AppleUSBEHCI_Interrupts.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright © 1998-2009 Apple Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <libkern/OSByteOrder.h>

#include <IOKit/usb/IOUSBLog.h>
#include <IOKit/usb/IOUSBHubPolicyMaker.h>
#include <IOKit/usb/IOUSBRootHubDevice.h>
#include "AppleUSBEHCI.h"
#include "USBTracepoints.h"

#define super IOUSBControllerV3
#define self this

// Delete this later and clean up
//#define EndianSwap32Bit USBToHostLong

#undef USBLog
#undef USBError
void kprintf(const char *format, ...)
__attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2)));
#define USBLog( LEVEL, FORMAT, ARGS... )  if ((LEVEL) <= EHCI_USE_KPRINTF) { kprintf( FORMAT "\n", ## ARGS ) ; }
#define USBError( LEVEL, FORMAT, ARGS... )  { kprintf( FORMAT "\n", ## ARGS ) ; }

AppleUSBEHCI::PollInterrupts(IOUSBCompletionAction safeAction)
	USBTrace_Start( kUSBTEHCIInterrupts, kTPEHCIInterruptsPollInterrupts, (uintptr_t)this, _errorInterrupt, _completeInterrupt, _portChangeInterrupt );

    if (_hostErrorInterrupt & kEHCIHostErrorIntBit)
        _hostErrorInterrupt = 0;
		// Host System Error - this is a serious error on the PCI bus
		// Only print it every power of 2 times
		if ( ++_errors.hostSystemError == (UInt32) (1L << _errors.displayed) )
			USBLog(1, "AppleUSBEHCI[%p]::PollInterrupts - Host System Error Occurred - not restarted",  this);
			USBTrace( kUSBTEHCIInterrupts, kTPEHCIInterruptsPollInterrupts , (uintptr_t)this, _errors.displayed, 0, 1 );
    if (_errorInterrupt & kEHCIErrorIntBit)
        _errorInterrupt = 0;
        USBLog(7, "AppleUSBEHCI[%p]::PollInterrupts - completion (_errorInterrupt) interrupt",  this);
 		USBTrace( kUSBTEHCIInterrupts, kTPEHCIInterruptsPollInterrupts , (uintptr_t)this, 0, 0, 4 );
    if (_completeInterrupt & kEHCICompleteIntBit)
        _completeInterrupt = 0;
        USBLog(7, "AppleUSBEHCI[%p]::PollInterrupts - completion (_completeInterrupt) interrupt",  this);
		USBTrace( kUSBTEHCIInterrupts, kTPEHCIInterruptsPollInterrupts , (uintptr_t)this, 0, 0, 3 );
	 //  Port Change Interrupt
    if (_portChangeInterrupt & kEHCIPortChangeIntBit)
		_portChangeInterrupt = 0;
		USBTrace( kUSBTEHCIInterrupts, kTPEHCIInterruptsPollInterrupts , (uintptr_t)this, 0, 0, 5 );

        USBLog(6,"AppleUSBEHCI[%p]::PollInterrupts -  Port Change Interrupt on bus 0x%x - ensuring usability", this, (uint32_t)_busNumber );

		if (_myPowerState == kUSBPowerStateOn)
			// Check to see if we are resuming the port
			USBLog(2, "AppleUSBEHCI[%p]::PollInterrupts - deferring checking for RHStatus until we are running again", this);

	//Async Advance Interrupt
    if (_asyncAdvanceInterrupt & kEHCIAAEIntBit)
        _asyncAdvanceInterrupt = 0;
		USBTrace( kUSBTEHCIInterrupts, kTPEHCIInterruptsPollInterrupts , (uintptr_t)this, 0, 0, 6 );
		USBLog(6, "AppleUSBEHCI[%p]::PollInterrupts - async advance interrupt",  this);
	// Frame Rollover Interrupt
    if (_frameRolloverInterrupt & kEHCIFrListRolloverIntBit)
        _frameRolloverInterrupt = 0;
		// copy the temporary variables over to the real thing
		// we do this because this method is protected by the workloop gate whereas the FilterInterrupt one is not
		_anchorTime = _tempAnchorTime;
		_anchorFrame = _tempAnchorFrame;
		USBTrace( kUSBTEHCIInterrupts, kTPEHCIInterruptsPollInterrupts , (uintptr_t)this, 0, 0, 7 );

	USBTrace_End( kUSBTEHCIInterrupts, kTPEHCIInterruptsPollInterrupts, (uintptr_t)this, 0, 0, 0 );

AppleUSBEHCI::InterruptHandler(OSObject *owner, IOInterruptEventSource * /*source*/, int /*count*/)
    register 	AppleUSBEHCI		*controller = (AppleUSBEHCI *) owner;
    static 	Boolean 		emitted;
    if (!controller || controller->isInactive() || !controller->_controllerAvailable)
		kprintf("AppleUSBEHCI::InterruptHandler - Ignoring interrupt\n");
    if (!emitted)
        emitted = true;
        // USBLog("EHCIUIM -- InterruptHandler Unimplimented not finishPending\n");

// This routine will get called at Primary interrupt time. 
// At primary interrupt time we are mainly concerned with updating the frStatus and frActCount fields of the frames
// in low latency isoch TD's. We also updated the master frame counter.
// Since this is a static method, the work is actually done by the FilterInterrupt, which is an instance method
AppleUSBEHCI::PrimaryInterruptFilter(OSObject *owner, IOFilterInterruptEventSource *source)
    register AppleUSBEHCI	*controller = (AppleUSBEHCI *)owner;
    bool					result = true;
//	USBTrace_Start( kUSBTEHCIInterrupts, kTPEHCIInterruptsPrimaryInterruptFilter, (uintptr_t)controller );
    // If we our controller has gone away, or it's going away, or if we're on a PC Card and we have been ejected,
    // then don't process this interrupt.
    if (!controller || controller->isInactive() || !controller->_controllerAvailable)
		kprintf("AppleUSBEHCI[%p]::PrimaryInterruptFilter - Ignoring interrupt\n", controller);
        return false;

    // Process this interrupt
    controller->_filterInterruptActive = true;
    result = controller->FilterInterrupt(0);
    controller->_filterInterruptActive = false;
//	USBTrace_End( kUSBTEHCIInterrupts, kTPEHCIInterruptsPrimaryInterruptFilter, (uintptr_t)controller, result);
    return result;

AppleUSBEHCI::FilterInterrupt(int index)
    register UInt32			activeInterrupts;
    register UInt32			enabledInterrupts;
    Boolean					needSignal = false;
    uint64_t				timeStamp;
    enabledInterrupts = USBToHostLong(_pEHCIRegisters->USBIntr);
    activeInterrupts = enabledInterrupts & USBToHostLong(_pEHCIRegisters->USBSTS);

    if (activeInterrupts != 0)
		USBTrace( kUSBTEHCIInterrupts, kTPEHCIInterruptsPrimaryInterruptFilter, (uintptr_t)this, enabledInterrupts, activeInterrupts, (_frameNumber << 3) + USBToHostLong(_pEHCIRegisters->FRIndex) );

		// One of our 6 interrupts fired.  Process the ones which need to be processed at primary int time
        // Frame Number Rollover
        if (activeInterrupts & kEHCIFrListRolloverIntBit)
			UInt32			frindex;
			uint64_t		tempTime;
			// NOTE: This code depends upon the fact that we do not change the Frame List Size
			// in the USBCMD register. If the frame list size changes, then this code needs to change
			frindex = USBToHostLong(_pEHCIRegisters->FRIndex);
			if (frindex < kEHCIFRIndexRolloverBit)
				_frameNumber += kEHCIFrameNumberIncrement;

			_tempAnchorFrame = _frameNumber + (frindex >> 3);
			tempTime = mach_absolute_time();
			_tempAnchorTime = *(AbsoluteTime*)&tempTime;
			_frameRolloverInterrupt = kEHCIFrListRolloverIntBit;
			_pEHCIRegisters->USBSTS = HostToUSBLong(kEHCIFrListRolloverIntBit);			// clear the interrupt
		// at the moment, let the secondary interrupt handler get these by signaling
        if (activeInterrupts & kEHCIAAEIntBit)
			_asyncAdvanceInterrupt = kEHCIAAEIntBit;
			_pEHCIRegisters->USBSTS = HostToUSBLong(kEHCIAAEIntBit);				// clear the interrupt
			needSignal = true;
        if (activeInterrupts & kEHCIHostErrorIntBit)
			_hostErrorInterrupt = kEHCIHostErrorIntBit;
			_pEHCIRegisters->USBSTS = HostToUSBLong(kEHCIHostErrorIntBit);				// clear the interrupt
			needSignal = true;
        if (activeInterrupts & kEHCIPortChangeIntBit)
			_portChangeInterrupt = kEHCIPortChangeIntBit;
			// _pEHCIRegisters->USBIntr = _pEHCIRegisters->USBIntr & ~HostToUSBLong(kEHCIPortChangeIntBit);	// disable for now
			_pEHCIRegisters->USBSTS = HostToUSBLong(kEHCIPortChangeIntBit);									// clear the interrupt
			if (_errataBits & kErrataNECIncompleteWrite)
				UInt32		newValue = 0, count = 0;
				newValue = USBToHostLong(_pEHCIRegisters->USBSTS);											// this bit SHOULD now be cleared
				while ((count++ < 10) && (newValue & kEHCIPortChangeIntBit))
					// can't log in the FilterInterrupt routine
					// USBError(1, "EHCI driver: FilterInterrupt - PCD bit not sticking. Retrying.");
					_pEHCIRegisters->USBSTS = HostToUSBLong(kEHCIPortChangeIntBit);							// clear the bit again
					newValue = USBToHostLong(_pEHCIRegisters->USBSTS);
			needSignal = true;
        if (activeInterrupts & kEHCIErrorIntBit)
			_errorInterrupt = kEHCIErrorIntBit;
			_pEHCIRegisters->USBSTS = HostToUSBLong(kEHCIErrorIntBit);				// clear the interrupt
			needSignal = true;
        if (activeInterrupts & kEHCICompleteIntBit)
            // Now that we have the beginning of the queue, walk it looking for low latency isoch TD's
            // Use this time as the time stamp time for all the TD's that we processed.  
			timeStamp = mach_absolute_time();

			_completeInterrupt = kEHCICompleteIntBit;
			_pEHCIRegisters->USBSTS = HostToUSBLong(kEHCICompleteIntBit);			// clear the interrupt
			needSignal = true;
			// we need to check the periodic list to see if there are any Isoch TDs which need to come off
			// and potentially have their frame lists updated (for Low Latency) we will place them in reverse
			// order on a "done queue" which will be looked at by the isoch scavanger
			// only do this if the periodic schedule is enabled
			if (!_inAbortIsochEP && (_pEHCIRegisters->USBCMD & HostToUSBLong(kEHCICMDPeriodicEnable)) && (_outSlot < kEHCIPeriodicListEntries))
				IOUSBControllerIsochListElement *cachedHead;
				UInt32							cachedProducer;
				UInt32							frIndex;
				UInt16							curSlot, testSlot, nextSlot;
				UInt16							curMicroFrame;
				frIndex = USBToHostLong(_pEHCIRegisters->FRIndex);
				curSlot = (frIndex >> 3) & (kEHCIPeriodicListEntries-1);
				curMicroFrame = frIndex & 7;
				cachedHead = (IOUSBControllerIsochListElement*)_savedDoneQueueHead;
				cachedProducer = _producerCount;
				testSlot = _outSlot;
				while (testSlot != curSlot)
					IOUSBControllerListElement				*thing, *prevThing, *nextThing;
					IOUSBControllerIsochListElement			*isochEl;
					AppleEHCISplitIsochTransferDescriptor	*splitTD;
					bool									needToRescavenge = false;
					nextSlot = (testSlot+1) & (kEHCIPeriodicListEntries-1);
					thing = GetPeriodicListLogicalEntry(testSlot);
					prevThing = NULL;
					while(thing != NULL)
						nextThing = thing->_logicalNext;
						isochEl = OSDynamicCast(IOUSBControllerIsochListElement, thing);

						if (!isochEl)
							break;						// only care about Isoch in this list - if we get here we are at the interrupt TDs

						splitTD = OSDynamicCast(AppleEHCISplitIsochTransferDescriptor, isochEl);
						// check to see if all of these conditions are met, if so, we can't retire this TD yes
						// 1 - this is a splitTD
						// 2 - the TD wraps around (useBackPtr == true)
						// 3 - the slot after this one is the curslot
						// 4 - we have not gotten to microframe 2 of the curSlot
						if (splitTD && (((AppleEHCIIsochEndpoint*)(splitTD->_pEndpoint))->useBackPtr) && (nextSlot == curSlot) && (curMicroFrame < 2))
							prevThing = thing;
							thing = nextThing;
							needToRescavenge = true;
						// need to unlink this TD
						if (!prevThing)
							SetPeriodicListEntry(testSlot, nextThing);
							prevThing->_logicalNext = nextThing;
						if (isochEl->_lowLatency)
						// place this guy on the backward done queue
						// the reason that we do not use the _logicalNext link is that the done queue is not a null terminated list
						// and the element linked "last" in the list might not be a true link - trust me
						isochEl->_doneQueueLink = cachedHead;
						cachedHead = isochEl;
						if (isochEl->_pEndpoint)
							OSDecrementAtomic( &(isochEl->_pEndpoint->scheduledTDs));
						thing = nextThing;
					testSlot = nextSlot;
					if (!needToRescavenge)
						_outSlot = testSlot;
				IOSimpleLockLock( _wdhLock );
				_savedDoneQueueHead = cachedHead;	// updates the shadow head
				_producerCount = cachedProducer;	// Validates _producerCount;
				IOSimpleLockUnlock( _wdhLock );
    // We will return false from this filter routine, but will indicate that there the action routine should be called by calling _filterInterruptSource->signalInterrupt(). 
    // This is needed because IOKit will disable interrupts for a level interrupt after the filter interrupt is run, until the action interrupt is called.  We want to be
    // able to have our filter interrupt routine called before the action routine runs, if needed.  That is what will enable low latency isoch transfers to work, as when the
    // system is under heavy load, the action routine can be delayed for tens of ms.
    if (needSignal)
    return false;