IOUSBControllerV3.cpp   [plain text]

* Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Apple Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
* and read it before using this
* file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.

//   Headers

#include <libkern/OSDebug.h>

#include <IOKit/pwr_mgt/RootDomain.h>

#include <IOKit/IOHibernatePrivate.h>
#include <IOKit/IOTimerEventSource.h>

#include <IOKit/usb/IOUSBControllerV3.h>
#include <IOKit/usb/IOUSBRootHubDevice.h>
#include <IOKit/usb/IOUSBHubPolicyMaker.h>
#include <IOKit/usb/IOUSBLog.h>


#undef USBLog
#undef USBError
void kprintf(const char *format, ...)
__attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2)));
#define USBLog( LEVEL, FORMAT, ARGS... )  if ((LEVEL) <= CONTROLLERV3_USE_KPRINTF) { kprintf( FORMAT "\n", ## ARGS ) ; }
#define USBError( LEVEL, FORMAT, ARGS... )  { kprintf( FORMAT "\n", ## ARGS ) ; }

#define _controllerCanSleep				_expansionData->_controllerCanSleep

//   Local Definitions
#define super IOUSBControllerV2

//   IOKit Constructors and Destructors
OSDefineMetaClass( IOUSBControllerV3, IOUSBControllerV2 )
OSDefineAbstractStructors(IOUSBControllerV3, IOUSBControllerV2)

// Global
uint32_t *				IOUSBControllerV3::_gHibernateState;	

//   IOUSBControllerV3 Methods
#pragma mark ееее IOKit methods ееее
IOUSBControllerV3::init(OSDictionary * propTable)
    if (!super::init(propTable))  return false;

#if 0					// turn on when we add expansion data
    // allocate our expansion data
    if (!_v3ExpansionData)
		_v3ExpansionData = (V2ExpansionData *)IOMalloc(sizeof(V3ExpansionData));
		if (!_v2ExpansionData)
			return false;
		bzero(_v3ExpansionData, sizeof(V3ExpansionData));
 	_powerStateChangingTo = kUSBPowerStateStable;
   return true;
	return false;

IOUSBControllerV3::start( IOService * provider )
	IOReturn	err;
	// the controller speed is set in the ::init methods of the controller subclasses
	if (_controllerSpeed == kUSBDeviceSpeedFull)
		err = CheckForEHCIController(provider);
		if (err)
			USBLog(1, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::start - CheckForEHCIController returned (%p)", getName(), this, (void*)err);
			return false;
    if( !super::start(provider))
        return  false;
	if (_watchdogUSBTimer && _watchdogTimerActive)
		_watchdogUSBTimer->cancelTimeout();									// cancel the timer
		_watchdogTimerActive = false;
	// Initialize the root hub timer, which will be used when we create the root hub
	_rootHubTimer = IOTimerEventSource::timerEventSource(this, (IOTimerEventSource::Action) RootHubTimerFired);
	if ( _rootHubTimer == NULL )
		USBLog(1, "AppleUSBUHCI[%p]::UIMInitialize - couldn't allocate timer event source", this);
		return kIOReturnNoMemory;
	if ( _workLoop->addEventSource( _rootHubTimer ) != kIOReturnSuccess )
		USBLog(1, "AppleUSBUHCI[%p]::UIMInitialize - couldn't add timer event source", this);
		return kIOReturnError;
	// initialize PM
	err = InitForPM();
	if (err)
		USBLog(1, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::start - InitForPM returned (%p)", getName(), this, (void*)err);
		return false;
	return true;

IOUSBControllerV3::stop( IOService * provider )
    USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::stop isInactive = %d", getName(), this, isInactive());
	if (_ehciController)
		// we retain this so that we have a valid copy in case of sleep/wake
		// once we stop we will no longer sleep/wake, so we can release it
		_ehciController = NULL;

    if (_rootHubTimer)
        if ( _workLoop )
        _rootHubTimer = NULL;

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
// maxCapabilityForDomainState
// Overrides superclass implementation, to account for a couple of scenarios
// е when we are waking from hibernation, we need to force the state to kUSBPowerStateOff and then to kUSBPowerStateOn
// е when we have received a systemWillShutdown call, we force the proper state based on that
// е when our parent is going into Doze mode (which is different than our low power mode) then we switch to ON
//		that state change always happens from PCI SLEEP, which means we wake from sleep without having lost power
// NB: the domainState is actually the outputCharacter of our parent node or nodes in the power plane
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
unsigned long 
IOUSBControllerV3::maxCapabilityForDomainState ( IOPMPowerFlags domainState )
	unsigned long		ret = super::maxCapabilityForDomainState(domainState);
	// add in the kIOPMClockNormal flag if it is already part of our inputRequirement for the ON state (KeyLargo systems)
	IOPMPowerFlags		domainStateForDoze = kIOPMDoze | (_myPowerStates[kUSBPowerStateOn].inputPowerRequirement & kIOPMClockNormal);

	// if we are currently asleep, check to see if we are waking from hibernation
	if ( (_myPowerState == kUSBPowerStateSleep) && _gHibernateState && (*_gHibernateState == kIOHibernateStateWakingFromHibernate) && !_wakingFromHibernation)
		UInt16	configCommand = _device->configRead16(kIOPCIConfigCommand);
		// make sure that the PCI config space is set up to allow memory access. this appears to fix some OHCI controllers
		USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::maxCapabilityForDomainState - waking from hibernation - setting flag - kIOPCIConfigCommand(%p)", getName(), this, (void*)configCommand);
		_device->configWrite16(kIOPCIConfigCommand, configCommand | kIOPCICommandMemorySpace);
		USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::maxCapabilityForDomainState - new kIOPCIConfigCommand(%p)", getName(), this, (void*)_device->configRead16(kIOPCIConfigCommand));
		_wakingFromHibernation = true;
		ret = kUSBPowerStateOff;
	else if (_restarting)
		USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::maxCapabilityForDomainState - restarting", getName(), this);
		ret = kUSBPowerStateRestart;
	else if (_poweringDown)
		USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::maxCapabilityForDomainState - powering off", getName(), this);
		ret = kUSBPowerStateOff;
	else if (domainState == domainStateForDoze)
		USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::maxCapabilityForDomainState - going into the PCI Doze state - we can support full ON..", getName(), this);
		ret = kUSBPowerStateOn;
	USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::maxCapabilityForDomainState - domainState[%p], returning[%p]", getName(), this, (void*)domainState, (void*)ret);
	return ret;

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
// initialPowerStateForDomainState
// Overrides superclass implementation, because the OHCI has multiple
// parents that start up at different times.
// Return that we are in the On state at startup time.
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
unsigned long 
IOUSBControllerV3::initialPowerStateForDomainState ( IOPMPowerFlags domainState )
	unsigned long ret = super::initialPowerStateForDomainState(domainState);
	USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::initialPowerStateForDomainState - domainState[%p], returning[%p]", getName(), this, (void*)domainState, (void*)ret);
	return ret;

IOUSBControllerV3::powerStateWillChangeTo ( IOPMPowerFlags capabilities, unsigned long stateNumber, IOService* whatDevice)
	USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::powerStateWillChangeTo - capabilities(%p) - stateNumber (%d) - whatDevice(%p): currrent _myPowerState(%d)", getName(), this, (void*)capabilities, (int)stateNumber, whatDevice, (int)_myPowerState);

	_powerStateChangingTo = stateNumber;
	return super::powerStateWillChangeTo(capabilities, stateNumber, whatDevice);

IOUSBControllerV3::setPowerState( unsigned long powerStateOrdinal, IOService* whatDevice )

	USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::setPowerState - powerStateOrdinal(%d) - whatDevice(%p) current state(%d)", getName(), this, (int)powerStateOrdinal, whatDevice, (int)_myPowerState);
	if ( whatDevice != this )
		USBLog(1,"IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::setPowerState - whatDevice != this", getName(), this);
		return kIOPMAckImplied;
	if ( isInactive() || (_onCardBus && _pcCardEjected) )
		USBLog(1,"IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::setPowerState - isInactive (or pccardEjected) - no op", getName(), this);
		return kIOPMAckImplied;
	if (powerStateOrdinal > kUSBPowerStateOn)
		USBLog(1,"IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::setPowerState - bad ordinal(%d)", getName(), this, (int)powerStateOrdinal);
		return kIOPMNoSuchState;
	if (_myPowerState == powerStateOrdinal)
		USBLog(5,"IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::setPowerState - already in correct power state (%d) - no op", getName(), this, (int)_myPowerState);
		return kIOPMAckImplied;

	if ((_myPowerState < kUSBPowerStateLowPower) && (powerStateOrdinal >= kUSBPowerStateLowPower))
		// we turn off bus mastering when we go to sleep, and it is off at INIT time by default, so as we bring the controller
		// into an active state, we enable it
	else if ((_myPowerState > kUSBPowerStateSleep) && (powerStateOrdinal <= kUSBPowerStateSleep))
		// if we are currently running or dozing, and we are going to sleep or lower, then we need to cancel
		// the watchdog timer
		if (_watchdogUSBTimer && _watchdogTimerActive)
			_watchdogUSBTimer->cancelTimeout();									// cancel the timer
			_watchdogTimerActive = false;
	if (_ehciController)
		if (_wakingFromHibernation)
			// in the case of waking from Hibernation, we just need to make sure that the EHCI controller gets to a state > Sleep before I proceed
			while (_ehciController->_myPowerState <= kUSBPowerStateSleep)
				USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::setPowerState - _wakingFromHibernation - waiting for EHCI controller (%p) to get higher than SLEEP before I proceed - current state (%d)", getName(), this, _ehciController, (int)_myPowerState);
			USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::setPowerState - done waiting for EHCI controller - current state (%d)", getName(), this, (int)_myPowerState);
			// if I am turning ON from a state < Doze, and I have an EHCI controller (which means I am a companion controller)
			// then I need to wait for the EHCI controller to get into a state > doze
			// i need to do this before i get into the workLoop gate
			if ((_myPowerState < kUSBPowerStateLowPower) && (powerStateOrdinal >= kUSBPowerStateLowPower))
				while (_ehciController->_myPowerState < kUSBPowerStateLowPower)
					USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::setPowerState - waiting for EHCI controller (%p) to power up before I proceed - current state (%d)", getName(), this, _ehciController, (int)_myPowerState);
				USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::setPowerState - done waiting for EHCI controller - current state (%d)", getName(), this, (int)_myPowerState);
			// if I am turning OFF (or Restarting) from a state > Restart, and I have an EHCI controller (which means I am a companion controller)
			// then I need to wait for the EHCI controller to get into a state < Sleep
			// i need to do this before i get into the workLoop gate
			if ((_myPowerState > kUSBPowerStateRestart) && (powerStateOrdinal <= kUSBPowerStateRestart))
				while (_ehciController->_myPowerState > kUSBPowerStateRestart)
					USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::setPowerState - waiting for EHCI controller (%p) to power down before I proceed - current state (%d)", getName(), this, _ehciController, (int)_myPowerState);
				USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::setPowerState - done waiting for EHCI controller - current state (%d)", getName(), this, (int)_myPowerState);
	// call the method to send the request throuh the workloop gate
	USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::setPowerState - returning kIOPMAckImplied", getName(), this);
	return kIOPMAckImplied;

IOUSBControllerV3::powerStateDidChangeTo ( IOPMPowerFlags capabilities, unsigned long stateNumber, IOService* whatDevice)
	USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::powerStateDidChangeTo - capabilities(%p) - stateNumber (%d) - whatDevice(%p): current state(%d)", getName(), this, (void*)capabilities, (int)stateNumber, whatDevice, (int)_myPowerState);

	return super::powerStateDidChangeTo(capabilities, stateNumber, whatDevice);

IOUSBControllerV3::powerChangeDone ( unsigned long fromState)
	USBLog((fromState == _myPowerState) ? 7 : 5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::powerChangeDone - fromState (%d) current state (%d) _wakingFromHibernation(%s) _needToAckPowerDown(%s)", getName(), this, (int)fromState, (int)_myPowerState, _wakingFromHibernation ? "true" : "false", _needToAckPowerDown ? "true" : "false");
	_powerStateChangingTo = kUSBPowerStateStable;
	if (_wakingFromHibernation)
		USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::powerChangeDone - OFF while _wakingFromHibernation - turning ON", getName(), this);		
		_wakingFromHibernation = false;
		_poweringDown = false;
		_restarting = false;
		// the following sequence may seem a little odd
		// we are completing a tranition to state 0 because we are waking from hibernation and we told the power manager (in maxCapabilityForDomainState)
		// that our maximum state was 0. so now we need to tell the power manager to go to the ON state to restart the controller. However, at the moment,
		// our changePowerStateToPriv is set to LowPower, since that is what we leave it on for the most part (see InitForPM) and let the root hub control the actual state
		// so first we need to change the state to ON, then make sure that the root hub is driving the state, then let off to the LowPower state as the root hub will allow.
		changePowerStateToPriv(kUSBPowerStateOn);				// go to ON first
		EnsureUsability();										// tell the root hub to start notcing things and to control the state
		changePowerStateToPriv(kUSBPowerStateLowPower);			// back off and let the root hub be in charge
	else if (_needToAckPowerDown)
		if (_myPowerState == kUSBPowerStateRestart)
			_needToAckPowerDown = false;
			USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::powerChangeDone - acknowledging systemWillShutdown(kIOMessageSystemWillRestart)", getName(), this);
		else if (_myPowerState == kUSBPowerStateOff)
			_needToAckPowerDown = false;
			USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::powerChangeDone - acknowledging systemWillShutdown(kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOff)", getName(), this);
			USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::powerChangeDone - NOT acknowledging systemWillShutdown yet", getName(), this);

IOUSBControllerV3::systemWillShutdown( IOOptionBits specifier )
	bool		ackNow = true;
    USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::systemWillShutdown - specifier(%p)", getName(), this, (void*)specifier);
    switch (specifier)
		case kIOMessageSystemWillRestart:
			ackNow = false;
			_needToAckPowerDown = true;
			_restarting = true;
			USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::systemWillShutdown - changing power state to restart", getName(), this);
		case kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOff:
			ackNow = false;
			_needToAckPowerDown = true;
			_poweringDown = true;
			USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::systemWillShutdown - changing power state to off", getName(), this);
	if (ackNow)
		USBLog(5, "AppleUSBUHCI[%p]::systemWillShutdown - acknowledging", this);


#pragma mark ееее class methods ееее
IOUSBControllerV3::CheckForEHCIController(IOService *provider)
	OSIterator				*siblings = NULL;
	OSIterator				*ehciList = NULL;
    mach_timespec_t			t;
    OSDictionary			*matching;
    IOService				*service;
    IORegistryEntry			*entry;
    bool					ehciPresent = false;
	const char *			myProviderLocation;
	const char *			ehciProviderLocation;
	int						myDeviceNum = 0, myFnNum = 0;
	int						ehciDeviceNum = 0, ehciFnNum = 0;
	IOUSBControllerV3 *		testEHCI;
	int						checkListCount = 0;
    // Check my provide (_device) parent (a PCI bridge) children (sibling PCI functions)
    // to see if any of them is an EHCI controller - if so, wait for it..
	if (provider)
		siblings = provider->getParentEntry(gIOServicePlane)->getChildIterator(gIOServicePlane);
		myProviderLocation = provider->getLocation();
		if (myProviderLocation)
			super::ParsePCILocation(myProviderLocation, &myDeviceNum, &myFnNum);
		USBLog(2, "%s[%p]::CheckForEHCIController - NULL provider", getName(), this);
	if( siblings ) 
		while( (entry = OSDynamicCast(IORegistryEntry, siblings->getNextObject())))
			UInt32			classCode;
			OSData			*obj = OSDynamicCast(OSData, entry->getProperty("class-code"));
			if (obj) 
				classCode = *(UInt32 *)obj->getBytesNoCopy();
				if (classCode == 0x0c0320) 
					ehciPresent = true;
		USBLog(2, "%s[%p]::CheckForEHCIController - NULL siblings", getName(), this);
    if (ehciPresent) 
        t.tv_sec = 5;
        t.tv_nsec = 0;
        USBLog(7, "%s[%p]::CheckForEHCIController calling waitForService for AppleUSBEHCI", getName(), this);
        service = waitForService( serviceMatching("AppleUSBEHCI"), &t );
		testEHCI = (IOUSBControllerV3*)service;
		while (testEHCI)
			ehciProviderLocation = testEHCI->getParentEntry(gIOServicePlane)->getLocation();
			if (ehciProviderLocation)
				super::ParsePCILocation(ehciProviderLocation, &ehciDeviceNum, &ehciFnNum);
			if (myDeviceNum == ehciDeviceNum)
				USBLog(5, "%s[%p]::CheckForEHCIController - ehciDeviceNum and myDeviceNum match (%d)", getName(), this, myDeviceNum);
				_ehciController = testEHCI;
				USBLog(7, "%s[%p]::CheckForEHCIController got EHCI service %p", getName(), this, service);
				setProperty("Companion", "yes");
				// we found an instance of EHCI, but it doesn't appear to be ours, so now I need to see how many there are in the system
				// and see if any of them matches
				USBLog(5, "%s[%p]::CheckForEHCIController - ehciDeviceNum(%d) and myDeviceNum(%d) do NOT match", getName(), this, ehciDeviceNum, myDeviceNum);
				if (ehciList)
					testEHCI = (IOUSBControllerV3*)(ehciList->getNextObject());
					if (testEHCI)
						USBLog(5, "%s[%p]::CheckForEHCIController - got AppleUSBEHCI[%p] from the list", getName(), this, testEHCI);
					testEHCI = NULL;
				if (!testEHCI && (checkListCount++ < 2))
					if (ehciList)
					if (checkListCount == 2)
						USBLog(5, "%s[%p]::CheckForEHCIController - waiting for 5 seconds", getName(), this);
						IOSleep(5000);				// wait 5 seconds the second time around
					USBLog(5, "%s[%p]::CheckForEHCIController - getting an AppleUSBEHCI list", getName(), this);
					ehciList = getMatchingServices(serviceMatching("AppleUSBEHCI"));
					if (ehciList)
						testEHCI = (IOUSBControllerV3*)(ehciList->getNextObject());
						if (testEHCI)
							USBLog(5, "%s[%p]::CheckForEHCIController - got AppleUSBEHCI[%p] from the list", getName(), this, testEHCI);
		USBLog(5, "%s[%p]::CheckForEHCIController - EHCI controller not found in siblings", getName(), this);
	if (ehciList)
	return kIOReturnSuccess;

// AllocatePowerStateArray
// This is the default implementation, which is 5 states
// A subclass can either call up to this and change the states afterwards, or it can replace it completely
	unsigned long	i;
	_numPowerStates = kUSBNumberBusPowerStates;
	_myPowerStates = (IOPMPowerState*)IOMalloc(kUSBNumberBusPowerStates * sizeof(IOPMPowerState));
	if (!_myPowerStates)
		USBLog(1, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::AllocatePowerStateArray - no memory", getName(), this);
		return kIOReturnNoMemory;
	bzero(_myPowerStates, kUSBNumberBusPowerStates * sizeof(IOPMPowerState));
	// initialize every state to version 1
	for (i=0; i < _numPowerStates; i++)
		_myPowerStates[i].version = kIOPMPowerStateVersion1;
	// Nothing else needed for state 0 (off) because all of the rest of the fields are 0
	// state 1 is restart - almost identical to OFF, but different in that the downstream devcies might care
	_myPowerStates[kUSBPowerStateRestart].capabilityFlags = kIOPMRestartCapability;
	_myPowerStates[kUSBPowerStateRestart].outputPowerCharacter = kIOPMRestart;
	// state 2 is sleep
	_myPowerStates[kUSBPowerStateSleep].capabilityFlags = kIOPMSleepCapability;
	_myPowerStates[kUSBPowerStateSleep].outputPowerCharacter = kIOPMSleep;
	// the following may appear backwards, but in fact is correct IOPCIFamily only outputs 0 for sleep state
	// so if we know we can sleep, we request 0. Otherwise, we request kIOPMSleep, which we will not get, so we
	// will be forced into state OFF instead
	_myPowerStates[kUSBPowerStateSleep].inputPowerRequirement = _controllerCanSleep ? 0 : kIOPMSleep;	

	// state 3 is doze (aka idle)
	_myPowerStates[kUSBPowerStateLowPower].capabilityFlags = kIOPMLowPower;
	_myPowerStates[kUSBPowerStateLowPower].outputPowerCharacter = kIOPMLowPower;
	_myPowerStates[kUSBPowerStateLowPower].inputPowerRequirement = IOPMPowerOn;					// PCI needs to be on for me to doze
	// state 4 is running
	_myPowerStates[kUSBPowerStateOn].capabilityFlags = IOPMDeviceUsable;
	_myPowerStates[kUSBPowerStateOn].outputPowerCharacter = IOPMPowerOn;
	_myPowerStates[kUSBPowerStateOn].inputPowerRequirement = IOPMPowerOn;
	return kIOReturnSuccess;

// InitForPM
// Called after AllocatePowerStateArray
// registers our power state array
	IOReturn		err;

	// initialize PM
	// PMinit and joinPMtree are called in IOUSBController
	err = AllocatePowerStateArray();
	if (err)
		USBLog(1, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::InitForPM - AllocatePowerStateArray returned (%p)", getName(), this, (void*)err);
		return kIOReturnNoMemory;
	// start by calling makeUsablel, which is essentitally a changePowerStateToPriv(ON)
	// this will cause the root hub to be created and attached as a child, at which point the controller
	// will track the state of the child
	makeUsable();						// start in fully ON state
	USBLog(3, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::InitForPM - calling registerPowerDriver", getName(), this);
	registerPowerDriver(this, _myPowerStates, _numPowerStates);
	// now that we know the child will be in charge, lower the other two inputs
	return kIOReturnSuccess;

IOUSBControllerV3::CheckPowerModeBeforeGatedCall(char *fromStr)
	IOReturn	kr = kIOReturnSuccess;
	SInt32		retries = 100;
	// This method will sleep the running thread if the power state is not > Sleep
	// An exception will be if we are already on the workLoop thread
	if (!_workLoop)								// this should never happen - good luck if it does
		return kIOReturnNotPermitted;
	if (_myPowerState != kUSBPowerStateOn)
		// we are not currently ON - see if we are perhaps transitioning to ON
		if ((_powerStateChangingTo != kUSBPowerStateStable) && (_powerStateChangingTo != kUSBPowerStateOn))
			USBLog(2, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::CheckPowerModeBeforeGatedCall from (%s) - we are already in the process of changing state to (%d) - returning kIOReturnNotResponding", getName(), this, fromStr, (int)_powerStateChangingTo);
			kr =  kIOReturnNotResponding;
		else if (_workLoop->onThread())
			// we are already running on the workLoop - if we are at a reduced power state, then we might be headed for trouble..
			if (!_controllerAvailable)
				USBLog(1, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::CheckPowerModeBeforeGatedCall - call (%s) - onThread is true while !_controllerAvailable", getName(), this, fromStr);
				kr = kIOReturnNotReady;
			// we are not on the thread, but we are about to be. In that case, sleep the running thread until we wake up
			while ( (_myPowerState != kUSBPowerStateOn) and (retries-- > 0) )
				char*		bt[8];
				OSBacktrace((void**)bt, 8);
				USBLog(4, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::CheckPowerModeBeforeGatedCall - call (%s) while _myPowerState(%d) _controllerAvailable(%s) _powerStateChangingTo(%d) - sleeping thread, bt:[%p][%p][%p][%p][%p][%p][%p]", getName(), this, fromStr, (int)_myPowerState, _controllerAvailable ? "true" : "false", (int)_powerStateChangingTo, bt[1], bt[2], bt[3], bt[4], bt[5], bt[6], bt[7]);
		// If we "timed out" waiting for the state change, then just return an error
		if ( retries < 1 )
			USBLog(1, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::CheckPowerModeBeforeGatedCall - call (%s) while _myPowerState(%d) _controllerAvailable (%s) - we could not wake up the controller, returning kIOReturnNotResponding", getName(), this, fromStr, (int)_myPowerState, _controllerAvailable ? "true" : "false");
			kr = kIOReturnNotResponding;
	return kr;

IOUSBControllerV3::DoEnableAddressEndpoints(OSObject *owner, void *arg0, void *arg1, void *arg2, void *arg3 )
    IOUSBControllerV3 *me = (IOUSBControllerV3 *)owner;
    return me->UIMEnableAddressEndpoints((USBDeviceAddress)(uintptr_t)arg0, (bool)(uintptr_t) arg1);

IOUSBControllerV3::EnableAddressEndpoints(USBDeviceAddress address, bool enable)
	IOCommandGate * 	commandGate = GetCommandGate();
    return commandGate->runAction(DoEnableAddressEndpoints, (void*)(uintptr_t)address, (void*)enable);

IOUSBControllerV3::DoEnableAllEndpoints(OSObject *owner, void *arg0, void *arg1, void *arg2, void *arg3 )
    IOUSBControllerV3 *me = (IOUSBControllerV3 *)owner;
    return me->UIMEnableAllEndpoints((bool)(uintptr_t)arg0);

IOUSBControllerV3::EnableAllEndpoints(bool enable)
	IOCommandGate * 	commandGate = GetCommandGate();
    return commandGate->runAction(DoEnableAllEndpoints, (void*)enable);

	USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::ControllerOff - calling ResetControllerState", getName(), this);
	if (_watchdogUSBTimer && _watchdogTimerActive)
		_watchdogUSBTimer->cancelTimeout();									// cancel the timer
		_watchdogTimerActive = false;


	if ( !_gHibernateState )
		OSData * data = OSDynamicCast(OSData, (IOService::getPMRootDomain())->getProperty(kIOHibernateStateKey));
		if (data)
			_gHibernateState = (uint32_t *) data->getBytesNoCopy();
	if (_myPowerState == kUSBPowerStateLowPower)
		USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::ControllerSleep - dozing now - need to wake controller from doze first", getName(), this);
	USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::ControllerSleep - calling SaveControllerStateForSleep", getName(), this);

	USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::ControllerDoze", getName(), this);
		case kUSBPowerStateOff:
		case kUSBPowerStateRestart:
			USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::ControllerDoze - OFF now - need to restart before dozing", getName(), this);
		case kUSBPowerStateSleep:
			USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::ControllerDoze - sleeping now - need to wake from sleep before dozing", getName(), this);
	USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::ControllerDoze - calling DozeController", getName(), this);

	USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::ControllerOn - current state (%d) _ehciController(%p)", getName(), this, (int)_myPowerState, _ehciController);
	// how we turn on depends on the current state
		case kUSBPowerStateOff:
		case kUSBPowerStateRestart:
		case kUSBPowerStateSleep:
		case kUSBPowerStateLowPower:

	return _controllerAvailable;

IOUSBControllerV3::GatedPowerChange(OSObject *owner, void *arg0, void *arg1, void *arg2, void *arg3 )
    IOUSBControllerV3			*me = (IOUSBControllerV3 *)owner;
	unsigned long				powerStateOrdinal = (unsigned long)arg0;
	unsigned long				oldState = me->_myPowerState;
	switch (powerStateOrdinal)
		case	kUSBPowerStateOff:
		case	kUSBPowerStateRestart:
		case	kUSBPowerStateSleep:
		case	kUSBPowerStateLowPower:
		case	kUSBPowerStateOn:
	// This stuff used to be done in powerStateDidChangeTo. However, the timer activation and cancellation stuff really
	// needs to be done inside the workLoop to prevent race conditions between the actually running of those timers and 
	// rearming them. So now I do this stuff in here, where we are protected by the WL

	// I update _myPowerState here, because IOKit doesn't actually update the value returned by getPowerState() until the entire
	// power domain is in the new state. This means that I may have already made the power change, but until my children actually
	// get updated, getPowerState will appear to be in the old state, and I may need to know
	me->_myPowerState = powerStateOrdinal;
	if (powerStateOrdinal < kUSBPowerStateLowPower)
		// first mark _controllerAvailable as false so that if the RootHubTimerFired method does get called, it doesn't actually do anything 
		me->_controllerAvailable = false;									// interrupts should have been disabled already
		me->EnableBusMastering(false);										// turn off bus mastering
		// the controller should be ready to go, but interrupts are still disabled
		me->_controllerAvailable = true;
		// if we are coming FROM a lower state, then reenable interrupts (_myPowerState is the old state)
		if (oldState < kUSBPowerStateLowPower)
			if (me->_rootHubPollingRate)						// only once we have done this once
				me->RootHubStartTimer(me->_rootHubPollingRate);		// restart the timer on wakeup
		if ( me->_rootHubDevice == NULL )
			IOReturn err;
			USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::powerStateDidChangeTo - calling CreateRootHubDevice", me->getName(), me);
			err = me->CreateRootHubDevice( me->_device, &(me->_rootHubDevice) );
			USBLog(5,"IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::powerStateDidChangeTo - done with CreateRootHubDevice - return (%p)", me->getName(), me, (void*)err);
			if ( err != kIOReturnSuccess )
				USBLog(1,"AppleUSBEHCI[%p]::powerStateDidChangeTo - Could not create root hub device upon wakeup (%x)!", me, err);
				me->_rootHubDevice->registerService(kIOServiceRequired | kIOServiceSynchronous);
		if (me->_watchdogUSBTimer && !me->_watchdogTimerActive)
			me->_watchdogTimerActive = true;
	return kIOReturnSuccess;

// HandlePowerChange - send the power state change through the gate
IOUSBControllerV3::HandlePowerChange(unsigned long powerStateOrdinal)
	IOCommandGate * 	commandGate = GetCommandGate();
	USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::HandlePowerChange - sending the state change request (%d) through the gate - configCommand(%p)", getName(), this, (int)powerStateOrdinal, (void*)_device->configRead16(kIOPCIConfigCommand));
    return commandGate->runAction(GatedPowerChange, (void*)powerStateOrdinal);

IOUSBControllerV3::EnableBusMastering(bool enable)
	UInt16		config = _device->configRead16(kIOPCIConfigCommand);
	if (enable)
		USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::EnableBusMastering(true) - currently (%p) - enabling", getName(), this, (void*)config);
		config |= kIOPCICommandBusMaster;
		USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::EnableBusMastering(false) - currently (%p) - disabling", getName(), this, (void*)config);
		config &= ~kIOPCICommandBusMaster;
	_device->configWrite16(kIOPCIConfigCommand, config);
	USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::EnableBusMastering - new value[%p]", getName(), this, (void*)_device->configRead16(kIOPCIConfigCommand));
	return kIOReturnSuccess;

	// as a general rule, the controller's power state is completely tied to the power state of the root hub (the only child)
	// so if the root hub is usable, then the controller will be also
	if (_rootHubDevice && _rootHubDevice->GetPolicyMaker())
		USBLog(7, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::EnsureUsability - passing on to root hub policy maker[%p]", getName(), this, _rootHubDevice->GetPolicyMaker());
	return kIOReturnSuccess;

// static method
IOUSBControllerV3::RootHubTimerFired(OSObject *owner, IOTimerEventSource *sender)
    IOUSBControllerV3		*me;
    UInt32					period;
	IOReturn				ret;
    me = OSDynamicCast(IOUSBControllerV3, owner);
    if (!me || me->isInactive() || !me->_controllerAvailable)
	if (me->_rootHubDevice && me->_rootHubDevice->GetPolicyMaker())
		USBLog(7, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::RootHubTimerFired - PolicyMaker[%p] powerState[%d]", me->getName(), me, me->_rootHubDevice->GetPolicyMaker(), (int)me->_rootHubDevice->GetPolicyMaker()->getPowerState());
		USBLog(7, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::RootHubTimerFired", me->getName(), me);
    ret = me->CheckForRootHubChanges();
	// fire it up again
    if (me->_rootHubPollingRate && !me->isInactive() && me->_controllerAvailable)

	IOUSBRootHubInterruptTransaction		xaction;
	UInt8									bBitmap;
	UInt16									wBitmap;
	UInt8									bytesToMove;
	UInt8*									pBytes;
	int										i;
	// first call into the UIM to get the latest version of the bitmap
	// now I only have to do anything if there is something in the status changed bitmap
	if (_rootHubStatusChangedBitmap)
		USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::CheckForRootHubChanges - got _rootHubStatusChangedBitmap(%p)", getName(), this, (void*)_rootHubStatusChangedBitmap);
 		if (_rootHubDevice && _rootHubDevice->GetPolicyMaker())
			USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::CheckForRootHubChanges - making sure root hub driver AppleUSBHub[%p] is usable", getName(), this, _rootHubDevice->GetPolicyMaker());
			_rootHubDevice->GetPolicyMaker()->EnsureUsability();	// this will cause the interrupt read timer to fire if it isn't already
			USBLog(1, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::CheckForRootHubChanges - _rootHubStatusChangedBitmap(%p) with no _rootHubDevice or policy maker!!", getName(), this, (void*)_rootHubStatusChangedBitmap);
		if (_outstandingRHTrans[0].completion.action)
			xaction = _outstandingRHTrans[0];
			for (i = 1; i < kIOUSBMaxRootHubTransactions ; i++)
				_outstandingRHTrans[i-1] = _outstandingRHTrans[i];
				if (_outstandingRHTrans[i].completion.action == NULL)
			if (_rootHubNumPorts < 8)
				bytesToMove = 1;
				bBitmap = (UInt8)_rootHubStatusChangedBitmap;
				pBytes = &bBitmap;
				bytesToMove = 2;
				wBitmap = HostToUSBWord(_rootHubStatusChangedBitmap);
				pBytes = (UInt8*)&wBitmap;
			xaction.buf->writeBytes(0, pBytes, bytesToMove);
			Complete(xaction.completion, kIOReturnSuccess, xaction.bufLen - bytesToMove);
			USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::CheckForRootHubChanges - no one is listening - i will try again later", getName(), this);
	return kIOReturnSuccess;

 * RootHubQueueInterruptRead
 * Queue up a read on the Root Hub Interrupt Pipe - Unless there is an error and it completes right away,
 * this will end up completing when the Root Hub timer fires.
IOUSBControllerV3::RootHubQueueInterruptRead(IOMemoryDescriptor *buf, UInt32 bufLen, IOUSBCompletion completion)
    int				i;

    for (i = 0; i < kIOUSBMaxRootHubTransactions; i++)
        if (_outstandingRHTrans[i].completion.action == NULL)
            // found free trans
            _outstandingRHTrans[i].buf = buf;
            _outstandingRHTrans[i].bufLen = bufLen;
            _outstandingRHTrans[i].completion = completion;

			if (i != 0)
				USBLog(1, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::RootHubQueueInterruptRead - this is index(%d) - UNEXPECTED?", getName(), this, (int)i);
            return kIOReturnSuccess;

    Complete(completion, kIOReturnInternalError, bufLen);				// too many trans
	return kIOReturnInternalError;

 * RootHubAbortInterruptRead
 * Abort a queued up read. This should only be called in the workloop gate, so it should be synchronized
    int										i;
	IOUSBRootHubInterruptTransaction		xaction;

	xaction = _outstandingRHTrans[0];
	if (xaction.completion.action)
		// move all other transactions down the queue
		for (i = 0; i < (kIOUSBMaxRootHubTransactions-1); i++)
			_outstandingRHTrans[i] = _outstandingRHTrans[i+1];
		_outstandingRHTrans[kIOUSBMaxRootHubTransactions-1].completion.action = NULL;
		Complete(xaction.completion, kIOReturnAborted, xaction.bufLen);
	return kIOReturnSuccess;

IOUSBControllerV3::RootHubStartTimer(UInt8 pollingRate)
	if ((pollingRate == 0) || (pollingRate > 64))
		USBLog(1, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::RootHubStartTimer - invalid polling rate (%d)", getName(), this, pollingRate);
		return kIOReturnBadArgument;
	_rootHubPollingRate = pollingRate;
	if (_rootHubTimer)
		USBLog(1, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::RootHubStartTimer - NO TIMER!!", getName(), this);
	return kIOReturnSuccess;

	// first of all, make sure that we are not currently inside of the RootHubTimerFired method before we cancel the timeout
	// note that if we are not in it now, we won't get into it because at this point _controllerAvailable is false
	// cancel the timer, which may or may not actually do anything
    if (_rootHubTimer)
	return kIOReturnSuccess;

// someone is asking for extra power
// by default, return NoResources, indicating no extra power
// this will be overriden be a controller which can actually allocate extra power
IOUSBControllerV3::AllocateExtraRootHubPortPower(UInt32 extraPowerRequested)
	USBLog(2, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::AllocateExtraRootHubPortPower - not available on this controller", getName(), this);
	return 0;

IOUSBControllerV3::ReturnExtraRootHubPortPower(UInt32 extraPowerReturned)
	USBLog(2, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::ReturnExtraRootHubPortPower - not available on this controller", getName(), this);

#pragma mark еееее IOUSBController methods еееее
// These methods are implemented in IOUSBController, and they all call runAction to synchronize them
// We used to close the workLoop gate when we are sleeping, and we needed to stop doing that. So we run
// these methods through here now to check the power state and hold the thread until we are awake
IOUSBControllerV3::AcquireDeviceZero( void )
	IOReturn	kr;
	// we don't call changePowerStateTo here, because this call should only be made be the hub driver, which better be on
	// before it makes this call, meaning that our state is our childDesire
	kr = CheckPowerModeBeforeGatedCall( (char *) "AcquireDeviceZero");
	if ( kr != kIOReturnSuccess )
		USBError(1, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::AcquireDeviceZero - CheckPowerModeBeforeGatedCall returned 0x%x", getName(), this, kr);
		return kr;

	return IOUSBController::AcquireDeviceZero();

IOUSBControllerV3::ReleaseDeviceZero( void )
	IOReturn	kr;
	// we don't call changePowerStateTo here, because this call should only be made be the hub driver, which better be on
	// before it makes this call, meaning that our state is our childDesire
	kr = CheckPowerModeBeforeGatedCall((char *) "ReleaseDeviceZero");
	if ( kr != kIOReturnSuccess )

	return IOUSBController::ReleaseDeviceZero();

IOUSBControllerV3::DeviceRequest(IOUSBDevRequest *request,  IOUSBCompletion *completion, USBDeviceAddress address, UInt8 epNum, UInt32 noDataTimeout, UInt32 completionTimeout)
	IOReturn	kr;
	if ((_powerStateChangingTo == kUSBPowerStateStable) || (_powerStateChangingTo > kUSBPowerStateSleep))
		// use changePowerStateTo (as opposed to changePowerStateToPriv) to maintain the ON state 
		// on behalf of some client from user space. If the hub is already active, then this is essentially a NOP
		USBLog(4, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::DeviceRequest - current state (%d) _powerStateChangingTo(%d) - calling changePowerStateTo(4)", getName(), this, (int)_myPowerState, (int)_powerStateChangingTo);

	kr = CheckPowerModeBeforeGatedCall((char *) "DeviceRequest");
	if ( kr != kIOReturnSuccess )
		return kr;

	kr = IOUSBController::DeviceRequest(request, completion, address, epNum, noDataTimeout, completionTimeout);
	if ((_powerStateChangingTo == kUSBPowerStateStable) || (_powerStateChangingTo > kUSBPowerStateSleep))
		// now go back to the LowPower state if our child is still in LowPower state
		USBLog(4, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::DeviceRequest done - current state (%d) - calling changePowerStateTo(3)", getName(), this, (int)_myPowerState);
	return kr;

IOUSBControllerV3::DeviceRequest(IOUSBDevRequestDesc *request,  IOUSBCompletion *completion, USBDeviceAddress address, UInt8 epNum, UInt32 noDataTimeout, UInt32 completionTimeout)
	IOReturn	kr;
	// use changePowerStateTo (as opposed to changePowerStateToPriv) to maintain the ON state 
	// on behalf of some client from user space. If the hub is already active, then this is essentially a NOP
	// we should probably run this through a gate with an incrementer/decrementer
	USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::DeviceRequest - current state (%d) _powerStateChangingTo(%d) - calling changePowerStateTo(4)", getName(), this, (int)_myPowerState, (int)_powerStateChangingTo);

	kr = CheckPowerModeBeforeGatedCall((char *) "DeviceRequest");
	if ( kr != kIOReturnSuccess )
		return kr;
	kr = IOUSBController::DeviceRequest(request, completion, address, epNum, noDataTimeout, completionTimeout);
	// now go back to the LowPower state if our child is still in LowPower state
	USBLog(5, "IOUSBControllerV3(%s)[%p]::DeviceRequest done - current state (%d) - calling changePowerStateTo(3)", getName(), this, (int)_myPowerState);
	return kr;

IOUSBControllerV3::ClosePipe(USBDeviceAddress address, Endpoint *endpoint)
	IOReturn	kr;
	// we can  close the pipe without being fully on, as long as we know what state we are in
	if (!(_controllerAvailable || _wakingFromHibernation || _restarting || _poweringDown))
		kr = CheckPowerModeBeforeGatedCall((char *) "ClosePipe");
		if ( kr != kIOReturnSuccess )
			return kr;

	return IOUSBController::ClosePipe(address, endpoint);

IOUSBControllerV3::AbortPipe(USBDeviceAddress address, Endpoint *endpoint)
	IOReturn	kr;
	// we can  abort the pipe without being fully on, as long as we know what state we are in
	if (!(_controllerAvailable || _wakingFromHibernation || _restarting || _poweringDown))
		kr = CheckPowerModeBeforeGatedCall((char *) "AbortPipe");
		if ( kr != kIOReturnSuccess )
			return kr;
	return IOUSBController::AbortPipe(address, endpoint);

IOUSBControllerV3::ResetPipe(USBDeviceAddress address, Endpoint *endpoint)
	IOReturn	kr;
	// we can  reset the pipe without being fully on, as long as we know what state we are in
	if (!(_controllerAvailable || _wakingFromHibernation || _restarting || _poweringDown))
		kr = CheckPowerModeBeforeGatedCall((char *) "ResetPipe");
		if ( kr != kIOReturnSuccess )
			return kr;
	return IOUSBController::ResetPipe(address, endpoint);

IOUSBControllerV3::ClearPipeStall(USBDeviceAddress address, Endpoint *endpoint)
	IOReturn	kr;
	kr = CheckPowerModeBeforeGatedCall((char *) "ClearPipeStall");
	if ( kr != kIOReturnSuccess )
		return kr;

	return IOUSBController::ClearPipeStall(address, endpoint);

IOUSBControllerV3::Read(IOMemoryDescriptor *buffer, USBDeviceAddress address, Endpoint *endpoint, IOUSBCompletion *completion, UInt32 noDataTimeout, UInt32 completionTimeout, IOByteCount reqCount)
	IOReturn	kr;
	kr = CheckPowerModeBeforeGatedCall((char *) "Read");
	if ( kr != kIOReturnSuccess )
		return kr;
	return IOUSBController::Read(buffer, address, endpoint, completion, noDataTimeout, completionTimeout, reqCount);

IOUSBControllerV3::Write(IOMemoryDescriptor *buffer, USBDeviceAddress address, Endpoint *endpoint, IOUSBCompletion *completion, UInt32 noDataTimeout, UInt32 completionTimeout, IOByteCount reqCount)
	IOReturn	kr;
	kr = CheckPowerModeBeforeGatedCall((char *) "Write");
	if ( kr != kIOReturnSuccess )
		return kr;

	return IOUSBController::Write(buffer, address, endpoint, completion, noDataTimeout, completionTimeout, reqCount);

IOUSBControllerV3::IsocIO(IOMemoryDescriptor *buffer, UInt64 frameStart, UInt32 numFrames, IOUSBIsocFrame *frameList, USBDeviceAddress address, Endpoint *endpoint, IOUSBIsocCompletion *completion )
	IOReturn	kr;
	kr = CheckPowerModeBeforeGatedCall((char *) "IsocIO");
	if ( kr != kIOReturnSuccess )
		return kr;

	return IOUSBController::IsocIO(buffer, frameStart, numFrames, frameList, address, endpoint, completion);

IOUSBControllerV3::IsocIO(IOMemoryDescriptor *buffer, UInt64 frameStart, UInt32 numFrames, IOUSBLowLatencyIsocFrame *frameList, USBDeviceAddress address, Endpoint *endpoint, IOUSBLowLatencyIsocCompletion *completion, UInt32 updateFrequency )
	IOReturn	kr;
	kr = CheckPowerModeBeforeGatedCall((char *) "IsocIO");
	if ( kr != kIOReturnSuccess )
		return kr;

	return IOUSBController::IsocIO(buffer, frameStart, numFrames, frameList, address, endpoint, completion, updateFrequency);

#pragma mark еееее IOUSBControllerV2 methods еееее
// These methods are implemented in IOUSBController, and they all call runAction to synchronize them
// We used to close the workLoop gate when we are sleeping, and we needed to stop doing that. So we run
// these methods through here now to check the power state and hold the thread until we are awake
IOUSBControllerV3::OpenPipe(USBDeviceAddress address, UInt8 speed, Endpoint *endpoint)
	IOReturn	kr;
	kr = CheckPowerModeBeforeGatedCall((char *) "OpenPipe");
	if ( kr != kIOReturnSuccess )
		return kr;

	return IOUSBControllerV2::OpenPipe(address, speed, endpoint);

IOUSBControllerV3::AddHSHub(USBDeviceAddress highSpeedHub, UInt32 flags)
	IOReturn	kr;
	kr = CheckPowerModeBeforeGatedCall((char *) "AddHSHub");
	if ( kr != kIOReturnSuccess )
		return kr;

	return IOUSBControllerV2::AddHSHub(highSpeedHub, flags);

IOUSBControllerV3::RemoveHSHub(USBDeviceAddress highSpeedHub)
	IOReturn	kr;
	// we can  remove a hub without being fully on, as long as we know what state we are in
	if (!(_controllerAvailable || _wakingFromHibernation || _restarting || _poweringDown))
		kr = CheckPowerModeBeforeGatedCall((char *) "RemoveHSHub");
		if ( kr != kIOReturnSuccess )
			return kr;
	return IOUSBControllerV2::RemoveHSHub(highSpeedHub);

IOUSBControllerV3::SetTestMode(UInt32 mode, UInt32 port)
	IOReturn	kr;
	changePowerStateTo(kUSBPowerStateOn);							// this will leave it ON indefinitely, which is OK for Test Mode
	kr = CheckPowerModeBeforeGatedCall((char *) "SetTestMode");
	if ( kr != kIOReturnSuccess )
		return kr;

	return IOUSBControllerV2::SetTestMode(mode, port);

IOUSBControllerV3::ReadV2(IOMemoryDescriptor *buffer, USBDeviceAddress	address, Endpoint *endpoint, IOUSBCompletionWithTimeStamp *completion, UInt32 noDataTimeout, UInt32	completionTimeout, IOByteCount reqCount)
	IOReturn	kr;
	kr = CheckPowerModeBeforeGatedCall((char *) "ReadV2");
	if ( kr != kIOReturnSuccess )
		return kr;

	return IOUSBControllerV2::ReadV2(buffer, address, endpoint, completion, noDataTimeout, completionTimeout, reqCount);

OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  0);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  1);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  2);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  3);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  4);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  5);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  6);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  7);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  8);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  9);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  10);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  11);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  12);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  13);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  14);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  15);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  16);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  17);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  18);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  19);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  20);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  21);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  22);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  23);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  24);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  25);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  26);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  27);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  28);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  29);