USBSpec.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1998-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
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 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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 * Constants that both OS9 and OSX want to define, and whose values are
 * specified by the USB Standard.
 * Put in a seperate file so they can be included if the OS9 include file isn't already
 * included.
#ifndef _USBSPEC_H
#define _USBSPEC_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

    @header     USBSpec.h
     @abstract  Constants and definitions of parameters that are used in communcating with USB devices and interfaces.

    @enum Endpoint type
    @discussion Used in IOUSBFindEndpointRequest's type field
enum {
    kUSBControl     = 0,
    kUSBIsoc        = 1,
    kUSBBulk        = 2,
    kUSBInterrupt   = 3,
    kUSBAnyType     = 0xFF

    @enum Endpoint direction
    @discussion Used in IOUSBFindEndpointRequest's direction field
enum {
    kUSBOut         = 0,
    kUSBIn          = 1,
    kUSBNone        = 2,
    kUSBAnyDirn     = 3

    @enum Device Request Type
    @discussion This type is encoded in the bmRequestType field of a Device Request.  It specifies the type of request: standard, class or vendor specific.
enum {
    kUSBStandard    = 0,
    kUSBClass       = 1,
    kUSBVendor      = 2

    @enum Device Request Recipient
    @discussion This recipient is encoded in the bmRequestType field of a Device Request.  It specifies the type of recipient for a request:  the device, the interface, or an endpoint.
enum {
    kUSBDevice      = 0,
    kUSBInterface   = 1,
    kUSBEndpoint    = 2,
    kUSBOther       = 3

    @enum Device Request
    @discussion Specifies values for the bRequest field of a Device Request.
enum {
    kUSBRqGetStatus     = 0,
    kUSBRqClearFeature  = 1,
    kUSBRqGetState      = 2,
    kUSBRqSetFeature    = 3,
    kUSBRqReserved2     = 4,
    kUSBRqSetAddress    = 5,
    kUSBRqGetDescriptor = 6,
    kUSBRqSetDescriptor = 7,
    kUSBRqGetConfig     = 8,
    kUSBRqSetConfig     = 9,
    kUSBRqGetInterface  = 10,
    kUSBRqSetInterface  = 11,
    kUSBRqSyncFrame     = 12

    @enum USB Descriptors
    @discussion Specifies values for diffent descriptor types.
enum {
    kUSBAnyDesc             = 0,    // Wildcard for searches
    kUSBDeviceDesc          = 1,
    kUSBConfDesc            = 2,
    kUSBStringDesc          = 3,
    kUSBInterfaceDesc       = 4,
    kUSBEndpointDesc        = 5,
    kUSBDeviceQualifierDesc = 6,
    kUSBOtherSpeedConfDesc  = 7,
    kUSBInterfacePowerDesc  = 8,
    kUSBOnTheGoDesc	    = 9,
    kUSDebugDesc	    = 10,
    kUSBInterfaceAssociationDesc 	= 11,
    kUSBHIDDesc             		= 0x21,
    kUSBReportDesc          		= 0x22,
    kUSBPhysicalDesc        		= 0x23,
    kUSBHUBDesc             		= 0x29

    @enum Feature Selectors
    @discussion Used with SET/CLEAR_FEATURE requests.
enum {
        kUSBFeatureEndpointStall = 0,
        kUSBFeatureDeviceRemoteWakeup = 1

    @enum USB Power constants
    @discussion Constants relating to USB Power.
enum {
    kUSB100mAAvailable  = 50,
    kUSB500mAAvailable  = 250,
    kUSB100mA           = 50,
    kUSBAtrBusPowered   = 0x80,
    kUSBAtrSelfPowered  = 0x40,
    kUSBAtrRemoteWakeup = 0x20

    @enum USB Release constants
    @discussion Constants relating to USB releases as found in the bcdUSB field of the Device Descriptor.
enum {
    kUSBRel10       = 0x0100,
    kUSBRel11       = 0x0110,
    kUSBRel20       = 0x0200

    @enum HID requests
    @discussion Constants for HID requests.
enum {
    kHIDRqGetReport     = 1,
    kHIDRqGetIdle       = 2,
    kHIDRqGetProtocol   = 3,
    kHIDRqSetReport     = 9,
    kHIDRqSetIdle       = 10,
    kHIDRqSetProtocol   = 11

    @enum HID report types
    @discussion Constants for the three kinds of HID reports.
enum {
    kHIDRtInputReport       = 1,
    kHIDRtOutputReport      = 2,
    kHIDRtFeatureReport     = 3

    @enum HID Protocol
    @discussion  Used in the SET_PROTOCOL device request
enum {
    kHIDBootProtocolValue   = 0,
    kHIDReportProtocolValue = 1

enum {
    kUSBCapsLockKey         = 0x39,
    kUSBNumLockKey          = 0x53,
    kUSBScrollLockKey       = 0x47

@enum Device Class Codes
 @discussion Constants for USB Device classes (bDeviceClass).
enum {
    kUSBCompositeClass          	= 0,
    kUSBCommClass               	= 2,		// Deprecated
    kUSBCommunicationClass		= 2,	
    kUSBHubClass                	= 9,
    kUSBDataClass               	= 10,
    kUSBDiagnosticClass			= 220,
    kUSBWirelessControllerClass 	= 224,
    kUSBMiscellaneousClass		= 239,
    kUSBApplicationSpecificClass 	= 254,
    kUSBVendorSpecificClass     	= 255

@enum Interface Class
 @discussion Constants for Interface classes (bInterfaceClass).
enum {
    kUSBAudioClass             			= 1,		// Deprecated
    kUSBAudioInterfaceClass			= 1,

    kUSBCommunicationControlInterfaceClass	= 2,
    kUSBCommunicationDataInterfaceClass		= 10,

    kUSBHIDClass                		= 3,
    kUSBHIDInterfaceClass			= 3,

    kUSBPhysicalInterfaceClass			= 5,

    kUSBImageInterfaceClass			= 6,

    kUSBPrintingClass           		= 7,		// Deprecated
    kUSBPrintingInterfaceClass			= 7,

    kUSBMassStorageClass        		= 8,		// Deprecated
    kUSBMassStorageInterfaceClass		= 8,

    kUSBChipSmartCardInterfaceClass		= 11,
    kUSBContentSecurityInterfaceClass 		= 12,
    kUSBVideoInterfaceClass			= 14,
    kUSBDiagnosticDeviceInterfaceClass 		= 220,

    kUSBWirelessControllerInterfaceClass	= 224,

    kUSBApplicationSpecificInterfaceClass	= 254,
    kUSBVendorSpecificInterfaceClass     	= 255

// Obsolete
enum {
    kUSBDisplayClass            = 4,		// Obsolete

    @enum Interface SubClass
    @discussion Constants for USB Interface SubClasses (bInterfaceSubClass).
enum {
    kUSBCompositeSubClass               = 0,
    kUSBHubSubClass                     = 0,

    // For the kUSBAudioInterfaceClass
    kUSBAudioControlSubClass		= 0x01,
    kUSBAudioStreamingSubClass		= 0x02,
    kUSBMIDIStreamingSubClass		= 0x03,
    // For the kUSBApplicationSpecificInterfaceClass
    kUSBDFUSubClass                     = 0x01,
    kUSBIrDABridgeSubClass              = 0x02,
    kUSBTestMeasurementSubClass		= 0x03,

    // For the kUSBMassStorageInterfaceClass
    kUSBMassStorageRBCSubClass          = 0x01,
    kUSBMassStorageATAPISubClass        = 0x02,
    kUSBMassStorageQIC157SubClass       = 0x03,
    kUSBMassStorageUFISubClass          = 0x04,
    kUSBMassStorageSFF8070iSubClass     = 0x05,
    kUSBMassStorageSCSISubClass         = 0x06,

    // For the kUSBHIDInterfaceClass
    kUSBHIDBootInterfaceSubClass        = 0x01,

    // For the kUSBCommunicationDataInterfaceClass
    kUSBCommDirectLineSubClass          = 0x01,
    kUSBCommAbstractSubClass            = 0x02,
    kUSBCommTelephoneSubClass           = 0x03,
    kUSBCommMultiChannelSubClass        = 0x04,
    kUSBCommCAPISubClass                = 0x05,
    kUSBCommEthernetNetworkingSubClass  = 0x06,
    kUSBATMNetworkingSubClass           = 0x07,

    // For the kUSBDiagnosticDeviceInterfaceClass
    kUSBReprogrammableDiagnosticSubClass	= 0x01,

    // For the kUSBWirelessControllerInterfaceClass
    kUSBRFControllerSubClass		= 0x01,

    // For the kUSBMiscellaneousClass
    kUSBCommonClassSubClass		= 0x02,

    // For the kUSBVideoInterfaceClass
    kUSBVideoControlSubClass		= 0x01,
    kUSBVideoStreamingSubClass		= 0x02,
    kUSBVideoInterfaceCollectionSubClass = 0x03

@enum	Interface Protocol
 @discussion Reported in the bInterfaceProtocol field of the Interface Descriptor.
enum {

    // For kUSBHIDInterfaceClass
    kHIDNoInterfaceProtocol		= 0,
    kHIDKeyboardInterfaceProtocol	= 1,
    kHIDMouseInterfaceProtocol		= 2,
    kUSBVendorSpecificProtocol		= 0xff,

    // For kUSBDiagnosticDeviceInterfaceClass
    kUSB2ComplianceDeviceProtocol	= 0x01,

    // For kUSBWirelessControllerInterfaceClass
    kUSBBluetoothProgrammingInterfaceProtocol	= 0x01,

    // For kUSBMiscellaneousClass
    KUSBInterfaceAssociationDescriptorProtocol	= 0x01

    @enum DFU Class Attributes
enum {
    kUSBDFUAttributesMask       = 0x07,
    kUSBDFUCanDownloadBit       = 0,
    kUSBDFUCanUploadBit         = 1,
    kUSBDFUManifestationTolerantBit     = 2

@enum Endpoint Descriptor bits
 @discussion Bit definitions for endpoint descriptor fields
enum {
    kUSBbEndpointAddressMask				= 0x0f,
    kUSBbEndpointDirectionBit				= 7,
    kUSBbEndpointDirectionMask				= ( 1 << kUSBbEndpointDirectionBit ),
    kUSBEndpointDirectionOut				= 0x00,
    kUSBEndpointDirectionIn				= 0x80,
    kUSBEndpointbmAttributesTransferTypeMask		= 0x03,
    kUSBEndpointbmAttributesSynchronizationTypeMask	= 0x0c,
    kUSBEndpointbmAttributesSynchronizationTypeShift	= 2,
    kUSBEndpointbmAttributesUsageTypeMask		= 0x30,
    kUSBEndpointbmAttributesUsageTypeShift		= 4

    @enum Property Names
    @discussion USB property names taken from the field names in various descriptors
#define kUSBDeviceClass             "bDeviceClass"
#define kUSBDeviceSubClass          "bDeviceSubClass"
#define kUSBDeviceProtocol          "bDeviceProtocol"
#define kUSBDeviceMaxPacketSize     "bMaxPacketSize0"
#define kUSBVendorID                "idVendor"          // good name
#define kUSBVendorName              kUSBVendorID        // bad name - keep for backward compatibility
#define kUSBProductID               "idProduct"         // good name
#define kUSBProductName             kUSBProductID       // bad name - keep for backward compatibility
#define kUSBDeviceReleaseNumber     "bcdDevice"
#define kUSBManufacturerStringIndex "iManufacturer"
#define kUSBProductStringIndex      "iProduct"
#define kUSBSerialNumberStringIndex "iSerialNumber"
#define kUSBDeviceNumConfigs        "bNumConfigurations"
#define kUSBInterfaceNumber         "bInterfaceNumber"
#define kUSBAlternateSetting        "bAlternateSetting"
#define kUSBNumEndpoints            "bNumEndpoints"
#define kUSBInterfaceClass          "bInterfaceClass"
#define kUSBInterfaceSubClass       "bInterfaceSubClass"
#define kUSBInterfaceProtocol       "bInterfaceProtocol"
#define kUSBInterfaceStringIndex    "iInterface"
#define kUSBConfigurationValue      "bConfigurationValue"

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* _USBSPEC_H */