IOATABlockStorageDriver.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1998-2001 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
 * "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this file.
 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 * under the License.

 * Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Apple Computer, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 *		09/28/2000	CJS		Started IOATABlockStorageDriver
 *							(ported Joe Liu's IOATAHDDrive)


/* osfmk includes */
#include <kern/queue.h>

/* General IOKit includes */
#include <IOKit/IOLib.h>
#include <IOKit/IOMessage.h>
#include <IOKit/IOService.h>
#include <IOKit/IOSyncer.h>
#include <IOKit/IOCommandGate.h>
#include <IOKit/IOCommandPool.h>

/* IOKit ATA includes */
#include <IOKit/storage/IOStorage.h>
#include <IOKit/storage/ata/IOATAStorageDefines.h>
#include <IOKit/ata/IOATADevice.h>
#include <IOKit/ata/IOATATypes.h>

// Forward class declaration
class IOATABlockStorageDriver;

	@typedef ATAClientData
	@param cmd IOATACommand for request.
	@param self Pointer to the object. 
	@param completion Either the async completion structure or an IOSyncer to wake up.
	@param isSync Flag - tells whether the command was sync or async.
	@param maxRetries Maxiumum number of retry attempts per I/O.
	@param returnCode Return code (errors).
	@param buffer Original memory descriptor.
	@param bufferOffset Offset into client's buffer.
	@param startBlock Original starting block.
	@param numberOfBlocks Original number of requested blocks.
	@param opCode ATA opcode.
	@param flags Flags to use for the operation.
	@param timeout Timeout value in milliseconds.
	@param regMask Register Mask.
	@param featuresReg Features register.
	@param sdhReg The SDH register
	@param command The command register.
	@param cylHigh The Cylinder high bits.
	@param cylLow The Cylinder low bits.
	@param sectorNumber The Sector Number register.
	@param sectorCount The Sector Count register.
	@discussion This structure is stuffed into the refcon so we can associate which
	IOATACommand is completing.

struct ATAClientData
	IOATACommand *				cmd;				// pointer to command object this wraps
	IOATABlockStorageDriver *	self;				// pointer to self
	union {
		IOStorageCompletion 	async;				// completion target/action/param.
		IOSyncer *          	syncLock;			// used by sync commands.
	} completion;
	bool                    	isSync;				// command is synchronous.
	SInt32                  	maxRetries;			// max retry attempts (0 = no retry).
	IOReturn                	returnCode;			// sync command return code.
	IOMemoryDescriptor *		buffer;				// needed for retries
	UInt32						bufferOffset;		// offset into client buffer
	UInt32						startBlock;			// needed for retries
	UInt32						numberOfBlocks;		// needed for retries

	// Saved state data for ATA registers
	ataOpcode					opCode;				// Opcode of the desired operation
	UInt32						flags;				// Flags to use for this operation
	UInt32						timeout;			// Original timeout value
	ataRegMask					regMask;			// Mask to tell controller what registers
													// to read/write
	UInt8						featuresReg;		// Features register
	UInt8						sdhReg;				// Set Device Head register
	UInt8						command;			// Command to use for this operation
	UInt8						cylHigh;			// High bits of the cylinder register
	UInt8						cylLow;				// Low bits of the cylinder register
	UInt8						sectorNumber;		// Value of the sectorNumber register
	UInt8						sectorCount;		// Value of the sectorCount register
typedef struct ATAClientData ATAClientData;

// Property table keys
#define kIOATASupportedFeaturesKey		"ATA Features"

class IOATABlockStorageDriver : public IOService
	OSDeclareDefaultStructors ( IOATABlockStorageDriver )
	IOATADevice *			fATADevice;
	ataUnitID				fATAUnitID;
	ataDeviceType			fATADeviceType;
	ataSocketType			fATASocketType;
	UInt8					fPIOMode;
	UInt8					fDMAMode;
	UInt8					fUltraDMAMode;
	bool					fUseLBAAddressing;
	IOCommandPool *			fCommandPool;
	IOCommandGate *			fCommandGate;
	UInt32					fNumCommandObjects;
	UInt32					fNumCommandsOutstanding;

	// "Special commands"
	IOATACommand *			fResetCommand;
	IOATACommand *			fPowerManagementCommand;
	IOATACommand *			fConfigurationCommand;
	UInt16					fDeviceIdentifyData[256];
	IOMemoryDescriptor *	fDeviceIdentifyBuffer;	

	char					fRevision[ kSizeOfATARevisionString + 1 ];
	char					fModel[ kSizeOfATAModelString + 1 ];
	UInt8					fAPMLevel;
	IOOptionBits			fSupportedFeatures;
	thread_call_t			fPowerManagementThread;
	bool					fWakeUpResetOccurred;
	IOATAPowerState			fCurrentPowerState;
	IOATAPowerState			fProposedPowerState;
	bool					fPowerTransitionInProgress;
	bool					fPowerManagementInitialized;
	bool					fResetInProgress;
	// binary compatibility instance variable expansion
	struct ExpansionData { };
	ExpansionData * reserved;
	// Static member functions
	static void		sSwapBytes16 ( UInt8 * buffer, IOByteCount numBytesToSwap );
	static UInt8	sConvertHighestBitToNumber ( UInt16 bitField );

	static void 	sHandleCommandCompletion ( IOATACommand * cmd );

	static void 	sHandleReset ( IOATACommand * cmd );
	static void 	sPowerManagement ( thread_call_param_t whichDevice );

	static void 	sHandleSetPowerState ( 	IOATABlockStorageDriver * self,
											UInt32 powerStateOrdinal );
	static void 	sHandleCheckPowerState ( IOATABlockStorageDriver * self );

	static void 	sHandleSimpleSyncTransaction ( IOATACommand * cmd );
	static void		sConvertBlockToCHSAddress ( IOATACommand *	cmd,
												UInt32 			block,
												UInt32 			heads,
												UInt32 			sectors,
												ataUnitID 		unitID );

	static void		sReissueCommandFromClientData ( IOATACommand * cmd );

	static void		sSetCommandBuffers ( IOATACommand *			cmd,
										 IOMemoryDescriptor * 	buffer,
										 IOByteCount			offset,
										 IOByteCount			numBlocks );

	static void		sSaveStateData ( IOATACommand * cmd );

	// The sSetWakeupResetOccurred method is used to safely set member variables
	// behind the command gate.
	static void				sSetWakeupResetOccurred ( IOATABlockStorageDriver * driver,
												   	  bool resetOccurred );

	// The sCheckWakeupResetOccur method is used to safely check member variables
	// behind the command gate.
	static void				sCheckWakeupResetOccurred ( IOATABlockStorageDriver * driver,
												        void * resetOccurred );
	static void				sATAConfigStateMachine ( IOATACommand * cmd );
	static void				sATAVoidCallback ( IOATACommand * cmd );

	// Release all allocated resource before calling super::free().
	virtual void free ( void );
	// Stop any power management
	virtual bool finalize ( IOOptionBits options );
	// Setup an ATATaskFile from the parameters given
	virtual void setupReadWriteTaskFile (	IOATACommand *			cmd,
											IOMemoryDescriptor *	buffer,
											UInt32					block,
											UInt32					nblks );
	// Return an IOATACommand initialized to perform a read/write operation.
	virtual IOATACommand * ataCommandReadWrite ( IOMemoryDescriptor *	buffer,
												 UInt32					block,
												 UInt32					nblks );
	// Return an ATA Set Features command.
	virtual IOReturn ataCommandSetFeatures ( UInt8 features,
											 UInt8 sectorCount   = 0,
											 UInt8 sectorNumber  = 0,
											 UInt8 cylinderLow   = 0,
											 UInt8 cylinderHigh  = 0,
											 UInt32 flags		 = 0,
											 bool forceSync		 = false );
	// Return an ATA Flush Cache command.
	virtual IOATACommand * ataCommandFlushCache ( void );
	// Issues a power transition

	virtual IOReturn issuePowerTransition ( UInt32 function );
	// Issue a synchronous ATA command.
	virtual IOReturn syncExecute (	IOATACommand * 	cmd,
									UInt32		 	timeout = kATADefaultTimeout,
									UInt8		   	retries = kATADefaultRetries );
	// Issue an asynchronous ATA command.
	virtual IOReturn asyncExecute (
							IOATACommand *			cmd,
							IOStorageCompletion		completion,
							UInt32					timeout = kATADefaultTimeout,
							UInt8					retries = kATADefaultRetries );
	// Inspect the ATA device.
	virtual bool inspectDevice ( IOATADevice * device );
	// Returns an IOATABlockStorageDeviceNub instance.
	virtual IOService * instantiateNub ( void );
	// Calls instantiateNub() then initialize, attach, and register the
	// drive nub.
	virtual bool createNub ( IOService * provider );
	// Power management support. Subclasses can override these functions
	// to replace/enhance the default power management support.
	virtual void 		initForPM ( void );
	virtual void 		handleSetPowerState ( UInt32 powerStateOrdinal );
	// Allocate/Deallocate ATA commands.
	virtual void 		allocateATACommandObjects 		( void );
	virtual void 		deallocateATACommandObjects 	( void );
	// Get/return ATA commands
	virtual IOATACommand *	getATACommandObject		( bool blockForCommand = true );

	virtual void			returnATACommandObject	( IOATACommand * cmd );
	// Initialization and Configuation calls
	virtual IOReturn	setPIOTransferMode ( bool forceSync );

	virtual IOReturn	setDMATransferMode ( bool forceSync );
	virtual IOReturn 	identifyAndConfigureATADevice ( void );

	virtual IOReturn 	configureATADevice ( void );

	virtual IOReturn 	reconfigureATADevice ( void );

	virtual IOReturn 	identifyATADevice ( void );

	virtual IOReturn 	resetATADevice ( void );	

	// The checkWakeupResetOccurred method is used to safely find out if a reset
	// occurred while we were asleep.
	virtual bool			checkWakeupResetOccurred ( void );
	// The setWakeupResetOccurred method is used to safely set/clear the reset flag.
	virtual void			setWakeupResetOccurred ( bool resetOccurred );

	// Overrides from IOService
	bool 			init 	( OSDictionary * propertyTable );
	virtual bool 	start 	( IOService * provider );
	virtual void 	stop 	( IOService * provider );

	// Necessary for calls from user space to set the APM level.
	virtual IOReturn	setAdvancedPowerManagementLevel ( UInt8 level, bool forceSync );

	// Power management support. Functions inherited from IOService.
	virtual IOReturn 	setAggressiveness ( UInt32 type, UInt32 minutes );
	virtual IOReturn 	setPowerState ( UInt32			powerStateOrdinal,
										IOService * 	whatDevice );
	// Report the type of ATA device (ATA vs. ATAPI).
	virtual ataDeviceType reportATADeviceType ( void ) const;
	// Handles read/write requests.
	virtual IOReturn doAsyncReadWrite ( IOMemoryDescriptor * 	buffer,
										UInt32					block,
										UInt32					nblks,
										IOStorageCompletion		completion );
	virtual IOReturn doSyncReadWrite ( 	IOMemoryDescriptor *	buffer,
										UInt32					block,
										UInt32					nblks );
	// Eject the media in the drive.
	virtual IOReturn doEjectMedia ( void );
	// Format the media in the drive.
	virtual IOReturn doFormatMedia ( UInt64 byteCapacity );
	// Returns disk capacity in bytes.
	virtual UInt32 doGetFormatCapacities ( 	UInt64 * capacities,
											UInt32   capacitiesMaxCount ) const;
	// Lock the media and prevent a user-initiated eject.
	virtual IOReturn doLockUnlockMedia ( bool doLock );
	// Flush the write-cache to the physical media.
	virtual IOReturn doSynchronizeCache ( void );
	// Start/stop the drive.
	virtual IOReturn doStart ( void );

	virtual IOReturn doStop ( void );
	// Return device identification strings
	virtual char * 	getAdditionalDeviceInfoString ( void );

	virtual char * 	getProductString ( void );

	virtual char * 	getRevisionString ( void );

	virtual char * 	getVendorString ( void );
	// Report the device block size in bytes.
	virtual IOReturn reportBlockSize ( UInt64 * blockSize );
	// Report whether the media in the ATA device is ejectable.
	virtual IOReturn reportEjectability ( bool * isEjectable );
	// Report whether the media can be locked.
	virtual IOReturn reportLockability ( bool * isLockable );
	// Report the polling requirements for a removable media.
	virtual IOReturn reportPollRequirements ( 	bool * pollRequired,
												bool * pollIsExpensive );
	// Report the max number of bytes transferred for an ATA read command.
	virtual IOReturn reportMaxReadTransfer ( 	UInt64		blocksize,
												UInt64 *	max );
	// Report the max number of bytes transferred for an ATA write command.
	virtual IOReturn reportMaxWriteTransfer ( 	UInt64		blocksize,
												UInt64 *	max);
	// Returns the maximum addressable sector number.
	virtual IOReturn reportMaxValidBlock ( UInt64 * maxBlock );
	// Report whether the media is currently present, and whether a media
	// change has been registered since the last reporting.
	virtual IOReturn reportMediaState (	bool *	mediaPresent,
										bool *	changed );
	// Report whether the media is removable.
	virtual IOReturn reportRemovability ( bool * isRemovable );
	// Report if the media is write-protected.
	virtual IOReturn reportWriteProtection ( bool * isWriteProtected );
	// Client calls this before making a request which could cause I/O to
	// happen.
	virtual void checkPowerState ( void );

	// Checks to see if we are in a good power state to fulfill the request

	virtual void handleCheckPowerState ( void );

	// Handles power state changes

	virtual void handlePowerChange ( void );

	// Handles messages (notifications) from our provider.
	virtual IOReturn message ( 	UInt32			type,
								IOService * 	provider,
								void *			argument );
	// Returns the device type.
	virtual const char * 	getDeviceTypeName ( void );

	// Binary Compatibility reserved method space
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused ( IOATABlockStorageDriver, 1 );
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused ( IOATABlockStorageDriver, 2 );
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused ( IOATABlockStorageDriver, 3 );
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused ( IOATABlockStorageDriver, 4 );
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused ( IOATABlockStorageDriver, 5 );
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused ( IOATABlockStorageDriver, 6 );
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused ( IOATABlockStorageDriver, 7 );
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused ( IOATABlockStorageDriver, 8 );
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused ( IOATABlockStorageDriver, 9 );
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused ( IOATABlockStorageDriver, 10 );
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused ( IOATABlockStorageDriver, 11 );
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused ( IOATABlockStorageDriver, 12 );
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused ( IOATABlockStorageDriver, 13 );
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused ( IOATABlockStorageDriver, 14 );
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused ( IOATABlockStorageDriver, 15 );
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused ( IOATABlockStorageDriver, 16 );