DiskArbitrationServerMain.c   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1999 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * "Portions Copyright (c) 1999 Apple Computer, Inc.  All Rights
 * Reserved.  This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of
 * Original Code as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public
 * Source License Version 1.0 (the 'License').  You may not use this file
 * except in compliance with the License.  Please obtain a copy of the
 * License at http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using
 * this file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 * under the License."
#include <libc.h>
#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <mach/mach_error.h>
#include <mach/message.h>
#include <servers/bootstrap.h>
#include <mach/mach_error.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <assert.h>

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dev/disk.h>
#include <bsd/grp.h>
#include <bsd/pwd.h>

#include <IOKit/OSMessageNotification.h>
#include <IOKit/IOKitLib.h>

#include "ServerToClient.h"
#include "ClientToServer.h"
#include "DiskArbitrationTypes.h"
#include "GetRegistry.h"
#include "FSParticular.h"

#include <mach/mach_interface.h>
#include <IOKit/IOBSD.h>
#include <IOKit/storage/IOMedia.h>

#include <syslog.h> /* bek - 12/18/98 */

#include "DiskArbitrationServerMain.h"
#include "DiskVolume.h"

mach_port_t ioMasterPort;

void autodiskmount(int ownership);

uid_t 		requestorUID;
gid_t 		requestorGID;
mach_port_t 	requestingClientPort;
int 		DA_postponedDisksExist;
int 		DA_stateChangedToNew;

	External globals

#ifdef DEBUG
int gDebug = 1;
int gDebug = 0;

int gDaemon;

	External routines

extern void ClientDeath(mach_port_t clientPort);

extern boolean_t ClientToServer_server(mach_msg_header_t * msg, mach_msg_header_t * reply);

	Public globals

	Static constants

enum {
	kMsgSize = 2048, // bek - 7/15/99 - Messages can contain path names as long as PATH_MAX = 1024

	Static globals

static char * programName = NULL;

mach_port_t gNotifyPort = MACH_PORT_NULL;

static int gBlueBoxBootVolume = -1;

	Static function prototypes

static kern_return_t InitNotifyPort(void);
static mach_port_t GetNotifyPort(void);
static boolean_t MessageIsNotificationDeath(const mach_msg_header_t *msg, mach_port_t *deadPort);

static int NextSequenceNumber( void );

struct IONotificationMsg {
	mach_msg_header_t		msgHdr;
	OSNotificationHeader	notifyHeader;
	mach_msg_trailer_t		trailer;

CFStringRef yankedHeader;
CFStringRef yankedMessage;
CFStringRef unrecognizedHeader;
CFStringRef unrecognizedHeaderNoInitialize;
CFStringRef unrecognizedMessage;
CFStringRef ejectString;
CFStringRef ignoreString;
CFStringRef initString;
CFStringRef launchString;
CFStringRef someDisk;
CFStringRef mountOrFsckFailed;
CFStringRef unknownString;
CFStringRef mountOrFsckFailedWithDiskUtility;

typedef struct IONotificationMsg IONotificationMsg, * IONotificationMsgPtr;

static void HandleIONotificationMsg( IONotificationMsgPtr ioNotificationMsgPtr );

void * YankedDiskThread(void * args)
        // display UI to inform the user that an disk was yanked badly.
        SInt32			retval = ERR_SUCCESS;
        CFURLRef		daFrameworkURL = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(kCFAllocatorDefault, CFSTR("/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskArbitration.framework"), kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, TRUE);

        // use the url of the DiskArbitration Framework and put a Localizable.strings file in there.

        retval = CFUserNotificationDisplayNotice(0.0, kCFUserNotificationStopAlertLevel, NULL, NULL, daFrameworkURL, yankedHeader, yankedMessage, NULL);


        return NULL;

// Disconnected arbitration messages
void StartYankedDiskMessage()
    pthread_attr_t attr;
    pthread_t tid;

    pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
    pthread_create(&tid, &attr, YankedDiskThread, nil);

	Static functions


static kern_return_t InitNotifyPort(void)
	kern_return_t r;

	r = mach_port_allocate(mach_task_self(), MACH_PORT_RIGHT_RECEIVE, &gNotifyPort);
	if (r != KERN_SUCCESS)
		LogErrorMessage("(%s:%d) mach_port_allocate failed: {0x%x} %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, r, mach_error_string(r));
		return MACH_PORT_NULL;

	dwarning(("%s: gNotifyPort = $%08x\n", programName, (int)gNotifyPort));

	return r;

} // InitNotifyPort
static mach_port_t GetNotifyPort(void)

	return gNotifyPort;
} // GetNotifyPort


static boolean_t MessageIsNotificationDeath(const mach_msg_header_t *msg, mach_port_t *deadPort)
	boolean_t result;
	if ( GetNotifyPort() == msg->msgh_local_port )
		if ( MACH_NOTIFY_DEAD_NAME == msg->msgh_id )
			// If the caller supplied a pointer, fill it with the dead port's name
			if ( deadPort != NULL )
				const mach_dead_name_notification_t *deathMessage = (const mach_dead_name_notification_t *)msg;
				*deadPort = deathMessage->not_port;
			result = TRUE;
			goto Return;
                else if ( INTERNAL_MSG == msg->msgh_id) 
                        // do nothing
                        dwarning(("Internal message received"));
						result = FALSE;
						goto Return;
			/* A message for the notification port other than dead name notification */
			// This should never happen.  Log it.
			LogErrorMessage("(%s:%d) received unrecognized message (id=0x%x) on notify port\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, (int)msg->msgh_id);
			result = FALSE;
			goto Return;
		/* Not a message for the notification port */
		result = FALSE;
		goto Return;

	return result;

} // MessageIsNotificationDeath


void LogErrorMessage(const char *format, ...)
        va_list ap;
        va_start(ap, format);

        // syslog first....
        openlog(programName, LOG_PID | LOG_CONS, LOG_DAEMON);
        // This should be LOG_WARNING instead of LOG_ERR according to "man 3 syslog", but experiments show that would prevent it from appearing in the log.
        vsyslog(LOG_ERR, format, ap);

        // ...printf second
//        fprintf(stderr, "%s [%d]", programName, getpid());
        vfprintf(stderr, format, ap);


} // LogErrorMessage


static void HandleIONotificationMsg( IONotificationMsgPtr msg )
	kern_return_t r;
	unsigned long int  	notifyType;
	unsigned long int  	ref;
	r = OSGetNotificationFromMessage(
		&msg->msgHdr,		//	mach_msg_header_t     * msg,
		0,			//	unsigned int            index,
		&notifyType,		//	unsigned long int     * type,
		&ref,			//	unsigned long int     * reference,
		0,			//	void                 ** content,
		0 );			//	vm_size_t             * size
	if ( r )
		dwarning(("%s(%d): OSGetNotificationFromMessage returned error %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, (int)r));
		goto Return;

	// we passed a string for the refcon
	dwarning(("got notification, type=%d(%s), local=%d, remote=%d\n",
			(int)notifyType, (char*)ref,
			(int)msg->msgHdr.msgh_remote_port ));
	// remote port is the notification (an iterator_t) that fired

        if (notifyType != 102) {  // anything except terminate
            GetDisksFromRegistry( (io_iterator_t) msg->msgHdr.msgh_remote_port, 0 );

        } else {
            io_iterator_t iter = (io_iterator_t) msg->msgHdr.msgh_remote_port;

            io_registry_entry_t	entry;

            while ( entry = IOIteratorNext( iter ) )
                kern_return_t		kr;
                CFDictionaryRef properties = 0; // (needs release)
                CFStringRef     string     = 0; // (don't release)
                io_name_t		ioMediaName;
                char *          ioBSDName  = NULL; // (needs release)

                DiskPtr dp;

                kr = IORegistryEntryGetName(entry, ioMediaName);
                if ( KERN_SUCCESS != kr )
                        dwarning(("can't obtain name for media object\n"));

                kr = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties(entry, &properties, kCFAllocatorDefault, kNilOptions);
                if ( KERN_SUCCESS != kr )
                        dwarning(("can't obtain properties for '%s'\n", ioMediaName));

                assert(CFGetTypeID(properties) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID());

                // BSDName

                string = (CFStringRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(properties, CFSTR(kIOBSDNameKey));

                if (!string) {
                        // whoa no kIOBSDName.  Ouch.  get out now.
                        dwarning(("can't obtain properties for ioBSDName\n"));
                ioBSDName = daCreateCStringFromCFString(string);
                // figure out the disk and see if it exists, and if so, remove it ...

                /* Is there an existing disk on our list with this IOBSDName? */

                dp = LookupDiskByIOBSDName( ioBSDName );
                if (dp != NULL) {  // disk has been forcefully removed in some strange manner
                        DiskPtr wholeDiskPtr = LookupWholeDiskForThisPartition( dp );

                        if (dp->mountpoint && strlen(dp->mountpoint)) {
                                if (wholeDiskPtr && !wholeDiskPtr->wholeDiskHasBeenYanked) {
                        kr = UnmountDisk( dp, TRUE );
                    	SendUnmountPostNotifyMsgsForOnePartition( dp->ioBSDName, 0, 0 );
                    	SendEjectPostNotifyMsgsForOnePartition( dp->ioBSDName, 0, 0 );

                        // Radar 2647679
                        // don't free the whole disk associated with a yanked disk just yet, free it later in the run loop
                        // that way we know it's always here for a disk that gets in just a we bit later.
                        if (!dp->wholeDiskHasBeenYanked) {
                                FreeDisk( dp );

                if ( properties )	CFRelease( properties );
                if ( ioBSDName )	free( ioBSDName );


} // HandleIONotificationMsg


	Public functions


-- Allocates memory for new client record.
-- Links it into the existing list.
-- Fills in the <port> and <flags> fields and sets <state>.
-- Increments the global count of client records.

ClientPtr NewClient( mach_port_t port, unsigned pid, unsigned flags )
	ClientPtr result;

	/* Allocate memory */

	result = (ClientPtr) malloc( sizeof( * result ) );
	if ( result == NULL )
		dwarning(("%s(port = $%08x, pid = %d, flags = $%08x): malloc failed!\n", __FUNCTION__, port, pid, flags));
		/* result = NULL; */
		goto Return;

	/* Link it onto the front of the list */

	result->next = g.Clients;
	g.Clients = result;

	/* Fill in the fields */

	result->port = port;
	result->pid = pid;
	result->flags = flags;
	result->state = kDiskStateNew;
	result->numAcksRequired = 0;
        result->notifyOnDiskTypes = 0;
        result->unrecognizedPriority = 0;
        result->ackOnUnrecognizedDisk = nil;
        result->clientAuthRef = nil;
	/* Increment count */

	g.NumClients ++ ;
	return result;

} // NewClient


void PrintClient(ClientPtr clientPtr)
	if ( ! clientPtr ) return;

	dwarning(("port = $%08x, pid = %5d, flags = $%08x, numAcksRequired = %d\n", clientPtr->port, clientPtr->pid, clientPtr->flags, clientPtr->numAcksRequired));

} // PrintClients


void PrintClients(void)
	ClientPtr clientPtr;
	int i;
	if ( ! gDebug ) goto Return;

	dwarning(("g.NumClients = %d\n", g.NumClients));
	for (clientPtr = g.Clients, i = 0; clientPtr != NULL; clientPtr = clientPtr->next, i++)
		PrintClient( clientPtr );


} // PrintClients


ClientPtr LookupClientByPID( pid_t pid )
	ClientPtr clientPtr = nil;
	for (clientPtr = g.Clients; clientPtr != NULL; clientPtr = clientPtr->next)
		if ( clientPtr->pid == pid )
			goto Return;

	return clientPtr;

} // LookupClientByPID

ClientPtr LookupClientByMachPort( mach_port_t port )
        ClientPtr clientPtr;

        for (clientPtr = g.Clients; clientPtr != NULL; clientPtr = clientPtr->next)
                if ( clientPtr->port == port )
                        goto Return;

        return clientPtr;

} // LookupClientByPID


-- Allocates memory for new disk record.
-- Links it into the existing list.
-- Fills in the <ioBSDName>, <ioContent>, <mountpoint>, <ioDeviceTreePath>, and <flags> fields and sets <state> = kDiskStateNew.
-- Makes its own copies of input strings - doesn't retain pointers to its arguments.
-- Increments the global count of disk records.

DiskPtr NewDisk(	char * ioBSDName,
					int ioBSDUnit,
					char * ioContentOrNull,
					DiskFamily family,
					char * mountpoint,
					char * ioMediaNameOrNull,
					char * ioDeviceTreePathOrNull,
                                        io_object_t	service,
                                        int	mountingUserFromDevice,
					unsigned flags )
	DiskPtr result;
	dwarning(("%s(ioBSDName = '%s', ioContentOrNull = '%s', family = %d, mountpoint = '%s', ioMediaNameOrNull = '%s', ioDeviceTreePathOrNull = '%s', flags = $%08x, owner = %d)\n",
				ioContentOrNull ? ioContentOrNull : "(NULL)",
				ioMediaNameOrNull ? ioMediaNameOrNull : "(NULL)",
				ioDeviceTreePathOrNull ? ioDeviceTreePathOrNull : "(NULL)",
           flags, mountingUserFromDevice ));

	/* Allocate memory */

	result = (DiskPtr) malloc( sizeof( * result ) );
	if ( result == NULL )
		dwarning(("%s(...): malloc failed!\n", __FUNCTION__));
		/* result = NULL; */
		goto Return;

	bzero( result, sizeof( * result ) );

	/* Link it onto the front of the list */

	result->next = g.Disks;
	g.Disks = result;

	/* Fill in the fields */

        result->mountAttempted = 0;
	result->ioBSDName = strdup( ioBSDName ? ioBSDName : "" );
	result->ioBSDUnit = ioBSDUnit;
	result->ioContent = strdup( ioContentOrNull ? ioContentOrNull : "" );
	result->family = family;
	result->mountpoint = strdup( mountpoint ? mountpoint : "" );
        result->service = service;
        result->retainingClient = 0;
        result->lastClientAttemptedForUnrecognizedMessages = nil;
        result->wholeDiskContainsMountedChild = 0;
        result->wholeDiskHasBeenYanked = 0;
        result->admCreatedMountPoint = 0;
        result->ejectOnLogout = 0;

	if ( ioMediaNameOrNull )
	    result->ioMediaNameOrNull = strdup( ioMediaNameOrNull );
	    result->ioMediaNameOrNull = NULL;
	result->ioDeviceTreePath = strdup( ioDeviceTreePathOrNull ? ioDeviceTreePathOrNull : "" );
	result->flags = flags;

	/* Assign a sequence number if mounted, otherwise -1.   See DiskSetMountpoint(). */

	result->sequenceNumber = ( 0 == strcmp( result->mountpoint, "" ) ) ? -1 : NextSequenceNumber();

	result->state = kDiskStatePostponed;
	result->ackValues = NULL;

        if ( mountingUserFromDevice != -1) {
                result->mountedUser = mountingUserFromDevice;
        } else {
                result->mountedUser = currentConsoleUser;  // -1 if noone logged in on the console
        result->wholeDiskContainsMountedChild = 0;
	/* Increment count */

	g.NumDisks ++ ;
	g.NumDisksAddedOrDeleted ++;
	return result;

} // NewDisk


boolean_t IsWhole( DiskPtr diskPtr )
	boolean_t result;
	result = ( 0 != ( diskPtr->flags & kDiskArbDiskAppearedWholeDiskMask ) );
	return result;

} // IsNetwork


boolean_t IsNetwork( DiskPtr diskPtr )
	boolean_t result;
	result = ( 0 != ( diskPtr->flags & kDiskArbDiskAppearedNetworkDiskMask ) );
	return result;

} // IsNetwork


-- Allocate a sequence number for use by Carbon and BlueBox to synchronize
-- their vRefNums.
-- Use approximately the same algorithm as MacOS uses for assigning drive
-- numbers: find the largest so far, and then add one.
-- This will leave gaps in the allocation, but will eventually fill in
-- those gaps.
-- It will also tend not to reuse numbers too quickly, thus avoiding the
-- possibility of having an application access the wrong volume by accident.
-- An unmounted disk has a sequence number of -1.
-- The first sequence number is 0.

static int NextSequenceNumber( void )
	int maxSequenceNumber;
	int result;
	DiskPtr diskPtr;

	dwarning(("%s...\n", __FUNCTION__));

	maxSequenceNumber = -1; /* Thus the first sequence number will be zero. */

	for (diskPtr = g.Disks; diskPtr != NULL; diskPtr = diskPtr->next)
		if ( diskPtr->sequenceNumber > maxSequenceNumber )
			maxSequenceNumber = diskPtr->sequenceNumber;

	/* No other disk has this sequence number. */

	result = maxSequenceNumber + 1;


	dwarning(("%s => %d\n", __FUNCTION__, result ));
	return result;

} // NextSequenceNumber


-- This is called from autodiskmount.m when it either (a) discovers that
-- the disk is already mounted, or (b) explicitly mounts the disk.
-- It also triggers the assignment of a sequence number, in an attempt
-- to conserve sequence numbers by not assigning them to every disk.
-- (Most partitions are never mounted.)

void DiskSetMountpoint( DiskPtr diskPtr, const char * mountpoint )
	if ( diskPtr->mountpoint )
		free( diskPtr->mountpoint );

	diskPtr->mountpoint = strdup( mountpoint ? mountpoint : "" );

	diskPtr->sequenceNumber = NextSequenceNumber();

} // DiskSetMountpoint


DiskPtr LookupDiskByIOBSDName( char * ioBSDName )
	DiskPtr diskPtr;
//	dwarning(("%s('%s')\n", __FUNCTION__,  ioBSDName));

        if (!ioBSDName) {
        	pwarning(("%s(null ioBSDName passed! abort!)\n", __FUNCTION__));
        	return nil;

	for (diskPtr = g.Disks; diskPtr != NULL; diskPtr = diskPtr->next)
                if (!diskPtr->ioBSDName) {
                // something went very wrong, skip this disk
		if ( 0 == strcmp( ioBSDName, diskPtr->ioBSDName ) )
			goto Return;

	/* Assert: diskPtr == NULL */

	return diskPtr;

} // LookupDiskByIOBSDName

void FreeAllDisks(  )
    DiskPtr oldDiskPtr= g.Disks;
    DiskPtr newDiskPtr= g.Disks;

    while (oldDiskPtr) {
        newDiskPtr = oldDiskPtr->next;
        oldDiskPtr = newDiskPtr;

} // FreeAllDisks


-- Unmount the disk and delete the mountpoint that was created for it

int UnmountDisk( DiskPtr diskPtr, int forceUnmount )
	int result = 0;
        struct stat 	sb;
        struct statfs 	mntbuf;
        char		cookieFile[MAXPATHLEN];

        sprintf(cookieFile, "/%s/%s", diskPtr->mountpoint, ADM_COOKIE_FILE);
	dwarning(("%s('%s')\n", __FUNCTION__, diskPtr->ioBSDName));

	if ( 0 == strcmp( diskPtr->mountpoint, "" ) )
		dwarning(("%s('%s'): disk not mounted\n", __FUNCTION__, diskPtr->ioBSDName));
		SetStateForOnePartition( diskPtr, kDiskStateIdle );
		/* result == 0 */
		goto Return;

        /* need to stat and get the mount flags for this mountpoint and make sure it wasn't automounted
                If it was automounted (MNT_AUTOMOUNTED), just skip out of here */
                if (statfs(diskPtr->mountpoint, &mntbuf) == 0) {
                        if (mntbuf.f_flags & MNT_AUTOMOUNTED) {
                                // do not unmount this mount
                                goto Return;

        result = unmount( diskPtr->mountpoint, (forceUnmount ? MNT_FORCE : 0) );
	if ( -1 == result )
		result = errno;
		LogErrorMessage("%s('%s') unmount('%s') failed: %d (%s)\n", __FUNCTION__, diskPtr->ioBSDName, diskPtr->mountpoint, result, strerror(result));
		SetStateForOnePartition( diskPtr, kDiskStateIdle );
		goto Return;

        if (diskPtr->admCreatedMountPoint) {
                result = rmdir( diskPtr->mountpoint );
                if ( -1 == result )
                        result = errno;

                        if (result == ENOTEMPTY) {
                                if (stat(cookieFile, &sb) == 0) {
                                        if (remove(cookieFile) == 0) {
                                                if (rmdir(diskPtr->mountpoint) != 0) {
                                                        LogErrorMessage("%s('%s') rmdir('%s') failed: %d (%s)\n", __FUNCTION__, diskPtr->ioBSDName, diskPtr->mountpoint, result, strerror(result));
                                                        /* Continue despite this error. */
                                                        result = errno;
                                                } else {
                                                    result = 0;

        DiskSetMountpoint(diskPtr, ""); // We need to send this in messages via MIG, so it cannot be NULL

	SetStateForOnePartition( diskPtr, kDiskStateNewlyUnmounted );

	if ( result ) dwarning(("%s('%s') error: %d (%s)\n", __FUNCTION__, diskPtr->ioBSDName, result, strerror(result)));
	return result;

} // UnmountDisk


-- For each disk, <d>, that comes from the same device (i.e., whose "family"
-- and "device number" match the given disk), call Unmount(<d>).
-- Ignore errors - attempt to unmount each partition.  This should help with
-- debugging problems, since only the "problem" partition(s) will remain mounted.
-- Handle network volumes (kDiskArbDiskAppearedNetworkDiskMask) specially:
-- do not try to parse their names, and only unmount the one disk.

int UnmountAllPartitions( DiskPtr diskPtr, int forceUnmount )
	int result = 0; /* mandatory initialization */
	DiskPtr dp;
	int	family1, family2;
	int	deviceNum1, deviceNum2;

        if (diskPtr->ioBSDName && strlen(diskPtr->ioBSDName)) {
                dwarning(("%s('%s')\n", __FUNCTION__, diskPtr->ioBSDName));

	if ( IsNetwork( diskPtr ) )
            result = UnmountDisk( diskPtr, forceUnmount ); // Ignore errors - attempt to unmount each partition
		goto Return;

	family1 = diskPtr->family;
	deviceNum1 = diskPtr->ioBSDUnit;

	for (dp = g.Disks; dp != NULL; dp = dp->next)
		family2 = dp->family;
		deviceNum2 = dp->ioBSDUnit;

		if ( family1 == family2 && deviceNum1 == deviceNum2 )
			int err;

                    err = UnmountDisk( dp , forceUnmount); // Ignore errors - attempt to unmount each partition
			if ( err && ! result )
				/* Only return the first error we encounter */
				result = err;
	return result;

} // UnmountAllPartitions


-- Eject the disk.
-- Precondition: the disk must not be in use (e.g., by a mounted filesystem)
-- Handle network volumes (kDiskArbDiskAppearedNetworkDiskMask) specially:
-- do not try to parse their names, and just mark them as ejected (this routine
-- only gets called if the unmount succeeded).

int EjectDisk( DiskPtr diskPtr )
	int		result = 0; /* mandatory initialization */
    int		fd = -1; /* mandatory initialization */
    char	livePartitionPathname[PATH_MAX];
	DiskPtr	wholeDiskPtr;

	dwarning(("%s('%s')\n", __FUNCTION__, diskPtr->ioBSDName));

	if ( IsNetwork( diskPtr ) )
		/* If the unmount succeeded, then mark the disk as ejected. */
		if ( 0 == strcmp( "", diskPtr->mountpoint ) )
			SetStateForOnePartition( diskPtr, kDiskStateNewlyEjected );
		goto Return; /* result == 0 */

	/* Find the correct LIVE partition (whole media) for this device */

	wholeDiskPtr = LookupWholeDiskForThisPartition( diskPtr );
	if ( NULL == wholeDiskPtr )
		result = EINVAL;
		LogErrorMessage("%s('%s') can't find whole media\n", __FUNCTION__, diskPtr->ioBSDName);
		SetStateForAllPartitions( diskPtr, kDiskStateIdle );
		goto Return;
	sprintf(livePartitionPathname, "/dev/r%s", wholeDiskPtr->ioBSDName);

	dwarning(("%s: livePartitionPathname = '%s'\n", __FUNCTION__, livePartitionPathname));

	/* IOKit has requested that we open with O_RDONLY and not use O_NDELAY */

    fd = open(livePartitionPathname, O_RDONLY);
    if ( -1 == fd )
    	result = errno;
		LogErrorMessage("%s('%s') open('%s') failed: %d (%s)\n", __FUNCTION__, diskPtr->ioBSDName, livePartitionPathname, result, strerror(result));
		SetStateForAllPartitions( diskPtr, kDiskStateIdle );
    	goto Return;
        /* Mark each partition on this disk with <state> = kDiskStateNewlyEjected. */
        if (diskPtr) {
                SetStateForAllPartitions( diskPtr, kDiskStateNewlyEjected );

	result = ioctl(fd, DKIOCEJECT, 0);
	if ( -1 == result )
                result = errno;

                if (result == 45) {  // operation not supported for firewire devices
                        result = 0;
                        goto Return;

                LogErrorMessage("%s('%s') ioctl(DKIOCEJECT) failed: %d (%s)\n", __FUNCTION__, diskPtr->ioBSDName, result, strerror(result));
		SetStateForAllPartitions( diskPtr, kDiskStateIdle );
                goto Return;


	if ( fd >= 0 )
		close( fd );

//	if ( result ) dwarning(("%s('%s') error: %d (%s)\n", __FUNCTION__, diskPtr->ioBSDName, result, strerror(result)));
	return result;

} // EjectDisk


-- Unlink the given disk record from the global list and free the strings
-- it points to as well as the record itself.

void FreeDisk( DiskPtr diskPtr )
	DiskPtr dp;
	DiskPtr * dpp;

	dwarning(("%s('%s')\n", __FUNCTION__, diskPtr->ioBSDName));
	for (	dpp = & g.Disks, dp = * dpp;
			dp != NULL;
			dpp = & (dp->next), dp = * dpp )
		if ( dp == diskPtr )
			*dpp = dp->next;

			free( diskPtr->ioBSDName );
			diskPtr->ioBSDName = NULL; // Attempt to catch accidental re-use.
			free( diskPtr->ioContent );
			diskPtr->ioContent = NULL; // Attempt to catch accidental re-use.
			free( diskPtr->mountpoint );
			diskPtr->mountpoint = NULL; // Attempt to catch accidental re-use.
			if ( diskPtr->ioMediaNameOrNull)
			    free( diskPtr->ioMediaNameOrNull);
				diskPtr->ioMediaNameOrNull = NULL; // Attempt to catch accidental re-use.
            if ( diskPtr->ioMediaNameOrNull)
                free( diskPtr->ioDeviceTreePath );
                diskPtr->ioDeviceTreePath = NULL; // Attempt to catch accidental re-use.

                        if ( diskPtr->mountedFilesystemName)
                                free( diskPtr->mountedFilesystemName);
                                diskPtr->mountedFilesystemName = NULL; // Attempt to catch accidental re-use.

			if ( diskPtr->ackValues )
				FreeAckValues( diskPtr->ackValues );
			diskPtr->ackValues = NULL; // Attempt to catch accidental re-use.

			free( diskPtr );
			g.NumDisks --;
			g.NumDisksAddedOrDeleted ++;
			goto Return;


	/* If we get here, it means we couldn't find <diskPtr> in the list */


} // FreeDisk


void PrintDisks(void)
	DiskPtr diskPtr;
	int i;

	if ( ! gDebug ) goto Return;

	dwarning(("g.NumDisks = %d\n", g.NumDisks));
	dwarning(("g.NumDisksAddedOrDeleted = %d\n", g.NumDisksAddedOrDeleted));
        dwarning(("%2s %4s %10s %9s %5s %8s %25s %35s %8s %40s %35s %3s\n", "#", "seq#", "BSDName", "flags", "state", "BSDUnit", "Content", "FS Type", "MediaName", "DeviceTreePath", "mountpoint", "uid"));
	for (diskPtr = g.Disks, i = 0; diskPtr != NULL; diskPtr = diskPtr->next, i++)
		dwarning(("%2d %4d %10s $%08x %5d %8d %25s %35s %8s %40s %35s %3d\n",
					diskPtr->ioMediaNameOrNull ? diskPtr->ioMediaNameOrNull : "<null>",
					diskPtr->mountpoint ? diskPtr->mountpoint : "<not mounted>",
		PrintAckValues( diskPtr->ackValues );


} // PrintDisks


int IsStateNeedingAckValueTable( DiskState diskState );
int IsStateNeedingAckValueTable( DiskState diskState )
	switch ( diskState )
		case kDiskStateToBeEjected:
		case kDiskStateToBeUnmounted:
		case kDiskStateToBeUnmountedAndEjected:
			return 1;

			return 0;

} // IsStateNeedingAckValueTable


void SetStateForOnePartition( DiskPtr diskPtr, DiskState newState )

	dwarning(("%s('%s',state=%s (%d))\n", __FUNCTION__, diskPtr->ioBSDName, DISKSTATE(newState),newState));

	/* Free an existing ack value table. */

	if ( diskPtr->ackValues )
		FreeAckValues( diskPtr->ackValues );

	diskPtr->state = newState;

	/* Allocate a table to record the values returned by the interested clients. */

	if ( IsStateNeedingAckValueTable( newState ) )
		diskPtr->ackValues = NewAckValues( NumClientsDesiringAsyncNotification() );
		diskPtr->ackValues = NULL;

} // SetStateForOnePartition


-- For each disk, <d>, that comes from the same device (i.e., whose "family"
-- and "device number" match the given disk), set its state.
-- Handle network volumes (kDiskArbDiskAppearedNetworkDiskMask) specially.

void SetStateForAllPartitions( DiskPtr diskPtr, DiskState newState )
	DiskPtr diskPtr2;
	int	family1, family2;
	int	deviceNum1, deviceNum2;
	dwarning(("%s('%s',newState=%s (%d))\n", __FUNCTION__, diskPtr->ioBSDName, DISKSTATE(newState),newState));

	if ( IsNetwork( diskPtr ) )
		SetStateForOnePartition( diskPtr, newState );
		goto Return;

	family1 = diskPtr->family;
	deviceNum1 = diskPtr->ioBSDUnit;

	for (diskPtr2 = g.Disks; diskPtr2 != NULL; diskPtr2 = diskPtr2->next)
		family2 = diskPtr2->family;
		deviceNum2 = diskPtr2->ioBSDUnit;

		if ( family1 == family2 && deviceNum1 == deviceNum2 )
			SetStateForOnePartition( diskPtr2, newState );

} // SetStateForAllPartitions


/* inclusive */

int NumPartitionsMountedFromThisDisk( DiskPtr diskPtr )
	int result = 0; // mandatory initialization
	DiskPtr diskPtr2;
	int	family1, family2;
	int	deviceNum1, deviceNum2;
	if ( IsNetwork( diskPtr ) )
		result = ( 0 != strcmp("", diskPtr->mountpoint) );
		goto Return;

	family1 = diskPtr->family;
	deviceNum1 = diskPtr->ioBSDUnit;

	for (diskPtr2 = g.Disks; diskPtr2 != NULL; diskPtr2 = diskPtr2->next)
		family2 = diskPtr2->family;
		deviceNum2 = diskPtr2->ioBSDUnit;

		if ( family1 == family2 && deviceNum1 == deviceNum2 && 0 != strcmp( "", diskPtr2->mountpoint ) )
			result ++ ;

	dwarning(("%s('%s') => %d\n", __FUNCTION__, diskPtr->ioBSDName, result));
	return result;
} // NumPartitionsMountedFromThisDisk


/* inclusive */

int NumPartitionsToBeUnmountedAndEjectedFromThisDisk( DiskPtr diskPtr )
	int result = 0; // mandatory initialization
	DiskPtr diskPtr2;
	int	family1, family2;
	int	deviceNum1, deviceNum2;

	if ( IsNetwork( diskPtr ) )
		result = ( 0 != strcmp("", diskPtr->mountpoint) );
		goto Return;

	family1 = diskPtr->family;
	deviceNum1 = diskPtr->ioBSDUnit;

	for (diskPtr2 = g.Disks; diskPtr2 != NULL; diskPtr2 = diskPtr2->next)
		family2 = diskPtr2->family;
		deviceNum2 = diskPtr2->ioBSDUnit;

		if ( family1 == family2 && deviceNum1 == deviceNum2 && diskPtr2->state == kDiskStateToBeUnmountedAndEjected )
			result ++ ;

	dwarning(("%s('%s') => %d\n", __FUNCTION__, diskPtr->ioBSDName, result));
	return result;
} // NumPartitionsToBeUnmountedAndEjectedFromThisDisk


DiskPtr LookupWholeDiskForThisPartition( DiskPtr diskPtr )
	DiskPtr diskPtr2;
	int	family1, family2;
	int	deviceNum1, deviceNum2;

	if ( IsNetwork( diskPtr ) )
		diskPtr2 = diskPtr;
		goto Return;

	family1 = diskPtr->family;
	deviceNum1 = diskPtr->ioBSDUnit;

	for (diskPtr2 = g.Disks; diskPtr2 != NULL; diskPtr2 = diskPtr2->next)
		family2 = diskPtr2->family;
		deviceNum2 = diskPtr2->ioBSDUnit;

		if ( family1 == family2 && deviceNum1 == deviceNum2 && IsWhole( diskPtr2 ) )
			goto Return;

	/* diskPtr2 == NULL */

	if ( diskPtr2 )
		dwarning(("%s('%s') => '%s'\n", __FUNCTION__, diskPtr->ioBSDName, STR(diskPtr2->ioBSDName)));
		dwarning(("%s('%s') => NULL\n", __FUNCTION__, diskPtr->ioBSDName));
	return diskPtr2;
} // LookupWholeDiskForThisPartition


void LookupWholeDisksForThisPartition(io_registry_entry_t service, LookupWholeDisksForThisPartitionApplierFunction applier)
    io_iterator_t parents;
    kern_return_t status;

    if ( IOObjectConformsTo(service, kIOMediaClass) )
        CFBooleanRef whole = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty(service, CFSTR(kIOMediaWholeKey), kCFAllocatorDefault, 0);

        if ( whole )
            if ( whole == kCFBooleanTrue )
                DiskPtr diskPtr;

                for ( diskPtr = g.Disks; diskPtr != NULL; diskPtr = diskPtr->next )
                    if ( IOObjectIsEqualTo(diskPtr->service, service) )

    else if ( IOObjectConformsTo(service, "IOBlockStorageDevice") )

    status = IORegistryEntryGetParentIterator(service, kIOServicePlane, &parents);
    if ( status == KERN_SUCCESS )
        while ( (service = IOIteratorNext(parents)) )
            LookupWholeDisksForThisPartition(service, applier);

} // LookupWholeDiskForThisPartition


DiskPtr LookupWholeDiskToBeEjected( void )
	DiskPtr diskPtr;
	for (diskPtr = g.Disks; diskPtr != NULL; diskPtr = diskPtr->next)
		/* Skip it if it is not a whole disk. */

		if ( ! ( IsWhole( diskPtr) || IsNetwork( diskPtr ) ) )
		/* Skip it if it is not scheduled to be ejected. */

		if ( ! ( ( diskPtr->state == kDiskStateToBeUnmountedAndEjected ) || ( diskPtr->state == kDiskStateToBeEjected ) ) )

		/* If we have not weeded it out, then it is a whole disk that is scheduled to be ejected. */

		goto Return;

	/* diskPtr == NULL */

	if ( diskPtr )
		dwarning(("%s() => '%s' (state=%s (%d))\n", __FUNCTION__, STR(diskPtr->ioBSDName), DISKSTATE(diskPtr->state), diskPtr->state));
		dwarning(("%s() => NULL\n", __FUNCTION__));
	return diskPtr;
} // LookupWholeDiskToBeEjected


/* Enable dead name notifications for the given port (send them to our global notification port) */

kern_return_t EnableDeathNotifications(mach_port_t port)
	kern_return_t r;
	mach_port_t oldPort;
	dwarning(("%s($%08x)\n", __FUNCTION__, port));
	r = mach_port_request_notification(mach_task_self(), port, MACH_NOTIFY_DEAD_NAME, 0, GetNotifyPort(), MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND_ONCE, &oldPort);
	if ( r != KERN_SUCCESS)
		/* 5/20/99 - This can happen if the client died after sending the message but before we received it */
		LogErrorMessage("(%s:%d) failed to set up death notifications for port %d: {0x%x} %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, (int)port, r, mach_error_string(r));
	return r;

} // EnableDeathNotifications


AckValues * NewAckValues( int size )
	AckValue	*	v;
	AckValues	*	result;
	dwarning(("%s(%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, size));

	v = (AckValue *)malloc( sizeof( AckValue ) * size );
	if ( v == NULL )
		result = NULL;
		goto Return;
	bzero( v, sizeof( AckValue ) * size );
	result = (AckValues *)malloc( sizeof( AckValues ) );
	if ( result == NULL )
		free( v );
		goto Return;
	bzero ( result, sizeof( AckValues ) );
	result->physicalLength = size;
	result->logicalLength = 0;
	result->ackValues = v;
	return result;

} // NewAckValues

void FreeAckValues( AckValues * ackValues )
	dwarning(("%s(0x%08x)\n", __FUNCTION__, (unsigned)ackValues));

	if ( ! ackValues ) goto Return;
	if ( ackValues->ackValues )
		free( ackValues->ackValues );
		ackValues->ackValues = NULL;
	free( ackValues );

} // FreeAckValues

void ClearAckValuesForAllDisks()
        DiskPtr diskPtr;
        AckValues * p;
        int i;

        dwarning(("%s\n", __FUNCTION__));
        for (diskPtr = g.Disks; diskPtr != NULL; diskPtr = diskPtr->next)
                if (p = diskPtr->ackValues )
                        for (i = 0; i < p->logicalLength; i++)
                                p->ackValues[ i ].state = kAckReceived;
                                p->ackValues[ i ].errorCode = 0;
        } // FOREACH disk


} // ClearAckValuesForAllDisks

void InitAckValue( AckValues * p, pid_t pid )
	dwarning(("%s(0x%08x, pid=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, (unsigned)p, (unsigned)pid));

	p->ackValues[ p->logicalLength ].pid = pid;
	p->ackValues[ p->logicalLength ].state = kSendMsg;
	p->ackValues[ p->logicalLength ].errorCode = 0;
	if ( p->logicalLength < p->physicalLength )
		p->logicalLength ++ ;
		LogErrorMessage("(%s:%d) %s(0x%08x, pid=%d): error: ! ( p->logicalLength < p->physicalLength )\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, (unsigned)p, (unsigned)pid);
} // InitAckValue

void UpdateAckValue( AckValues * p, pid_t pid, int errorCode )
	int i;
	dwarning(("%s(0x%08x, pid=%d, errorCode=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, (unsigned)p, (unsigned)pid, errorCode));

	if ( ! p )
		LogErrorMessage("(%s:%d) %s(0x%08x, pid=%d, errorCode=%d): null pointer\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, (unsigned)p, (unsigned)pid, errorCode);
		goto Return;

	for (i = 0; i < p->logicalLength; i++)
		if ( p->ackValues[ i ].pid == pid )
			if ( p->ackValues[ i ].state == kWaitingForAck )
				p->ackValues[ i ].state = kAckReceived;
                                //Client *unrespondingClient = LookupClientByPID(pid);
                                //mach_port_t unrespondingPort = unrespondingClient->port;
                                LogErrorMessage("(%s:%d) %s(0x%08x, pid=%d, errorCode=%d): error: state != kWaitingForAck\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, (unsigned)p, (unsigned)pid, errorCode);
                        	p->ackValues[ i ].state = kWaitingForAck;
			p->ackValues[ i ].errorCode = errorCode;
			goto Return;
	dwarning(("%s: ERROR, pid=%d not found!\n", __FUNCTION__, pid));
	LogErrorMessage("(%s:%d) %s(0x%08x, pid=%d, errorCode=%d): error: pid not found\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, (unsigned)p, (unsigned)pid, errorCode);

} // UpdateAckValue

int NumUnsetAckValues( AckValues * p )
	int result;
	int i;

	result = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < p->logicalLength; i++)
		if ( p->ackValues[ i ].state != kAckReceived )
			result ++ ;

//	dwarning(("%s => %d\n", __FUNCTION__, result));
	return result;

} // NumUnsetAckValues

int NumUnsetAckValuesForAllDisks( void )
	DiskPtr diskPtr;
	int result;

	result = 0;
	for (diskPtr = g.Disks; diskPtr != NULL; diskPtr = diskPtr->next)
		if ( diskPtr->ackValues )
			result += NumUnsetAckValues( diskPtr->ackValues );
	} // FOREACH disk

	dwarning(("%s => %d\n", __FUNCTION__, result));
	return result;

} // NumUnsetAckValuesForAllDisks

void PrintAckValues( AckValues * p )
	int i;
	if ( ! gDebug ) goto Return;
	if ( ! p ) goto Return;
//	dwarning(("%s: p->physicalLength = %d, p->logicalLength = %d\n", __FUNCTION__, p->physicalLength, p->logicalLength));
	for (i = 0; i < p->logicalLength; i++)
		dwarning(("%2d: pid = %d, state = %d, errorCode = %d\n", i, p->ackValues[ i ].pid, p->ackValues[ i ].state, p->ackValues[ i ].errorCode));
} // PrintAckValues

AckValue * GetDissenterFromAckValues( AckValues * ackValuesPtr )
	AckValue * result;
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < ackValuesPtr->logicalLength; i++)
		result = & ackValuesPtr->ackValues[ i ];

		if ( result->state == kAckReceived && result->errorCode != 0 )
			goto Return;
	result = NULL;

	return result;

} // GetDissenterFromAckValues

AckValue * GetDissenterFromAckValuesForAllDisks( void )
	AckValue * result;
	DiskPtr diskPtr;

	for (diskPtr = g.Disks; diskPtr != NULL; diskPtr = diskPtr->next)
		if ( diskPtr->ackValues )
			result = GetDissenterFromAckValues( diskPtr->ackValues );
			if ( result )
				goto Return;
	} // FOREACH disk
	result = NULL;

	return result;

} // GetDissenterFromAckValuesForAllDisks

AckValue * GetUnresponderFromAckValues( AckValues * ackValuesPtr )
        AckValue * result;
        int i;

        for (i = 0; i < ackValuesPtr->logicalLength; i++)
                result = & ackValuesPtr->ackValues[ i ];

                if ( result->state == kWaitingForAck )
                        goto Return;

        result = NULL;

        return result;

} // GetUnresponderFromAckValues

AckValue * GetUnresponderFromAckValuesForAllDisks( void )
        AckValue * result;
        DiskPtr diskPtr;

        for (diskPtr = g.Disks; diskPtr != NULL; diskPtr = diskPtr->next)
                if ( diskPtr->ackValues )
                        result = GetUnresponderFromAckValues( diskPtr->ackValues );
                        if ( result )
                                goto Return;
        } // FOREACH disk

        result = NULL;

        return result;

} // GetUnresponderFromAckValuesForAllDisks

void MakeDeadClientAgreeable( ClientPtr clientPtr )
	DiskPtr diskPtr;
	int i;

	for (diskPtr = g.Disks; diskPtr != NULL; diskPtr = diskPtr->next)
		if ( diskPtr->ackValues )
			for (i = 0; i < diskPtr->ackValues->logicalLength; i++)
				if ( clientPtr->pid == diskPtr->ackValues->ackValues[ i ].pid )
					diskPtr->ackValues->ackValues[ i ].state = kAckReceived;
					diskPtr->ackValues->ackValues[ i ].errorCode = 0;

	} // FOREACH disk

} // MakeDeadClientAgreeable


unsigned NumClientsDesiringAsyncNotification( void )
	unsigned result = 0; /* mandatory initialization */
	ClientPtr clientPtr;
	for (clientPtr = g.Clients; clientPtr != NULL; clientPtr = clientPtr->next)
		if ( clientPtr->flags & kDiskArbNotifyAsync )
			result ++ ;

	return result;

} // NumClientsDesiringAsyncNotification


// this structure's parts are significantly overloaded - see each thread for actual usage ...

typedef struct {
    int			diskAppearedType;
    mach_port_t		port;
    char		*ioBSDName;		// stores volume for DiskChanged
    unsigned		flags;
    char		*mountpoint;		// stores newMountpoint for DiskChanged
    int			pid;
    char		*ioDeviceTreePath;
    char		*ioContent;		// stores 
    int			sequenceNumber;
    int			diskType;
} DiskThreadRecord;

static void * NotifyDiskAppeared(void * args)
	DiskThreadRecord *record = args;
        kern_return_t r = nil;

    if ( record->diskAppearedType == kDiskArbNotifyDiskAppearedWithoutMountpoint )
		r = DiskArbDiskAppearedWithoutMountpoint_rpc(record->port, record->ioBSDName, record->flags);
    else if ( record->diskAppearedType == kDiskArbNotifyDiskAppearedWithMountpoint )
                r = DiskArbDiskAppearedWithMountpoint_rpc(record->port, record->ioBSDName, record->flags, record->mountpoint);
    else if ( record->diskAppearedType == kDiskArbNotifyDiskAppeared )
                r = DiskArbDiskAppeared_rpc(record->port, record->ioBSDName, record->flags, record->mountpoint, record->ioContent);
    else if ( record->diskAppearedType == kDiskArbNotifyDiskAppeared2 )
                r = DiskArbDiskAppeared2_rpc(record->port, record->ioBSDName, record->flags, record->mountpoint, record->ioContent, record->ioDeviceTreePath, record->sequenceNumber);
	if ( r ) dwarning(("... $%08x: %s\n", r, mach_error_string(r)));
		/* The client has died */
		/* Don't do anything here ... wait for the notification */
		dwarning(("Dead client! Port = $%08x (pid=%d)\n", record->port, record->pid));
	return NULL;

static void * NotifyDiskRegistrationComplete(void * args)
        ClientPtr client = args;
        kern_return_t r;

        r = DiskArbRegistrationComplete_rpc(client->port);
        if ( r ) dwarning(("... $%08x: %s\n", r, mach_error_string(r)));
        if ( r == MACH_SEND_INVALID_DEST )
                /* The client has died */
                /* Don't do anything here ... wait for the notification */
                dwarning(("Dead client! Port = $%08x\n", client->port));
        return NULL;

static void * NotifyDiskMessagesCompleted(void * args)
        DiskThreadRecord *record = args;
        kern_return_t r;
        r = DiskArbNotificationComplete_rpc(record->port, record->sequenceNumber);
        if ( r ) dwarning(("... $%08x: %s\n", r, mach_error_string(r)));
        if ( r == MACH_SEND_INVALID_DEST )
                /* The client has died */
                /* Don't do anything here ... wait for the notification */
                dwarning(("Dead client! Port = $%08x\n", record->port));
        return NULL;

static void * NotifyClientDisconnected(void * args)
        ClientPtr client = args;
        kern_return_t r;
        r = DiskArbClientDisconnected_rpc(client->port);
        if ( r ) dwarning(("... $%08x: %s\n", r, mach_error_string(r)));
        if ( r == MACH_SEND_INVALID_DEST )
                /* The client has died */
                /* Don't do anything here ... wait for the notification */
                dwarning(("Dead client! Port = $%08x\n", client->port));
        return NULL;

static void * NotifyBlueBoxMessages(void * args)
        DiskThreadRecord *record = args;
        kern_return_t r;
        r = DiskArbBlueBoxBootVolumeUpdated_async_rpc(record->port, record->sequenceNumber);
        if ( r ) dwarning(("... $%08x: %s\n", r, mach_error_string(r)));
        if ( r == MACH_SEND_INVALID_DEST )
                /* The client has died */
                /* Don't do anything here ... wait for the notification */
                dwarning(("Dead client! Port = $%08x\n", record->port));
        return NULL;

static void * NotifyDiskChanged(void * args)
        DiskThreadRecord *record = args;
        kern_return_t r;

        r = DiskArbDiskChanged_rpc(record->port, record->ioBSDName, record->mountpoint, record->ioContent, record->flags, record->sequenceNumber);
        if ( r ) dwarning(("... $%08x: %s\n", r, mach_error_string(r)));
        if ( r == MACH_SEND_INVALID_DEST )
                /* The client has died */
                /* Don't do anything here ... wait for the notification */
                dwarning(("Dead client! Port = $%08x\n", record->port));
        return NULL;

static void * NotifyDiskWillBeChecked(void * args)
        DiskThreadRecord *record = args;
        kern_return_t r;

        r = DiskArbDiskWillBeChecked_rpc(record->port, record->ioBSDName, record->flags, record->ioContent);
        if ( r ) dwarning(("... $%08x: %s\n", r, mach_error_string(r)));
        if ( r == MACH_SEND_INVALID_DEST )
                /* The client has died */
                /* Don't do anything here ... wait for the notification */
                dwarning(("Dead client! Port = $%08x\n", record->port));
        return NULL;

static void * NotifyCallFailed(void * args)
        DiskThreadRecord *record = args;
        kern_return_t r;

        r = DiskArbPreviousCallFailed_rpc(record->port, record->ioBSDName, record->flags, record->sequenceNumber);
        if ( r ) dwarning(("... $%08x: %s\n", r, mach_error_string(r)));
        if ( r == MACH_SEND_INVALID_DEST )
                /* The client has died */
                /* Don't do anything here ... wait for the notification */
                dwarning(("Dead client! Port = $%08x\n", record->port));
        return NULL;

static void * NotifyUnrecognizedDiskInserted(void * args)
        DiskThreadRecord *record = args;
        kern_return_t r;


        r = DiskArbUnknownFileSystemInserted_rpc(record->port, record->ioBSDName, record->mountpoint, record->ioContent, record->flags, record->sequenceNumber, record->diskAppearedType);
        if ( r ) dwarning(("... $%08x: %s\n", r, mach_error_string(r)));
        if ( r == MACH_SEND_INVALID_DEST )
                /* The client has died */
                /* Don't do anything here ... wait for the notification */
                dwarning(("Dead client! Port = $%08x\n", record->port));
        return NULL;

static void * NotifyUnrecognizedDiskArbitration(void * args)
        DiskThreadRecord *record = args;
        kern_return_t r;


        r = DiskArbWillClientHandleUnrecognizedDisk_rpc(record->port, record->ioBSDName, record->diskType, record->mountpoint, record->ioContent, record->flags, record->sequenceNumber, record->diskAppearedType);
        if ( r ) dwarning(("... $%08x: %s\n", r, mach_error_string(r)));
        if ( r == MACH_SEND_INVALID_DEST )
                /* The client has died */
                /* Don't do anything here ... wait for the notification */
                dwarning(("Dead client! Port = $%08x\n", record->port));
        return NULL;

static void * NotifyPreUnmount(void * args)
        DiskThreadRecord *record = args;

        kern_return_t r;

        r = DiskArbUnmountPreNotify_async_rpc(record->port, record->ioBSDName, 0);
        if ( r ) dwarning(("... $%08x: %s\n", r, mach_error_string(r)));
        if ( r == MACH_SEND_INVALID_DEST )
                /* The client has died */
                /* Don't do anything here ... wait for the notification */
                dwarning(("Dead client! Port = $%08x (pid=%d)\n", record->port, record->pid));
        return NULL;

static void * NotifyPreEjection(void * args)
        DiskThreadRecord *record = args;

        kern_return_t r;

        r = DiskArbEjectPreNotify_async_rpc(record->port, record->ioBSDName, 0);
        if ( r ) dwarning(("... $%08x: %s\n", r, mach_error_string(r)));
        if ( r == MACH_SEND_INVALID_DEST )
                /* The client has died */
                /* Don't do anything here ... wait for the notification */
                dwarning(("Dead client! Port = $%08x (pid=%d)\n", record->port, record->pid));
        return NULL;

static void * NotifyPostUnmount(void * args)
        DiskThreadRecord *record = args;

        kern_return_t r;

        r = DiskArbUnmountPostNotify_async_rpc(record->port, record->ioBSDName, record->sequenceNumber, record->pid);
        if ( r ) dwarning(("... $%08x: %s\n", r, mach_error_string(r)));
        if ( r == MACH_SEND_INVALID_DEST )
                /* The client has died */
                /* Don't do anything here ... wait for the notification */
                dwarning(("Dead client! Port = $%08x (pid=%d)\n", record->port, record->pid));
        return NULL;

static void * NotifyPostEjection(void * args)
        DiskThreadRecord *record = args;

        kern_return_t r;

        r = DiskArbEjectPostNotify_async_rpc(record->port, record->ioBSDName, record->sequenceNumber, record->pid);
        if ( r ) dwarning(("... $%08x: %s\n", r, mach_error_string(r)));
        if ( r == MACH_SEND_INVALID_DEST )
                /* The client has died */
                /* Don't do anything here ... wait for the notification */
                dwarning(("Dead client! Port = $%08x (pid=%d)\n", record->port, record->pid));
        return NULL;

static void StartDiskAppearedThread(DiskThreadRecord * record)
    pthread_attr_t attr;
    pthread_t tid;

    pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
    pthread_create(&tid, &attr, NotifyDiskAppeared, record);

static void StartDiskMessagesCompleted(DiskThreadRecord * record)
    pthread_attr_t attr;
    pthread_t tid;

    pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
    pthread_create(&tid, &attr, NotifyDiskMessagesCompleted, record);

static void StartBlueBoxNotificationThread(DiskThreadRecord * record)
    pthread_attr_t attr;
    pthread_t tid;

    pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
    pthread_create(&tid, &attr, NotifyBlueBoxMessages, record);

void StartDiskRegistrationCompleteThread(ClientPtr client)
    pthread_attr_t attr;
    pthread_t tid;

    pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
    pthread_create(&tid, &attr, NotifyDiskRegistrationComplete, client);

void StartClientDisconnectedThread(ClientPtr client)
    pthread_attr_t attr;
    pthread_t tid;

    pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
    pthread_create(&tid, &attr, NotifyClientDisconnected, client);

void StartDiskChangedThread(DiskThreadRecord * record)
    pthread_attr_t attr;
    pthread_t tid;

    pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
    pthread_create(&tid, &attr, NotifyDiskChanged, record);

void StartDiskWillBeCheckedMessages(DiskThreadRecord * record)
    pthread_attr_t attr;
    pthread_t tid;

    pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
    pthread_create(&tid, &attr, NotifyDiskWillBeChecked, record);

void StartCallFailedThread(DiskThreadRecord * record)
    pthread_attr_t attr;
    pthread_t tid;

    pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
    pthread_create(&tid, &attr, NotifyCallFailed, record);

void StartUnrecognizedDiskThread(DiskThreadRecord * record)
    pthread_attr_t attr;
    pthread_t tid;

    pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
    pthread_create(&tid, &attr, NotifyUnrecognizedDiskInserted, record);

void StartUnrecognizedDiskArbitrationThread(DiskThreadRecord * record)
    pthread_attr_t attr;
    pthread_t tid;

    pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
    pthread_create(&tid, &attr, NotifyUnrecognizedDiskArbitration, record);

void StartPreUnmountNotifyThread(DiskThreadRecord * record)
    pthread_attr_t attr;
    pthread_t tid;

    pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
    pthread_create(&tid, &attr, NotifyPreUnmount, record);

void StartPreEjectNotifyThread(DiskThreadRecord * record)
    pthread_attr_t attr;
    pthread_t tid;

    pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
    pthread_create(&tid, &attr, NotifyPreEjection, record);

void StartPostUnmountNotifyThread(DiskThreadRecord * record)
    pthread_attr_t attr;
    pthread_t tid;

    pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
    pthread_create(&tid, &attr, NotifyPostUnmount, record);

void StartPostEjectNotifyThread(DiskThreadRecord * record)
    pthread_attr_t attr;
    pthread_t tid;

    pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
    pthread_create(&tid, &attr, NotifyPostEjection, record);

void SendClientWasDisconnectedMsg(ClientPtr clientPtr)
    DiskThreadRecord * record = malloc(sizeof(DiskThreadRecord));
    dwarning(("DiskArbClientDisconnected_rpc($%08x) ...\n", clientPtr->port));

    record->port = clientPtr->port;


} // SendClientWasDisconnectedMsg


int SendDiskAppearedMsgs( void )
	ClientPtr clientPtr;
	DiskPtr diskPtr;

        int newDiskAppeared = FALSE;
	dwarning(("%s\n", __FUNCTION__));
	/* For each client, and disk, send a notification if either of them is new */

	for (clientPtr = g.Clients; clientPtr != NULL; clientPtr = clientPtr->next)

		/* Each new client that wants it gets an initial message giving the Blue Box boot volume. */

		if ( ( kClientStateNew == clientPtr->state ) && ( clientPtr->flags & kDiskArbNotifyBlueBoxBootVolumeUpdated ) )
                        DiskThreadRecord * record = malloc(sizeof(DiskThreadRecord));
                        dwarning(("DiskArbBlueBoxBootVolumeUpdated_async_rpc($%08x (pid=%d), gBlueBoxBootVolume=%d) ...\n", clientPtr->port, clientPtr->pid, gBlueBoxBootVolume));
                        record->sequenceNumber = gBlueBoxBootVolume;
                        record->port = clientPtr->port;

		for (diskPtr = g.Disks; diskPtr != NULL; diskPtr = diskPtr->next)
                        if ( ( kClientStateNew == clientPtr->state ) || ( kDiskStateNew == diskPtr->state ) || ( kDiskStateUnrecognized == diskPtr->state ))
                                if ((diskPtr->flags & kDiskArbDiskAppearedUnrecognizableFormat) && (clientPtr->flags & kDiskArbNotifyUnrecognizedVolumes) ) {
                                        SendUnrecognizedDiskMsgs(clientPtr->port, diskPtr->ioBSDName, "", "", (!((diskPtr->flags & kDiskArbDiskAppearedLockedMask) == kDiskArbDiskAppearedLockedMask)), ((diskPtr->flags & kDiskArbDiskAppearedEjectableMask) == kDiskArbDiskAppearedEjectableMask), IsWhole(diskPtr));

				/* New semantics: DiskAppearedWithoutMountpoint and DiskAppearedWithMountpoint *are* mutually exclusive */
				/* But: DiskAppeared gets sent for *every* disk ... */

				if ( (clientPtr->flags & kDiskArbNotifyDiskAppearedWithoutMountpoint) && 0 == strcmp("",diskPtr->mountpoint) )
					DiskThreadRecord * record = malloc(sizeof(DiskThreadRecord));

					dwarning(("DiskArbDiskAppearedWithoutMountpoint_rpc($%08x (pid=%d), '%s', $%08x) ...\n", clientPtr->port, clientPtr->pid, diskPtr->ioBSDName, diskPtr->flags));

                                        record->diskAppearedType = kDiskArbNotifyDiskAppearedWithoutMountpoint;
					record->port = clientPtr->port;
					record->ioBSDName = strdup( diskPtr->ioBSDName );
					record->flags = diskPtr->flags;
					record->mountpoint = strdup( diskPtr->mountpoint );
					record->pid = clientPtr->pid;
                                        record->ioContent = strdup(diskPtr->ioContent);
                                        record->ioDeviceTreePath = strdup(diskPtr->ioDeviceTreePath);
                                        record->sequenceNumber = diskPtr->sequenceNumber;

                                        if ( kDiskStateNew == diskPtr->state ) newDiskAppeared = TRUE;

				if ( (clientPtr->flags & kDiskArbNotifyDiskAppearedWithMountpoint) && 0 != strcmp("",diskPtr->mountpoint) )
					DiskThreadRecord * record = malloc(sizeof(DiskThreadRecord));

					dwarning(("DiskArbDiskAppearedWithMountpoint_rpc($%08x (pid=%d), '%s', $%08x, '%s') ...\n", clientPtr->port, clientPtr->pid, diskPtr->ioBSDName, diskPtr->flags, diskPtr->mountpoint));

                                        record->diskAppearedType = kDiskArbNotifyDiskAppearedWithMountpoint;
					record->port = clientPtr->port;
					record->ioBSDName = strdup( diskPtr->ioBSDName );
					record->flags = diskPtr->flags;
					record->mountpoint = strdup( diskPtr->mountpoint );
					record->pid = clientPtr->pid;
                                        record->ioContent = strdup(diskPtr->ioContent);
                                        record->ioDeviceTreePath = strdup(diskPtr->ioDeviceTreePath);
                                        record->sequenceNumber = diskPtr->sequenceNumber;
                                        if ( kDiskStateNew == diskPtr->state ) newDiskAppeared = TRUE;
                                if ( clientPtr->flags & kDiskArbNotifyDiskAppeared )
                                        DiskThreadRecord * record = malloc(sizeof(DiskThreadRecord));

                                        dwarning(("DiskArbDiskAppeared_rpc($%08x (pid=%d), '%s', $%08x, '%s', '%s') ...\n", clientPtr->port, clientPtr->pid, diskPtr->ioBSDName, diskPtr->flags, diskPtr->mountpoint, diskPtr->ioContent));

                                        record->diskAppearedType = kDiskArbNotifyDiskAppeared;
                                        record->port = clientPtr->port;
                                        record->ioBSDName = strdup( diskPtr->ioBSDName );
                                        record->flags = diskPtr->flags;
                                        record->mountpoint = strdup( diskPtr->mountpoint );
                                        record->pid = clientPtr->pid;
                                        record->ioContent = strdup(diskPtr->ioContent);
                                        record->ioDeviceTreePath = strdup(diskPtr->ioDeviceTreePath);
                                        record->sequenceNumber = diskPtr->sequenceNumber;
                                        if ( kDiskStateNew == diskPtr->state ) newDiskAppeared = TRUE;

                                if ( clientPtr->flags & kDiskArbNotifyDiskAppeared2 )
                                        DiskThreadRecord * record = malloc(sizeof(DiskThreadRecord));

                                        dwarning(("DiskArbDiskAppeared2_rpc($%08x (pid=%d), '%s', $%08x, '%s', '%s', '%s', %d) ...\n", clientPtr->port, clientPtr->pid, diskPtr->ioBSDName, diskPtr->flags, diskPtr->mountpoint, diskPtr->ioContent, diskPtr->ioDeviceTreePath, diskPtr->sequenceNumber));

                                        record->diskAppearedType = kDiskArbNotifyDiskAppeared2;
                                        record->port = clientPtr->port;
                                        record->ioBSDName = strdup( diskPtr->ioBSDName );
                                        record->flags = diskPtr->flags;
                                        record->mountpoint = strdup( diskPtr->mountpoint );
                                        record->pid = clientPtr->pid;
                                        record->ioContent = strdup(diskPtr->ioContent);
                                        record->ioDeviceTreePath = strdup(diskPtr->ioDeviceTreePath);
                                        record->sequenceNumber = diskPtr->sequenceNumber;
                                        if ( kDiskStateNew == diskPtr->state ) newDiskAppeared = TRUE;

			} // IF client is new OR disk is new

		} // FOREACH disk

	} // FOREACH client
        return newDiskAppeared;

} // SendDiskAppearedMsgs

void SendUnrecognizedDiskMsgs(mach_port_t port, char *devname, char *fstype, char *deviceType, int isWritable, int isRemovable, int isWhole)
        DiskThreadRecord * record = malloc(sizeof(DiskThreadRecord));

        record->diskAppearedType = isWhole;
        record->port = port;
        record->ioBSDName = strdup( devname );
        record->flags = isWritable;
        record->mountpoint = strdup( fstype );
        record->pid = 0;
        record->ioContent = strdup(deviceType);
        record->ioDeviceTreePath = strdup("");
        record->sequenceNumber = isRemovable;

} // SendUnrecognizedDiskMsgs

void SendUnrecognizedDiskArbitrationMsgs(mach_port_t port, char *devname, char *fstype, char *deviceType, int isWritable, int isRemovable, int isWhole, int diskType)
        DiskThreadRecord * record = malloc(sizeof(DiskThreadRecord));

        record->diskAppearedType = isWhole;
        record->port = port;
        record->ioBSDName = strdup( devname );
        record->flags = isWritable;
        record->mountpoint = strdup( fstype );
        record->pid = 0;
        record->ioContent = strdup(deviceType);
        record->ioDeviceTreePath = strdup("");
        record->sequenceNumber = isRemovable;
        record->diskType = diskType;


} // SendUnrecognizedDiskArbitrationMsgs

void SendDiskChangedMsgs(char *devname, char *newMountpoint, char *newVolumeName, int flags, int success)
        ClientPtr clientPtr;

        dwarning(("%s\n", __FUNCTION__));

        /* For each client, and disk, send a notification if either of them is new */

        for (clientPtr = g.Clients; clientPtr != NULL; clientPtr = clientPtr->next)
                if ( ( clientPtr->flags & kDiskArbNotifyChangedDisks ) ) {
                        DiskThreadRecord * record = malloc(sizeof(DiskThreadRecord));

                        //char *mp = malloc(sizeof(char)*strlen(newMountpoint));
                        //char *nv = malloc(sizeof(char)*strlen(newVolumeName));

                        //strcpy(mp, newMountpoint);
                        //strcpy(nv, newVolumeName);

                        dwarning(("DiskArbDiskChanged_rpc($%08x (pid=%d)) ...\n", clientPtr->port, clientPtr->pid));

                        record->diskAppearedType = 0;
                        record->port = clientPtr->port;
                        record->ioBSDName = strdup( devname );
                        record->flags = flags;
                        record->mountpoint = strdup( newMountpoint ); // mp;
                        record->pid = 0;
                        record->ioContent = strdup(newVolumeName); //nv;
                        record->ioDeviceTreePath = strdup("");
                        record->sequenceNumber = success;


} // SendDiskChangedMsgs

void SendDiskWillBeCheckedMessages(DiskPtr diskPtr)
        ClientPtr clientPtr;
        dwarning(("%s\n", __FUNCTION__));

        /* For each client, and disk, send a notification if either of them is new */

        for (clientPtr = g.Clients; clientPtr != NULL; clientPtr = clientPtr->next)
                if ( ( clientPtr->flags & kDiskArbNotifyDiskWillBeChecked ) ) {
                        DiskThreadRecord * record = malloc(sizeof(DiskThreadRecord));

                        dwarning(("SendDiskWillBeCheckedMessages_rpc($%08x (pid=%d)) ...\n", clientPtr->port, clientPtr->pid));

                        record->diskAppearedType = 0;
                        record->port = clientPtr->port;
                        record->ioBSDName = strdup( diskPtr->ioBSDName );
                        record->flags = diskPtr->flags;
                        record->mountpoint = strdup("");
                        record->pid = clientPtr->pid;
                        record->ioContent = strdup(diskPtr->ioContent);
                        record->ioDeviceTreePath = strdup("");
                        record->sequenceNumber = 0;


} // SendDiskWillBeCheckedMessages

void SendCallFailedMessage(ClientPtr clientPtr, DiskPtr diskPtr, int failedType, int error)
        if ( ( clientPtr->flags & kDiskArbNotifyCallFailed ) ) {
                DiskThreadRecord * record = malloc(sizeof(DiskThreadRecord));

                dwarning(("SendCallFailedMessage($%08x (pid=%d)) ...\n", clientPtr->port, clientPtr->pid));

                record->diskAppearedType = 0;
                record->port = clientPtr->port;
                record->ioBSDName = (diskPtr ? strdup( diskPtr->ioBSDName ) : strdup(""));
                record->flags = failedType;
                record->mountpoint = strdup("");
                record->pid = clientPtr->pid;
                record->ioContent = strdup("");
                record->ioDeviceTreePath = strdup("");
                record->sequenceNumber = error;

} // SendCallFailedMessage


void PrepareToSendPreUnmountMsgs( void )
    ClientPtr clientPtr;
    DiskPtr diskPtr;

    dwarning(("%s\n", __FUNCTION__));

    /* For each client and disk */

    for (diskPtr = g.Disks; diskPtr != NULL; diskPtr = diskPtr->next)
                if ( kDiskStateToBeUnmounted == diskPtr->state || kDiskStateToBeUnmountedAndEjected == diskPtr->state )
                        // Assert: the <ackValues> field for this disk was allocated/initialized when its state was set.

                        // only ask for unmount notifications for *mounted" disks
                        // makes sense *right*?

                        if (diskPtr->mountpoint && strlen(diskPtr->mountpoint)) {

                                for (clientPtr = g.Clients; clientPtr != NULL; clientPtr = clientPtr->next)
                                        if ( clientPtr->flags & kDiskArbNotifyAsync )
                                                InitAckValue( diskPtr->ackValues, clientPtr->pid );

                                } // FOREACH client
    } // FOREACH disk

} // PrepareToSendPreUnmountMsgs


void PrepareToSendPreEjectMsgs( void )
    ClientPtr clientPtr;
    DiskPtr diskPtr;

    dwarning(("%s\n", __FUNCTION__));

    /* For each client and disk */

    for (diskPtr = g.Disks; diskPtr != NULL; diskPtr = diskPtr->next)
        if ( kDiskStateToBeEjected == diskPtr->state )
            // Assert: the <ackValues> field for this disk was allocated/initialized when its state was set.
                        // only ask for eject notifications for *whole" disks
                        // makes sense *right*?

                        if (IsWhole(diskPtr)) {

                                for (clientPtr = g.Clients; clientPtr != NULL; clientPtr = clientPtr->next)
                                        if ( clientPtr->flags & kDiskArbNotifyAsync )
                                                InitAckValue( diskPtr->ackValues, clientPtr->pid );

                                } // FOREACH client


    } // FOREACH disk

} // PrepareToSendPreEjectMsgs


void SendPreUnmountMsgsForDisk( DiskPtr diskPtr )
        int i;

        dwarning(("%s\n", __FUNCTION__));

        /* For each client and disk */

        if ( kDiskStateToBeUnmounted == diskPtr->state || kDiskStateToBeUnmountedAndEjected == diskPtr->state )
                for (i = 0; i < diskPtr->ackValues->logicalLength; i++)
                        ClientPtr clientPtr;
                        //kern_return_t r;

                        if ( diskPtr->ackValues->ackValues[ i ].state != kSendMsg )

                        clientPtr = LookupClientByPID( diskPtr->ackValues->ackValues[ i ].pid );
                        if ( ! clientPtr )
                                pwarning(("%s: pid = %d: no known client with this pid.\n", __FUNCTION__, diskPtr->ackValues->ackValues[ i ].pid));

                        if ( clientPtr->numAcksRequired > 0 )
//					pwarning(("%s: skipping pid = %d for '%s' since numAcksRequired = %d\n", __FUNCTION__, clientPtr->pid, diskPtr->ioBSDName, clientPtr->numAcksRequired));

                                DiskThreadRecord * record = malloc(sizeof(DiskThreadRecord));
                                record->port = clientPtr->port;
                                record->ioBSDName = strdup( diskPtr->ioBSDName );


                        diskPtr->ackValues->ackValues[ i ].state = kWaitingForAck;

                } // FOREACH ack value


} // SendPreUnmountMsgsForDisk


void SendPreEjectMsgsForDisk( DiskPtr diskPtr )
        int i;

        dwarning(("%s\n", __FUNCTION__));

        /* For each client and disk */

        if ( kDiskStateToBeEjected == diskPtr->state )
                for (i = 0; i < diskPtr->ackValues->logicalLength; i++)
                        ClientPtr clientPtr;

                        if ( diskPtr->ackValues->ackValues[ i ].state != kSendMsg )

                        clientPtr = LookupClientByPID( diskPtr->ackValues->ackValues[ i ].pid );
                        if ( ! clientPtr )
                                pwarning(("%s: pid = %d: no known client with this pid.\n", __FUNCTION__, diskPtr->ackValues->ackValues[ i ].pid));

                        if ( clientPtr->numAcksRequired > 0 )
//					dwarning(("%s: skipping pid = %d for '%s' since numAcksRequired = %d\n", __FUNCTION__, clientPtr->pid, diskPtr->ioBSDName, clientPtr->numAcksRequired));

                                DiskThreadRecord * record = malloc(sizeof(DiskThreadRecord));
                                record->port = clientPtr->port;
                                record->ioBSDName = strdup( diskPtr->ioBSDName );


                        diskPtr->ackValues->ackValues[ i ].state = kWaitingForAck;

                } // FOREACH ack value


} // SendPreEjectMsgsForDisk


void SendUnmountPostNotifyMsgsForOnePartition( char * ioBSDName, int errorCode, pid_t pid )
	ClientPtr clientPtr;

	dwarning(("%s('%s', errorCode = %d, pid = %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, ioBSDName, errorCode, pid));

	for (clientPtr = g.Clients; clientPtr != NULL; clientPtr = clientPtr->next)
		if ( clientPtr->flags & kDiskArbNotifyAsync )
                        DiskThreadRecord * record = malloc(sizeof(DiskThreadRecord));
                        dwarning(("DiskArbUnmountPostNotify_async_rpc($%08x (pid=%d), '%s', errorCode=%d, pid=%d) ...\n", clientPtr->port, clientPtr->pid, ioBSDName, errorCode, pid));
                        record->sequenceNumber = errorCode;
                        record->port = clientPtr->port;
                        record->ioBSDName = strdup( ioBSDName );
                        record->pid = pid;

	} // FOREACH client

} // SendUnmountPostNotifyMsgsForOnePartition


void SendEjectPostNotifyMsgsForOnePartition( char * ioBSDName, int errorCode, pid_t pid )
	ClientPtr clientPtr;

	dwarning(("%s('%s', errorCode = %d, pid = %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, ioBSDName, errorCode, pid));

	for (clientPtr = g.Clients; clientPtr != NULL; clientPtr = clientPtr->next)
		if ( clientPtr->flags & kDiskArbNotifyAsync )
                        DiskThreadRecord * record = malloc(sizeof(DiskThreadRecord));
                        dwarning(("DiskArbEjectPostNotify_async_rpc($%08x (pid=%d), '%s', errorCode=%d, pid=%d) ...\n", clientPtr->port, clientPtr->pid, ioBSDName, errorCode, pid));
                        record->sequenceNumber = errorCode;
                        record->port = clientPtr->port;
                        record->ioBSDName = strdup( ioBSDName );
                        record->pid = pid;

	} // FOREACH client

} // SendEjectPostNotifyMsgsForOnePartition


void SendEjectPostNotifyMsgsForAllPartitions( DiskPtr diskPtr, int errorCode, pid_t pid )
	DiskPtr diskPtr2;
	int	family1, family2;
	int	deviceNum1, deviceNum2;
	dwarning(("%s('%s', errorCode = %d, pid = %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, diskPtr->ioBSDName, errorCode, pid));
	if ( IsNetwork( diskPtr ) )
		SendEjectPostNotifyMsgsForOnePartition( diskPtr->ioBSDName, errorCode, pid );
		goto Return;

	family1 = diskPtr->family;
	deviceNum1 = diskPtr->ioBSDUnit;

	for (diskPtr2 = g.Disks; diskPtr2 != NULL; diskPtr2 = diskPtr2->next)
		family2 = diskPtr2->family;
		deviceNum2 = diskPtr2->ioBSDUnit;

		if ( family1 == family2 && deviceNum1 == deviceNum2 )
			SendEjectPostNotifyMsgsForOnePartition( diskPtr2->ioBSDName, errorCode, pid );


} // SendEjectPostNotifyMsgsForAllPartitions


void SendBlueBoxBootVolumeUpdatedMsgs( void )
	ClientPtr clientPtr;

	dwarning(("%s()\n", __FUNCTION__));

	for (clientPtr = g.Clients; clientPtr != NULL; clientPtr = clientPtr->next)
		if ( clientPtr->flags & kDiskArbNotifyBlueBoxBootVolumeUpdated )
                        DiskThreadRecord * record = malloc(sizeof(DiskThreadRecord));
			dwarning(("DiskArbBlueBoxBootVolumeUpdated_async_rpc($%08x (pid=%d), gBlueBoxBootVolume=%d) ...\n", clientPtr->port, clientPtr->pid, gBlueBoxBootVolume));
                        record->sequenceNumber = gBlueBoxBootVolume;
                        record->port = clientPtr->port;

	} // FOREACH client

} // SendBlueBoxBootVolumeUpdatedMsgs


void SendCompletedMsgs( int messageType, int newDisk )
        ClientPtr clientPtr;
        DiskPtr diskPtr;

        dwarning(("%s(%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, messageType));

        for (clientPtr = g.Clients; clientPtr != NULL; clientPtr = clientPtr->next)

                if ( ( clientPtr->flags & kDiskArbNotifyCompleted ) ) {
                        int shouldSend = FALSE;

                        //  client is new or disk is new and it's the new disk notification
                        if ((messageType == kDiskArbCompletedDiskAppeared) && (newDisk || ( kClientStateNew == clientPtr->state ))) {

                                dwarning(("Sending completed: Disk Appeared: newDisk = %d, clientState = %d\n", newDisk, clientPtr->state)); 
                                shouldSend = TRUE;

                        // unmount post and eject post go to everyone.
                        if (((messageType == kDiskArbCompletedPostUnmount) || (messageType == kDiskArbCompletedPostEject)) && clientPtr->flags & kDiskArbNotifyAsync ) {
                                dwarning(("Sending completed: Disk Unmounted or Ejected\n")); 
                                shouldSend = TRUE;

                        if (shouldSend) {
                                DiskThreadRecord * record = malloc(sizeof(DiskThreadRecord));
                                dwarning(("DiskArbNotificationComplete_rpc($%08x (messageType=%d)) ...\n", clientPtr->port, messageType));

                                record->port = clientPtr->port;
                                record->sequenceNumber = messageType;

        } // FOREACH client

        /* For each disk and client, if it was new, then it is no longer new */

        for (clientPtr = g.Clients; clientPtr != NULL; clientPtr = clientPtr->next)
                if ( kClientStateNew == clientPtr->state ) clientPtr->state = kClientStateIdle;
        for (diskPtr = g.Disks; diskPtr != NULL; diskPtr = diskPtr->next)
                if ( kDiskStateNew == diskPtr->state ) SetStateForOnePartition( diskPtr, kDiskStateIdle );

} // SendCompletedMsgs


void SetBlueBoxBootVolume( int seqno )
	dwarning(("%s(seqno=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, seqno));

	gBlueBoxBootVolume = seqno;

} // SetBlueBoxBootVolume


int GetBlueBoxBootVolume( void )
//	dwarning(("%s() => %d\n", __FUNCTION__, gBlueBoxBootVolume));

	return gBlueBoxBootVolume;

} // GetBlueBoxBootVolume


void CompleteUnmountForDisk( DiskPtr diskPtr )
    AckValue * avp;
    int errorCode_out = 0;
    pid_t pid_out = 0;
    DiskPtr wholeDiskToEject = LookupWholeDiskForThisPartition(diskPtr);

    dwarning(("%s\n", __FUNCTION__));

    // Unmount could be completed for each partition independently.
    // But it simplifies things to wait them to all complete before proceeding.

    if ( 0 != NumUnsetAckValuesForAllDisks() )
        goto Return;

    /* 0 == NumUnsetAckValuesForAllDisks() */

    /* Initialize this before we start changing their states.  It will be NULL if this is not an unmount-and-eject. */

    if ( !( ( diskPtr->state == kDiskStateToBeUnmountedAndEjected ) || ( diskPtr->state == kDiskStateToBeEjected ) ) )
        wholeDiskToEject = NULL;

        /* Skip disks that are not undergoing unmounting. */

        if ( diskPtr->state != kDiskStateToBeUnmounted && diskPtr->state != kDiskStateToBeUnmountedAndEjected )
                goto Continue;

        avp = GetDissenterFromAckValues( diskPtr->ackValues );

        if ( NULL == avp )
                int err;

                dwarning(("%s: there was no dissenter for '%s'\n", __FUNCTION__, diskPtr->ioBSDName));

                err = UnmountDisk( diskPtr, FALSE ); /* Updates diskPtr->state for this partition. */
                if ( err )
                        /* Failure.  The unmount failed.  diskPtr->state == kDiskStateIdle */

                        dwarning(("%s: the unmount failed\n", __FUNCTION__));

                        errorCode_out = err;
                        pid_out = -1;
                        /* Success.  diskPtr->state == kDiskStateNewlyUnmounted */

                        errorCode_out = 0;
                        pid_out = -1;

                /* Failure.  There was a dissenter.  Report it. */

                dwarning(("%s: there was a dissenter for '%s'\n", __FUNCTION__, diskPtr->ioBSDName));

                errorCode_out = avp->errorCode;
                pid_out = avp->pid;

                SetStateForOnePartition( diskPtr, kDiskStateIdle );

        /* Send each waiting client a notification with the errorcode and dissenter. */

        SendUnmountPostNotifyMsgsForOnePartition( diskPtr->ioBSDName, errorCode_out, pid_out );

    /* Was this the first phase of an unmount-and-eject? */

    if ( wholeDiskToEject && ( 0 == NumPartitionsMountedFromThisDisk( wholeDiskToEject ) ) )
        /* WARNING: this might rob old-style clients of their synchronous UnmountCommit notifications if the eject fails. */
        /* Why?  Because we keep no record that an unmount happened.  So if the eject fails, we won't send any UnmountCommit notifications. */
        /* This can only happen if there is someone holding open a file descriptor on one of the /dev nodes for the disk. */

        SetStateForAllPartitions( wholeDiskToEject, kDiskStateToBeEjected );

        /* Prepare a list of pre-eject notifications to be sent. */


        /* Return to the main msg loop to process sending of pre-eject msgs and receiving of acks. */



} // CompleteUnmountForDisk


void CompleteEjectForDisk( DiskPtr partPtr )
    AckValue * avp;
    int errorCode_out = 0;
    pid_t pid_out = 0;
        DiskPtr diskPtr = LookupWholeDiskForThisPartition(partPtr);

    dwarning(("%s\n", __FUNCTION__));
        if ( ! diskPtr )
                LogErrorMessage("%s(): LookupWholeDiskToBeEjected() => NULL\n", __FUNCTION__);
                goto Return;

    /* Ejection differs from unmounting because it requires acks for all partitions before proceeding. */

    if ( 0 != NumUnsetAckValues(diskPtr->ackValues) )
        goto Return;

    /* 0 == NumUnsetAckValuesForAllDisks() */

        avp = GetDissenterFromAckValues(diskPtr->ackValues);

    if ( NULL == avp )
        int err;

        dwarning(("%s: there was no dissenter\n", __FUNCTION__));

        /* Assume that all the partitions have already been unmounted. */

        err = EjectDisk( diskPtr ); /* Updates diskPtr->state for each partition on this disk. */
        if ( err )
            /* Failure.  The eject failed.  diskPtr->state == kDiskStateIdle */

            dwarning(("%s: the eject failed\n", __FUNCTION__));

            errorCode_out = err;
            pid_out = -1;
            /* Success.  diskPtr->state == kDiskStateNewlyEjected */

            errorCode_out = 0;
            pid_out = -1;
        /* Failure.  There was a dissenter.  Report it. */

        dwarning(("%s: there was a dissenter\n", __FUNCTION__));

        errorCode_out = avp->errorCode;
        pid_out = avp->pid;

        SetStateForAllPartitions( diskPtr, kDiskStateIdle );

    /* Send each waiting client a notification with the errorcode and dissenter. */

    SendEjectPostNotifyMsgsForAllPartitions( diskPtr, errorCode_out, pid_out );


} // CompleteEject


DiskState AreWeBusyForDisk( DiskPtr diskPtr )
        DiskState result;

        result = kDiskStateIdle;

        switch ( diskPtr->state )
                case kDiskStateToBeUnmounted:
                        if ( kDiskStateIdle == result )
                                result = diskPtr->state;
                        else if ( result != diskPtr->state )
                                dwarning(("%s: incompatible disk states: %s (%d) vs. %s (%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, DISKSTATE(diskPtr->state), diskPtr->state, DISKSTATE(result), result));

                case kDiskStateToBeEjected:
                        if ( kDiskStateIdle == result )
                                result = diskPtr->state;
                        else if ( result != diskPtr->state )
                                dwarning(("%s: incompatible disk states: %s (%d) vs. %s (%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, DISKSTATE(diskPtr->state), diskPtr->state, DISKSTATE(result), result));

                case kDiskStateToBeUnmountedAndEjected:
                        if ( kDiskStateIdle == result || kDiskStateToBeEjected == result )
                                result = diskPtr->state;
                        else if ( result != diskPtr->state )
                                dwarning(("%s: incompatible disk states: %s (%d) vs. %s (%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, DISKSTATE(diskPtr->state), diskPtr->state, DISKSTATE(result), result));

                case kDiskStateIdle: /* not busy */
                case kDiskStateNew: /* not busy */
                case kDiskStateNewlyEjected: /* not busy */
                case kDiskStateNewlyUnmounted: /* not busy */
                        /* do nothing - result initialized to zero / kDiskStateIdle */

        dwarning(("%s() => %s (%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, DISKSTATE(result), result));
        return result;

} // AreWeBusyForDisk


// write out our pid

static void
        FILE *fp;

        fp = fopen(PID_FILE, "w");
        if (fp != NULL)
                fprintf(fp, "%d\n", getpid());


static int isRequestingUserAdminUser(uid_t uid)
    int admin = 0;
    struct passwd *p;
    struct group *g;
    char **m;
    p = getpwuid(uid);
    if (p == NULL) {
            pwarning(("Can't find user\n"));
            admin = 0;
            goto end;

    g = getgrnam("admin");
    if (g == NULL) {
            pwarning(("Can't find the admin group\n"));
            admin = 0;
            goto end;

    if (p->pw_gid == g->gr_gid) {
            admin = 1;
            goto end;

    m = g->gr_mem;
    while (*m) {
            if (strcmp(p->pw_name, *m) == 0) {
                    admin = 1;
    // otherwise
    return admin;

int authorizationAllowedForEvent(ClientPtr client, char *event)
        OSStatus err = 0;
        int authorized = 0;
        AuthorizationRights rights;
        AuthorizationItem items[1];
        if (!client->clientAuthRef) {
                return 0;

        items[0].name = event;
        items[0].value = NULL;
        items[0].valueLength = 0;
        items[0].flags = 0;

        rights.count = 1;
        rights.items = items;

        err = AuthorizationCopyRights(client->clientAuthRef, &rights, kAuthorizationEmptyEnvironment, kAuthorizationFlagExtendRights | kAuthorizationFlagInteractionAllowed, NULL); 

        authorized = (errAuthorizationSuccess == err);

        return authorized;

// Check our security to modify the disk

int requestingClientHasPermissionToModifyDisk(pid_t pid, DiskPtr diskPtr, char *right)
        ClientPtr client = nil;

        if (pid) {
                client = LookupClientByPID(pid);
	// root requests it, always say YES
        if (requestorUID == 0 || pid == 0) {
                dwarning(("autodiskmount: requestor is root\n"));

                return TRUE;

	// The person who mounted it requests it, say YES
        if (requestorUID == diskPtr->mountedUser) {
                dwarning(("autodiskmount: requestor mounted disk\n"));
                return TRUE;

	// The person who owns the mount point requests it, say YES
                struct stat statbuf;
                if ( stat(diskPtr->mountpoint, &statbuf) >= 0 ) {
                	if (statbuf.st_uid == requestorUID) {
                                dwarning(("autodiskmount: requestor owns mount point\n"));
                                return TRUE;

        if (!client && !pid){

        if (client && authorizationAllowedForEvent(client, right)) {
                return TRUE;      

        /* if (allowAdmin && isRequestingUserAdminUser(requestorUID)) {
                dwarning(("autodiskmount: requestor is admin\n"));
                return TRUE;
        } */
	return FALSE;
int DiskArbitrationServerMain(int argc, char* argv[])
	kern_return_t r;
	mach_port_t serverPort;

	mach_port_t ioNotificationPort;
	const char * ioNotificationType;
        io_iterator_t ioIterator;  // first match
        io_iterator_t ioIterator2; // terminated
        io_registry_entry_t	entry; // for flushing and arming

	mach_port_t portSet;
	mach_msg_header_t* msg;
	mach_msg_header_t* reply;

        mach_msg_timeout_t timeout;

	// Handle command-line arguments

	programName = argv[0];
	if ((argc > 1) && (argv[1][0] == '-') && (argv[1][1] == 'd'))
		/* Do nothing.  Do not daemonize yourself.  Good for "-d"(ebugging). */
		gDebug = 1;
		gDaemon = 0;
		dwarning(("DiskArbitration is not a daemon\n"));
            gDaemon = 1;
		dwarning(("DiskArbitration is a daemon\n"));

	// Incoming message buffer needs room for message header, body, and trailer.
	msg = (mach_msg_header_t*)malloc(kMsgSize);

	// Outgoing message buffer needs room for only message header and body
	reply = (mach_msg_header_t*)malloc(kMsgSize);

        -- Cache needed "stuff"

        if (gDebug) {

        /*  We have found CFSTR to not be thread safe, so let's initialize all CFSTR resources before moving on
                it appears that the CFSTR hash lookup is thread safe
                yankedHeader = YANKED_HEADER;
                yankedMessage = YANKED_MESSAGE;
                unrecognizedHeader = UNINITED_HEADER;
                unrecognizedHeaderNoInitialize = UNINITED_HEADER_NO_INIT;
                unrecognizedMessage = UNINITED_MESSAGE;
                ejectString = EJECT_BUTTON;
                ignoreString = IGNORE_BUTTON;
                initString = INIT_BUTTON;
                launchString = LAUNCH_BUTTON;
                someDisk = A_DISK;
                mountOrFsckFailedWithDiskUtility = MOUNT_FAILED_WITH_DU;
                mountOrFsckFailed = MOUNT_FAILED;
                unknownString = UNKNOWN_STRING;

	-- Phase 1 - handle fixed disks

	// Create and register a notify port for this task
	r = InitNotifyPort();
	if (r != KERN_SUCCESS)
		return -1;
	// Get the IO Master Port
	r = IOMasterPort(bootstrap_port, &ioMasterPort);
	if (r != KERN_SUCCESS)
		LogErrorMessage("(%s:%d) IOMasterPort failed: {0x%x} %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, r, mach_error_string(r));
		return -1;

	// Allocate a port for receiving IO notifications

	r = mach_port_allocate(mach_task_self(), MACH_PORT_RIGHT_RECEIVE, &ioNotificationPort);
	if (r != KERN_SUCCESS)
		LogErrorMessage("(%s:%d) mach_port_allocate failed: {0x%x} %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, r, mach_error_string(r));
		return -1;

	// Register for IO notifications of "IOMedia" objects and get an IO iterator in return

        ioNotificationType = kIOFirstMatchNotification;
        r = IOServiceAddNotification(	ioMasterPort, ioNotificationType,
                                                                        IOServiceMatching( "IOMedia" ),
                                                                        ioNotificationPort, (unsigned int) ioNotificationType,
                                                                        &ioIterator );
        if (r != KERN_SUCCESS)
                LogErrorMessage("(%s:%d) IOServiceAddNotification failed: {0x%x} %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, r, mach_error_string(r));
                return -1;

        // Get the existing disks from the IO Registry and arm the notification

        GetDisksFromRegistry( ioIterator, 1 );

        ioNotificationType = kIOTerminatedNotification;
        r = IOServiceAddNotification(	ioMasterPort, ioNotificationType,
                                                                        IOServiceMatching( "IOMedia" ),
                                                                        ioNotificationPort, (unsigned int) ioNotificationType,
                                                                        &ioIterator2 );
        if (r != KERN_SUCCESS)
                LogErrorMessage("(%s:%d) IOServiceAddNotification failed: {0x%x} %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, r, mach_error_string(r));
                return -1;

        while ( entry = IOIteratorNext( ioIterator2 ) ) {  // clear the iterator and move on
            IOObjectRelease( entry );

	// Perform auto-mounting (including probing and fsck) for each disk we discovered

	-- Phase 2 - optionally daemonize and re-initialize ports in the child process

	// Daemonize
	dwarning(("Non-debug version calls daemon() here...\n"));
	if ( gDaemon )
                // Free all the old disks (they have bad IOService pointers)
                // we *have* to do this before daemon or we will leak io_service_t objects


		if (-1 == daemon(0, 0))
			return -1;
		-- Port re-initialization for child process
		// Create and register a notify port for this task
		r = InitNotifyPort();
		if (r != KERN_SUCCESS)
			return -1;
		// Get the IO Master Port
		r = IOMasterPort(bootstrap_port, &ioMasterPort);
		if (r != KERN_SUCCESS)
			LogErrorMessage("(%s:%d) IOMasterPort failed: {0x%x} %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, r, mach_error_string(r));
			return -1;
		// Allocate a port for receiving IO notifications
		r = mach_port_allocate(mach_task_self(), MACH_PORT_RIGHT_RECEIVE, &ioNotificationPort);
		if (r != KERN_SUCCESS)
			LogErrorMessage("(%s:%d) mach_port_allocate failed: {0x%x} %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, r, mach_error_string(r));
			return -1;
		// Register for IO notifications of "IOMedia" objects and get an IO iterator in return
		ioNotificationType = kIOFirstMatchNotification;
		r = IOServiceAddNotification(	ioMasterPort, ioNotificationType,
										IOServiceMatching( "IOMedia" ),
										ioNotificationPort, (unsigned int) ioNotificationType,
										&ioIterator );
		if (r != KERN_SUCCESS)
			LogErrorMessage("(%s:%d) IOServiceAddNotification failed: {0x%x} %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, r, mach_error_string(r));
			return -1;

		// Get the existing disks from the IO Registry and arm the notification

                GetDisksFromRegistry( ioIterator, 0 );

                ioNotificationType = kIOTerminatedNotification;
                r = IOServiceAddNotification(	ioMasterPort, ioNotificationType,
                                                                                IOServiceMatching( "IOMedia" ),
                                                                                ioNotificationPort, (unsigned int) ioNotificationType,
                                                                                &ioIterator2 );
                if (r != KERN_SUCCESS)
                        LogErrorMessage("(%s:%d) IOServiceAddNotification failed: {0x%x} %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, r, mach_error_string(r));
                        return -1;

                while ( entry = IOIteratorNext( ioIterator2 ) ) {  // clear the iterator and move on
                    IOObjectRelease( entry );

		// Perform auto-mounting (including probing and fsck) for each disk we discovered
		// This should be a no-op here, since we probably discovered all these disks before daemonizing
	-- Phase 3 - become a server

	// Create the server port with receive and send rights
	r = mach_port_allocate(mach_task_self(), MACH_PORT_RIGHT_RECEIVE, &serverPort);
	if (r != KERN_SUCCESS)
		LogErrorMessage("(%s:%d) mach_port_allocate failed: {0x%x} %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, r, mach_error_string(r));
		return -1;
	r = mach_port_insert_right(mach_task_self(), serverPort, serverPort, MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND);
	if (r != KERN_SUCCESS)
		LogErrorMessage("(%s:%d) mach_port_insert_right failed: {0x%x} %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, r, mach_error_string(r));
		return -1;

	dwarning(("%s: serverPort = %d\n", programName, (int)serverPort));

	// Register the server port with the bootstrap server so clients can find it
	r = bootstrap_register(bootstrap_port, DISKARB_SERVER_NAME, serverPort);
	if (r != KERN_SUCCESS)
		return -1;
	// Create a port set....

	r = mach_port_allocate(mach_task_self(), MACH_PORT_RIGHT_PORT_SET, &portSet);
	if (r != KERN_SUCCESS)
		LogErrorMessage("(%s:%d) mach_port_allocate failed: {0x%x} %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, r, mach_error_string(r));
		return -1;

	// ... and add the notify, server, and IO notification ports to it.

	r = mach_port_move_member(mach_task_self(), GetNotifyPort(), portSet);
	if (r != KERN_SUCCESS)
		LogErrorMessage("(%s:%d) mach_port_move_member (notify port) failed: {0x%x} %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, r, mach_error_string(r));
		return -1;

	r = mach_port_move_member(mach_task_self(), serverPort, portSet);
	if (r != KERN_SUCCESS)
		LogErrorMessage("(%s:%d) mach_port_move_member (server port) failed: {0x%x} %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, r, mach_error_string(r));
		return -1;

	r = mach_port_move_member(mach_task_self(), ioNotificationPort, portSet);
	if (r != KERN_SUCCESS)
		LogErrorMessage("(%s:%d) mach_port_move_member (IO notification port) failed: {0x%x} %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, r, mach_error_string(r));
		return -1;

        // write out our pid

	// Server loop

	while( 1 )
                DiskPtr diskPtr;
                DiskPtr nextDiskPtr;
		mach_port_t deadPort;
		DiskState busyState = NULL;
                mach_msg_format_0_trailer_t	*trailer;

		/* Are we (still) busy, i.e., in the midst of processing an async unmount/eject transaction? */

                nextDiskPtr = g.Disks;

                 for (diskPtr = g.Disks; diskPtr != NULL; diskPtr = nextDiskPtr)
         /* Are we (still) busy, i.e., in the midst of processing an async unmount/eject transaction? */

                         nextDiskPtr = diskPtr->next;
                         busyState = AreWeBusyForDisk(diskPtr);

                         if ( kDiskStateToBeUnmounted == busyState || kDiskStateToBeUnmountedAndEjected == busyState )
                                 // Note: Recalculate <busyState> since we may have completed an unmount w/ zero clients.
                                 if (NumUnsetAckValuesForAllDisks() == 0) {
                                         SendCompletedMsgs(kDiskArbCompletedPostUnmount, 0);
                                 busyState = AreWeBusyForDisk(diskPtr);

                         if ( kDiskStateToBeEjected == busyState )
                                 // Note: Recalculate <busyState> since we may have completed an unmount w/ zero clients.
                                 if (NumUnsetAckValuesForAllDisks() == 0) {
                                         SendCompletedMsgs(kDiskArbCompletedPostEject, 0);
                                 busyState = AreWeBusyForDisk(diskPtr);

                         /* Send out async notifications about to any to-be-unmounted/ejected disks */

                         if ( kDiskStateToBeUnmounted == busyState || kDiskStateToBeUnmountedAndEjected == busyState )


                         /* Send out async notifications about to any to-be-ejected disks */

                         if ( kDiskStateToBeEjected == busyState )


                nextDiskPtr = g.Disks;

                for (diskPtr = g.Disks; diskPtr != NULL; diskPtr = nextDiskPtr)

                        nextDiskPtr = diskPtr->next;
                        if ((diskPtr->flags & kDiskArbDiskAppearedUnrecognizableFormat) && (diskPtr->state == kDiskStateNew)) {

                                ClientPtr nextClientPtr = GetNextClientForDisk(diskPtr);

                                if (nextClientPtr) {
                                        SendUnrecognizedDiskArbitrationMsgs(nextClientPtr->port, diskPtr->ioBSDName, "", "", (!((diskPtr->flags & kDiskArbDiskAppearedLockedMask) == kDiskArbDiskAppearedLockedMask)), ((diskPtr->flags & kDiskArbDiskAppearedEjectableMask) == kDiskArbDiskAppearedEjectableMask), IsWhole(diskPtr), DiskTypeForDisk(diskPtr));
                                        diskPtr->state = kDiskStateUnrecognized;
                                } else {
                                        // check the new whole disks for a new disk that does not contain a recognizable section
                                        DiskPtr wholePtr = LookupWholeDiskForThisPartition(diskPtr);

                                        int dialogPreviouslyDisplayed = ( wholePtr->flags & kDiskArbDiskAppearedDialogDisplayed );
                                        int neverMount = ( wholePtr->flags & kDiskArbDiskAppearedNoMountMask );

                                        if (!dialogPreviouslyDisplayed && !neverMount) {
                                                int recognizablePartitionsAppeared = ( wholePtr->flags & kDiskArbDiskAppearedRecognizableSectionMounted );
                                                if (!recognizablePartitionsAppeared && wholePtr->mountAttempted && !IsNetwork(wholePtr)) {

                                                        // display the dialog
                                                        if (DiskArbIsHandlingUnrecognizedDisks()) {
                                                                wholePtr->flags |= kDiskArbDiskAppearedDialogDisplayed;

		/* Send out synchronous notifications out to any new clients and about any new disks */

		if ( kDiskStateIdle == busyState )
                        int newDisks = SendDiskAppearedMsgs();
                        SendCompletedMsgs(kDiskArbCompletedDiskAppeared, newDisks);


		/* For each disk, if it was Ejected, then delete it, and if it was Unmounted, then mark it Idle again */

                nextDiskPtr = g.Disks;
                DA_postponedDisksExist = 0;
                DA_stateChangedToNew = 0;

                for (diskPtr = g.Disks; diskPtr != NULL; diskPtr = nextDiskPtr)
                       nextDiskPtr = diskPtr->next;
                       if (diskPtr->wholeDiskHasBeenYanked) {

                nextDiskPtr = g.Disks;
		for (diskPtr = g.Disks; diskPtr != NULL; diskPtr = nextDiskPtr)
                        nextDiskPtr = diskPtr->next;
			switch ( diskPtr->state )
				case kDiskStateNewlyUnmounted:
					SetStateForOnePartition( diskPtr, kDiskStateIdle );

				case kDiskStateNewlyEjected:
					FreeDisk( diskPtr );

                                /* go through all the disks, looking for postponed disks, if those
                                disks have a whole disk and the whole disks service isn't busy, mark it as
                                new, otherwise, schedule the system to try again
                                case kDiskStatePostponed:
                                                DiskPtr wholeDiskPtr = LookupWholeDiskForThisPartition(diskPtr);
                                                if (wholeDiskPtr) {
                                                        int busy;

                                                        IOServiceGetBusyState(wholeDiskPtr->service, &busy);

                                                        if (!busy) {
                                                                dwarning(("Setting disk state to new, whole is there and not busy\n"));
                                                                diskPtr->state = kDiskStateNew;
                                                        } else {
                                                                dwarning(("Some whole disk is busy\n"));
                                                } else {
                                                       dwarning(("Some whole disk is missing\n"));

				case kDiskStateIdle: /* do nothing */
				case kDiskStateNew: /* do nothing */
				case kDiskStateToBeUnmounted: /* do nothing - waiting for acknowledgements */
				case kDiskStateToBeEjected: /* do nothing - waiting for acknowledgements */
				case kDiskStateToBeUnmountedAndEjected: /* do nothing - waiting for acknowledgements */
					/* do nothing */

		if ( g.NumDisksAddedOrDeleted )
			g.NumDisksAddedOrDeleted = 0;

                if (DA_postponedDisksExist) {
                        io_iterator_t ioIterator;
                        mach_port_t masterPort;
                        kern_return_t err;
                        dwarning(("Some disk is postponed - waiting one second and re-running autodiskmount loop\n"));

                        err = IOMasterPort(bootstrap_port, &masterPort);

                        // get an iterator from the registry for IOMedia and get the disks out of the registry ...
                        err = IOServiceGetMatchingServices(masterPort, IOServiceMatching("IOMedia"), &ioIterator);

                        GetDisksFromRegistry( ioIterator, 0 );

                if (DA_stateChangedToNew) {
                        dwarning(("Some disk is now new - sending ourselves a new disk message\n"));

		/* Wait for: client requests, disk insertions, and death notifications */

                /* if there are clients who we are waiting on acknowledgements from we need to
                    set a timeout on our recieve, if the timeout passes, then the clients never
                    responded and we should allow everything to continue without them (or post
                    a warning to the user in some format ... CFUserNotification?) */

                if (NumUnsetAckValuesForAllDisks() != 0) {
                    timeout = (mach_msg_timeout_t)(15000);
                } else {
                    timeout = MACH_MSG_TIMEOUT_NONE;

		dwarning(("%s: mach_msg\n", programName));
                r = mach_msg(msg, MACH_RCV_MSG | (MACH_MSG_TIMEOUT_NONE == timeout ? 0 : MACH_RCV_TIMEOUT) | MACH_RCV_TRAILER_TYPE(MACH_RCV_TRAILER_SENDER) | MACH_RCV_TRAILER_ELEMENTS(2), 0, kMsgSize, portSet, timeout, MACH_PORT_NULL);
                if (r == MACH_RCV_TIMED_OUT) {
                    AckValue *unresponder = GetUnresponderFromAckValuesForAllDisks();

                    if (unresponder && unresponder->pid) {
                            Client *unrespondingClient = LookupClientByPID(unresponder->pid);
                            mach_port_t unrespondingPort = unrespondingClient->port;
                            dwarning(("**********Someone (pid = (%d)) isn't responding to a sent acknowledgement request\n", unresponder->pid));
                    } else {
                            dwarning(("Someone timed out, but we don't know who ..."));
		if (r != KERN_SUCCESS) {
                        LogErrorMessage("(%s:%d) mach_msg failed: {0x%x} %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, r, mach_error_string(r));

                /* check the security of the mach message
                *        set the requestor id to be the uid of the sender of the mach message
                        mig_reply_error_t		*request = (mig_reply_error_t *)msg;

                        trailer = (mach_msg_security_trailer_t *)((vm_offset_t)request +

                        requestingClientPort = msg->msgh_local_port;

                        if ((trailer->msgh_trailer_type == MACH_MSG_TRAILER_FORMAT_0) &&
                                (trailer->msgh_trailer_size >= MACH_MSG_TRAILER_FORMAT_0_SIZE)) {
                                dwarning(("set REQUESTOR ID for this mach message to be = %d\n", trailer->msgh_sender.val[0]));

                                requestorUID = trailer->msgh_sender.val[0];
                                requestorGID = trailer->msgh_sender.val[1];
                        } else {
                                static boolean_t warned = FALSE;

                                if (!warned) {
                                        pwarning(("Caller credentials not available."));
                                        warned = TRUE;
		/* Demultiplex based on the port: notification port or server port */

		if ( msg->msgh_local_port == GetNotifyPort() )
			dwarning(("%s: Message received on notification port\n", programName));

			/* This test is partially redundant, and that's alright */
			if ( MessageIsNotificationDeath( msg, & deadPort ) == TRUE )
				dwarning(("Death of port %d\n", (int)deadPort));
				/* Deallocate the send right that came in the dead name notification */
					kern_return_t r;
					r = mach_port_deallocate( mach_task_self(), deadPort );
					if ( r ) dwarning(("%s(client = $%08x): mach_port_deallocate(...,$%08x) => $%08x: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, (int)deadPort, (int)deadPort, r, mach_error_string(r)));
				/* Clean up the resources consumed by the client record */
				ClientDeath( deadPort );
				/* Do nothing - MessageIsNotificationDeath() will log an error in this case */
		else if ( msg->msgh_local_port == serverPort )
                        dwarning(("%s: Message received on server port from port $%08x\n", programName, (int)(msg->msgh_remote_port)));
			bzero( reply, sizeof( mach_msg_header_t ) );
			(void) ClientToServer_server(msg, reply);
			(void) mach_msg_send(reply);
		else if ( msg->msgh_local_port == ioNotificationPort )
                        dwarning(("%s: Message received on IO notification port from port $%08x\n", programName, (int)(msg->msgh_remote_port)));
			HandleIONotificationMsg( (IONotificationMsgPtr) msg );
			// This should never happen.  Log it.
			LogErrorMessage("Unrecognized receive port %d.\n", (int)(msg->msgh_local_port));

                requestorUID = -1;
                requestingClientPort = -1;

	} /* while (1) */
	// We only exit the server loop if something goes wrong

	dwarning(("%s: exit\n", programName));

	return -1;


int DiskTypeForDisk(DiskPtr diskPtr)
        int value = 0;

        if (diskPtr->flags & kDiskArbDiskAppearedCDROMMask) {
                if (diskPtr->flags & kDiskArbDiskAppearedNoSizeMask) {
                        value = kDiskArbHandlesUninitializedCDMedia;
                } else {
                        value = kDiskArbHandlesUnrecognizedCDMedia;

        } else if (diskPtr->flags & kDiskArbDiskAppearedDVDROMMask) {
                if (diskPtr->flags & kDiskArbDiskAppearedNoSizeMask) {
                        value = kDiskArbHandlesUninitializedDVDMedia;
                } else {
                        value = kDiskArbHandlesUnrecognizedDVDMedia;
        } else if (diskPtr->flags & kDiskArbDiskAppearedEjectableMask) {
                if (diskPtr->flags & kDiskArbDiskAppearedNoSizeMask) {
                        value = kDiskArbHandlesUninitializedOtherRemovableMedia;
                } else {
                        value = kDiskArbHandlesUnrecognizedOtherRemovableMedia;
        } else {
                if (diskPtr->flags & kDiskArbDiskAppearedNoSizeMask) {
                        value = kDiskArbHandlesUninitializedFixedMedia;
                } else {
                        value = kDiskArbHandlesUnrecognizedFixedMedia;
        return value;

CFComparisonResult compareClientPriorities(const void *val1, const void *val2, void *context)
    int val1Priority = ((ClientPtr)val1)->unrecognizedPriority;
       int val2Priority = ((ClientPtr)val2)->unrecognizedPriority;

   if (val1Priority > val2Priority) {
           return kCFCompareLessThan;
    } else if (val1Priority < val2Priority) {
            return kCFCompareGreaterThan;

    return kCFCompareEqualTo;

ClientPtr GetNextClientForDisk(DiskPtr diskPtr)
	// create a CFArray
        CFMutableArrayRef array = CFArrayCreateMutable(NULL,0,NULL);
	// make sure to only return clients that have the unrecognized callback set up ...
        ClientPtr lastClient = diskPtr->lastClientAttemptedForUnrecognizedMessages;
        ClientPtr clientPtr;
        ClientPtr nextClientPtr;
        int i = 0;
        int count = 0;
        int lastClientIndex = 0;
        int nextClientIndex = 0;

        if (lastClient && (lastClient->pid == 0 || lastClient->port == 0)) {
                lastClient = 0x0;
        // add all the clients to the array.
        // only add the clients that have a priority non zero and do match the disk type
        for (clientPtr = g.Clients, i = 0; clientPtr != NULL; clientPtr = clientPtr->next, i++)
                if ((clientPtr->unrecognizedPriority > 0) && (DiskTypeForDisk(diskPtr) & clientPtr->notifyOnDiskTypes)) {
                        CFArrayAppendValue(array, clientPtr);

        count = CFArrayGetCount(array);

        // return nil if the count == 0
        if (0 == count) {
                nextClientPtr = nil;
                goto Return;
        // if the first element != lastClient, return it, other wise return nil

        // if for some reason the last client deregisters, then we need to make sure that the client in the list is the one we want
        if (lastClient && 1 == count && lastClient ==(ClientPtr)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(array, 0)) {
                nextClientPtr = nil;
                goto Return;

        if (!lastClient && 1 == count) {
                nextClientPtr = (ClientPtr)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(array, 0);
                goto Return;
        // sort the final array by priority
        CFArraySortValues(array, CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(array)), compareClientPriorities, NULL);

	// find the index of the lastClient (if it exists).
        if (lastClient) {
                lastClientIndex = CFArrayGetFirstIndexOfValue(array, CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(array)), lastClient);
                dwarning(("client was set, index found, %d\n", lastClientIndex));
                nextClientIndex = lastClientIndex + 1;

        // if the last client is the last element, return nil
        if (nextClientIndex == count ) {
                nextClientPtr = nil;
                goto Return;
        } else {
                nextClientPtr = (ClientPtr)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(array, nextClientIndex);
                // return the element *after* the last client element
                goto Return;

        diskPtr->lastClientAttemptedForUnrecognizedMessages = nextClientPtr;
        if (nextClientPtr) {
                nextClientPtr->ackOnUnrecognizedDisk = diskPtr;
        return nextClientPtr;