package SQL::Abstract::Limit; use strict; use warnings; use Carp(); use DBI::Const::GetInfoType (); use SQL::Abstract 1.20; use base 'SQL::Abstract'; =head1 NAME SQL::Abstract::Limit - portable LIMIT emulation =cut our $VERSION = '0.12'; # additions / error reports welcome ! our %SyntaxMap = ( mssql => 'Top', access => 'Top', sybase => 'GenericSubQ', oracle => 'RowNum', db2 => 'FetchFirst', ingres => '', adabasd => '', informix => 'First', # asany => '', # more recent MySQL versions support LimitOffset as well mysql => 'LimitXY', mysqlpp => 'LimitXY', maxdb => 'LimitXY', # MySQL pg => 'LimitOffset', pgpp => 'LimitOffset', sqlite => 'LimitOffset', sqlite2 => 'LimitOffset', interbase => 'RowsTo', unify => '', primebase => '', mimer => '', # anything that uses SQL::Statement can use LimitXY, I think sprite => 'LimitXY', wtsprite => 'LimitXY', anydata => 'LimitXY', csv => 'LimitXY', ram => 'LimitXY', dbm => 'LimitXY', excel => 'LimitXY', google => 'LimitXY', ); =head1 SYNOPSIS use SQL::Abstract::Limit; my $sql = SQL::Abstract::Limit->new( limit_dialect => 'LimitOffset' );; # or autodetect from a DBI $dbh: my $sql = SQL::Abstract::Limit->new( limit_dialect => $dbh ); # or from a Class::DBI class: my $sql = SQL::Abstract::Limit->new( limit_dialect => 'My::CDBI::App' ); # or object: my $obj = My::CDBI::App->retrieve( $id ); my $sql = SQL::Abstract::Limit->new( limit_dialect => $obj ); # generate SQL: my ( $stmt, @bind ) = $sql->select( $table, \@fields, \%where, \@order, $limit, $offset ); # Then, use these in your DBI statements my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $stmt ); $sth->execute( @bind ); # Just generate the WHERE clause (only available for some syntaxes) my ( $stmt, @bind ) = $sql->where( \%where, \@order, $limit, $offset ); =head1 DESCRIPTION Portability layer for LIMIT emulation. =over 4 =item new( case => 'lower', cmp => 'like', logic => 'and', convert => 'upper', limit_dialect => 'Top' ) All settings are optional. =over 8 =item limit_dialect Sets the default syntax model to use for emulating a C clause. Default setting is C. You can still pass other syntax settings in method calls, this just sets the default. Possible values are: LimitOffset PostgreSQL, SQLite LimitXY MySQL, MaxDB, anything that uses SQL::Statement LimitYX SQLite (optional) RowsTo InterBase/FireBird Top SQL/Server, MS Access RowNum Oracle FetchFirst DB2 First Informix # not implemented yet GenericSubQ Sybase, plus any databases not recognised by this module $dbh a DBI database handle CDBI subclass CDBI object other DBI-based thing The first group are implemented by appending a short clause to the end of the statement. The second group require more intricate wrapping of the original statement in subselects. You can pass a L database handle, and the module will figure out which dialect to use. You can pass a L subclass or object, and the module will find the C<$dbh> and use it to find the dialect. Anything else based on L can be easily added by locating the C<$dbh>. Patches or suggestions welcome. =back Other options are described in L. =item select( $table, \@fields, $where, [ \@order, [ $rows, [ $offset ], [ $dialect ] ] ] ) Same as C, but accepts additional C<$rows>, C<$offset> and C<$dialect> parameters. The C<$order> parameter is required if C<$rows> is specified. The C<$fields> parameter is required, but can be set to C, C<''> or C<'*'> (all these get set to C<'*'>). The C<$where> parameter is also required. It can be a hashref or an arrayref, or C. =cut sub select { my $self = shift; my $table = $self->_table(shift); my $fields = shift; my $where = shift; # if ref( $_[0] ) eq 'HASH'; my ( $order, $rows, $offset, $syntax ) = $self->_get_args( @_ ); $fields ||= '*'; # in case someone supplies '' or undef # with no LIMIT parameters, defer to SQL::Abstract [ don't know why the first way fails ] # return $self->SUPER::select( $table, $fields, $where, $order ) unless $rows; return SQL::Abstract->new->select( $table, $fields, $where, $order ) unless $rows; # with LIMIT parameters, get the basic SQL without the ORDER BY clause my ( $sql, @bind ) = $self->SUPER::select( $table, $fields, $where ); my $syntax_name = $self->_find_syntax( $syntax ); $sql = $self->_emulate_limit( $syntax_name, $sql, $order, $rows, $offset ); return wantarray ? ( $sql, @bind ) : $sql; } =item where( [ $where, [ \@order, [ $rows, [ $offset ], [ $dialect ] ] ] ] ) Same as C, but accepts additional C<$rows>, C<$offset> and C<$dialect> parameters. Some SQL dialects support syntaxes that can be applied as simple phrases tacked on to the end of the WHERE clause. These are: LimitOffset LimitXY LimitYX RowsTo This method returns a modified WHERE clause, if the limit syntax is set to one of these options (either in the call to C or in the constructor), and if C<$rows> is passed in. Dies via C if you try to use it for other syntaxes. C<$order> is required if C<$rows> is set. C<$where> is required if any other parameters are specified. It can be a hashref or an arrayref, or C. Returns a regular C clause if no limits are set. =cut sub where { my $self = shift; my $where = shift; # if ref( $_[0] ) eq 'HASH'; my ( $order, $rows, $offset, $syntax ) = $self->_get_args( @_ ); my ( $sql, @bind ); if ( $rows ) { ( $sql, @bind ) = $self->SUPER::where( $where ); my $syntax_name = $self->_find_syntax( $syntax ); Carp::croak( "can't build a stand-alone WHERE clause for $syntax_name" ) unless $syntax_name =~ /(?:LimitOffset|LimitXY|LimitYX|RowsTo)/i; $sql = $self->_emulate_limit( $syntax_name, $sql, $order, $rows, $offset ); } else { # ( $sql, @bind ) = $self->SUPER::where( $where, $order ); } return wantarray ? ( $sql, @bind ) : $sql; } sub _get_args { my $self = shift; my $order = shift; my $rows = shift; my $offset = shift if ( $_[0] && $_[0] =~ /^\d+$/ ); my $syntax = shift || $self->_default_limit_syntax; return $order, $rows, $offset, $syntax; } =item insert =item update =item delete =item values =item generate See L for these methods. C and C are not provided with any C emulation in this release, and no support is planned at the moment. But patches would be welcome. =back =cut sub _default_limit_syntax { $_[0]->{limit_dialect} || 'GenericSubQ' } sub _emulate_limit { my ( $self, $syntax, $sql, $order, $rows, $offset ) = @_; $offset ||= 0; Carp::croak( "rows must be a number (got $rows)" ) unless $rows =~ /^\d+$/; Carp::croak( "offset must be a number (got $offset)" ) unless $offset =~ /^\d+$/; my $method = $self->can( 'emulate_limit' ) || "_$syntax"; $sql = $self->$method( $sql, $order, $rows, $offset ); return $sql; } sub _find_syntax { my ($self, $syntax) = @_; # $syntax is a dialect name, database name, $dbh, or CDBI class or object Carp::croak('no syntax') unless $syntax; my $db; # note: tests arranged so that the eval isn't run against a scalar $syntax # see rt #15000 if (ref $syntax) # a $dbh or a CDBI object { if ( UNIVERSAL::isa($syntax => 'Class::DBI') ) { $db = $self->_find_database_from_cdbi($syntax); } elsif ( eval { $syntax->{Driver}->{Name} } ) # or use isa DBI::db ? { $db = $self->_find_database_from_dbh($syntax); } } else # string - CDBI class, db name, or dialect name { if (exists $SyntaxMap{lc $syntax}) { # the name of a database $db = $syntax; } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($syntax => 'Class::DBI')) { # a CDBI class $db = $self->_find_database_from_cdbi($syntax); } else { # or it's already a syntax dialect return $syntax; } } return $self->_find_syntax_from_database($db) if $db; # if you get here, you might like to provide a patch to determine the # syntax model for your object or ref e.g. by getting at the $dbh stored in it warn "can't determine syntax model for $syntax - using default"; return $self->_default_limit_syntax; } # most of this code modified from DBIx::AnyDBD::rebless sub _find_database_from_dbh { my ( $self, $dbh ) = @_; my $driver = ucfirst( $dbh->{Driver}->{Name} ) || Carp::croak( "no driver in $dbh" ); if ( $driver eq 'Proxy' ) { # Looking into the internals of DBD::Proxy is maybe a little questionable ( $driver ) = $dbh->{proxy_client}->{application} =~ /^DBI:(.+?):/; } # what about DBD::JDBC ? my ( $odbc, $ado ) = ( $driver eq 'ODBC', $driver eq 'ADO' ); if ( $odbc || $ado ) { my $name; # $name = $dbh->func( 17, 'GetInfo' ) if $odbc; $name = $dbh->get_info( $DBI::Const::GetInfoType::GetInfoType{SQL_DBMS_NAME} ) if $odbc; $name = $dbh->{ado_conn}->Properties->Item( 'DBMS Name' )->Value if $ado; die "can't determine driver name for ODBC or ADO handle: $dbh" unless $name; CASE: { $driver = 'MSSQL', last CASE if $name eq 'Microsoft SQL Server'; $driver = 'Sybase', last CASE if $name eq 'SQL Server'; $driver = 'Oracle', last CASE if $name =~ /Oracle/; $driver = 'ASAny', last CASE if $name eq 'Adaptive Server Anywhere'; $driver = 'AdabasD', last CASE if $name eq 'ADABAS D'; # this should catch Access (ACCESS) and Informix (Informix) $driver = lc( $name ); $driver =~ s/\b(\w)/uc($1)/eg; $driver =~ s/\s+/_/g; } } die "couldn't find DBD driver in $dbh" unless $driver; # $driver now holds a string identifying the database server - in the future, # it might return an object with extra information e.g. version return $driver; } # $cdbi can be a class or object sub _find_database_from_cdbi { my ($self, $cdbi) = @_; # inherits from Ima::DBI my ($dbh) = $cdbi->db_handles; Carp::croak "no \$dbh in $cdbi" unless $dbh; return $self->_find_database_from_dbh($dbh); } # currently expects a string (database moniker), but this may become an object # with e.g. version string etc. sub _find_syntax_from_database { my ( $self, $db ) = @_; my $syntax = $SyntaxMap{ lc( $db ) }; return $syntax if $syntax; my $msg = defined $syntax ? "no dialect known for $db - using GenericSubQ dialect" : "unknown database $db - using GenericSubQ dialect"; warn $msg; return 'GenericSubQ'; } # DBIx::SearchBuilder LIMIT emulation: # Oracle - RowNum # Pg - LimitOffset # Sybase - doesn't emulate # Informix - First - but can only retrieve 1st page # SQLite - default # MySQL - default # default - LIMIT $offset, $rows # or LIMIT $rows # if $offset == 0 # DBIx::Compat also tries, but only for the easy ones # --------------------------------- # LIMIT emulation routines # utility for some emulations sub _order_directions { my ( $self, $order ) = @_; return unless $order; my $ref = ref $order; my @order; CASE: { @order = @$order, last CASE if $ref eq 'ARRAY'; @order = ( $order ), last CASE unless $ref; @order = ( $$order ), last CASE if $ref eq 'SCALAR'; Carp::croak __PACKAGE__ . ": Unsupported data struct $ref for ORDER BY"; } my ( $order_by_up, $order_by_down ); foreach my $spec ( @order ) { my @spec = split ' ', $spec; Carp::croak( "bad column order spec: $spec" ) if @spec > 2; push( @spec, 'ASC' ) unless @spec == 2; my ( $col, $up ) = @spec; # or maybe down $up = uc( $up ); Carp::croak( "bad direction: $up" ) unless $up =~ /^(?:ASC|DESC)$/; $order_by_up .= ", $col $up"; my $down = $up eq 'ASC' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'; $order_by_down .= ", $col $down"; } s/^,/ORDER BY/ for ( $order_by_up, $order_by_down ); return $order_by_up, $order_by_down; } # From # When writing SQL to retrieve the first 10 rows for paging, you could write... # Database SQL Syntax # DB2 select * from table fetch first 10 rows only # Informix select first 10 * from table # Microsoft SQL Server and Access select top 10 * from table # MySQL and PostgreSQL select * from table limit 10 # Oracle 8i select * from (select * from table) where rownum <= 10 =head2 Limit emulation The following dialects are available for emulating the LIMIT clause. In each case, C<$sql> represents the SQL statement generated by C, minus the ORDER BY clause, e.g. SELECT foo, bar FROM my_table WHERE some_conditions C<$sql_after_select> represents C<$sql> with the leading C clause (i.e. the first column in the C<\@fields> parameter). The results will be sorted by that unique column, so any C<$order> parameter is ignored, unless it matches the unique column, in which case the direction of the sort is honoured. =over 8 =item Syntax SELECT field_list FROM $table X WHERE where_clause AND ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table WHERE $pk > X.$pk ) BETWEEN $offset AND $last ORDER BY $pk $asc_desc C<$pk> is the first column in C. C<$asc_desc> is the opposite direction to that specified in the method call. So if you want the final results sorted C, say so, and it gets flipped internally, but the results come out as you'd expect. I think. The C clause is replaced with C $rows> if <$offset == 0>. =item Databases Sybase Anything not otherwise known to this module. =back =cut sub _GenericSubQ { my ( $self, $sql, $order, $rows, $offset ) = @_; my $last = $rows + $offset; my $order_by = $self->_order_by( $order ); my ( $pk, $table ) = $sql =~ /^\s*SELECT\s+(\w+),?.*\sFROM\s+([\w]+)/i; #warn "pk: $pk"; #warn "table: $table"; # get specified sort order and swap it to get the expected output (I think?) my ( $asc_desc ) = $order_by =~ /\b$pk\s+(ASC|DESC)\s*/i; $asc_desc = uc( $asc_desc ) || 'ASC'; $asc_desc = $asc_desc eq 'ASC' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'; $sql =~ s/FROM $table /FROM $table X /; my $limit = $offset ? "BETWEEN $offset AND $last" : "< $rows"; $sql = <<""; $sql AND ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table WHERE $pk > X.$pk ) $limit ORDER BY $pk $asc_desc return $sql; } =begin notes 1st page: SELECT id, field1, fieldn FROM table_xyz X WHERE ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_xyz WHERE id > ) < 100 ORDER BY id DESC Next page: SELECT id, field1, fieldn FROM table_xyz X WHERE ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_xyz WHERE id > ) BETWEEN 100 AND 199 ORDER BY id DESC,,sid63_gci978197,00.html We can adapt the generic Top N query to this task. I would not use the generic method when TOP or LIMIT is available, but you're right, the previous answer is incomplete without this. Using the same table and column names, the top 100 ids are given by: SELECT id, field1, fieldn FROM table_xyz X WHERE ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_xyz WHERE id > ) < 100 ORDER BY id DESC The subquery is correlated, which means that it will be evaluated for each row of the outer query. The subquery says "count the number of rows that have an id that is greater than this id." Note that the sort order is descending, so we are looking for ids that are greater, i.e. higher up in the result set. If that number is less than 100, then this row must be one of the top 100. Simple, eh? Unfortunately, it runs quite slowly. Furthermore, it takes ties into consideration, which is good, but this means that the number of rows returned isn't always going to be exactly 100 -- there will be extra rows if there are ties extending across the 100th place. Next, we need the second set of 100: select id , field1 , fieldn from table_xyz X where ( select count(*) from table_xyz where id > ) between 100 and 199 order by id desc See the pattern? Note that the same caveat applies about ties that extend across 200th place. =end notes =item First =over 8 =item Syntax Looks to be identical to C, e.g. C. =item $order The C parameter passed to the C and C methods can be a number of things. The module will attempt to determine the appropriate syntax to use. Supported C<$dialect> things are: dialect name (e.g. LimitOffset, RowsTo, Top etc.) database moniker (e.g. Oracle, SQLite etc.) DBI database handle Class::DBI subclass or object =head1 CAVEATS Paging results sets is a complicated undertaking, with several competing factors to take into account. This module does B magically give you the optimum paging solution for your situation. It gives you a solution that may be good enough in many situations. But if your tables are large, the SQL generated here will often not be efficient. Or if your queries involve joins or other complications, you will probably need to look elsewhere. But if your tables aren't too huge, and your queries straightforward, you can just plug this module in and move on to your next task. =head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to Aaron Johnson for the Top syntax model (SQL/Server and MS Access). Thanks to Emanuele Zeppieri for the IBM DB2 syntax model. =head1 TODO Find more syntaxes to implement. Test the syntaxes against real databases. I only have access to MySQL. Reports of success or failure would be great. =head1 DEPENDENCIES L, L, L. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L. =head1 BUGS Please report all bugs via the CPAN Request Tracker at L. =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2004 by David Baird. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 AUTHOR David Baird, C =head1 HOW IS IT DONE ELSEWHERE A few CPAN modules do this for a few databases, but the most comprehensive seem to be DBIx::SQLEngine, DBIx::SearchBuilder and DBIx::RecordSet. Have a look in the source code for my notes on how these modules tackle similar problems. =begin notes =over 4 =item DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle::Oracle Transform an SQL query from: SELECT main.* FROM Tickets main WHERE ((main.EffectiveId = AND ((main.Type = 'ticket')) AND ( ( (main.Status = 'new')OR(main.Status = 'open') ) AND ( (main.Queue = '1') ) ) to: SELECT * FROM ( SELECT limitquery.*,rownum limitrownum FROM ( SELECT main.* FROM Tickets main WHERE ((main.EffectiveId = AND ((main.Type = 'ticket')) AND ( ( (main.Status = 'new')OR(main.Status = 'open') ) AND ( (main.Queue = '1') ) ) ) limitquery WHERE rownum <= 50 ) WHERE limitrownum >= 1 if ($per_page) { # Oracle orders from 1 not zero $first++; # Make current query a sub select $$statementref = "SELECT * FROM ( SELECT limitquery.*,rownum limitrownum FROM ( $$statementref ) limitquery WHERE rownum <= " . ($first + $per_page - 1) . " ) WHERE limitrownum >= " . $first; } =item DBIx::SQLEngine::Driver sub sql_limit { my $self = shift; my ( $limit, $offset, $sql, @params ) = @_; $sql .= " limit $limit" if $limit; $sql .= " offset $offset" if $offset; return ($sql, @params); } =item DBIx::SQLEngine::Driver::AnyData Also: DBIx::SQLEngine::Driver::CSV Adds support for SQL select limit clause. TODO: Needs workaround to support offset. sub sql_limit { my $self = shift; my ( $limit, $offset, $sql, @params ) = @_; # You can't apply "limit" to non-table fetches $sql .= " limit $limit" if ( $sql =~ / from / ); return ($sql, @params); } =item DBIx::SQLEngine::Driver::Informix - Support DBD::Informix and DBD::ODBC/Informix =item sql_limit() Not yet supported. Perhaps we should use "first $maxrows" and throw out the first $offset? =back =cut sub sql_limit { confess("Not yet supported") } =item DBIx::SQLEngine::Driver::MSSQL - Support DBD::ODBC with Microsoft SQL Server =item sql_limit() Adds support for SQL select limit clause. =back =cut sub sql_limit { my $self = shift; my ( $limit, $offset, $sql, @params ) = @_; # You can't apply "limit" to non-table fetches like "select LAST_INSERT_ID" if ( $sql =~ /\bfrom\b/ and defined $limit or defined $offset) { $sql .= " limit $limit" if $limit; $sql .= " offset $offset" if $offset; } return ($sql, @params); } =item DBIx::SQLEngine::Driver::Mysql - Support DBD::mysql =item sql_limit() Adds support for SQL select limit clause. =back =cut sub sql_limit { my $self = shift; my ( $limit, $offset, $sql, @params ) = @_; # You can't apply "limit" to non-table fetches like "select LAST_INSERT_ID" if ( $sql =~ /\bfrom\b/ and $limit or $offset) { $limit ||= 1_000_000; # MySQL select with offset requires a limit $sql .= " limit " . ( $offset ? "$offset," : '' ) . $limit; } return ($sql, @params); } =item DBIx::SQLEngine::Driver::Oracle - Support DBD::Oracle and DBD::ODBC/Oracle =item sql_limit() Adds support for SQL select limit clause. Implemented as a subselect with ROWNUM. =back =cut sub sql_limit { my $self = shift; my ( $limit, $offset, $sql, @params ) = @_; # remove tablealiases and group-functions from outer query properties my ($properties) = ($sql =~ /^\s*SELECT\s(.*?)\sFROM\s/i); $properties =~ s/[^\s]+\s*as\s*//ig; $properties =~ s/\w+\.//g; $offset ||= 0; my $position = ( $offset + $limit ); $sql = <<""; SELECT $properties FROM ( SELECT $properties, ROWNUM AS sqle_position FROM ( $sql ) ) WHERE sqle_position > $offset AND sqle_position <= $position return ($sql, @params); } =item DBIx::SQLEngine::Driver::Pg - Support DBD::Pg =head2 sql_limit $sqldb->sql_limit( $limit, $offset, $sql, @params ) : $sql, @params Adds support for SQL select limit clause. =cut sub sql_limit { my $self = shift; my ( $limit, $offset, $sql, @params ) = @_; # You can't apply "limit" to non-table fetches like "select LAST_INSERT_ID" if ( $sql =~ /\bfrom\b/ and defined $limit or defined $offset) { $sql .= " limit $limit" if $limit; $sql .= " offset $offset" if $offset; } return ($sql, @params); } =item DBIx::SQLEngine::Driver::SQLite - Support DBD::SQLite driver =head2 sql_limit Adds support for SQL select limit clause. =cut sub sql_limit { my $self = shift; my ( $limit, $offset, $sql, @params ) = @_; # You can't apply "limit" to non-table fetches like "select LAST_INSERT_ID" if ( $sql =~ /\bfrom\b/ and defined $limit or defined $offset) { $sql .= " limit $limit" if $limit; $sql .= " offset $offset" if $offset; } return ($sql, @params); } =item DBIx::SQLEngine::Driver::Sybase - Extends SQLEngine for DBMS Idiosyncrasies =item sql_limit() Not yet supported. See =back =cut sub sql_limit { confess("Not yet supported") } =item DBIx::SQLEngine::Driver::Sybase::MSSQL - Support DBD::Sybase with Microsoft SQL Nothing. =back =cut =end notes