use strict; use Test::More; BEGIN { eval "use DBIx::Class::CDBICompat;"; if ($@) { plan (skip_all => 'Class::Trigger and DBIx::ContextualFetch required'); next; } eval "use DBD::SQLite"; plan $@ ? (skip_all => 'needs DBD::SQLite for testing') : (tests => 50); } use lib 't/testlib'; use Actor; use Film; Film->has_many(actors => 'Actor'); Actor->has_a('film' => 'Film'); Actor->add_constructor(double_search => 'name = ? AND salary = ?'); my $film = Film->create({ Title => 'MY Film' }); my $film2 = Film->create({ Title => 'Another Film' }); my @act = ( Actor->create( { name => 'Actor 1', film => $film, salary => 10, } ), Actor->create( { name => 'Actor 2', film => $film, salary => 20, } ), Actor->create( { name => 'Actor 3', film => $film, salary => 30, } ), Actor->create( { name => 'Actor 4', film => $film2, salary => 50, } ), ); eval { my @actors = $film->actors(name => 'Actor 1'); is @actors, 1, "Got one actor from restricted has_many"; is $actors[0]->name, "Actor 1", "Correct name"; }; is $@, '', "No errors"; { my @actors = Actor->double_search("Actor 1", 10); is @actors, 1, "Got one actor"; is $actors[0]->name, "Actor 1", "Correct name"; } { ok my @actors = Actor->salary_between(0, 100), "Range 0 - 100"; is @actors, 4, "Got all"; } { my @actors = Actor->salary_between(100, 200); is @actors, 0, "None in Range 100 - 200"; } { ok my @actors = Actor->salary_between(0, 10), "Range 0 - 10"; is @actors, 1, "Got 1"; is $actors[0]->name, $act[0]->name, "Actor 1"; } { ok my @actors = Actor->salary_between(20, 30), "Range 20 - 20"; @actors = sort { $a->salary <=> $b->salary } @actors; is @actors, 2, "Got 2"; is $actors[0]->name, $act[1]->name, "Actor 2"; is $actors[1]->name, $act[2]->name, "and Actor 3"; } { ok my @actors = Actor->search(Film => $film), "Search by object"; is @actors, 3, "3 actors in film 1"; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Iterators #---------------------------------------------------------------------- my $it_class = 'DBIx::Class::ResultSet'; sub test_normal_iterator { my $it = $film->actors; isa_ok $it, $it_class; is $it->count, 3, " - with 3 elements"; my $i = 0; while (my $film = $it->next) { is $film->name, $act[ $i++ ]->name, "Get $i"; } ok !$it->next, "No more"; is $it->first->name, $act[0]->name, "Get first"; } test_normal_iterator; { Film->has_many(actor_ids => [ Actor => 'id' ]); my $it = $film->actor_ids; isa_ok $it, $it_class; is $it->count, 3, " - with 3 elements"; my $i = 0; while (my $film_id = $it->next) { is $film_id, $act[ $i++ ]->id, "Get id $i"; } ok !$it->next, "No more"; is $it->first, $act[0]->id, "Get first"; } # make sure nothing gets clobbered; test_normal_iterator; SKIP: { #skip "dbic iterators don't support slice yet", 12; { my @acts = $film->actors->slice(1, 2); is @acts, 2, "Slice gives 2 actor"; is $acts[0]->name, "Actor 2", "Actor 2"; is $acts[1]->name, "Actor 3", "and actor 3"; } { my @acts = $film->actors->slice(1); is @acts, 1, "Slice of 1 actor"; is $acts[0]->name, "Actor 2", "Actor 2"; } { my @acts = $film->actors->slice(2, 8); is @acts, 1, "Slice off the end"; is $acts[0]->name, "Actor 3", "Gets last actor only"; } package Class::DBI::My::Iterator; use vars qw/@ISA/; @ISA = ($it_class); sub slice { qw/fred barney/ } package main; Actor->iterator_class('Class::DBI::My::Iterator'); delete $film->{related_resultsets}; { my @acts = $film->actors->slice(1, 2); is @acts, 2, "Slice gives 2 results"; ok eq_set(\@acts, [qw/fred barney/]), "Fred and Barney"; ok $film->actors->delete_all, "Can delete via iterator"; is $film->actors, 0, "no actors left"; eval { $film->actors->delete_all }; is $@, '', "Deleting again does no harm"; } } # end SKIP block