# good place for web client tests: # http://diveintomark.org/tests/client/http/ use strict; my @url; my $tests; BEGIN { @url = ( [ '200.xml', 200 ], [ '220.xml', 220 ], [ '320.xml', 320 ], [ '420.xml', 420 ], [ '520.xml', 520 ], [ '301.xml', 301, 200 ], [ '302.xml', 302, 200 ], [ '307.xml', 307, 200 ], [ '400.xml', 400 ], [ '403.xml', 403 ], [ '404.xml', 404 ], [ '410.xml', 410 ], [ '500.xml', 500 ], [ '300.xml', 300, 200 ], [ '200_basic_auth.xml', 401, 200 ], # these tests actually [ '200_digest_auth.xml', 401, 200 ], # do 401, then 401/200 #['200_gzip.xml'], #['etag.xml'], #['lastmodified.xml'], ); $tests += @$_ - 1 for @url; } use Test::More skip_all => "disabling all tests"; # use Test::More tests => $tests; use HTTP::Proxy; use HTTP::Request::Common; use t::Utils; my $base = 'http://diveintomark.org/tests/client/http'; SKIP: { skip "$base is not available", $tests unless web_ok( $base ); # $tests + 2, because of the duplicate 401 my $proxy = HTTP::Proxy->new( port => 0, max_keep_alive_requests => $tests + 2, max_connections => 1 ); $proxy->init; # the auto-authenticating client { package MyUA; use base qw( LWP::UserAgent ); my %credentials = ( "Use test/basic" => [ "test", "basic" ], "DigestTest" => [ "test", "digest" ], ); sub get_basic_credentials { my($self, $realm, $uri) = @_; return @{$credentials{$realm}}; } } my $ua = MyUA->new( keep_alive => 1 ); $ua->proxy( http => $proxy->url ); # fork the proxy my $pid = fork_proxy($proxy); # check all those pages for (@url) { my ( $doc, $status, $status2, $realm, $user, $pass ) = @$_; my $res = $ua->simple_request( GET "$base/$doc" ); is( $res->code, $status, "$doc => $status" ); # redirection if ( $res->is_redirect && $status2 ) { $res = $ua->simple_request( GET $res->header('Location') ); is( $res->code, $status2, "$doc => $status2 (redirect)" ); } # authentication if ( $res->code == 401 ) { # this request is actually two requests (401/200) $res = $ua->request( GET "$base/$doc" ); is( $res->code, $status2, "$doc => $status2 (auth)" ); } } # wait for the proxy wait; }