NDC.pm   [plain text]

package Log::Log4perl::NDC;

use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;

our @NDC_STACK = ();
our $MAX_SIZE  = 5;

sub get {
    if(@NDC_STACK) {
        # Return elements blank separated
        return join " ", @NDC_STACK;
    } else {
        return "[undef]";

sub pop {
    if(@NDC_STACK) {
        return pop @NDC_STACK;
    } else {
        return undef;

sub push {
    my($self, $text) = @_;

    unless(defined $text) {
        # Somebody called us via Log::Log4perl::NDC::push("blah") ?
        $text = $self;

    if(@NDC_STACK >= $MAX_SIZE) {

    return push @NDC_STACK, $text;

sub remove {
    @NDC_STACK = ();


=head1 NAME

Log::Log4perl::NDC - Nested Diagnostic Context


Log::Log4perl allows loggers to maintain global thread-specific data, 
called the Nested Diagnostic Context (NDC).

At some point, the application might decide to push a piece of
data onto the NDC stack, which other parts of the application might 
want to reuse. For example, at the beginning of a web request in a server,
the application might decide to push the IP address of the client
onto the stack to provide it for other loggers down the road without
having to pass the data from function to function.

The Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout class even provides the handy
C<%x> placeholder which is replaced by the blank-separated list
of elements currently on the stack.

This module maintains a simple stack which you can push data on to, query
what's on top, pop it off again or delete the entire stack.

Its purpose is to provide a thread-specific context which all 
Log::Log4perl loggers can refer to without the application having to
pass around the context data between its functions.

Since in 5.8.0 perl's threads don't share data only upon request,
global data is by definition thread-specific.

=over 4

=item Log::Log4perl::NDC->push($text);

Push an item onto the stack. If the stack grows beyond the defined
limit (C<$Log::Log4perl::NDC::MAX_SIZE>), just the topmost element
will be replated.

This is typically done when a context is entered.

=item Log::Log4perl::NDC->pop();

Discard the upmost element of the stack. This is typically done when
a context is left.

=item my $text = Log::Log4perl::NDC->get();

Retrieve the content of the stack as a string of blank-separated values
without disrupting the stack structure. Typically done by C<%x>.
If the stack is empty the value C<"[undef]"> is being returned.

=item Log::Log4perl::NDC->remove();

Reset the stack, remove all items.


Please note that all of the methods above are class methods, there's no
instances of this class.

=head1 AUTHOR

Mike Schilli, E<lt>log4perl@perlmeister.comE<gt>
