use strict; use warnings; use Test::More qw(no_plan); use lib qw(t/lib); use DBICTest; use DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator; my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema(); # Under some versions of SQLite if the $rs is left hanging around it will lock # So we create a scope here cos I'm lazy { my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD'); # get the defined columns my @dbic_cols = sort $rs->result_source->columns; # use the hashref inflator class as result class $rs->result_class('DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator'); # fetch first record my $datahashref1 = $rs->first; my @hashref_cols = sort keys %$datahashref1; is_deeply( \@dbic_cols, \@hashref_cols, 'returned columns' ); } sub check_cols_of { my ($dbic_obj, $datahashref) = @_; foreach my $col (keys %$datahashref) { # plain column if (not ref ($datahashref->{$col}) ) { is ($datahashref->{$col}, $dbic_obj->get_column($col), 'same value'); } # related table entry (belongs_to) elsif (ref ($datahashref->{$col}) eq 'HASH') { check_cols_of($dbic_obj->$col, $datahashref->{$col}); } # multiple related entries (has_many) elsif (ref ($datahashref->{$col}) eq 'ARRAY') { my @dbic_reltable = $dbic_obj->$col; my @hashref_reltable = @{$datahashref->{$col}}; is (scalar @hashref_reltable, scalar @dbic_reltable, 'number of related entries'); # for my $index (0..scalar @hashref_reltable) { for my $index (0..scalar @dbic_reltable) { my $dbic_reltable_obj = $dbic_reltable[$index]; my $hashref_reltable_entry = $hashref_reltable[$index]; check_cols_of($dbic_reltable_obj, $hashref_reltable_entry); } } } } # create a cd without tracks for testing empty has_many relationship $schema->resultset('CD')->create({ title => 'Silence is golden', artist => 3, year => 2006 }); # order_by to ensure both resultsets have the rows in the same order my $rs_dbic = $schema->resultset('CD')->search(undef, { prefetch => [ qw/ artist tracks / ], order_by => [ 'me.cdid', 'tracks.position' ], } ); my $rs_hashrefinf = $schema->resultset('CD')->search(undef, { prefetch => [ qw/ artist tracks / ], order_by => [ 'me.cdid', 'tracks.position' ], } ); $rs_hashrefinf->result_class('DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator'); my @dbic = $rs_dbic->all; my @hashrefinf = $rs_hashrefinf->all; for my $index (0..scalar @hashrefinf) { my $dbic_obj = $dbic[$index]; my $datahashref = $hashrefinf[$index]; check_cols_of($dbic_obj, $datahashref); }