IOUSBHIDDriver.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright й 1998-2009 Apple Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

//   Headers
#include <libkern/OSByteOrder.h>
#include <IOKit/IOService.h> 
#include <IOKit/IOBufferMemoryDescriptor.h>
#include <IOKit/IOMessage.h>
#include <IOKit/IOTimerEventSource.h>
#include <IOKit/IOKitKeys.h>

#include <IOKit/hid/IOHIDKeys.h>
#include <IOKit/usb/IOUSBInterface.h>
#include <IOKit/usb/IOUSBLog.h>
#include <IOKit/usb/IOUSBPipe.h>
#include <IOKit/usb/IOUSBHIDDriver.h>
#include <IOKit/usb/IOUSBHubPolicyMaker.h>
#import "USBTracepoints.h"

/* Convert USBLog to use kprintf debugging */

#undef USBLog
#undef USBError
void kprintf(const char *format, ...)
__attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2)));
#define USBLog( LEVEL, FORMAT, ARGS... )  if ((LEVEL) <= IOUSBHIDDriver_USE_KPRINTF) { kprintf( FORMAT "\n", ## ARGS ) ; }
#define USBError( LEVEL, FORMAT, ARGS... )  { kprintf( FORMAT "\n", ## ARGS ) ; }

//   Local Definitions
#define super IOHIDDevice

#define _WORKLOOP								_usbHIDExpansionData->_workLoop
#define _HANDLE_REPORT_THREAD					_usbHIDExpansionData->_handleReportThread
#define _ROOT_DOMAIN							_usbHIDExpansionData->_rootDomain
#define _WAKEUP_TIME							_usbHIDExpansionData->_wakeUpTime
#define _COMPLETION_WITH_TIMESTAMP				_usbHIDExpansionData->_completionWithTimeStamp
#define _CHECK_FOR_TIMESTAMP					_usbHIDExpansionData->_checkForTimeStamp
#define _MS_TO_IGNORE_TRANSACTIONS_AFTER_WAKE	_usbHIDExpansionData->_msToIgnoreTransactionsAfterWake
#define _SUSPENDPORT_TIMER						_usbHIDExpansionData->_suspendPortTimer
#define _PORT_SUSPENDED							_usbHIDExpansionData->_portSuspended
#define _SUSPEND_TIMEOUT_IN_MS					_usbHIDExpansionData->_suspendTimeoutInMS
#define _INTERFACE_NUMBER						_usbHIDExpansionData->_interfaceNumber
#define _LOG_HID_REPORTS						_usbHIDExpansionData->_logHIDReports
#define _HID_LOGGING_LEVEL						_usbHIDExpansionData->_hidLoggingLevel
#define	_NEED_TO_CLEARPIPESTALL					_usbHIDExpansionData->_needToClearPipeStall
#define _QUEUED_REPORTS							_usbHIDExpansionData->_queuedReports
#define	_INTERRUPT_TIMESTAMP					_usbHIDExpansionData->_interruptTimeStamp
#define	_POWERSTATECHANGING						_usbHIDExpansionData->_powerStateChanging
#define	_MYPOWERSTATE							_usbHIDExpansionData->_myPowerState
#define	_PENDINGREAD							_usbHIDExpansionData->_pendingRead

#define ABORTEXPECTED                       _deviceIsDead

#define kMaxQueuedReports					1

// a USB HID device has two power states, off and on
// Note: This defines two states. off and on. In the off state, the upstream is suspended.
static IOPMPowerState ourPowerStates[kUSBHIDNumberPowerStates] = {
	{	// kUSBHIDPowerStateOff - all ports should be off and all devices disconnected
		kIOPMPowerStateVersion1,	// version - version number of this struct
		0,							// capabilityFlags - bits that describe (to interested drivers) the capability of the device in this state
		0,							// outputPowerCharacter - description (to power domain children) of the power provided in this state
		0,							// inputPowerRequirement - description (to power domain parent) of input power required in this state
		0,							// staticPower - average consumption in milliwatts
		0,							// unbudgetedPower - additional consumption from separate power supply (mw)
		0,							// powerToAttain - additional power to attain this state from next lower state (in mw)
		0,							// timeToAttain - time required to enter this state from next lower state (in microseconds)
		0,							// settleUpTime - settle time required after entering this state from next lower state (microseconds)
		0,							// timeToLower - time required to enter next lower state from this one (in microseconds)
		0,							// settleDownTime - settle time required after entering next lower state from this state (microseconds)
		0							// powerDomainBudget - power in mw a domain in this state can deliver to its children
	{	// kUSBHIDPowerStateRestart - all ports should be off and all devices disconnected
		kIOPMPowerStateVersion1,	// version - version number of this struct
		kIOPMRestartCapability,		// capabilityFlags - bits that describe (to interested drivers) the capability of the device in this state
		kIOPMRestart,				// outputPowerCharacter - description (to power domain children) of the power provided in this state
		kIOPMRestart,				// inputPowerRequirement - description (to power domain parent) of input power required in this state
		0,							// staticPower - average consumption in milliwatts
		0,							// unbudgetedPower - additional consumption from separate power supply (mw)
		0,							// powerToAttain - additional power to attain this state from next lower state (in mw)
		0,							// timeToAttain - time required to enter this state from next lower state (in microseconds)
		0,							// settleUpTime - settle time required after entering this state from next lower state (microseconds)
		0,							// timeToLower - time required to enter next lower state from this one (in microseconds)
		0,							// settleDownTime - settle time required after entering next lower state from this state (microseconds)
		0							// powerDomainBudget - power in mw a domain in this state can deliver to its children
	{	// kUSBHIDPowerStateSleep - upstream port should be suspended
		kIOPMPowerStateVersion1,	// version - version number of this struct
		kIOPMSleepCapability,		// capabilityFlags - bits that describe (to interested drivers) the capability of the device in this state
		kIOPMSleep,					// outputPowerCharacter - description (to power domain children) of the power provided in this state
		kIOPMSleep,					// inputPowerRequirement - description (to power domain parent) of input power required in this state
		0,							// staticPower - average consumption in milliwatts
		0,							// unbudgetedPower - additional consumption from separate power supply (mw)
		0,							// powerToAttain - additional power to attain this state from next lower state (in mw)
		0,							// timeToAttain - time required to enter this state from next lower state (in microseconds)
		0,							// settleUpTime - settle time required after entering this state from next lower state (microseconds)
		0,							// timeToLower - time required to enter next lower state from this one (in microseconds)
		0,							// settleDownTime - settle time required after entering next lower state from this state (microseconds)
		0							// powerDomainBudget - power in mw a domain in this state can deliver to its children
	{	// kUSBHIDPowerStateLow Power - all ports should be SUSPENDED and devices still connected
		kIOPMPowerStateVersion1,	// version - version number of this struct
		kIOPMLowPower,				// capabilityFlags - bits that describe (to interested drivers) the capability of the device in this state
		kIOPMLowPower,				// outputPowerCharacter - description (to power domain children) of the power provided in this state
		kIOPMLowPower,				// inputPowerRequirement - description (to power domain parent) of input power required in this state
		0,							// staticPower - average consumption in milliwatts
		0,							// unbudgetedPower - additional consumption from separate power supply (mw)
		0,							// powerToAttain - additional power to attain this state from next lower state (in mw)
		0,							// timeToAttain - time required to enter this state from next lower state (in microseconds)
		0,							// settleUpTime - settle time required after entering this state from next lower state (microseconds)
		0,							// timeToLower - time required to enter next lower state from this one (in microseconds)
		0,							// settleDownTime - settle time required after entering next lower state from this state (microseconds)
		0							// powerDomainBudget - power in mw a domain in this state can deliver to its children
	{	// kUSBHIDPowerStateSleep - i am receiving SOF tokens and my port is on	
		kIOPMPowerStateVersion1,	// version - version number of this struct
		IOPMDeviceUsable,			// capabilityFlags - bits that describe (to interested drivers) the capability of the device in this state
		IOPMPowerOn,				// outputPowerCharacter - description (to power domain children) of the power provided in this state
		IOPMPowerOn,				// inputPowerRequirement - description (to power domain parent) of input power required in this state
		0,							// staticPower - average consumption in milliwatts
		0,							// unbudgetedPower - additional consumption from separate power supply (mw)
		0,							// powerToAttain - additional power to attain this state from next lower state (in mw)
		0,							// timeToAttain - time required to enter this state from next lower state (in microseconds)
		0,							// settleUpTime - settle time required after entering this state from next lower state (microseconds)
		0,							// timeToLower - time required to enter next lower state from this one (in microseconds)
		0,							// settleDownTime - settle time required after entering next lower state from this state (microseconds)
		0							// powerDomainBudget - power in mw a domain in this state can deliver to its children

//   IOUSBHIDDriver Methods
OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IOUSBHIDDriver, IOHIDDevice)

#pragma mark ееееееее IOService Methods еееееееее
//  init
//  Do what is necessary to start device before probe is called.
IOUSBHIDDriver::init(OSDictionary *properties)
    if (!super::init(properties))
        return false;

    // Allocate our expansion data
    if (!_usbHIDExpansionData)
        _usbHIDExpansionData = (IOUSBHIDDriverExpansionData *)IOMalloc(sizeof(IOUSBHIDDriverExpansionData));
        if (!_usbHIDExpansionData)
            return false;
        bzero(_usbHIDExpansionData, sizeof(IOUSBHIDDriverExpansionData));
    _retryCount = kHIDDriverRetryCount;
    _maxReportSize = kMaxHIDReportSize;

    return true;

IOUSBHIDDriver::stop(IOService *  provider)
    USBLog(7, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::stop isInactive = %d", getName(), this, isInactive());
	if (_WORKLOOP && _gate)
		_WORKLOOP->removeEventSource( _SUSPENDPORT_TIMER );

//  free
    if (_gate)
        _gate = NULL;

    //  This needs to be the LAST thing we do, as it disposes of our "fake" member
    //  variables.
    if (_usbHIDExpansionData)

		if (_WORKLOOP)
		IOFree(_usbHIDExpansionData, sizeof(IOUSBHIDDriverExpansionData));
        _usbHIDExpansionData = NULL;

//  start
IOUSBHIDDriver::start(IOService *provider)
    IOReturn					err = kIOReturnSuccess;
    IOWorkLoop	*				workLoop = NULL;
    IOCommandGate *				commandGate = NULL;
    OSNumber *					locationIDProperty = NULL;
    IOUSBFindEndpointRequest	request;
    bool						addEventSourceSuccess = false;
    UInt32						maxInputReportSize = 0;
    OSNumber *					inputReportSize = NULL;
	OSNumber *					numberObj = NULL;
    OSObject *					propertyObj = NULL;
	OSBoolean *					sixAxisProperty = NULL;
	USBTrace_Start( kUSBTHID, kTPHIDStart, (uintptr_t)this, 0, 0, 0);
    USBLog(7, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::start", getName(), this);
    IncrementOutstandingIO();			// make sure that once we open we don't close until start is finished

    // Get our locationID as an unsigned 32 bit number
	if ( provider )
		propertyObj = provider->copyProperty(kUSBDevicePropertyLocationID);
		locationIDProperty = OSDynamicCast( OSNumber, propertyObj);
		if ( locationIDProperty )
			_locationID = locationIDProperty->unsigned32BitValue();
		if (propertyObj)
			propertyObj = NULL;
	// this will call handleStart, which is implemented below, and sets up _device and _interface
    if (!super::start(provider))
        USBLog(1, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::start - super::start returned false!", getName(), this);
		USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDStart, (uintptr_t)this, 0, 0, 1 );
        goto ErrorExit;

    // Attempt to create a command gate for our driver
    commandGate = IOCommandGate::commandGate(this);

    if (!commandGate)
        USBLog(1, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::start - could not get a command gate", getName(), this);
		USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDStart, (uintptr_t)this, 0, 0, 2 );
        goto ErrorExit;

    workLoop = getWorkLoop();
    if ( !workLoop)
        USBLog(1, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::start - unable to find my workloop", getName(), this);
        USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDStart, (uintptr_t)this, 0, 0, 3 );
        goto ErrorExit;

    // Hold on to the workloop in cause we're being unplugged at the same time

    if (workLoop->addEventSource(commandGate) != kIOReturnSuccess)
        USBLog(1, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::start - unable to add gate to work loop", getName(), this);
        USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDStart, (uintptr_t)this, 0, 0, 4 );
        goto ErrorExit;

    addEventSourceSuccess = true;

    // Now, find our interrupt out pipe and interrupt in pipes
    request.type = kUSBInterrupt;
    request.direction = kUSBOut;
    _interruptOutPipe = _interface->FindNextPipe(NULL, &request);

    request.type = kUSBInterrupt;
    request.direction = kUSBIn;
    _interruptPipe = _interface->FindNextPipe(NULL, &request);

    if (!_interruptPipe)
        USBLog(1, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::start - unable to get interrupt pipe", getName(), this);
        USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDStart, (uintptr_t)this, 0, 0, 5 );
        goto ErrorExit;

    // The HID spec specifies that only input reports should come thru the interrupt pipe.  Thus,
    // set the buffer size to the Max Input Report Size that has been decoded by the HID Mgr.
	propertyObj = copyProperty(kIOHIDMaxInputReportSizeKey);
	inputReportSize = OSDynamicCast( OSNumber, propertyObj);
    if ( inputReportSize )
        maxInputReportSize = inputReportSize->unsigned32BitValue();
	if (propertyObj)
		propertyObj = NULL;
    if (maxInputReportSize == 0)
        maxInputReportSize = _interruptPipe->GetMaxPacketSize();

    if ( maxInputReportSize > 0 )
        _buffer = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::withCapacity(maxInputReportSize, kIODirectionIn);
        if ( !_buffer )
            USBLog(1, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::start - unable to get create buffer", getName(), this);
            USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDStart, (uintptr_t)this, 0, 0, 6 );
            goto ErrorExit;
        USBLog(5, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::start - Device reports maxInputReportSize of 0", getName(), this);
        _buffer = NULL;
    // Errata for ALL Saitek devices.  Do a SET_IDLE 0 call
    if ( (_device->GetVendorID()) == 0x06a3 )

    // For Keyboards, set the idle millecs to 24 or to 0 if from Apple
    if ( (_interface->GetInterfaceClass() == kUSBHIDClass) &&
         (_interface->GetInterfaceSubClass() == kUSBHIDBootInterfaceSubClass) &&
         (_interface->GetInterfaceProtocol() == kHIDKeyboardInterfaceProtocol) )
        if (_device->GetVendorID() == kIOUSBVendorIDAppleComputer)
	//  Look to see if we have a property to kick the device into operational mode
	propertyObj = provider->copyProperty("SIXAXIS compatibility");
	sixAxisProperty = OSDynamicCast( OSBoolean, propertyObj);
	if ( sixAxisProperty )
		if ( sixAxisProperty->isTrue() )
			IOUSBDevRequest requestPB;
			UInt8 buffer[18];
			USBLog(3, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::start  SIXAXIS compatibility", getName(), this);
			requestPB.bmRequestType = USBmakebmRequestType(kUSBIn, kUSBClass, kUSBInterface);
			requestPB.bRequest = kHIDRqGetReport;
			requestPB.wValue = (3 << 8) | 0xf2;
			requestPB.wIndex = _interface->GetInterfaceNumber();
			requestPB.wLength = sizeof(buffer);
			requestPB.pData = &buffer;
			requestPB.wLenDone = 0;
			err = _device->DeviceRequest(&requestPB);
			if ( err != kIOReturnSuccess )
				USBLog(3, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::start  getReport for SIXAXIS compatibility request failed; err = 0x%x)", getName(), this, err);
	if (propertyObj)
		propertyObj = NULL;

    // Set the device into Report Protocol if it's a bootInterface subClass interface
    if (_interface->GetInterfaceSubClass() == kUSBHIDBootInterfaceSubClass)
        err = SetProtocol( kHIDReportProtocolValue );
    // allocate a thread_call structure to see if our device is "dead" or not. We need to do this on a separate thread
    // to allow it to run without holding up the show
    _deviceDeadCheckThread = thread_call_allocate((thread_call_func_t)CheckForDeadDeviceEntry, (thread_call_param_t)this);
    _clearFeatureEndpointHaltThread = thread_call_allocate((thread_call_func_t)ClearFeatureEndpointHaltEntry, (thread_call_param_t)this);
    _HANDLE_REPORT_THREAD = thread_call_allocate((thread_call_func_t)HandleReportEntry, (thread_call_param_t)this);
    if ( !_deviceDeadCheckThread || !_clearFeatureEndpointHaltThread || !_HANDLE_REPORT_THREAD )
        USBLog(1, "[%s]%p: could not allocate all thread functions", getName(), this);
        USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDStart, (uintptr_t)this, 0, 0, 7 );
        goto ErrorExit;
	_INTERFACE_NUMBER = _interface->GetInterfaceNumber();
	// Check to see if we have a logging property
	propertyObj = provider->copyProperty(kUSBHIDReportLoggingLevel);
	numberObj = OSDynamicCast( OSNumber, propertyObj);
    if ( numberObj )
		_HID_LOGGING_LEVEL = numberObj->unsigned32BitValue();
		_LOG_HID_REPORTS = true;
		USBLog(5, "IOUSBHIDDriver[%p](Intfce: %d of device %s @ 0x%x)::start  HID Report Logging at level %d", this, _INTERFACE_NUMBER, _device->getName(), (uint32_t)_locationID, _HID_LOGGING_LEVEL);
		_LOG_HID_REPORTS = false;
	if (propertyObj)
		propertyObj = NULL;

	// Do the final processing for the "start" method.  This allows subclasses to get called right before we return from
    // the start
    err = StartFinalProcessing();
    if (err != kIOReturnSuccess)
        USBLog(1, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::start - err (%x) in StartFinalProcessing", getName(), this, err);
        USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDStart, (uintptr_t)this, 0, 0, 8 );
        goto ErrorExit;

    USBLog(1, "[%p] USB HID Interface #%d of device %s @ %d (0x%x)",this, _interface->GetInterfaceNumber(), _device->getName(), _device->GetAddress(), (uint32_t)_locationID );
	USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDStart, _interface->GetInterfaceNumber(), _device->GetAddress(), (uint32_t)_locationID, 0);

    // Now that we have succesfully added our gate to the workloop, set our member variables
    _gate = commandGate;
    _WORKLOOP = workLoop;

	err = InitializeUSBHIDPowerManagement(provider);
	if (err)
		USBLog(1, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::start - err [%p] from InitializeUSBHIDPowerManagement", getName(), this, (void*)err);
		USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDStart, (uintptr_t)this, err, 0, 10);
	USBTrace_End( kUSBTHID, kTPHIDStart, (uintptr_t)this, 0, 0, 0);
    DecrementOutstandingIO();		// release the hold we put on at the beginning
    return true;


    USBLog(1, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::start - @ 0x%x aborting startup", getName(), this, (uint32_t)_locationID);
	USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDStart, (uintptr_t)this, (uint32_t)_locationID, 0, 9 );

    if ( commandGate != NULL )
        if ( addEventSourceSuccess )

        commandGate = NULL;

    if ( workLoop != NULL )
        workLoop = NULL;

    if (_deviceDeadCheckThread)

    if (_clearFeatureEndpointHaltThread)


    if (_interruptPipe)
		_interruptPipe = NULL;
    if (_interface)

    DecrementOutstandingIO();		// release the hold we put on at the beginning
    return false;

//  message
IOUSBHIDDriver::message( UInt32 type, IOService * provider,  void * argument )
    IOReturn	err;

    // Call our superclass to the handle the message first
    err = super::message (type, provider, argument);

    switch ( type )
        case kIOUSBMessagePortHasBeenReset:
            USBLog(3, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]: received kIOUSBMessagePortHasBeenReset, checking idle and rearming interrupt read", getName(), this);
			if ( _retryCount != 0 )
				USBLog(5, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]: received kIOUSBMessagePortHasBeenReset, we did not initiate this reset, so abort our interrupt pipe", getName(), this);
				if (_interruptPipe)
            _retryCount = kHIDDriverRetryCount;
            _deviceHasBeenDisconnected = FALSE;
			// Redo any initialization that we did at boot time
			if ( _interface && _device )
				// For Keyboards, set the idle millecs to 24 or to 0 if from Apple
				if ( (_interface->GetInterfaceClass() == kUSBHIDClass) &&
					 (_interface->GetInterfaceSubClass() == kUSBHIDBootInterfaceSubClass) &&
					 (_interface->GetInterfaceProtocol() == kHIDKeyboardInterfaceProtocol) )
					if (_device->GetVendorID() == kIOUSBVendorIDAppleComputer)
				// Set the device into Report Protocol if it's a bootInterface subClass interface
				if (_interface->GetInterfaceSubClass() == kUSBHIDBootInterfaceSubClass)
					err = SetProtocol( kHIDReportProtocolValue );
				// Errata for ALL Saitek devices.  Do a SET_IDLE 0 call
				if ( (_device->GetVendorID()) == 0x06a3 )
			// Finally, rearm our read
			err = RearmInterruptRead();
        case kIOUSBMessagePortHasBeenSuspended:
            USBLog(3, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]: received kIOUSBMessagePortHasBeenSuspended", getName(), this);
 			_PORT_SUSPENDED = true;
        case kIOUSBMessagePortHasBeenResumed:
		case kIOUSBMessagePortWasNotSuspended:
            USBLog(3, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]: received message %s (0x%x), rearming interrupt read", getName(), this, type == kIOUSBMessagePortHasBeenResumed ? "kIOUSBMessagePortHasBeenResumed": "kIOUSBMessagePortWasNotSuspended", (uint32_t)type);
            err = RearmInterruptRead();
			// Re-enable the timer
				USBLog(5, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::message  re-enabling the timer", getName(), this);
				// Now, set it again

    return err;

//  willTerminate
IOUSBHIDDriver::willTerminate( IOService * provider, IOOptionBits options )
    // this method is intended to be used to stop any pending I/O and to make sure that
    // we have begun getting our callbacks in order. by the time we get here, the
    // isInactive flag is set, so we really are marked as being done. we will do in here
    // what we used to do in the message method (this happens first)
    USBLog(3, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::willTerminate isInactive (%d) _outstandingIO(%d)", getName(), this, isInactive(), (int)_outstandingIO);
	if (_outstandingIO)
		if (_interruptPipe)

		// Cancel our suspend Timer if it exists
    return super::willTerminate(provider, options);

//  didTerminate
IOUSBHIDDriver::didTerminate( IOService * provider, IOOptionBits options, bool * defer )
    // this method comes at the end of the termination sequence. Hopefully, all of our outstanding IO is complete
    // in which case we can just close our provider and IOKit will take care of the rest. Otherwise, we need to
    // hold on to the device and IOKit will terminate us when we close it later
    USBLog(3, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::didTerminate isInactive = %d, outstandingIO = %d", getName(), this, isInactive(), (uint32_t)_outstandingIO);

    PMstop();								// disconnect from the IOPower tree
    if (!_outstandingIO)
		if (_interruptPipe)
			_interruptPipe = NULL;
        _needToClose = true;

    return super::didTerminate(provider, options, defer);

#pragma mark ееееееее Power Manager Methods еееееееее
unsigned long 
IOUSBHIDDriver::maxCapabilityForDomainState ( IOPMPowerFlags domainState )
	unsigned long ret = super::maxCapabilityForDomainState(domainState);
	if (isInactive())
		USBLog(2, "IOUSBHIDDriver[%p]::maxCapabilityForDomainState - while inactive - ignoring", this);
		return ret;

	USBLog(5, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::maxCapabilityForDomainState - domainState[%d] - returning[%d]", getName(), this, (int)domainState, (int)ret);
	return ret;

IOUSBHIDDriver::powerStateWillChangeTo ( IOPMPowerFlags capabilities, unsigned long stateNumber, IOService* whatDevice)
	USBTrace_Start( kUSBTHID, kTPHIDpowerStateWillChangeTo, (uintptr_t)this, capabilities, stateNumber, (uintptr_t)whatDevice );
	if (isInactive())
		USBLog(1, "IOUSBHIDDriver[%p]::powerStateWillChangeTo - while inactive - ignoring", this);
		USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDpowerStateWillChangeTo, (uintptr_t)this, IOPMAckImplied, 0, 1 );
		return IOPMAckImplied;

	USBLog(5, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::powerStateWillChangeTo - capabilities[%p] stateNumber[%d] whatDevice[%p]", getName(), this, (void*)capabilities, (int)stateNumber, whatDevice);

	if (whatDevice != this)
		USBLog(5, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::powerStateWillChangeTo - whatDevice[%p] is not me - ignoring", getName(), this, whatDevice);
		return IOPMAckImplied;

	if (stateNumber != _MYPOWERSTATE)

	USBLog(5, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::powerStateWillChangeTo state (%d) - returning (%p)", getName(), this, (int)stateNumber, (void*)IOPMAckImplied);
	USBTrace_End( kUSBTHID, kTPHIDpowerStateWillChangeTo, (uintptr_t)this, stateNumber, IOPMAckImplied, 0);
	return IOPMAckImplied;

IOUSBHIDDriver::setPowerState ( unsigned long powerStateOrdinal, IOService* whatDevice )
	USBTrace_Start( kUSBTHID, kTPHIDsetPowerState, (uintptr_t)this, powerStateOrdinal, (uintptr_t)whatDevice, 0);
	if ( isInactive() )
		USBLog(3,"IOUSBHIDDriver[%p]::setPowerState - while inactive - ignoring", this);
		return kIOPMAckImplied;
	// at the moment, we don't do anything in the setPowerState. However, I want to log it for the time being..
	USBLog(5, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::setPowerState - powerStateOrdinal[%d] whatDevice[%p] _device[%p](%s)", getName(), this, (int)powerStateOrdinal, whatDevice, _device, _device->getName());

	if ( whatDevice != this )
		USBLog(1,"IOUSBHIDDriver[%p]::setPowerState - whatDevice != this", this);
		USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDsetPowerState, (uintptr_t)this, 0, 0, 1 );
		return kIOPMAckImplied;
	if (powerStateOrdinal > kUSBHIDPowerStateOn)
		USBLog(1,"IOUSBHIDDriver[%p]::setPowerState - bad ordinal(%d)", this, (int)powerStateOrdinal);
		USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDsetPowerState, (uintptr_t)this, powerStateOrdinal, 0, 2 );
		return kIOPMNoSuchState;
	if (_MYPOWERSTATE == powerStateOrdinal)
		USBLog(5,"IOUSBHIDDriver[%p]::setPowerState - already in correct power state (%d) - no op", this, (int)_MYPOWERSTATE);
		return kIOPMAckImplied;

	// if we are switching to the suspend state, we will cancel our timer and abort the interrupt pipe
	if (powerStateOrdinal < kUSBHIDPowerStateOn)
		// now kill my interrupt pipe, since my upstream hub will suspend me
		USBLog(5, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::setPowerState state(%d) -  aborting pipe (%p)", getName(), this, (int)powerStateOrdinal, _interruptPipe);
		if ( _interruptPipe )
		USBLog(5, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::setPowerState state (%d)- cancelling timer (%p)", getName(), this, (int)powerStateOrdinal, _SUSPENDPORT_TIMER);

	switch (powerStateOrdinal)
		case kUSBHIDPowerStateOn:
		case kUSBHIDPowerStateLowPower:
		case kUSBHIDPowerStateSleep:
		case kUSBHIDPowerStateOff:
		case kUSBHIDPowerStateRestart:
			USBLog(1, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::setPowerState - unknown ordinal (%d)", getName(), this, (int)powerStateOrdinal);
			USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDsetPowerState, (uintptr_t)this, powerStateOrdinal, 0, 3 );
	USBTrace_End( kUSBTHID, kTPHIDsetPowerState, (uintptr_t)this, 0, 0, 0);
	return IOPMAckImplied;

IOUSBHIDDriver::powerStateDidChangeTo ( IOPMPowerFlags capabilities, unsigned long stateNumber, IOService* whatDevice)
	IOReturn		err;

	USBTrace_Start( kUSBTHID, kTPHIDpowerStateDidChangeTo, (uintptr_t)this, capabilities, stateNumber, (uintptr_t)whatDevice );
	if ( isInactive() )
		USBLog(3,"IOUSBHIDDriver[%p]::powerStateDidChangeTo - while inactive - ignoring", this);
		return kIOPMAckImplied;
	if (whatDevice != this)
		USBLog(5, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::powerStateDidChangeTo - whatDevice[%p] is not me - ignoring", getName(), this, whatDevice);
		return IOPMAckImplied;

	_MYPOWERSTATE = stateNumber;

	// if we are unsuspending, it is time to issue the interrupt read and start the idle timer
	if (stateNumber == kUSBHIDPowerStateOn)
			USBLog(5, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::powerStateDidChangeTo - _device (%s) going into RUN mode - issuing read and starting timer", getName(), this, _device->getName());
			err = RearmInterruptRead();
			if (err)
				USBLog(1, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::powerStateDidChangeTo - err (%p) returned from RearmInterruptRead", getName(), this, (void*)err);
				USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDpowerStateDidChangeTo, (uintptr_t)this, err, 0, 0);
			USBLog(2, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::powerStateDidChangeTo(ON) - not ReArming because _QUEUED_REPORTS was >0", getName(), this);			
	USBTrace_End( kUSBTHID, kTPHIDpowerStateDidChangeTo, (uintptr_t)this, 0, 0, 0);

	return IOPMAckImplied;

IOUSBHIDDriver::powerChangeDone ( unsigned long fromState)
	USBTrace_Start( kUSBTHID, kTPHIDpowerChangeDone, (uintptr_t)this, fromState, 0, 0);
	if (isInactive())
		USBLog(1, "IOUSBHIDDriver[%p]::powerChangeDone - from state (%d)  - ignoring", this, (int)fromState);
		USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDpowerChangeDone, (uintptr_t)this, fromState, 0, 0);

	USBTrace_End( kUSBTHID, kTPHIDpowerChangeDone, (uintptr_t)this, 0, 0, 0);
	USBLog((fromState == _MYPOWERSTATE) ? 7 : 5, "IOUSBHIDDriver[%p]::powerChangeDone from state (%d) to state (%d) _device name(%s)", this, (int)fromState, (int)_MYPOWERSTATE, _device->getName());

#pragma mark ееееееее IOHIDDevice Methods еееееееее
//  handleStart
//  Note: handleStart is not an IOKit thing, but is a IOHIDDevice thing. It is called from 
//  IOHIDDevice::start after some initialization by that method, but before it calls registerService
//  this method needs to open the provider, and make sure to have enough state (basically _interface
//  and _device) to be able to get information from the device. we do NOT need to start the interrupt read
//  yet, however
IOUSBHIDDriver::handleStart(IOService * provider)
    USBLog(7, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::handleStart", getName(), this);
	USBTrace_Start( kUSBTHID, kTPHIDhandleStart, (uintptr_t)this, (uintptr_t)provider, 0, 0);

    if ( !super::handleStart(provider))
        return false;

    // Open our provider so that nobody else an gain access to it
    if( !provider->open(this))
        USBLog(1, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::handleStart - unable to open provider. returning false", getName(), this);
		USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDhandleStart, (uintptr_t)this, 0, 0, 1 );
        return (false);

    _interface = OSDynamicCast(IOUSBInterface, provider);
    if (!_interface)
        USBLog(1, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::handleStart - Our provider is not an IOUSBInterface!!", getName(), this);
		USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDhandleStart, (uintptr_t)this, 0, 0, 2 );
        return false;

    _device = _interface->GetDevice();
    if (!_device)
        USBLog(1, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::handleStart - Cannot get our provider's USB device.  This is bad.", getName(), this);
		USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDhandleStart, (uintptr_t)this, 0, 0, 3 );
        return false;

	USBTrace_End( kUSBTHID, kTPHIDhandleStart, (uintptr_t)this, (uintptr_t)_interface, (uintptr_t)_device, 0);
    return true;

//  handleStop
//  Note: handleStop is not an IOKit thing, but is a IOHIDDevice thing.
IOUSBHIDDriver::handleStop(IOService * provider)
    USBLog(7, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::handleStop", getName(), this);

    if (_buffer)
        _buffer = NULL;

    if (_deviceDeadCheckThread)

    if (_clearFeatureEndpointHaltThread)

//  getReport
IOUSBHIDDriver::getReport(	IOMemoryDescriptor * report,
                                IOHIDReportType      reportType,
                                IOOptionBits         options )
    UInt8		reportID;
    IOReturn		ret;
    UInt8		usbReportType;
    IOUSBDevRequestDesc requestPB;

    // The following should really be an errata bit.  We will need to add that later.  For now
    // hardcode the check.  Some Logitech devices do not respond well to a GET_REPORT, so we need
    // to return unsupported for them.
    if ( _device->GetVendorID() == 0x046d )
        UInt16	prodID = _device->GetProductID();

        if ( (prodID == 0xc202) || (prodID == 0xc207) || (prodID == 0xc208) ||
             (prodID == 0xc209) || (prodID == 0xc20a) || (prodID == 0xc212) || 
             (prodID == 0xc285) || (prodID == 0xc293) || (prodID == 0xc294) ||
             (prodID == 0xc295) || (prodID == 0xc283) )
            return kIOReturnUnsupported;

    // Get the reportID from the lower 8 bits of options
    reportID = (UInt8) ( options & 0x000000ff);

    // And now save the report type
    usbReportType = HIDMGR2USBREPORTTYPE(reportType);

    //--- Fill out device request form
    requestPB.bmRequestType = USBmakebmRequestType(kUSBIn, kUSBClass, kUSBInterface);
    requestPB.bRequest = kHIDRqGetReport;
    requestPB.wValue = (usbReportType << 8) | reportID;
    requestPB.wIndex = _interface->GetInterfaceNumber();
    requestPB.wLength = report->getLength();
    requestPB.pData = report;
    requestPB.wLenDone = 0;
    ret = _device->DeviceRequest(&requestPB);
    if ( ret != kIOReturnSuccess )
            USBLog(3, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::getReport request failed; err = 0x%x)", getName(), this, ret);

		USBLog(_HID_LOGGING_LEVEL, "IOUSBHIDDriver[%p](Intfce: %d of device %s @ 0x%x)::getReport(%d, type = %s) returned success:", this, _INTERFACE_NUMBER, _device->getName(), (uint32_t)_locationID, reportID, 
			   usbReportType == 1 ? "input" : (usbReportType == 2 ? "output" : (usbReportType == 3 ? "feature" : "unknown")) );
		LogMemReport(_HID_LOGGING_LEVEL, report, report->getLength());

	return ret;

//  setReport
IOUSBHIDDriver::setReport( IOMemoryDescriptor * 	report,
                            IOHIDReportType      	reportType,
                            IOOptionBits         	options)
    UInt8		reportID;
    IOReturn		ret;
    UInt8		usbReportType;
    IOUSBDevRequestDesc requestPB;
    // Get the reportID from the lower 8 bits of options
    reportID = (UInt8) ( options & 0x000000ff);

    // And now save the report type
    usbReportType = HIDMGR2USBREPORTTYPE(reportType);
    // If we have an interrupt out pipe, try to use it for output type of reports.
    if ( kHIDOutputReport == usbReportType && _interruptOutPipe )
            USBLog(_HID_LOGGING_LEVEL, "IOUSBHIDDriver[%p](Intfce: %d of device %s @ 0x%x)::setReport sending out interrupt out pipe buffer (%p,%d):", this, _INTERFACE_NUMBER, _device->getName(), (uint32_t)_locationID, report, (uint32_t)report->getLength() );
            LogMemReport(_HID_LOGGING_LEVEL, report, report->getLength());

		ret = _interruptOutPipe->Write(report);
        if (ret == kIOReturnSuccess)
            return ret;
            USBLog(3, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::setReport _interruptOutPipe->Write failed; err = 0x%x)", getName(), this, ret);
    // If we did not succeed using the interrupt out pipe, we may still be able to use the control pipe.
    // We'll let the family check whether it's a disjoint descriptor or not (but right now it doesn't do it)
        USBLog(_HID_LOGGING_LEVEL, "IOUSBHIDDriver[%p](Intfce: %d of device %s @ 0x%x)::SetReport sending out control pipe:", this, _INTERFACE_NUMBER, _device->getName(), (uint32_t)_locationID);
        LogMemReport(_HID_LOGGING_LEVEL,  report, report->getLength());
    //--- Fill out device request form
    requestPB.bmRequestType = USBmakebmRequestType(kUSBOut, kUSBClass, kUSBInterface);
    requestPB.bRequest = kHIDRqSetReport;
    requestPB.wValue = (usbReportType << 8) | reportID;
    requestPB.wIndex = _interface->GetInterfaceNumber();
    requestPB.wLength = report->getLength();
    requestPB.pData = report;
    requestPB.wLenDone = 0;
    ret = _device->DeviceRequest(&requestPB);
    if (ret != kIOReturnSuccess)
            USBLog(3, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::setReport request failed; err = 0x%x)", getName(), this, ret);
    USBLog(_HID_LOGGING_LEVEL, "IOUSBHIDDriver[%p](Intfce: %d of device %s @ 0x%x)::setReport returning 0x%x", this, _INTERFACE_NUMBER, _device->getName(), (uint32_t)_locationID, (uint32_t)ret);
	return ret;

//  newLocationIDNumber
OSNumber *
IOUSBHIDDriver::newLocationIDNumber() const
    OSNumber *	newLocationID = NULL;
	OSNumber *	locationID = NULL;
    OSObject *	propertyObj = NULL;

    if (_interface != NULL)
		propertyObj = _interface->copyProperty(kUSBDevicePropertyLocationID);
		locationID = OSDynamicCast( OSNumber, propertyObj);
        if ( locationID )
            // I should be able to just duplicate locationID, but no OSObject::clone() or such.
            newLocationID = OSNumber::withNumber(locationID->unsigned32BitValue(), 32);
		if (propertyObj)

    return newLocationID;

//  newManufacturerString
OSString *
IOUSBHIDDriver::newManufacturerString() const
    char 	manufacturerString[256];
    UInt32 	strSize;
    UInt8 	index;
    IOReturn	err;

    manufacturerString[0] = 0;

    index = _device->GetManufacturerStringIndex();
    strSize = sizeof(manufacturerString);

    err = GetIndexedString(index, (UInt8 *)manufacturerString, &strSize);

    if ( err == kIOReturnSuccess )
        return OSString::withCString(manufacturerString);
        return NULL;

//  newProductIDNumber
OSNumber *
IOUSBHIDDriver::newProductIDNumber() const
    UInt16 productID = 0;

    if (_device != NULL)
        productID = _device->GetProductID();

    return OSNumber::withNumber(productID, 16);

//  newProductString
OSString *
IOUSBHIDDriver::newProductString() const
    char 	productString[256];
    UInt32 	strSize;
    UInt8 	index;
    IOReturn	err;

    productString[0] = 0;

    index = _device->GetProductStringIndex();
    strSize = sizeof(productString);

    err = GetIndexedString(index, (UInt8 *)productString, &strSize);

    if ( err == kIOReturnSuccess )
        return OSString::withCString(productString);
        return NULL;

//  newReportDescriptor
IOUSBHIDDriver::newReportDescriptor(IOMemoryDescriptor ** desc) const
    IOBufferMemoryDescriptor * 	bufferDesc = NULL;
    IOReturn ret = 		kIOReturnNoMemory;
    IOUSBHIDDriver * 		me = (IOUSBHIDDriver *) this;

    // Get the proper HID report descriptor size.
    UInt32 inOutSize = 0;
    ret = me->GetHIDDescriptor(kUSBReportDesc, 0, NULL, &inOutSize);

    if ( ret == kIOReturnSuccess && inOutSize != 0)
        bufferDesc = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::withCapacity(inOutSize, kIODirectionOutIn);

    if (bufferDesc)
        ret = me->GetHIDDescriptor(kUSBReportDesc, 0, (UInt8 *)bufferDesc->getBytesNoCopy(), &inOutSize);

        if ( ret != kIOReturnSuccess )
            bufferDesc = NULL;

    *desc = bufferDesc;

    return ret;

//  newSerialNumberString
OSString * 
IOUSBHIDDriver::newSerialNumberString() const
    char 	serialNumberString[256];
    UInt32 	strSize;
    UInt8 	index;
    IOReturn	err;
    serialNumberString[0] = 0;

    index = _device->GetSerialNumberStringIndex();
    strSize = sizeof(serialNumberString);
    err = GetIndexedString(index, (UInt8 *)serialNumberString, &strSize);
    if ( err == kIOReturnSuccess )
        return OSString::withCString(serialNumberString);
        return NULL;

//  newTransportString
OSString *
IOUSBHIDDriver::newTransportString() const
    return OSString::withCString("USB");

//  newVendorIDNumber
OSNumber *
IOUSBHIDDriver::newVendorIDNumber() const
    UInt16 vendorID = 0;

    if (_device != NULL)
        vendorID = _device->GetVendorID();

    return OSNumber::withNumber(vendorID, 16);

//  newVersionNumber
OSNumber *
IOUSBHIDDriver::newVersionNumber() const
    UInt16 releaseNum = 0;

    if (_device != NULL)
        releaseNum = _device->GetDeviceRelease();

    return OSNumber::withNumber(releaseNum, 16);

//  newCountryCodeNumber
OSNumber *
IOUSBHIDDriver::newCountryCodeNumber() const
    IOUSBHIDDescriptor 		*theHIDDesc;
    if (!_interface)
        USBLog(2, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::newCountryCodeNumber - no _interface", getName(), this);
        return NULL;
    // From the interface descriptor, get the HID descriptor.
    theHIDDesc = (IOUSBHIDDescriptor *)_interface->FindNextAssociatedDescriptor(NULL, kUSBHIDDesc);
    if (theHIDDesc == NULL)
        USBLog(2, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::newCountryCodeNumber - FindNextAssociatedDescriptor(NULL, kUSBHIDDesc) failed", getName(), this);
        return NULL;
    return OSNumber::withNumber((unsigned long long)theHIDDesc->hidCountryCode, 8);

#pragma mark ееееееее Static Methods еееееееее
//  InterruptReadHandlerEntry is called to process any data coming in through our interrupt pipe
IOUSBHIDDriver::InterruptReadHandlerEntry(OSObject *target, void *param, IOReturn status, UInt32 bufferSizeRemaining)
    IOUSBHIDDriver *	me = OSDynamicCast(IOUSBHIDDriver, target);
    uint64_t			timeStamp;
    if (!me)
	// If we don't have a timestamp, we need to fake one up
	timeStamp = mach_absolute_time();

    me->InterruptReadHandler(status, bufferSizeRemaining, *(AbsoluteTime *)&timeStamp);

IOUSBHIDDriver::InterruptReadHandlerWithTimeStampEntry(OSObject *target, void *param, IOReturn status, UInt32 bufferSizeRemaining, AbsoluteTime timeStamp)
    IOUSBHIDDriver *	me = OSDynamicCast(IOUSBHIDDriver, target);
    if (!me)
    me->InterruptReadHandler(status, bufferSizeRemaining, timeStamp);

IOUSBHIDDriver::InterruptReadHandler(IOReturn status, UInt32 bufferSizeRemaining, AbsoluteTime timeStamp)
    bool			queueAnother = false;					// make the default to not queue another - since the callout threads usually do
    IOReturn		err = kIOReturnSuccess;
	_PENDINGREAD = false;
	// Save our timestamp, since we are going to callout to the HID manager
    // Calculate the # of milliseconds since we woke up.  If this is <= the amount specified in _msToIgnoreTransactionsAfterWake, then
    // we will ignore the transaction.
	//    UInt64			timeElapsed;
	//    uint64_t	timeStop;
    // timeStop = mach_absolute_time();
    //SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&timeStop, &timeStamp);
    //absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(timeStop, &timeElapsed);
    // USBLog(5,"IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::InterruptReadHandler:  microsecs since filter interrupt:  %qd", getName(), this, timeElapsed / 1000);
    // USBLog(5,"IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::InterruptReadHandler:  time.hi 0x%x time.lo 0x%x", getName(), this, timeStamp.hi, timeStamp.lo);
    // kprintf("IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::InterruptReadHandler:  time.hi 0x%x time.lo 0x%x\n", getName(), this, timeStamp.hi, timeStamp.lo);

	USBLog(7, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::InterruptReadHandler  bufferSizeRemaining: %d, error 0x%x", getName(), this, (uint32_t)bufferSizeRemaining, status);
	if ( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		vm_size_t	capacity = (_buffer ? _buffer->getCapacity() : 0);
		USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDInterruptRead, (uintptr_t)this, (uintptr_t)status, capacity - bufferSizeRemaining, capacity);
		USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDInterruptRead, (uintptr_t)this, (uintptr_t)status, 0, 0);
	// Initialize so that we don't queue a clearFeatureEndpointHalt
    switch (status)
        case kIOReturnOverrun:
            USBLog(3, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::InterruptReadHandler kIOReturnOverrun error", getName(), this);
            // This is an interesting error, as we have the data that we wanted and more...  We will use this
            // data but first we need to clear the stall and reset the data toggle on the device. We then just 
            // fall through to the kIOReturnSuccess case.
            // 01-18-02 JRH If we are inactive, then ignore this
			if (!isInactive() && _interruptPipe)
                // First, clear the halted bit in the controller
				// We will need to clear the stall
            // Fall through to process the data.
        case kIOReturnSuccess:
            // Reset the retry count, since we had a successful read
            _retryCount = kHIDDriverRetryCount;
			// If we got a "short" transfer, adjust the length of the buffer so we don't send stale data to the HID family.
			// We will reset the length before rearming the read
			if ( bufferSizeRemaining != 0 )

            // Handle the data.  We do this on a callout thread so that we don't block all
            // of USB I/O if the HID system is blocked.  We only do that if we have less than than kMaxQueuedReports pending
			if ( _QUEUED_REPORTS < kMaxQueuedReports)
				// Do not call handle report if we have no new data in our buffer
				if ( bufferSizeRemaining != _buffer->getCapacity() )
					// If thread_call_enter() returns TRUE, then a call is already
					// pending, and we need to drop our outstandingIO count.
					_QUEUED_REPORTS++;				// do this while we are still inside the gate
					if ( thread_call_enter1(_HANDLE_REPORT_THREAD, (thread_call_param_t) &_INTERRUPT_TIMESTAMP) == TRUE)
						USBLog(3, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::InterruptReadHandler  _HANDLE_REPORT_THREAD was already queued!", getName(), this);
					queueAnother = true;
				USBLog(2, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::InterruptReadHandler  Not calling handleReport thread because we already have a report queued", getName(), this);
        case kIOReturnNotResponding:
		case kIOUSBHighSpeedSplitError:
            USBLog(3, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::InterruptReadHandler 0x%x (%s)", getName(), this, status, USBStringFromReturn(status));
            // If our device has been disconnected or we're already processing a
            // terminate message, just go ahead and close the device (i.e. don't
            // queue another read.  Otherwise, go check to see if the device is
            // around or not. 
			if ( IsPortSuspended() && _interruptPipe)
				// If the port is suspended, then we can expect this.  Just ignore the error.
	            USBLog(4, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::InterruptReadHandler kIOReturnNotResponding error but port is suspended", getName(), this);
				// If the port is suspended, we don't need to re-arm the interrupt, but we still need to clear the stall.  
				if ( !_deviceHasBeenDisconnected && !isInactive() && _interruptPipe)
					USBLog(3, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::InterruptReadHandler Checking to see if HID device is still connected", getName(), this);
					// If thread_call_enter() returns TRUE, then a call is already
					// pending, and we need to drop our outstandingIO count.
					if ( thread_call_enter(_deviceDeadCheckThread) == TRUE )
						USBLog(3, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::InterruptReadHandler  _deviceDeadCheckThread was already queued!", getName(), this);
					// Before requeueing, we need to clear the stall
					queueAnother = true;						// if the device is really dead, this request will get aborted
		case kIOReturnAborted:
			// This generally means that we are done, because we were unplugged, but not always
            if (!isInactive() && !ABORTEXPECTED && _interruptPipe)
                USBLog(3, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::InterruptReadHandler error kIOReturnAborted. Try again.", getName(), this);
				queueAnother = true;
			else if ( ABORTEXPECTED )
                USBLog(5, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::InterruptReadHandler error kIOReturnAborted. Expected.  Not rearming interrupt", getName(), this);
			USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDInterruptReadError, (uintptr_t)this, ABORTEXPECTED, queueAnother, status);
        case kIOReturnUnderrun:
        case kIOUSBPipeStalled:
        case kIOUSBLinkErr:
        case kIOUSBNotSent2Err:
        case kIOUSBNotSent1Err:
        case kIOUSBBufferUnderrunErr:
        case kIOUSBBufferOverrunErr:
        case kIOUSBWrongPIDErr:
        case kIOUSBPIDCheckErr:
        case kIOUSBDataToggleErr:
        case kIOUSBBitstufErr:
        case kIOUSBCRCErr:
            // These errors will halt the endpoint, so before we requeue the interrupt read, we have
            // to clear the stall at the controller and at the device.
            USBLog(3, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::InterruptReadHandler error (0x%x) reading interrupt pipe", getName(), this, status);
            // 01-18-02 JRH If we are inactive, then ignore this
            if (!isInactive() && _interruptPipe)
                // First, clear the halted bit in the controller
                // And call the device to reset the endpoint as well
				// If thread_call_enter() returns TRUE, then a call is already
				// pending, and we need to drop our outstandingIO count.
                if ( thread_call_enter(_clearFeatureEndpointHaltThread) == TRUE )					// this will rearm the request when it is done
					USBLog(3, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::InterruptReadHandler  _clearFeatureEndpointHaltThread was already queued!", getName(), this);
            // We should handle other errors more intelligently, but
            // for now just return and assume the error is recoverable.
            USBLog(3, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::InterruptReadHandler Unknown error (0x%x) reading interrupt pipe", getName(), this, status);
			if ( !isInactive() && _interruptPipe )
			queueAnother = true;													// no callout to go to - rearm it now

    if ( queueAnother )
        // Queue up another one before we leave.
		USBLog(7, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::InterruptReadHandler - queueing another", getName(), this);
        (void) RearmInterruptRead();

//  CheckForDeadDevice
//  Is called when we get a kIODeviceNotResponding error in our interrupt pipe.
//  This can mean that (1) the device was unplugged, or (2) we lost contact
//  with our hub.  In case (1), we just need to close the driver and go.  In
//  case (2), we need to ask if we are still attached.  If we are, then we update 
//  our retry count.  Once our retry count (3 from the 9 sources) are exhausted, then we
//  issue a DeviceReset to our provider, with the understanding that we will go
//  away (as an interface).
IOUSBHIDDriver::CheckForDeadDeviceEntry(OSObject *target)
    IOUSBHIDDriver *	me = OSDynamicCast(IOUSBHIDDriver, target);
    if (!me)

    IOReturn			err = kIOReturnSuccess;

    if ( _deviceDeadThreadActive )
        USBLog(3, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::CheckForDeadDevice already active, returning", getName(), this);
    _deviceDeadThreadActive = TRUE;

    // Are we still connected?
    if ( _interface && _device )
		UInt32		info = 0;
		err = _device->GetDeviceInformation(&info);
		USBLog(6, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::CheckForDeadDevice  GetDeviceInformation returned error 0x%x, info: 0x%x, retryCount: %d", getName(), this, err, (uint32_t)info, (uint32_t)_retryCount);
        if ( (kIOReturnSuccess == err) && (info & kUSBInformationDeviceIsConnectedMask) )
            // Looks like the device is still plugged in.  Have we reached our retry count limit?
            if ( --_retryCount == 0 )
                ABORTEXPECTED = TRUE;
                USBLog(3, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]: Detected an kIONotResponding error but still connected.  Resetting port", getName(), this);
                if (_interruptPipe)
                // OK, let 'er rip.  Let's do the reset thing
            // Device is not connected -- our device has gone away.
            _deviceHasBeenDisconnected = TRUE;

            USBLog(5, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]: CheckForDeadDevice: device %s has been unplugged", getName(), this, _device->getName() );
    _deviceDeadThreadActive = FALSE;

//  ClearFeatureEndpointHaltEntry is called when we get an OHCI error from our interrupt read
//  (except for kIOReturnNotResponding  which will check for a dead device).  In these cases
//  we need to clear the halted bit in the controller AND we need to reset the data toggle on the
//  device.
IOUSBHIDDriver::ClearFeatureEndpointHaltEntry(OSObject *target)
    IOUSBHIDDriver *	me = OSDynamicCast(IOUSBHIDDriver, target);

    if (!me)


IOUSBHIDDriver::ClearFeatureEndpointHalt( )
    IOReturn			status;
    IOUSBDevRequest		request;
    UInt32			retries = 2;
    if (!_interruptPipe)
		USBLog(1, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::ClearFeatureEndpointHalt -  no interrupt pipe - bailing", getName(), this);
		USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDClearFeatureEndpointHalt, (uintptr_t)this, 0, 0, 0);
    // Clear out the structure for the request
    bzero( &request, sizeof(IOUSBDevRequest));
    while ( (retries > 0) && (_interruptPipe) )
        // Build the USB command to clear the ENDPOINT_HALT feature for our interrupt endpoint
        request.bmRequestType 	= USBmakebmRequestType(kUSBNone, kUSBStandard, kUSBEndpoint);
        request.bRequest 		= kUSBRqClearFeature;
        request.wValue			= 0;	// Zero is ENDPOINT_HALT
        request.wIndex			= _interruptPipe->GetEndpointNumber() | 0x80 ; // bit 7 sets the direction of the endpoint to IN
        request.wLength			= 0;
        request.pData			= NULL;
        // Send the command over the control endpoint
        status = _device->DeviceRequest(&request, 5000, 0);
        if ( status != kIOReturnSuccess )
            USBLog(3, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::ClearFeatureEndpointHalt -  DeviceRequest returned: 0x%x, retries = %d", getName(), this, status, (uint32_t)retries);
    // Now that we've sent the ENDPOINT_HALT clear feature, we need to requeue the interrupt read.  Note
    // that we are doing this even if we get an error from the DeviceRequest.
	USBLog(5, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::ClearFeatureEndpointHalt -  rearming interrupt read", getName(), this);
    (void) RearmInterruptRead();

//  HandleReportEntry 
//  Calls the HID System to handle the report we got.  Note that we are relying on the fact
//  that the _buffer data will not be overwritten.  We can assume this because we are not 
//  rearming the Read until after we are done with handleReport
IOUSBHIDDriver::HandleReportEntry(OSObject *target, thread_call_param_t timeStamp)
    IOUSBHIDDriver *	me = OSDynamicCast(IOUSBHIDDriver, target);
    if (!me)
    me->HandleReport(  * (AbsoluteTime *)timeStamp );

IOUSBHIDDriver::HandleReport(AbsoluteTime timeStamp)
    IOReturn			status;
    IOUSBDevRequest		request;
	if ( _buffer->getLength() > 0 )
			USBLog(_HID_LOGGING_LEVEL, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p](Intfce: %d of device %s @ 0x%x) Interrupt IN report came in (%d of %d):", getName(), this, _INTERFACE_NUMBER, _device->getName(), (uint32_t)_locationID, (uint32_t)_buffer->getLength(), (uint32_t)_buffer->getCapacity() );
			LogMemReport(_HID_LOGGING_LEVEL, _buffer, _buffer->getLength() );

		//status = handleReportWithTime(_INTERRUPT_TIMESTAMP, _buffer);
		status = handleReport(_buffer);
		if ( status != kIOReturnSuccess)
			UInt32	bytesToLog = _buffer->getLength() > 16 ? 16 : _buffer->getLength();
			USBLog(1, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::HandleReport handleReportWithTime() returned 0x%x (%s), report data (%d of %d bytes):", getName(), this, status, USBStringFromReturn(status), (uint32_t)bytesToLog, (uint32_t)_buffer->getLength());
			LogMemReport(1, _buffer, bytesToLog );
			USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDHandleReport, (uintptr_t)this, status, 0, 0);

	// Reset our timer, if applicable
		USBLog(5, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::HandleReport cancelling the timeout", getName(), this);
		// First, cancel the present one
		// Now, set it again
    if ( !isInactive() )
        // If we need to clear the stall, then do it (It will queue the interrupt read.  Otherwise, just rearm the interrupt read 
			// If thread_call_enter() returns TRUE, then a call is already
			// pending, and we need to drop our outstandingIO count.
			if ( thread_call_enter(_clearFeatureEndpointHaltThread) == TRUE )					// this will rearm the request when it is done
				USBLog(3, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::HandleReport  _clearFeatureEndpointHaltThread was already queued!", getName(), this);
			USBLog(7, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::HandleReport  calling RearmInterruptRead()", getName(), this);
			(void) RearmInterruptRead();

IOUSBHIDDriver::SuspendPortTimer(OSObject *target, IOTimerEventSource *source)
    IOUSBHIDDriver *	me = OSDynamicCast(IOUSBHIDDriver, target);
    IOReturn			status;
    if (!me || !source || me->isInactive())
	USBLog(5, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::SuspendPortTimer  calling AbortAndSuspend()", me->getName(), me);
	// If this timer gets called, we suspend the port.  Then, when we get resumed, we will re-enable it
	(void) me->AbortAndSuspend( true );

#pragma mark ееееееее HID Driver Methods еееееееее
//  getMaxReportSize
//  Looks at both the input and feature report sizes and returns the maximum
    UInt32		maxInputReportSize = 0;
    UInt32		maxFeatureReportSize = 0;
	OSNumber *	inputReportSize = NULL;
	OSNumber *	featureReportSize = NULL;
    OSObject *	propertyObj = NULL;

	propertyObj = copyProperty(kIOHIDMaxInputReportSizeKey);
	inputReportSize = OSDynamicCast( OSNumber, propertyObj);
    if ( inputReportSize )
        maxInputReportSize = inputReportSize->unsigned32BitValue();
	if (propertyObj)
		propertyObj = NULL;

	propertyObj = copyProperty(kIOHIDMaxFeatureReportSizeKey);
	featureReportSize = OSDynamicCast( OSNumber, propertyObj);
    if ( featureReportSize )
        maxFeatureReportSize = featureReportSize->unsigned32BitValue();
	if (propertyObj)

    return ( (maxInputReportSize > maxFeatureReportSize) ? maxInputReportSize : maxFeatureReportSize);


//  GetHIDDescriptor
// HIDGetHIDDescriptor is used to get a specific HID descriptor from a HID device
// (such as a report descriptor).
IOUSBHIDDriver::GetHIDDescriptor(UInt8 inDescriptorType, UInt8 inDescriptorIndex, UInt8 *vOutBuf, UInt32 *vOutSize)
    IOUSBDevRequest 		requestPB;
    IOUSBHIDDescriptor 		*theHIDDesc;
    IOUSBHIDReportDesc 		*hidTypeSizePtr;	// For checking owned descriptors.
    UInt8 			*descPtr;
    UInt32 			providedBufferSize;
    UInt16 			descSize;
    UInt8 			descType;
    UInt8 			typeIndex;
    UInt8 			numberOwnedDesc;
    IOReturn 		err = kIOReturnSuccess;
    Boolean			foundIt;

    if (!vOutSize)
        return  kIOReturnBadArgument;

    if (!_interface)
        USBLog(2, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::GetHIDDescriptor - no _interface", getName(), this);
        return kIOReturnNotFound;

    // From the interface descriptor, get the HID descriptor.
    theHIDDesc = (IOUSBHIDDescriptor *)_interface->FindNextAssociatedDescriptor(NULL, kUSBHIDDesc);

    if (theHIDDesc == NULL)
        USBLog(2, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::GetHIDDescriptor - FindNextAssociatedDescriptor(NULL, kUSBHIDDesc) failed", getName(), this);
        return kIOReturnNotFound;

    // Remember the provided buffer size
    providedBufferSize = *vOutSize;
    // Are we looking for just the main HID descriptor?
    if (inDescriptorType == kUSBHIDDesc || (inDescriptorType == 0 && inDescriptorIndex == 0))
        descSize = theHIDDesc->descLen;
        descPtr = (UInt8 *)theHIDDesc;

        // No matter what, set the return size to the actual size of the data.
        *vOutSize = descSize;

        // If the provided size is 0, they are just asking for the size, so don't return an error.
        if (providedBufferSize == 0)
            err = kIOReturnSuccess;
        // Otherwise, if the buffer too small, return buffer too small error.
        else if (descSize > providedBufferSize)
            err = kIOReturnNoSpace;
        // Otherwise, if the buffer nil, return that error.
        else if (vOutBuf == NULL)
            err = kIOReturnBadArgument;
        // Otherwise, looks good, so copy the deiscriptor.
            //IOLog("  Copying HIDDesc w/ vOutBuf = 0x%x, descPtr = 0x%x, and descSize = 0x%x.\n", vOutBuf, descPtr, descSize);
            memcpy(vOutBuf, descPtr, descSize);
    {	// Looking for a particular type of descriptor.
      // The HID descriptor tells how many endpoint and report descriptors it contains.
        numberOwnedDesc = ((IOUSBHIDDescriptor *)theHIDDesc)->hidNumDescriptors;
        hidTypeSizePtr = (IOUSBHIDReportDesc *)&((IOUSBHIDDescriptor *)theHIDDesc)->hidDescriptorType;
        //IOLog("     %d owned descriptors start at %08x\n", numberOwnedDesc, (unsigned int)hidTypeSizePtr);

        typeIndex = 0;
        foundIt = false;
        err = kIOReturnNotFound;
        for (UInt8 i = 0; i < numberOwnedDesc; i++)
            descType = hidTypeSizePtr->hidDescriptorType;

            // Are we indexing for a specific type?
            if (inDescriptorType != 0)
                if (inDescriptorType == descType)
                    if (inDescriptorIndex == typeIndex)
                        foundIt = true;
            // Otherwise indexing across descriptors in general.
            // (If looking for any type, index must be 1 based or we'll get HID descriptor.)
            else if (inDescriptorIndex == i + 1)
                //IOLog("  said we found it because inDescriptorIndex = 0x%x.\n", inDescriptorIndex);
                typeIndex = i;
                foundIt = true;

            if (foundIt)
                err = kIOReturnSuccess;		// Maybe
                                         //IOLog("     Found the requested owned descriptor, %d.\n", i);
                descSize = (hidTypeSizePtr->hidDescriptorLengthHi << 8) + hidTypeSizePtr->hidDescriptorLengthLo;

                // Did we just want the size or the whole descriptor?
                // No matter what, set the return size to the actual size of the data.
                *vOutSize = descSize;	// OSX: Won't get back if we return an error!

                // If the provided size is 0, they are just asking for the size, so don't return an error.
                if (providedBufferSize == 0)
                    err = kIOReturnSuccess;
                // Otherwise, if the buffer too small, return buffer too small error.
                else if (descSize > providedBufferSize)
                    err = kIOReturnNoSpace;
                // Otherwise, if the buffer nil, return that error.
                else if (vOutBuf == NULL)
                    err = kIOReturnBadArgument;
                // Otherwise, looks good, so copy the descriptor.
                    if (!_device)
                        USBLog(2, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::GetHIDDescriptor - no _device", getName(), this);
                        return kIOReturnNotFound;

                    //IOLog("  Requesting new desscriptor.\n");
                    requestPB.bmRequestType = USBmakebmRequestType(kUSBIn, kUSBStandard, kUSBInterface);
                    requestPB.bRequest = kUSBRqGetDescriptor;
                    requestPB.wValue = (inDescriptorType << 8) + typeIndex;		// type and index
                    requestPB.wIndex = _interface->GetInterfaceNumber();
                    requestPB.wLength = descSize;
                    requestPB.pData = vOutBuf;						// So we don't have to do any allocation here.
                    err = _device->DeviceRequest(&requestPB, 5000, 0);
                    if (err != kIOReturnSuccess)
                        USBLog(3, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::GetHIDDescriptor Final request failed; err = 0x%x", getName(), this, err);
                        return err;
                break;	// out of for i loop.
            // Make sure we add 3 bytes not 4 regardless of struct alignment.
            hidTypeSizePtr = (IOUSBHIDReportDesc *)(((UInt8 *)hidTypeSizePtr) + 3);
    return err;

//  GetIndexedString
IOUSBHIDDriver::GetIndexedString(UInt8 index, UInt8 *vOutBuf, UInt32 *vOutSize, UInt16 lang) const
    char 	strBuf[256];
    UInt16 	strLen = sizeof(strBuf) - 1;	// GetStringDescriptor MaxLen = 255
    UInt32 	outSize = *vOutSize;
    IOReturn 	err;

    // Valid string index?
    if (index == 0)
        return kIOReturnBadArgument;

    // Valid language?
    if (lang == 0)
        lang = 0x409;	// Default is US English.

    err = _device->GetStringDescriptor((UInt8)index, strBuf, strLen, (UInt16)lang);
    // When string is returned, it has been converted from Unicode and is null terminated!

    if (err != kIOReturnSuccess)
        return err;

    // We return the length of the string plus the null terminator,
    // but don't say a null string is 1 byte long.
    strLen = (strBuf[0] == 0) ? 0 : strlen(strBuf) + 1;

    if (outSize == 0)
        *vOutSize = strLen;
        return kIOReturnSuccess;
    else if (outSize < strLen)
        return kIOReturnMessageTooLarge;

    strlcpy((char *)vOutBuf, strBuf, (size_t)strlen);
    *vOutSize = strLen;
    return kIOReturnSuccess;

//  newIndexedString
OSString *
IOUSBHIDDriver::newIndexedString(UInt8 index) const
    char string[256];
    UInt32 strSize;
    IOReturn	err = kIOReturnSuccess;

    string[0] = 0;
    strSize = sizeof(string);

    err = GetIndexedString(index, (UInt8 *)string, &strSize );

    if ( err == kIOReturnSuccess )
        return OSString::withCString(string);
        return NULL;

//  StartFinalProcessing
//  This method may have a confusing name. This is not talking about Final Processing of the driver (as in
//  the driver is going away or something like that. It is talking about FinalProcessing of the start method.
//  It is called as the very last thing in the start method, and by default it issues a read on the interrupt
//  pipe.
    IOReturn	err = kIOReturnSuccess; = (void *)this;
    _COMPLETION_WITH_TIMESTAMP.action = (IOUSBCompletionActionWithTimeStamp) &IOUSBHIDDriver::InterruptReadHandlerWithTimeStampEntry;
    _COMPLETION_WITH_TIMESTAMP.parameter = (void *)0; = (void *)this;
    _completion.action = (IOUSBCompletionAction) &IOUSBHIDDriver::InterruptReadHandlerEntry;
    _completion.parameter = (void *)0;
    return err;

//  SetIdleMillisecs
IOUSBHIDDriver::SetIdleMillisecs(UInt16 msecs)
    IOReturn    		err = kIOReturnSuccess;
    IOUSBDevRequest		request;

    request.bmRequestType = USBmakebmRequestType(kUSBOut, kUSBClass, kUSBInterface);
    request.bRequest = kHIDRqSetIdle;  //See USBSpec.h
    request.wValue = (msecs/4) << 8;
    request.wIndex = _interface->GetInterfaceNumber();
    request.wLength = 0;
    request.pData = NULL;

    err = _device->DeviceRequest(&request, 5000, 0);
    if (err != kIOReturnSuccess)
        USBLog(3, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::SetIdleMillisecs returned error 0x%x",getName(), this, err);

    return err;


//  SetIdleMillisecs
IOUSBHIDDriver::SetProtocol(UInt32 protocol)
    IOReturn    		err = kIOReturnSuccess;
    IOUSBDevRequest		request;

    request.bmRequestType = USBmakebmRequestType(kUSBOut, kUSBClass, kUSBInterface);
    request.bRequest = kHIDRqSetProtocol;  //See USBSpec.h
    request.wValue = protocol;
    request.wIndex = _interface->GetInterfaceNumber();
    request.wLength = 0;
    request.pData = NULL;

    err = _device->DeviceRequest(&request, 5000, 0);
    if (err != kIOReturnSuccess)
        USBLog(3, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::SetProtocol returned error 0x%x",getName(), this, err);

    return err;


//  SuspendPort
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOUSBHIDDriver,  1);
IOUSBHIDDriver::SuspendPort(bool suspendPort, UInt32 timeoutInMS )
	IOReturn	status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	// If we are inactive, then just return an error
	if ( isInactive() )
		return kIOReturnNotPermitted;
	USBLog(5, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::SuspendPort (%s), timeout: %d, _outstandingIO = %d", getName(), this, suspendPort ? "suspend": "resume", (uint32_t)timeoutInMS, (uint32_t)_outstandingIO );
	// If the timeout is non-zero, that means that we are being told to enable the suspend port after the tiemout period of inactivity, not
	// immediately
	if ( suspendPort )
			if ( timeoutInMS != 0 )
				// If we already have a timer AND the timeout is different, then just update the timer with the new value, otherwise, create a
				// new timer
					if (_SUSPEND_TIMEOUT_IN_MS != timeoutInMS) 
						_SUSPEND_TIMEOUT_IN_MS = timeoutInMS;
				// We didn't have a timer already, so create it
				if ( _WORKLOOP )
					_SUSPENDPORT_TIMER = IOTimerEventSource::timerEventSource(this, SuspendPortTimer);
						USBLog(1, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::SuspendPort - could not create _SUSPENDPORT_TIMER", getName(), this);
						USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDSuspendPort, (uintptr_t)this, kIOReturnNoResources,0, 1 );
						status = kIOReturnNoResources;
					status = _WORKLOOP->addEventSource(_SUSPENDPORT_TIMER);
					if ( status != kIOReturnSuccess)
						USBLog(1, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::SuspendPort - addEventSource returned 0x%x", getName(), this, status);
						USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDSuspendPort, (uintptr_t)this, status, 0, 2 );
					// Now prime the sucker
					_SUSPEND_TIMEOUT_IN_MS = timeoutInMS;
					USBLog(1, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::SuspendPort - no workloop!", getName(), this);
					USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDSuspendPort, (uintptr_t)this, kIOReturnNoResources, 0, 3 );
					status = kIOReturnNoResources;
				// We need to suspend right away
				status = AbortAndSuspend( true );
		} while (false);
	if ( !suspendPort and (status == kIOReturnSuccess) )
		// If the timeouts are enabled, then cancel them
				// After this call completes, the action will not be called again.
				// Remove the event source
				if ( _WORKLOOP )
					_WORKLOOP->removeEventSource( _SUSPENDPORT_TIMER );
		status = AbortAndSuspend( false );
	USBLog(5, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::SuspendPort returning 0x%x", getName(), this, status );
	return status;

//  AbortAndSuspend
IOUSBHIDDriver::AbortAndSuspend(bool suspendPort )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	if ( suspendPort )
		// We need to suspend our port.  If we have I/O pending, set a flag that tells the interrupt handler
		// routine that we don't need to rearm the read.
		if ( _outstandingIO )
			if ( _interruptPipe )
				//  We need to abort the pipes.  As of 10.5, the Abort() will not clear the data toggle at the host. Prior to
				//  that, we needed to do a ClearPipeStall(true)
				status = _interruptPipe->Abort();
				if ( status != kIOReturnSuccess)
					USBLog(4, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::AbortAndSuspend _interruptPipe->ClearPipeStall returned 0x%x", getName(), this, status );
			USBLog(4, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::AbortAndSuspend suspending device, but no outstandingIO", getName(), this );
		// Now, call in to suspend the port
		status = _interface->GetDevice()->SuspendDevice(true);
		if ( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
			_PORT_SUSPENDED = true;
			USBLog(4, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::AbortAndSuspend SuspendDevice returned 0x%x", getName(), this, status );
		// Resuming our port
		USBLog(2, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::AbortAndSuspend - calling SuspendDevice(false)", getName(), this );
		status = _interface->GetDevice()->SuspendDevice(false);
		if ( status != kIOReturnSuccess )
			USBLog(1, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::AbortAndSuspend resuming the device returned 0x%x", getName(), this, status);
			USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDAbortAndSuspend, (uintptr_t)this, status, 0, 0);
		// Start up our reads again
		status = RearmInterruptRead();
	return status;

OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOUSBHIDDriver,  2);

#pragma mark ееееееее Bookkeeping Methods еееееееее
//   ClaimPendingRead function (static)
IOUSBHIDDriver::ClaimPendingRead(OSObject *target, void *param1, void *param2, void *param3, void *param4)
    IOUSBHIDDriver			*me = OSDynamicCast(IOUSBHIDDriver, target);
    bool					*retVal = (bool*)param1;
	bool					myPend;
    if (!me)
		USBLog(1, "IOUSBHIDDriver::ClaimPendingRead - invalid target");
		USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDClaimPendingRead, (uintptr_t)param2, (uintptr_t)param3, (uintptr_t)param4, 1  );
		return kIOReturnSuccess;

	if (me->_PENDINGREAD)
		myPend = false;
		myPend = true;
		me->_PENDINGREAD = true;

	if (!retVal)
		USBLog(1, "IOUSBHIDDriver::ClaimPendingRead - NULL retVal!!");
		USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDClaimPendingRead, (uintptr_t)param2, (uintptr_t)param3, (uintptr_t)param4, 2  );
		*retVal = myPend;
	return kIOReturnSuccess;

//   ChangeOutstandingIO function
IOUSBHIDDriver::ChangeOutstandingIO(OSObject *target, void *param1, void *param2, void *param3, void *param4)
    IOUSBHIDDriver *me = OSDynamicCast(IOUSBHIDDriver, target);
    UInt32	direction = (uintptr_t)param1;
    if (!me)
		USBLog(1, "IOUSBHIDDriver::ChangeOutstandingIO - invalid target");
		USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDChangeOutstandingIO, (uintptr_t)me, kIOReturnSuccess, direction, 1 );
		return kIOReturnSuccess;
    switch (direction)
		case 1:
		case -1:
			if (!--me->_outstandingIO && me->_needToClose)
				USBLog(3, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::ChangeOutstandingIO isInactive = %d, outstandingIO = %d - closing device", me->getName(), me, me->isInactive(), (uint32_t)me->_outstandingIO);
				if (me->_interruptPipe)
					me->_interruptPipe = NULL;
			USBLog(1, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::ChangeOutstandingIO - invalid direction", me->getName(), me);
			USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDChangeOutstandingIO, (uintptr_t)me, me->_outstandingIO, kIOReturnSuccess, direction );
    return kIOReturnSuccess;

//   DecrementOutstandingIO function
    if (!_gate)
		if (!--_outstandingIO && _needToClose)
			USBLog(3, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::DecrementOutstandingIO isInactive = %d, outstandingIO = %d - closing device", getName(), this, isInactive(), (uint32_t)_outstandingIO);
			if (_interruptPipe)
				_interruptPipe = NULL;
	//USBTrace( kUSBTOutstandingIO, kTPHIDDecrement , (uintptr_t)this, (int)_outstandingIO );
    _gate->runAction(ChangeOutstandingIO, (void*)-1);

//   IncrementOutstandingIO function
    if (!_gate)
	//USBTrace( kUSBTOutstandingIO, kTPHIDIncrement , (uintptr_t)this, (int)_outstandingIO );
    _gate->runAction(ChangeOutstandingIO, (void*)1);

#pragma mark ееееееее Debug Methods еееееееее
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOUSBHIDDriver,  3);
IOUSBHIDDriver::LogMemReport(UInt8 level, IOMemoryDescriptor * reportBuffer, IOByteCount size)
    IOByteCount		reportSize;
	IOByteCount		tempSize, offset;
    char			outBuffer[1024];
    char			in[128];
    char			*out;
    char			inChar;
    out = (char *)&outBuffer;
    reportSize = size;
	offset = 0;
	while (reportSize)
		if (reportSize > 128) 
			tempSize = 128;
			tempSize = reportSize;
		reportBuffer->readBytes(offset, in, tempSize );
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tempSize; i++)
			inChar = in[i];
			*out++ = GetHexChar(inChar >> 4);
			*out++ = GetHexChar(inChar & 0x0F);
			*out++ = ' ';
		*out = 0;
		USBLog(level, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]  %s", getName(), this, outBuffer);
	    out = (char *)&outBuffer;
		offset += tempSize;
		reportSize -= tempSize;

IOUSBHIDDriver::GetHexChar(char hexChar)
    char hexChars[] = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'};
    return hexChars[0x0F & hexChar];

#pragma mark ееееееее Obsolete Methods еееееееее
//   Obsolete methods
IOUSBHIDDriver::processPacket(void *data, UInt32 size)

IOUSBHIDDriver::GetReport(UInt8 inReportType, UInt8 inReportID, UInt8 *vInBuf, UInt32 *vInSize)
    return kIOReturnSuccess;

IOUSBHIDDriver::SetReport(UInt8 outReportType, UInt8 outReportID, UInt8 *vOutBuf, UInt32 vOutSize)
    return kIOReturnSuccess;

#pragma mark ееееееее Padding Methods еееееееее
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOUSBHIDDriver,  0);
    IOReturn		err = kIOReturnUnsupported;
	SInt32			retries = 0;
	bool			gotPend = false;
    if ( (_buffer == NULL) || (_interruptPipe == NULL))
		USBLog(1, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::RearmInterruptRead - no _buffer or _interruptPipe", getName(), this);
		USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDRearmInterruptRead, (uintptr_t)this, 0, 0, 1 );
        return err;
	// if both actions are NULL, then someone subclassed us and didn't fill them in
	if ((_COMPLETION_WITH_TIMESTAMP.action == NULL) && (_completion.action == NULL))
		USBLog(1, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::RearmInterruptRead - no action method", getName(), this);
		USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDRearmInterruptRead, (uintptr_t)this, 0, 0, 2 );
		return err;
    // Queue up another one before we leave.
    if (!_gate || _gate->runAction(ClaimPendingRead, (void*)&gotPend))
		USBLog(1, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::RearmInterruptRead - unable to check for pending", getName(), this);
		USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDRearmInterruptRead, (uintptr_t)this, 0, 0, 3 );
		return err;
	if (!gotPend)
		USBLog(2, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::RearmInterruptRead - already had outstanding read pending - just ignoring", getName(), this);
		return kIOReturnSuccess;

	// Reset the length of the buffer

	USBLog(7, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::RearmInterruptRead - _completion.action(%p)", getName(), this, _completion.action);
	while ( (err != kIOReturnSuccess) && ( retries++ < 30 ) && (_buffer != NULL) && (_interruptPipe != NULL))
			err = _interruptPipe->Read(_buffer, 0, 0, _buffer->getLength(), &_COMPLETION_WITH_TIMESTAMP);
			if ((err == kIOReturnNotResponding) && (_POWERSTATECHANGING || (_MYPOWERSTATE < kUSBHIDPowerStateOn)))
				USBLog(3, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::RearmInterruptRead - err(kIOReturnNotResponding) while _POWERSTATECHANGING(%s) or (_MYPOWERSTATE < kUSBHIDPowerStateOn)(%d) - no posting read", getName(), this, _POWERSTATECHANGING ? "true" : "false", (int)_MYPOWERSTATE);
				break;			// out of the while loop
			// if there is no _COMPLETION_WITH_TIMESTAMP.action, then a subclass has overriden the initialization and didn't fill it in 
			// in that case, we need to use the other method.
			err = kIOReturnUnsupported;
		// If we got an unsupported error, try the read without a timestamp
		if ( (err == kIOReturnUnsupported) && (_interruptPipe != NULL) && (_buffer != NULL))
			err = _interruptPipe->Read(_buffer, 0, 0, _buffer->getLength(), &_completion);
			if ((err == kIOReturnNotResponding) && (_POWERSTATECHANGING || (_MYPOWERSTATE < kUSBHIDPowerStateOn)))
				USBLog(3, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::RearmInterruptRead - err(kIOReturnNotResponding) while _POWERSTATECHANGING(%s) or (_MYPOWERSTATE < kUSBHIDPowerStateOn)(%d) - no posting read", getName(), this, _POWERSTATECHANGING ? "true" : "false", (int)_MYPOWERSTATE);
				break;			// out of the while loop

		// If we get an error, let's clear the pipe and try again
		if ( (err != kIOReturnSuccess) && (_interruptPipe != NULL))
			USBLog(1, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::RearmInterruptRead  immediate error 0x%x queueing read, clearing stall and trying again(%d)", getName(), this, err, (uint32_t)retries);
			USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDRearmInterruptRead, (uintptr_t)this, err, (uint32_t)retries, 4 );
	if ( err )
		USBLog(1, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::RearmInterruptRead  returning error 0x%x, not issuing any reads to device", getName(), this, err);
		_PENDINGREAD = false;
	USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDRearmInterruptRead, (uintptr_t)this, err, 0, 5 );
    return err;

OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOUSBHIDDriver,  4)
IOUSBHIDDriver::InitializeUSBHIDPowerManagement(IOService *provider)
	IOReturn		err = kIOReturnSuccess;
	PMinit();						// initialize IOService variables for Power Management
	err = registerPowerDriver(this, ourPowerStates, kUSBHIDNumberPowerStates);

	if (err)
		USBLog(1, "IOUSBHIDDriver(%s)[%p]::InitializeUSBHIDPowerManagement - err [%p] from registerPowerDriver", getName(), this, (void*)err);
		USBTrace( kUSBTHID,  kTPHIDInitializeUSBHIDPowerManagement, (uintptr_t)this, err, 0, 0);
	return err;

OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBHIDDriver,  5);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBHIDDriver,  6);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBHIDDriver,  7);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBHIDDriver,  8);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBHIDDriver,  9);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBHIDDriver, 10);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBHIDDriver, 11);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBHIDDriver, 12);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBHIDDriver, 13);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBHIDDriver, 14);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBHIDDriver, 15);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBHIDDriver, 16);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBHIDDriver, 17);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBHIDDriver, 18); 
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBHIDDriver, 19);