# Makefile for Apple Build + Integration # # We first build Git for each architecture by creating a # symbolic link farm in subdirectories of $(OBJROOT) (e.g. # $(OBJROOT)/i386) and building there using Git's own # Makefiles. Once all architectures are built, we use # the first architecture's subdirectory to combine the # per-architecture binaries into universal binaries. # Finally, we use Git's own Makefiles to perform the # installation from the first architecture's subdirectory. # export makefile := $(realpath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))) export srcdir := $(dir $(makefile)) export mandir := $(srcdir)/src/git-manpages .PHONY: all build install installsrc installhdrs root merge \ install-bin install-man export SRCROOT ?= $(CURDIR) export OBJROOT ?= $(CURDIR)/roots/obj export SYMROOT ?= $(CURDIR)/roots/sym export DSTROOT ?= $(CURDIR)/roots/dst ifndef CC ifdef SDKROOT CC := $(shell xcrun -find -sdk $(SDKROOT) cc) else CC := $(shell xcrun -find cc) endif endif tmp := $(strip $(shell expr '$(RC_ProjectSourceVersion)' : \ '\([0-9]\{1,4\}\(\.[0-9]\{0,3\}\)\{0,1\}\)$$')) ifeq (,$(tmp)) override RC_ProjectSourceVersion := 9999 else override RC_ProjectSourceVersion := $(tmp) endif export RC_ProjectSourceVersion ifndef RC_ARCHS RC_ARCHS := $(shell uname -m) $(warning using host architecture) endif cflags := $(strip $(RC_CFLAGS)) $(foreach arch,$(RC_ARCHS),$(eval cflags := $(subst $(cflags),-arch $(arch) ,))) export RC_CFLAGS := $(cflags) STRIP := strip -S LNDIR := /usr/X11/bin/lndir submakevars := -j`sysctl -n hw.activecpu` prefix=/usr \ NO_FINK=YesPlease NO_DARWIN_PORTS=YesPlease \ RUNTIME_PREFIX=YesPlease \ GITGUI_VERSION=0.12.0 V=1 \ CFLAGS='-ggdb3 -Os -pipe -Wall -Wformat-security -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2' objarch := $(foreach arch,$(RC_ARCHS),$(OBJROOT)/$(arch)) firstarch := $(firstword $(objarch)) all: build ifeq ($(realpath $(SRCROOT)), $(realpath $(srcdir))) installsrc: @echo Nothing to do for installsrc else installsrc: mkdir -p $(SRCROOT) tar -cp --exclude .git --exclude .svn --exclude CVS . | tar -pox -C "$(SRCROOT)" endif installhdrs: @echo No headers to install. build: $(OBJROOT)/dsyms.timestamp install: install-bin install-man if [ -f "$(DSTROOT)/usr/share/git-gui/lib/Git Gui.app/Contents/MacOS/Wish Shell" ] ; then \ rm "$(DSTROOT)/usr/share/git-gui/lib/Git Gui.app/Contents/MacOS/Wish Shell" ; \ ln -s "/System/Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/Resources/Wish Shell.app/Contents/MacOS/Wish Shell" "$(DSTROOT)/usr/share/git-gui/lib/Git Gui.app/Contents/MacOS/Wish Shell" ; \ else \ rm "$(DSTROOT)/usr/share/git-gui/lib/Git Gui.app/Contents/MacOS/Wish" ; \ ln -s "/System/Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/Resources/Wish.app/Contents/MacOS/Wish" "$(DSTROOT)/usr/share/git-gui/lib/Git Gui.app/Contents/MacOS/Wish" ; \ fi install -d -o root -g wheel -m 0755 $(DSTROOT)/usr/local/OpenSourceVersions install -o root -g wheel -m 0644 $(SRCROOT)/Git.plist $(DSTROOT)/usr/local/OpenSourceVersions install-bin: $(OBJROOT)/dsyms.timestamp $(MAKE) -C $(firstarch) $(submakevars) \ 'CC=$(CC) -arch $(firstword $(RC_ARCHS))' \ 'DESTDIR=$(DSTROOT)' \ install rm -fr $(DSTROOT)/usr/System #XXX Bogus perldoc installation install-man: $(OBJROOT)/dir.timestamp for section in 1 5 7; do \ install -d -o root -g wheel -m 0755 \ $(DSTROOT)/usr/share/man/man$$section; \ find $(mandir)/man$$section -type f -name "*.$$section" | \ while read page; do \ page_="$(OBJROOT)/$$(basename $$page).gz"; \ gzip -c < "$$page" > "$$page_"; \ install -C -o root -g wheel -m 0644 "$$page_" \ $(DSTROOT)/usr/share/man/man$$section; \ done; \ done $(OBJROOT)/programs-list: $(firstarch)/build.timestamp $(MAKE) -C $(firstarch) -f $(CURDIR)/examine.make $(submakevars) \ print-programs > $@ $(OBJROOT)/universal.timestamp: \ $(OBJROOT)/programs-list \ $(SYMROOT)/dir.timestamp \ $(foreach x,$(objarch),$(x)/build.timestamp) for prog in $$(cat $<); do \ (set -x; lipo -create -output $(firstarch)/$$prog.u \ $(foreach x,$(objarch),$(x)/$$prog) && \ mv $(firstarch)/$$prog.u $(firstarch)/$$prog && \ cp $(firstarch)/$$prog $(SYMROOT)/ && \ $(STRIP) $(firstarch)/$$prog); \ done touch $@ $(OBJROOT)/dsyms.timestamp: $(OBJROOT)/universal.timestamp cd $(SYMROOT) && \ find . -type f -perm -001 -print0 | xargs -n 1 -0 dsymutil touch $@ clean:: $(OBJROOT)/dir.timestamp cd $(OBJROOT) && rm -fr * root: cd $(OBJROOT) && ditto -cz $(DSTROOT) \ $(or $(RC_ProjectName),git)-$(RC_ProjectSourceVersion).cpgz merge: ditto -V $(DSTROOT) / $(OBJROOT)/dir.timestamp: mkdir -p $(dir $@) && touch $@ $(SYMROOT)/dir.timestamp: mkdir -p $(dir $@) && touch $@ define each_arch $(OBJROOT)/$(1)/dir.timestamp: mkdir -p $$(dir $$@) && touch $$@ $(OBJROOT)/$(1)/lndir.timestamp: $(OBJROOT)/$(1)/dir.timestamp $$(LNDIR) $$(CURDIR)/src/git $$(dir $$@) && touch $$@ $(OBJROOT)/$(1)/build.timestamp: $(OBJROOT)/$(1)/lndir.timestamp cat /dev/null > $$(OBJROOT)/$(1)/program-list $$(MAKE) -C $$(dir $$@) $$(submakevars) \ 'CC=$$(CC) -arch $(1)' \ 'uname_M=$(1)' 'uname_P=$(1)' \ && touch $$@ endef $(foreach arch,$(RC_ARCHS),$(eval $(call each_arch,$(arch)))) # ;; Local Variables: ** # ;; mode: makefile-gmake ** # ;; mode: ruler ** # ;; fill-column: 72 ** # ;; tab-width: 8 ** # ;; End: **