInfo:NULL isOtherSpeedDesc:false isinCurrentConfig:false];
				IOUSBHubDescriptor	cfg;
			len = GetClassDescriptor(deviceIntf, kUSBHUBDesc, 0, &cfg, sizeof(cfg));
			if (len > 0) {
				[DescriptorDecoder decodeBytes:(Byte *)&cfg forDevice:thisDevice deviceInterface:deviceIntf userInfo:NULL isOtherSpeedDesc:false isinCurrentConfig:false];
		// Check to see if the device has the "Device Qualifier" descriptor
		if ( dev.bcdUSB >= kUSBRel20 && speed == kUSBDeviceSpeedHigh) {
			IOUSBDeviceQualifierDescriptor	desc;
			error = GetDescriptor(deviceIntf, kUSBDeviceQualifierDesc, 0, &desc, sizeof(desc), nil);
			if (error == kIOReturnSuccess) {
				[DescriptorDecoder decodeBytes:(Byte *)&desc forDevice:thisDevice deviceInterface:deviceIntf userInfo:NULL isOtherSpeedDesc:false isinCurrentConfig:false];
				// Since we have a Device Qualifier Descriptor, we can get a "Other Speed Configuration Descriptor"
				// (It's the same as a regular configuration descriptor)
				int iconfig;
				for (iconfig = 0; iconfig < desc.bNumConfigurations; ++iconfig) {
					IOUSBConfigurationDescHeader cfgHeader;
					IOUSBConfigurationDescriptor config;
					// Get the Configuration descriptor.  We first get just the header and later we get the full
					// descriptor
					error = GetDescriptor(deviceIntf, kUSBOtherSpeedConfDesc, iconfig, &cfgHeader, sizeof(cfgHeader), nil);
					if (error != kIOReturnSuccess) {
						// Set a flag to the decodeBytes descriptor indicating that we didn't get the header
						cfgHeader.bDescriptorType = sizeof(cfgHeader);
						cfgHeader.wTotalLength = 0;
						// Note: currentConfig:-1 as this is never in the current config.
						[DecodeConfigurationDescriptor decodeBytes:(IOUSBConfigurationDescHeader *)&cfgHeader forDevice:thisDevice deviceInterface:deviceIntf configNumber:iconfig currentConfig:-1 isOtherSpeedDesc:YES];
						// Try to get the descriptor again, using the sizeof(IOUSBConfigurationDescriptor) 
						error = GetDescriptor(deviceIntf, kUSBOtherSpeedConfDesc, iconfig, &config, sizeof(config)-1, nil);
						if (error != kIOReturnSuccess) {
							cfgHeader.bDescriptorType = sizeof(config)-1;
							cfgHeader.wTotalLength = 0;
						else {
							cfgHeader.bLength = config.bLength;
							cfgHeader.bDescriptorType = config.bDescriptorType;
							cfgHeader.wTotalLength = config.wTotalLength;
					[DecodeConfigurationDescriptor decodeBytes:(IOUSBConfigurationDescHeader *)&cfgHeader forDevice:thisDevice deviceInterface:deviceIntf configNumber:iconfig currentConfig:-1 isOtherSpeedDesc:YES];
	else {
		if ( portInfo & (1<<kUSBInformationDeviceIsSuspendedBit) ) {
			[thisDevice setDeviceDescription: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ (Device is suspended)", usbName]];
		else {
			// This description will be shown in the UI, to the right of the device's name
			[thisDevice setDeviceDescription: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ (did not respond to inquiry - %s (0x%x))", usbName, USBErrorToString(error), error]];
	if ( needToSuspend )
    [thisDevice release];

- (void)PrintPortInfo: (uint32_t)portInfo forDevice:(BusProbeDevice *)thisDevice {
    char					buf[256];

	sprintf((char *)buf, "0x%04x", portInfo );
	[thisDevice addProperty:"Port Information:" withValue:buf atDepth:ROOT_LEVEL];

	if (portInfo & (1<<kUSBInformationRootHubisBuiltIn))
		sprintf((char *)buf, "%s", "Built-in " );
		sprintf((char *)buf, "%s", "Remote or Expansion slot " );

	if (portInfo & (1<<kUSBInformationDeviceIsRootHub))
		strcat(buf,"Root Hub"); 
		[thisDevice addProperty:"" withValue:buf atDepth:ROOT_LEVEL+1];
	if (portInfo & (1<<kUSBInformationDeviceIsCaptiveBit))
		[thisDevice addProperty:"" withValue:"Captive" atDepth:ROOT_LEVEL+1];
		[thisDevice addProperty:"" withValue:"Not Captive" atDepth:ROOT_LEVEL+1];
	if (portInfo & (1<<kUSBInformationDeviceIsAttachedToRootHubBit))
		[thisDevice addProperty:"" withValue:"Attached to Root Hub" atDepth:ROOT_LEVEL+1];
	if (portInfo & (1<<kUSBInformationDeviceIsInternalBit))
		[thisDevice addProperty:"" withValue:"Internal Device" atDepth:ROOT_LEVEL+1];
		[thisDevice addProperty:"" withValue:"External Device" atDepth:ROOT_LEVEL+1];
	if (portInfo & (1<<kUSBInformationDeviceIsConnectedBit))
		[thisDevice addProperty:"" withValue:"Connected" atDepth:ROOT_LEVEL+1];
		[thisDevice addProperty:"" withValue:"Unplugged" atDepth:ROOT_LEVEL+1];
	if (portInfo & (1<<kUSBInformationDeviceIsEnabledBit))
		[thisDevice addProperty:"" withValue:"Enabled" atDepth:ROOT_LEVEL+1];
		[thisDevice addProperty:"" withValue:"Disabled" atDepth:ROOT_LEVEL+1];
	if (portInfo & (1<<kUSBInformationDeviceIsOnThunderboltBit))
		[thisDevice addProperty:"" withValue:"On Thunderbolt" atDepth:ROOT_LEVEL+1];

	if (portInfo & (1<<kUSBInformationDeviceIsSuspendedBit))
		[thisDevice addProperty:"" withValue:"Suspended" atDepth:ROOT_LEVEL+1];
	if (portInfo & (1<<kUSBInformationDeviceIsInResetBit))
		[thisDevice addProperty:"" withValue:"Reset" atDepth:ROOT_LEVEL+1];
	if (portInfo & (1<<kUSBInformationDeviceOvercurrentBit))
		[thisDevice addProperty:"" withValue:"Overcurrent" atDepth:ROOT_LEVEL+1];
	if (portInfo & (1<<kUSBInformationDevicePortIsInTestModeBit))
		[thisDevice addProperty:"" withValue:"Test Mode" atDepth:ROOT_LEVEL+1];
	if (portInfo & (1<<kUSBInformationDeviceIsRemote))
		[thisDevice addProperty:"" withValue:"Remote" atDepth:ROOT_LEVEL+1];
	if (portInfo & (1<<kUSBInformationDeviceIsAttachedToEnclosure))
		[thisDevice addProperty:"" withValue:"Connected to External Port" atDepth:ROOT_LEVEL+1];

- (void)GetAndPrintNumberOfEndpoints:(IOUSBDeviceRef)deviceIntf forDevice:(BusProbeDevice *)thisDevice portInfo:(UInt32)portInfo {
	IOUSBConfigurationDescriptorPtr			desc = NULL;
	IOUSBInterfaceDescriptor				*intfDesc = NULL;
	IOUSBInterfaceDescriptor				* descOut = NULL;
	uint8_t									numberOfConfigurations = 1;
	uint8_t									currentConfig = 0;
	int										interfaceNumber = -1;
	uint32_t								totalEndpoints = 1;
	uint8_t									maxEndpoints = 0;
	IOReturn								err;
	int 									i;
	char									buf[256];
	char									buf2[256];
	boolean_t								unconfigured = false;
	[thisDevice addProperty:"Number Of Endpoints (includes EP0):" withValue:"" atDepth:ROOT_LEVEL];

	// Get the number of configurations that this device has
	err = GetNumberOfConfigurations(deviceIntf, &numberOfConfigurations);
    if (err)
		sprintf((char *)buf, "(0x%x)(%s)", err, USBErrorToString(err));
		[thisDevice addProperty:"Got error from GetNumberOfConfigurations" withValue:buf atDepth:ROOT_LEVEL+1];
	// Get the current configuration -- this will return an error if the device is suspended.  Also, we then assume
	// that the configuration value returned is 1-based and we subtract one to get it as an index into the list of configurations.
	err = GetConfiguration(deviceIntf,&currentConfig);
	if ( err != kIOReturnSuccess)
	//	fprintf(stderr, "\t got error, setting to currentConfig of 0\n");
		currentConfig = 0;
	else {
	//	fprintf(stderr, "\tcurrent config: %d\n", currentConfiguration);
		if ( currentConfig == 0 )
			unconfigured = true;
	for ( i = 0; i < numberOfConfigurations; i++ )
		totalEndpoints = 1;
		intfDesc = NULL;
		interfaceNumber = -1;
		maxEndpoints = 0;
		err = GetConfigurationDescriptor(deviceIntf, i, &desc);
		if (err)
			sprintf((char *)buf, "(0x%x)(%s)", err, USBErrorToString(err));
			sprintf((char *)buf2, "Got error from GetConfigurationDescriptor(%d)", i);
			[thisDevice addProperty:buf2 withValue:buf atDepth:ROOT_LEVEL+1];
		// fprintf(stderr, "Found Configuration: %d\n", i);
		// dump((void *)desc, (desc->wTotalLength));
		// Go through each interface, and count the number of endpoints.  If we alternate settings, count the one with the highest number
		// of endpoints
			err = FindNextInterfaceDescriptor(desc,  intfDesc, &descOut);
			if ( descOut && err == kIOReturnSuccess)
				if ( interfaceNumber != descOut->bInterfaceNumber)
					// This is a new interface, so now add the maxEndpoints from the previous one to our running total (totalEndpoints)
					interfaceNumber = descOut->bInterfaceNumber;
					totalEndpoints += maxEndpoints;
					maxEndpoints = 0;
				if ( descOut->bAlternateSetting > 0 )
					// This means that we have already seen this interface #, so only update the numEndpoints if greater than what we saved
					if (descOut->bNumEndpoints > maxEndpoints ) 
						maxEndpoints = descOut->bNumEndpoints;
					maxEndpoints = descOut->bNumEndpoints;
				//			fprintf(stderr, "Found interface #%d, altSetting: %d, bNumEndpoints: %d\n", descOut->bInterfaceNumber, descOut->bAlternateSetting, descOut->bNumEndpoints);
				//			dump((void*) descOut, descOut->bLength);
				//			fprintf(stderr, "\tbInterfaceNumber: %d, maxEndpoints: %d, total: %d\n", descOut->bInterfaceNumber, maxEndpoints, totalEndpoints);
				// Start looking for the next interface descriptor after the current one
				intfDesc = descOut;
			// If we get to the end, we will get a kIOUSBInterfaceNotFound.  We still need to take into accountthe maxEndpoints for the last interface we iterated
			if ( err ==kIOUSBInterfaceNotFound )
				totalEndpoints += maxEndpoints;
		while ( err == kIOReturnSuccess && descOut != NULL);
		sprintf((char *)buf, "Total Endpoints for Configuration %d %s:", i+1, (unconfigured) ? "(unconfigured)" : ( (i == currentConfig) ? "(current)":""));
		sprintf((char *)buf2, "%d", totalEndpoints );
		[thisDevice addProperty:buf withValue:buf2 atDepth:ROOT_LEVEL+1];
