jabberd 1.4.3 ============= http://jabberd.jabberstudio.org/1.4/ Welcome to the world of Jabber 1.4! This README is very sparse. Visit jabberd's homepage for further documentation including an installation guide and configuration hints. ----------------------- Installation instructions Read http://jabberd.jabberstudio.org/1.4/doc/adminguide for an in-depth installation guide! First, untar or move this folder into the final install location (such as /usr/local/jabber) To build, run "./configure" and then type "make" Edit jabber.xml, replace "localhost" by the host name of your server throughout the file. Edit other values as desired. To start: ./jabberd/jabberd -h your.domain.name & Optional: for lots of debug output, use the -D flag Optional: to specify a config file other than ./jabber.xml, use -c /path/to/file.xml Error messages are written to the ./error.log and copied to STDERR. To test operation, connect to the domain name you used with any client and register new users. ----------------------- If there are any rough areas or problems on any platforms or environments, please feel free to report them and assist us in correcting it. Email bug reports to bugs@jabber.org, including your config file (if you've made any significant changes) and -D debug output. Thanks to the following for their important contributions to this release: Jeremie Miller Keith Minkler Thomas Muldowney Schuyler Heath David Smith And all the rest of the Jabber developers!