[plain text]

package DateTime::Locale::Base;

use strict;

use DateTime::Locale;

use Params::Validate qw( validate_pos );

    foreach my $field ( qw( id en_complete_name native_complete_name
                            en_language en_script en_territory en_variant
                            native_language native_script native_territory native_variant
        # remove leading 'en_' for method name
        (my $meth_name = $field) =~ s/^en_//;

        # also remove 'complete_'
        $meth_name =~ s/complete_//;

        no strict 'refs';
        *{$meth_name} = sub { $_[0]->{$field} };

my @FormatLengths = qw( short medium long full );

sub new
    my $c = shift;

    return bless { @_,
                   default_date_format_length => $c->_default_date_format_length,
                   default_time_format_length => $c->_default_time_format_length,
                 }, $c;

sub language_id  { ( DateTime::Locale::parse_id( $_[0]->id ) )[0] }
sub script_id    { ( DateTime::Locale::parse_id( $_[0]->id ) )[1] }
sub territory_id { ( DateTime::Locale::parse_id( $_[0]->id ) )[2] }
sub variant_id   { ( DateTime::Locale::parse_id( $_[0]->id ) )[3] }

sub month_name          { $_[0]->month_names->        [ $_[1]->month_0 ] }
sub month_abbreviation  { $_[0]->month_abbreviations->[ $_[1]->month_0 ] }
sub month_narrow        { $_[0]->month_narrows->      [ $_[1]->month_0 ] }

sub day_name            { $_[0]->day_names->        [ $_[1]->day_of_week_0 ] }
sub day_abbreviation    { $_[0]->day_abbreviations->[ $_[1]->day_of_week_0 ] }
sub day_narrow          { $_[0]->day_narrows->      [ $_[1]->day_of_week_0 ] }

sub am_pm               { $_[0]->am_pms->[ $_[1]->hour < 12 ? 0 : 1 ] }

sub era                 { $_[0]->eras->[ $_[1]->ce_year < 0 ? 0 : 1 ] }

sub default_date_format
    my $meth = $_[0]->{default_date_format_length} . '_date_format';

sub date_formats
        { map { my $meth = "${_}_date_format";
                $_ => $_[0]->$meth() } @FormatLengths }

sub default_time_format
    my $meth = $_[0]->{default_time_format_length} . '_time_format';

sub time_formats
        { map { my $meth = "${_}_time_format";
                $_ => $_[0]->$meth() } @FormatLengths }

sub _datetime_format_pattern_order { $_[0]->date_before_time ? (0, 1) : (1, 0) }

sub    full_datetime_format { join ' ', ( $_[0]->full_date_format, $_[0]->full_time_format )[ $_[0]->_datetime_format_pattern_order ] }
sub    long_datetime_format { join ' ', ( $_[0]->long_date_format, $_[0]->long_time_format )[ $_[0]->_datetime_format_pattern_order ] }
sub  medium_datetime_format { join ' ', ( $_[0]->medium_date_format, $_[0]->medium_time_format )[ $_[0]->_datetime_format_pattern_order ] }
sub   short_datetime_format { join ' ', ( $_[0]->short_date_format, $_[0]->short_time_format )[ $_[0]->_datetime_format_pattern_order ] }
sub default_datetime_format { join ' ', ( $_[0]->default_date_format, $_[0]->default_time_format )[ $_[0]->_datetime_format_pattern_order ] }

sub default_date_format_length { $_[0]->{default_date_format_length} }
sub default_time_format_length { $_[0]->{default_time_format_length} }

sub set_default_date_format_length
    my $self = shift;
    my ($l) = validate_pos( @_, { regex => qr/^(?:full|long|medium|short)$/i } );

    $self->{default_date_format_length} = lc $l;

sub set_default_time_format_length
    my $self = shift;
    my ($l) = validate_pos( @_, { regex => qr/^(?:full|long|medium|short)/i } );

    $self->{default_time_format_length} = lc $l;

sub STORABLE_freeze
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->id;

sub STORABLE_thaw
    my $self = shift;
    my $cloning = shift;
    my $serialized = shift;

    my $obj = DateTime::Locale->load( $serialized );

    %$self = %$obj;

    return $self;



=head1 NAME

DateTime::Locale::Base - Base class for individual locale objects


  use base 'DateTime::Locale::Base';


Each locale has a set of four default date and time formats.  They are
distinguished by length, and are called "full", "long", "medium", and
"short".  Each locale may have a different default length which it
uses when its C<default_date_format()>, C<default_time_format()>, or
C<default_datetime_format()> methods are called.

This can be changed by calling the C<set_default_date_format()> or
C<set_default_time_format()> methods.  These methods accept a string
which must be one of "full", "long", "medium", or "short".


If you are writing a subclass of this class, then you must provide the
following methods:

=over 4

=item * month_names

Returns an array reference containing the full names of the months,
with January as the first month.

=item * month_abbreviations

Returns an array reference containing the abbreviated names of the
months, with January as the first month.

=item * month_narrows

Returns an array reference containing the narrow names of the months,
with January as the first month.  Narrow names are the shortest
possible names, and need not be unique.

=item * day_names

Returns an array reference containing the full names of the days,
with Monday as the first day.

=item * day_abbreviations

Returns an array reference containing the abbreviated names of the
days, with Monday as the first day.

=item * day_narrows

Returns an array reference containing the narrow names of the days,
with Monday as the first day.  Narrow names are the shortest possible
names, and need not be unique.

=item * am_pms

Returns an array reference containing the localized forms of "AM" and

=item * eras

Returns an array reference containing the localized forms of "BCE" and

=item * long_date_format, full_date_format, medium_date_format, short_date_format

Returns the date format of the appropriate length.

=item * long_time_format, full_time_format, medium_time_format, short_time_format

Returns the date format of the appropriate length.

=item * date_before_time

This returns a boolean value indicating whether or not the date comes
before the time when formatting a complete date and time for

=item * date_parts_order

This returns a string indicating the order of the parts of a date that
is in the form XX/YY/ZZ.  The possible values are "dmy", "mdy", "ydm"
and "ymd".

=item * _default_date_format_length

This should return a string which is one of "long", "full", "medium",
or "short".  It indicates the default date format length for the

=item * _default_time_format_length

This should return a string which is one of "long", "full", "medium",
or "short".  It indicates the default time format length for the


=head1 SUPPORT

Support for this module is provided via the email
list. See for more details.

=head1 AUTHORS

Richard Evans <>

Dave Rolsky <>


Copyright (c) 2003 Richard Evans. Copyright (c) 2004-2005 David
Rolsky. All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.

The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included
with this module.
