coll.h   [plain text]

*   Copyright (C) 1996-2003, International Business Machines                 *
*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.                            *

* File coll.h
* Created by: Helena Shih
* Modification History:
*  Date        Name        Description
* 02/5/97      aliu        Modified createDefault to load collation data from
*                          binary files when possible.  Added related methods
*                          createCollationFromFile, chopLocale, createPathName.
* 02/11/97     aliu        Added members addToCache, findInCache, and fgCache.
* 02/12/97     aliu        Modified to create objects from RuleBasedCollator cache.
*                          Moved cache out of Collation class.
* 02/13/97     aliu        Moved several methods out of this class and into
*                          RuleBasedCollator, with modifications.  Modified
*                          createDefault() to call new RuleBasedCollator(Locale&)
*                          constructor.  General clean up and documentation.
* 02/20/97     helena      Added clone, operator==, operator!=, operator=, copy
*                          constructor and getDynamicClassID.
* 03/25/97     helena      Updated with platform independent data types.
* 05/06/97     helena      Added memory allocation error detection.
* 06/20/97     helena      Java class name change.
* 09/03/97     helena      Added createCollationKeyValues().
* 02/10/98     damiba      Added compare() with length as parameter.
* 04/23/99     stephen     Removed EDecompositionMode, merged with
*                          Normalizer::EMode.
* 11/02/99     helena      Collator performance enhancements.  Eliminates the 
*                          UnicodeString construction and special case for NO_OP.
* 11/23/99     srl         More performance enhancements. Inlining of
*                          critical accessors.
* 05/15/00     helena      Added version information API. 
* 01/29/01     synwee      Modified into a C++ wrapper which calls C apis 
*                          (ucoll.h). 

#ifndef COLL_H
#define COLL_H

#include "unicode/utypes.h"


#include "unicode/uobject.h"
#include "unicode/ucol.h"
#include "unicode/normlzr.h"
#include "unicode/locid.h"
#include "unicode/uniset.h"


class StringEnumeration;

 * @draft ICU 2.6
typedef const void* URegistryKey;

 * @draft ICU 2.6
class CollatorFactory;

* @stable ICU 2.0
class CollationKey;

* The <code>Collator</code> class performs locale-sensitive string 
* comparison.<br>
* You use this class to build searching and sorting routines for natural 
* language text.<br>
* <em>Important: </em>The ICU collation service has been reimplemented 
* in order to achieve better performance and UCA compliance. 
* For details, see the 
* <a href="">
* collation design document</a>.
* <p>
* <code>Collator</code> is an abstract base class. Subclasses implement 
* specific collation strategies. One subclass, 
* <code>RuleBasedCollator</code>, is currently provided and is applicable 
* to a wide set of languages. Other subclasses may be created to handle more 
* specialized needs.
* <p>
* Like other locale-sensitive classes, you can use the static factory method, 
* <code>createInstance</code>, to obtain the appropriate 
* <code>Collator</code> object for a given locale. You will only need to 
* look at the subclasses of <code>Collator</code> if you need to 
* understand the details of a particular collation strategy or if you need to 
* modify that strategy.
* <p>
* The following example shows how to compare two strings using the 
* <code>Collator</code> for the default locale.
* <blockquote>
* <pre>
* \code
* // Compare two strings in the default locale
* UErrorCode success = U_ZERO_ERROR;
* Collator* myCollator = Collator::createInstance(success);
* if (myCollator->compare("abc", "ABC") < 0)
*   cout << "abc is less than ABC" << endl;
* else
*   cout << "abc is greater than or equal to ABC" << endl;
* \endcode
* </pre>
* </blockquote>
* <p>
* You can set a <code>Collator</code>'s <em>strength</em> property to 
* determine the level of difference considered significant in comparisons. 
* Five strengths are provided: <code>PRIMARY</code>, <code>SECONDARY</code>, 
* <code>TERTIARY</code>, <code>QUATERNARY</code> and <code>IDENTICAL</code>. The exact assignment of 
* strengths to language features is locale dependant. For example, in Czech, 
* "e" and "f" are considered primary differences, while "e" and "\u00EA" are 
* secondary differences, "e" and "E" are tertiary differences and "e" and "e" 
* are identical. The following shows how both case and accents could be 
* ignored for US English.
* <blockquote>
* <pre>
* \code
* //Get the Collator for US English and set its strength to PRIMARY 
* UErrorCode success = U_ZERO_ERROR;
* Collator* usCollator = 
*                            Collator::createInstance(Locale::US, success);
* usCollator->setStrength(Collator::PRIMARY);
* if (usCollator->compare("abc", "ABC") == 0)
*   cout << 
* "'abc' and 'ABC' strings are equivalent with strength PRIMARY" << 
* endl;
* \endcode
* </pre>
* </blockquote>
* <p>
* For comparing strings exactly once, the <code>compare</code> method 
* provides the best performance. When sorting a list of strings however, it 
* is generally necessary to compare each string multiple times. In this case, 
* sort keys provide better performance. The <code>getSortKey</code> methods 
* convert a string to a series of bytes that can be compared bitwise against 
* other sort keys using <code>strcmp()</code>. Sort keys are written as 
* zero-terminated byte strings. They consist of several substrings, one for 
* each collation strength level, that are delimited by 0x01 bytes.
* If the string code points are appended for UCOL_IDENTICAL, then they are 
* processed for correct code point order comparison and may contain 0x01 
* bytes but not zero bytes.
* </p>
* <p>
* An older set of APIs returns a <code>CollationKey</code> object that wraps 
* the sort key bytes instead of returning the bytes themselves.
* Its use is deprecated, but it is still available for compatibility with 
* Java.
* </p>
* <p>
* <strong>Note:</strong> <code>Collator</code>s with different Locale,
* and CollationStrength settings will return different sort 
* orders for the same set of strings. Locales have specific collation rules, 
* and the way in which secondary and tertiary differences are taken into 
* account, for example, will result in a different sorting order for same 
* strings.
* </p>
* @see         RuleBasedCollator
* @see         CollationKey
* @see         CollationElementIterator
* @see         Locale
* @see         Normalizer
* @version     2.0 11/15/01

class U_I18N_API Collator : public UObject {

  // Collator public enums -----------------------------------------------

  * Base letter represents a primary difference. Set comparison level to 
  * PRIMARY to ignore secondary and tertiary differences.<br>
  * Use this to set the strength of a Collator object.<br>
  * Example of primary difference, "abc" &lt; "abd"
  * Diacritical differences on the same base letter represent a secondary
  * difference. Set comparison level to SECONDARY to ignore tertiary
  * differences. Use this to set the strength of a Collator object.<br>
  * Example of secondary difference, "ä" >> "a".
  * Uppercase and lowercase versions of the same character represents a
  * tertiary difference.  Set comparison level to TERTIARY to include all 
  * comparison differences. Use this to set the strength of a Collator
  * object.<br>
  * Example of tertiary difference, "abc" &lt;&lt;&lt; "ABC".
  * Two characters are considered "identical" when they have the same unicode 
  * spellings.<br>
  * For example, "ä" == "ä".
  * UCollationStrength is also used to determine the strength of sort keys 
  * generated from Collator objects.
  * @stable ICU 2.0
  enum ECollationStrength 
    PRIMARY    = 0,
    SECONDARY  = 1, 
    TERTIARY   = 2,
    IDENTICAL  = 15
  * LESS is returned if source string is compared to be less than target
  * string in the compare() method.
  * EQUAL is returned if source string is compared to be equal to target
  * string in the compare() method.
  * GREATER is returned if source string is compared to be greater than
  * target string in the compare() method.
  * @see Collator#compare
  * @deprecated ICU 2.6. Use C enum UCollationResult defined in ucol.h
  enum EComparisonResult 
    LESS = -1,
    EQUAL = 0,
    GREATER = 1
  // Collator public destructor -----------------------------------------
  * Destructor
  * @stable ICU 2.0
  virtual ~Collator();

  // Collator public methods --------------------------------------------

  * Returns true if "other" is the same as "this"
  * @param other Collator object to be compared
  * @return true if other is the same as this.
  * @stable ICU 2.0
  virtual UBool operator==(const Collator& other) const;

  * Returns true if "other" is not the same as "this".
  * @param other Collator object to be compared
  * @return true if other is not the same as this.
  * @stable ICU 2.0
  virtual UBool operator!=(const Collator& other) const;

  * Makes a shallow copy of the current object.
  * @return a copy of this object
  * @stable ICU 2.0
  virtual Collator* clone(void) const = 0;

  * Creates the Collator object for the current default locale.
  * The default locale is determined by Locale::getDefault.
  * The UErrorCode& err parameter is used to return status information to the user.
  * To check whether the construction succeeded or not, you should check the 
  * value of U_SUCCESS(err).  If you wish more detailed information, you can 
  * check for informational error results which still indicate success.
  * U_USING_FALLBACK_ERROR indicates that a fall back locale was used. For
  * example, 'de_CH' was requested, but nothing was found there, so 'de' was
  * used. U_USING_DEFAULT_ERROR indicates that the default locale data was
  * used; neither the requested locale nor any of its fall back locales
  * could be found.
  * The caller owns the returned object and is responsible for deleting it.
  * @param err    the error code status.
  * @return       the collation object of the default locale.(for example, en_US)
  * @see Locale#getDefault
  * @stable ICU 2.0
  static Collator* createInstance(UErrorCode&  err);

  * Gets the table-based collation object for the desired locale. The
  * resource of the desired locale will be loaded by ResourceLoader. 
  * Locale::ENGLISH is the base collation table and all other languages are 
  * built on top of it with additional language-specific modifications.
  * The UErrorCode& err parameter is used to return status information to the user.
  * To check whether the construction succeeded or not, you should check
  * the value of U_SUCCESS(err).  If you wish more detailed information, you
  * can check for informational error results which still indicate success.
  * U_USING_FALLBACK_ERROR indicates that a fall back locale was used.  For
  * example, 'de_CH' was requested, but nothing was found there, so 'de' was
  * used.  U_USING_DEFAULT_ERROR indicates that the default locale data was
  * used; neither the requested locale nor any of its fall back locales
  * could be found.
  * The caller owns the returned object and is responsible for deleting it.
  * @param loc    The locale ID for which to open a collator.
  * @param err    the error code status.
  * @return       the created table-based collation object based on the desired
  *               locale.
  * @see Locale
  * @see ResourceLoader
  * @stable ICU 2.2
  static Collator* createInstance(const Locale& loc, UErrorCode& err);

   * Create a Collator with a specific version.
   * This is the same as createInstance(loc, err) except that getVersion() of
   * the returned object is guaranteed to be the same as the version
   * parameter.
   * This is designed to be used to open the same collator for a given
   * locale even when ICU is updated.
   * The same locale and version guarantees the same sort keys and
   * comparison results.
   * <p>
   * Note: this API will be removed in a future release.  Use
   * <tt>createInstance(const Locale&, UErrorCode&) instead.</tt></p>
   * @param loc The locale ID for which to open a collator.
   * @param version The requested collator version.
   * @param err A reference to a UErrorCode,
   *            must not indicate a failure before calling this function.
   * @return A pointer to a Collator, or 0 if an error occurred
   *         or a collator with the requested version is not available.
   * @see getVersion
   * @obsolete ICU 2.6
  static Collator *createInstance(const Locale &loc, UVersionInfo version, UErrorCode &err);

  * The comparison function compares the character data stored in two
  * different strings. Returns information about whether a string is less 
  * than, greater than or equal to another string.
  * @param source the source string to be compared with.
  * @param target the string that is to be compared with the source string.
  * @return Returns a byte value. GREATER if source is greater
  * than target; EQUAL if source is equal to target; LESS if source is less
  * than target
  * @deprecated ICU 2.6 use the overload with UErrorCode &
  virtual EComparisonResult compare(const UnicodeString& source, 
                                    const UnicodeString& target) const;

  * The comparison function compares the character data stored in two
  * different strings. Returns information about whether a string is less 
  * than, greater than or equal to another string.
  * @param source the source string to be compared with.
  * @param target the string that is to be compared with the source string.
  * @param status possible error code
  * @return Returns an enum value. UCOL_GREATER if source is greater
  * than target; UCOL_EQUAL if source is equal to target; UCOL_LESS if source is less
  * than target
  * @draft ICU 2.6
  virtual UCollationResult compare(const UnicodeString& source, 
                                    const UnicodeString& target,
                                    UErrorCode &status) const = 0;

  * Does the same thing as compare but limits the comparison to a specified 
  * length
  * @param source the source string to be compared with.
  * @param target the string that is to be compared with the source string.
  * @param length the length the comparison is limited to
  * @return Returns a byte value. GREATER if source (up to the specified 
  *         length) is greater than target; EQUAL if source (up to specified 
  *         length) is equal to target; LESS if source (up to the specified 
  *         length) is less  than target.   
  * @deprecated ICU 2.6 use the overload with UErrorCode &
  virtual EComparisonResult compare(const UnicodeString& source,
                                    const UnicodeString& target,
                                    int32_t length) const;
  * Does the same thing as compare but limits the comparison to a specified 
  * length
  * @param source the source string to be compared with.
  * @param target the string that is to be compared with the source string.
  * @param length the length the comparison is limited to
  * @param status possible error code
  * @return Returns an enum value. UCOL_GREATER if source (up to the specified 
  *         length) is greater than target; UCOL_EQUAL if source (up to specified 
  *         length) is equal to target; UCOL_LESS if source (up to the specified 
  *         length) is less  than target.   
  * @draft ICU 2.6
  virtual UCollationResult compare(const UnicodeString& source,
                                    const UnicodeString& target,
                                    int32_t length,
                                    UErrorCode &status) const = 0;

  * The comparison function compares the character data stored in two
  * different string arrays. Returns information about whether a string array 
  * is less than, greater than or equal to another string array.
  * @param source the source string array to be compared with.
  * @param sourceLength the length of the source string array.  If this value
  *        is equal to -1, the string array is null-terminated.
  * @param target the string that is to be compared with the source string.
  * @param targetLength the length of the target string array.  If this value
  *        is equal to -1, the string array is null-terminated.
  * @return Returns a byte value. GREATER if source is greater than target; 
  *         EQUAL if source is equal to target; LESS if source is less than 
  *         target
  * @deprecated ICU 2.6 use the overload with UErrorCode &
  virtual EComparisonResult compare(const UChar* source, int32_t sourceLength,
                                    const UChar* target, int32_t targetLength) 

  * The comparison function compares the character data stored in two
  * different string arrays. Returns information about whether a string array 
  * is less than, greater than or equal to another string array.
  * @param source the source string array to be compared with.
  * @param sourceLength the length of the source string array.  If this value
  *        is equal to -1, the string array is null-terminated.
  * @param target the string that is to be compared with the source string.
  * @param targetLength the length of the target string array.  If this value
  *        is equal to -1, the string array is null-terminated.
  * @param status possible error code
  * @return Returns an enum value. UCOL_GREATER if source is greater
  * than target; UCOL_EQUAL if source is equal to target; UCOL_LESS if source is less
  * than target
  * @draft ICU 2.6
  virtual UCollationResult compare(const UChar* source, int32_t sourceLength,
                                    const UChar* target, int32_t targetLength,
                                    UErrorCode &status) const = 0;
  * Transforms the string into a series of characters that can be compared
  * with CollationKey::compareTo. It is not possible to restore the original
  * string from the chars in the sort key.  The generated sort key handles 
  * only a limited number of ignorable characters.
  * <p>Use CollationKey::equals or CollationKey::compare to compare the
  * generated sort keys.
  * If the source string is null, a null collation key will be returned.
  * @param source the source string to be transformed into a sort key.
  * @param key the collation key to be filled in
  * @param status the error code status.
  * @return the collation key of the string based on the collation rules.
  * @see CollationKey#compare
  * @stable ICU 2.0
  virtual CollationKey& getCollationKey(const UnicodeString&  source,
                                        CollationKey& key,
                                        UErrorCode& status) const = 0;

  * Transforms the string into a series of characters that can be compared
  * with CollationKey::compareTo. It is not possible to restore the original
  * string from the chars in the sort key.  The generated sort key handles 
  * only a limited number of ignorable characters.
  * <p>Use CollationKey::equals or CollationKey::compare to compare the
  * generated sort keys.
  * <p>If the source string is null, a null collation key will be returned.
  * @param source the source string to be transformed into a sort key.
  * @param sourceLength length of the collation key
  * @param key the collation key to be filled in
  * @param status the error code status.
  * @return the collation key of the string based on the collation rules.
  * @see CollationKey#compare
  * @stable ICU 2.0
  virtual CollationKey& getCollationKey(const UChar*source, 
                                        int32_t sourceLength,
                                        CollationKey& key,
                                        UErrorCode& status) const = 0;
  * Generates the hash code for the collation object
  * @stable ICU 2.0
  virtual int32_t hashCode(void) const = 0;

  * Gets the locale of the Collator
  * @param type can be either requested, valid or actual locale. For more
  *             information see the definition of ULocDataLocaleType in
  *             uloc.h
  * @param status the error code status.
  * @return locale where the collation data lives. If the collator
  *         was instantiated from rules, locale is empty.
  * @stable ICU 2.1
  virtual const Locale getLocale(ULocDataLocaleType type, UErrorCode& status) const = 0;

  * Convenience method for comparing two strings based on the collation rules.
  * @param source the source string to be compared with.
  * @param target the target string to be compared with.
  * @return true if the first string is greater than the second one,
  *         according to the collation rules. false, otherwise.
  * @see Collator#compare
  * @stable ICU 2.0
  UBool greater(const UnicodeString& source, const UnicodeString& target) 

  * Convenience method for comparing two strings based on the collation rules.
  * @param source the source string to be compared with.
  * @param target the target string to be compared with.
  * @return true if the first string is greater than or equal to the second 
  *         one, according to the collation rules. false, otherwise.
  * @see Collator#compare
  * @stable ICU 2.0
  UBool greaterOrEqual(const UnicodeString& source, 
                       const UnicodeString& target) const;
  * Convenience method for comparing two strings based on the collation rules.
  * @param source the source string to be compared with.
  * @param target the target string to be compared with.
  * @return true if the strings are equal according to the collation rules.  
  *         false, otherwise.
  * @see Collator#compare
  * @stable ICU 2.0
  UBool equals(const UnicodeString& source, const UnicodeString& target) const;
  * Determines the minimum strength that will be use in comparison or
  * transformation.
  * <p>E.g. with strength == SECONDARY, the tertiary difference is ignored
  * <p>E.g. with strength == PRIMARY, the secondary and tertiary difference
  * are ignored.
  * @return the current comparison level.
  * @see Collator#setStrength
  * @deprecated ICU 2.6 Use getAttribute(UCOL_STRENGTH...) instead
  virtual ECollationStrength getStrength(void) const = 0;
  * Sets the minimum strength to be used in comparison or transformation.
  * <p>Example of use:
  * <pre>
  *  \code
  *  UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
  *  Collator*myCollation = Collator::createInstance(Locale::US, 
  *                                                         status);
  *  if (U_FAILURE(status)) return;
  *  myCollation->setStrength(Collator::PRIMARY);
  *  // result will be "abc" == "ABC"
  *  // tertiary differences will be ignored
  *  Collator::ComparisonResult result = myCollation->compare("abc", 
  *                                                              "ABC");
  * \endcode 
  * </pre>
  * @see Collator#getStrength
  * @param newStrength the new comparison level.
  * @deprecated ICU 2.6 Use setAttribute(UCOL_STRENGTH...) instead
  virtual void setStrength(ECollationStrength newStrength) = 0;

  * Get name of the object for the desired Locale, in the desired langauge
  * @param objectLocale must be from getAvailableLocales
  * @param displayLocale specifies the desired locale for output
  * @param name the fill-in parameter of the return value
  * @return display-able name of the object for the object locale in the
  *         desired language
  * @stable ICU 2.0
  static UnicodeString& getDisplayName(const Locale& objectLocale,
                                       const Locale& displayLocale,
                                       UnicodeString& name);
  * Get name of the object for the desired Locale, in the langauge of the
  * default locale.
  * @param objectLocale must be from getAvailableLocales
  * @param name the fill-in parameter of the return value
  * @return name of the object for the desired locale in the default language
  * @stable ICU 2.0
  static UnicodeString& getDisplayName(const Locale& objectLocale,
                                       UnicodeString& name);

  * Get the set of Locales for which Collations are installed.
  * <p>Note this does not include locales supported by registered collators.
  * If collators might have been registered, use the overload of getAvailableLocales
  * that returns a StringEnumeration.</p>
  * @param count the output parameter of number of elements in the locale list
  * @return the list of available locales for which collations are installed
  * @stable ICU 2.0
  static const Locale* getAvailableLocales(int32_t& count);

   * Return a StringEnumeration over the locales available at the time of the call, 
   * including registered locales.  If a severe error occurs (such as out of memory
   * condition) this will return null. If there is no locale data, an empty enumeration
   * will be returned.
   * @return a StringEnumeration over the locales available at the time of the call
   * @draft ICU 2.6
  static StringEnumeration* getAvailableLocales(void);

   * Register a new Collator.  The collator will be adopted.
   * @param toAdopt the Collator instance to be adopted
   * @param locale the locale with which the collator will be associated
   * @param status the in/out status code, no special meanings are assigned
   * @return a registry key that can be used to unregister this collator
   * @draft ICU 2.6
  static URegistryKey registerInstance(Collator* toAdopt, const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);

   * Register a new CollatorFactory.  The factory will be adopted.
   * @param toAdopt the CollatorFactory instance to be adopted
   * @param status the in/out status code, no special meanings are assigned
   * @return a registry key that can be used to unregister this collator
   * @draft ICU 2.6
  static URegistryKey registerFactory(CollatorFactory* toAdopt, UErrorCode& status);

   * Unregister a previously-registered Collator or CollatorFactory
   * using the key returned from the register call.  Key becomes
   * invalid after a successful call and should not be used again.
   * The object corresponding to the key will be deleted.
   * @param key the registry key returned by a previous call to registerInstance
   * @param status the in/out status code, no special meanings are assigned
   * @return TRUE if the collator for the key was successfully unregistered
   * @draft ICU 2.6 
  static UBool unregister(URegistryKey key, UErrorCode& status);

  * Gets the version information for a Collator. 
  * @param info the version # information, the result will be filled in
  * @stable ICU 2.0
  virtual void getVersion(UVersionInfo info) const = 0;

  * Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual method.
  * This method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++ 
  * compilers support genuine RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and clone() 
  * methods call this method.
  * Concrete subclasses of Format must implement getDynamicClassID() and also 
  * a static method and data member:
  *   static UClassID getStaticClassID() 
  *   { 
  *      return (UClassID)&fgClassID; 
  *   }
  *   static char fgClassID;
  * @return The class ID for this object. All objects of a given class have 
  *         the same class ID.  Objects of other classes have different class 
  *         IDs.
  * @stable ICU 2.0
  virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const = 0;

  * Universal attribute setter
  * @param attr attribute type 
  * @param value attribute value
  * @param status to indicate whether the operation went on smoothly or 
  *        there were errors
  * @stable ICU 2.2
  virtual void setAttribute(UColAttribute attr, UColAttributeValue value, 
                            UErrorCode &status) = 0;

  * Universal attribute getter
  * @param attr attribute type
  * @param status to indicate whether the operation went on smoothly or 
  *        there were errors
  * @return attribute value
  * @stable ICU 2.2
  virtual UColAttributeValue getAttribute(UColAttribute attr, 
                                          UErrorCode &status) = 0;

   * Sets the variable top to a collation element value of a string supplied. 
   * @param varTop one or more (if contraction) UChars to which the variable top should be set
   * @param len length of variable top string. If -1 it is considered to be zero terminated.
   * @param status error code. If error code is set, the return value is undefined. Errors set by this function are: <br>
   *    U_CE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR if more than one character was passed and there is no such a contraction<br>
   *    U_PRIMARY_TOO_LONG_ERROR if the primary for the variable top has more than two bytes
   * @return a 32 bit value containing the value of the variable top in upper 16 bits. Lower 16 bits are undefined
   * @stable ICU 2.0
  virtual uint32_t setVariableTop(const UChar *varTop, int32_t len, UErrorCode &status) = 0;

   * Sets the variable top to a collation element value of a string supplied. 
   * @param varTop an UnicodeString size 1 or more (if contraction) of UChars to which the variable top should be set
   * @param status error code. If error code is set, the return value is undefined. Errors set by this function are: <br>
   *    U_CE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR if more than one character was passed and there is no such a contraction<br>
   *    U_PRIMARY_TOO_LONG_ERROR if the primary for the variable top has more than two bytes
   * @return a 32 bit value containing the value of the variable top in upper 16 bits. Lower 16 bits are undefined
   * @stable ICU 2.0
  virtual uint32_t setVariableTop(const UnicodeString varTop, UErrorCode &status) = 0;

   * Sets the variable top to a collation element value supplied. Variable top is set to the upper 16 bits. 
   * Lower 16 bits are ignored.
   * @param varTop CE value, as returned by setVariableTop or ucol)getVariableTop
   * @param status error code (not changed by function)
   * @stable ICU 2.0
  virtual void setVariableTop(const uint32_t varTop, UErrorCode &status) = 0;

   * Gets the variable top value of a Collator. 
   * Lower 16 bits are undefined and should be ignored.
   * @param status error code (not changed by function). If error code is set, the return value is undefined.
   * @stable ICU 2.0
  virtual uint32_t getVariableTop(UErrorCode &status) const = 0;

   * Get an UnicodeSet that contains all the characters and sequences 
   * tailored in this collator.
   * @param status      error code of the operation
   * @return a pointer to a UnicodeSet object containing all the 
   *         code points and sequences that may sort differently than
   *         in the UCA. The object must be disposed of by using delete
   * @draft ICU 2.4
  virtual UnicodeSet *getTailoredSet(UErrorCode &status) const;

  * Thread safe cloning operation
  * @return pointer to the new clone, user should remove it.
  * @stable ICU 2.2
  virtual Collator* safeClone(void) = 0;

  * Get the sort key as an array of bytes from an UnicodeString.
  * Sort key byte arrays are zero-terminated and can be compared using 
  * strcmp().
  * @param source string to be processed.
  * @param result buffer to store result in. If NULL, number of bytes needed 
  *        will be returned.
  * @param resultLength length of the result buffer. If if not enough the 
  *        buffer will be filled to capacity. 
  * @return Number of bytes needed for storing the sort key
  * @stable ICU 2.2
  virtual int32_t getSortKey(const UnicodeString& source,
                            uint8_t* result,
                            int32_t resultLength) const = 0;

  * Get the sort key as an array of bytes from an UChar buffer.
  * Sort key byte arrays are zero-terminated and can be compared using 
  * strcmp().
  * @param source string to be processed.
  * @param sourceLength length of string to be processed. 
  *        If -1, the string is 0 terminated and length will be decided by the 
  *        function.
  * @param result buffer to store result in. If NULL, number of bytes needed 
  *        will be returned.
  * @param resultLength length of the result buffer. If if not enough the 
  *        buffer will be filled to capacity. 
  * @return Number of bytes needed for storing the sort key
  * @stable ICU 2.2
  virtual int32_t getSortKey(const UChar*source, int32_t sourceLength,
                             uint8_t*result, int32_t resultLength) const = 0;

     * Produce a bound for a given sortkey and a number of levels.
     * Return value is always the number of bytes needed, regardless of 
     * whether the result buffer was big enough or even valid.<br>
     * Resulting bounds can be used to produce a range of strings that are
     * between upper and lower bounds. For example, if bounds are produced
     * for a sortkey of string "smith", strings between upper and lower 
     * bounds with one level would include "Smith", "SMITH", "sMiTh".<br>
     * There are two upper bounds that can be produced. If UCOL_BOUND_UPPER
     * is produced, strings matched would be as above. However, if bound
     * produced using UCOL_BOUND_UPPER_LONG is used, the above example will
     * also match "Smithsonian" and similar.<br>
     * For more on usage, see example in cintltst/capitst.c in procedure
     * TestBounds.
     * Sort keys may be compared using <TT>strcmp</TT>.
     * @param source The source sortkey.
     * @param sourceLength The length of source, or -1 if null-terminated. 
     *                     (If an unmodified sortkey is passed, it is always null 
     *                      terminated).
     * @param boundType Type of bound required. It can be UCOL_BOUND_LOWER, which 
     *                  produces a lower inclusive bound, UCOL_BOUND_UPPER, that 
     *                  produces upper bound that matches strings of the same length 
     *                  or UCOL_BOUND_UPPER_LONG that matches strings that have the 
     *                  same starting substring as the source string.
     * @param noOfLevels  Number of levels required in the resulting bound (for most 
     *                    uses, the recommended value is 1). See users guide for 
     *                    explanation on number of levels a sortkey can have.
     * @param result A pointer to a buffer to receive the resulting sortkey.
     * @param resultLength The maximum size of result.
     * @param status Used for returning error code if something went wrong. If the 
     *               number of levels requested is higher than the number of levels
     *               in the source key, a warning (U_SORT_KEY_TOO_SHORT_WARNING) is 
     *               issued.
     * @return The size needed to fully store the bound. 
     * @see ucol_keyHashCode
     * @stable ICU 2.1
    static int32_t getBound(const uint8_t       *source,
            int32_t             sourceLength,
            UColBoundMode       boundType,
            uint32_t            noOfLevels,
            uint8_t             *result,
            int32_t             resultLength,
            UErrorCode          &status);


  // Collator protected constructors -------------------------------------

  * Default constructor.
  * Constructor is different from the old default Collator constructor.
  * The task for determing the default collation strength and normalization 
  * mode is left to the child class.
  * @stable ICU 2.0

  * Constructor.
  * Empty constructor, does not handle the arguments.
  * This constructor is done for backward compatibility with 1.7 and 1.8.
  * The task for handling the argument collation strength and normalization 
  * mode is left to the child class.
  * @param collationStrength collation strength
  * @param decompositionMode 
  * @deprecated ICU 2.4. Subclasses should use the default constructor
  * instead and handle the strength and normalization mode themselves.
  Collator(UCollationStrength collationStrength, 
           UNormalizationMode decompositionMode);
  * Copy constructor.
  * @param other Collator object to be copied from
  * @stable ICU 2.0
  Collator(const Collator& other);
  // Collator protected methods -----------------------------------------

  * Used internally by registraton to define the requested and valid locales.
  * @param requestedLocale the requsted locale
  * @param validLocale the valid locale
  * @internal
  virtual void setLocales(const Locale& requestedLocale, const Locale& validLocale);

	* used only by ucol_open, not for public use
	* @internal
   static UCollator* createUCollator(const char* loc, UErrorCode* status);

   * Assignment operator. Private for now.
   * @internal
  Collator& operator=(const Collator& other);

  friend class CFactory;
  friend class SimpleCFactory;
  friend class ICUCollatorFactory;
  friend class ICUCollatorService;
  static Collator* makeInstance(const Locale& desiredLocale, 
                                UErrorCode& status);

  // Collator private data members ---------------------------------------

  synwee : removed as attributes to be handled by child class
  UCollationStrength  strength;
  Normalizer::EMode  decmp;
    /* This is useless information */
/*  static const UVersionInfo fVersion;*/

 * A factory, used with registerFactory, the creates multiple collators and provides
 * display names for them.  A factory supports some number of locales-- these are the
 * locales for which it can create collators.  The factory can be visible, in which
 * case the supported locales will be enumerated by getAvailableLocales, or invisible, 
 * in which they are not.  Invisible locales are still supported, they are just not
 * listed by getAvailableLocales.
 * <p>
 * If standard locale display names are sufficient, Collator instances can
 * be registered using registerInstance instead.</p>
 * <p>
 * Note: if the collators are to be used from C APIs, they must be instances
 * of RuleBasedCollator.</p>
 * @draft ICU 2.6
class U_I18N_API CollatorFactory : public UObject {

     * Return true if this factory is visible.  Default is true.
     * If not visible, the locales supported by this factory will not
     * be listed by getAvailableLocales.
     * @return true if the factory is visible.
     @draft ICU 2.6
    virtual UBool visible(void) const;

     * Return a collator for the provided locale.  If the locale
     * is not supported, return NULL.
     * @param loc the locale identifying the collator to be created.
     * @return a new collator if the locale is supported, otherwise NULL.
     * @draft ICU 2.6
    virtual Collator* createCollator(const Locale& loc) = 0;

     * Return the name of the collator for the objectLocale, localized for the displayLocale.
     * If objectLocale is not supported, or the factory is not visible, set the result string
     * to bogus.
     * @param objectLocale the locale identifying the collator
     * @param displayLocale the locale for which the display name of the collator should be localized
     * @param result an output parameter for the display name, set to bogus if not supported.
     * @return the display name
     * @draft ICU 2.6
    virtual  UnicodeString& getDisplayName(const Locale& objectLocale, 
                                           const Locale& displayLocale,
                                           UnicodeString& result);
     * Return an array of all the locale names directly supported by this factory.  
     * The number of names is returned in count.  This array is owned by the factory.  
     * Its contents must never change.
     * @param count output parameter for the number of locales supported by the factory
     * @param status the in/out error code
     * @return a pointer to an array of count UnicodeStrings.
     * @draft ICU 2.6
    virtual const UnicodeString * getSupportedIDs(int32_t &count, UErrorCode& status) = 0;

// Collator inline methods -----------------------------------------------

inline UBool Collator::operator==(const Collator& other) const
  return (UBool)(this == &other);

inline UBool Collator::operator!=(const Collator& other) const
  return (UBool)!(*this == other);

inline UnicodeSet *Collator::getTailoredSet(UErrorCode &status) const
  if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
    return NULL;
  // everything can be changed
  return new UnicodeSet(0, 0x10FFFF);

synwee : removed since there's no attribute to be retrieved here
inline UCollationStrength Collator::getStrength() const
  return strength;

inline Normalizer::EMode Collator::getDecomposition() const
  return decmp;

#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_COLLATION */
