use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; #use DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI; use DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Oracle::WhereJoins; plan tests => 4; my $sa = new DBIC::SQL::Abstract::Oracle; $sa->limit_dialect('RowNum'); is($sa->select('rubbish', [ '', '', \'TO_CHAR(foo.womble, "blah")' ], undef, undef, 1, 3), 'SELECT * FROM ( SELECT A.*, ROWNUM r FROM ( SELECT AS col1, AS col2, TO_CHAR(foo.womble, "blah") AS col3 FROM rubbish ) A WHERE ROWNUM < 5 ) B WHERE r >= 4 ', 'Munged stuff to make Oracle not explode'); # test WhereJoins # search with undefined or empty $cond # my ($self, $table, $fields, $where, $order, @rest) = @_; is($sa->select([ { me => "cd" }, [ { "-join_type" => "LEFT", artist => "artist" }, { "artist.artistid" => "me.artist" }, ], ], [ 'cd.cdid', 'cd.artist', 'cd.title', 'cd.year', 'artist.artistid', '' ], undef, undef), 'SELECT cd.cdid, cd.artist, cd.title, cd.year, artist.artistid, FROM cd me, artist artist WHERE ( artist.artistid(+) = me.artist )', 'WhereJoins search with empty where clause'); is($sa->select([ { me => "cd" }, [ { "-join_type" => "", artist => "artist" }, { "artist.artistid" => "me.artist" }, ], ], [ 'cd.cdid', 'cd.artist', 'cd.title', 'cd.year', 'artist.artistid', '' ], { 'artist.artistid' => 3 }, undef), 'SELECT cd.cdid, cd.artist, cd.title, cd.year, artist.artistid, FROM cd me, artist artist WHERE ( ( ( artist.artistid = me.artist ) AND ( artist.artistid = ? ) ) )', 'WhereJoins search with where clause'); is($sa->select([ { me => "cd" }, [ { "-join_type" => "LEFT", artist => "artist" }, { "artist.artistid" => "me.artist" }, ], ], [ 'cd.cdid', 'cd.artist', 'cd.title', 'cd.year', 'artist.artistid', '' ], [{ 'artist.artistid' => 3 }, { 'me.cdid' => 5 }], undef), 'SELECT cd.cdid, cd.artist, cd.title, cd.year, artist.artistid, FROM cd me, artist artist WHERE ( ( ( artist.artistid(+) = me.artist ) AND ( ( ( artist.artistid = ? ) OR ( me.cdid = ? ) ) ) ) )', 'WhereJoins search with or in where clause');