########################################################################### # # This file is auto-generated by the Perl DateTime Suite time locale # generator (0.02). This code generator comes with the # DateTime::Locale distribution in the tools/ directory, and is called # generate_from_icu. # # This file as generated from the ICU XML locale data. See the # LICENSE.icu file included in this distribution for license details. # # This file was generated from the source file da.xml. # The source file version number was 1.3, generated on # 2005-01-28T21:56:00Z. # # Do not edit this file directly. # ########################################################################### package DateTime::Locale::da; use strict; BEGIN { if ( $] >= 5.006 ) { require utf8; utf8->import; } } use DateTime::Locale::root; @DateTime::Locale::da::ISA = qw(DateTime::Locale::root); my @day_names = ( "mandag", "tirsdag", "onsdag", "torsdag", "fredag", "lørdag", "søndag", ); my @day_abbreviations = ( "man", "tir", "ons", "tor", "fre", "lør", "søn", ); my @day_narrows = ( "M", "T", "O", "T", "F", "L", "S", ); my @month_names = ( "januar", "februar", "marts", "april", "maj", "juni", "juli", "august", "september", "oktober", "november", "december", ); my @month_abbreviations = ( "jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "maj", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", "okt", "nov", "dec", ); my @month_narrows = ( "J", "F", "M", "A", "M", "J", "J", "A", "S", "O", "N", "D", ); my @eras = ( "f\.Kr\.", "e\.Kr\.", ); my $date_parts_order = "dmy"; sub day_names { \@day_names } sub day_abbreviations { \@day_abbreviations } sub day_narrows { \@day_narrows } sub month_names { \@month_names } sub month_abbreviations { \@month_abbreviations } sub month_narrows { \@month_narrows } sub eras { \@eras } sub full_date_format { "\%A\ \%d\ \%B\ \%\{ce_year\}" } sub long_date_format { "\%\{day\}\.\ \%b\ \%\{ce_year\}" } sub medium_date_format { "\%d\-\%m\-\%\{ce_year\}" } sub short_date_format { "\%d\-\%m\-\%y" } sub date_parts_order { $date_parts_order } 1;