package DateTime::Format::ISO8601; use strict; use warnings; use vars qw( $VERSION ); $VERSION = '0.0402'; use Carp qw( croak ); use DateTime; use DateTime::Format::Builder; use Params::Validate qw( validate validate_pos BOOLEAN OBJECT SCALAR ); { my $default_legacy_year; sub DefaultLegacyYear { my $class = shift; ( $default_legacy_year ) = validate_pos( @_, { type => BOOLEAN, callbacks => { 'is 0, 1, or undef' => sub { ! defined( $_[0] ) || $_[0] == 0 || $_[0] == 1 }, }, } ) if @_; return $default_legacy_year; } } __PACKAGE__->DefaultLegacyYear( 1 ); { my $default_cut_off_year; sub DefaultCutOffYear { my $class = shift; ( $default_cut_off_year ) = validate_pos( @_, { type => SCALAR, callbacks => { 'is between 0 and 99' => sub { $_[0] >= 0 && $_[0] <= 99 }, }, } ) if @_; return $default_cut_off_year; } } # the same default value as DT::F::Mail __PACKAGE__->DefaultCutOffYear( 49 ); sub new { my( $class ) = shift; my %args = validate( @_, { base_datetime => { type => OBJECT, can => 'utc_rd_values', optional => 1, }, legacy_year => { type => BOOLEAN, default => $class->DefaultLegacyYear, callbacks => { 'is 0, 1, or undef' => sub { ! defined( $_[0] ) || $_[0] == 0 || $_[0] == 1 }, }, }, cut_off_year => { type => SCALAR, default => $class->DefaultCutOffYear, callbacks => { 'is between 0 and 99' => sub { $_[0] >= 0 && $_[0] <= 99 }, }, }, } ); $class = ref( $class ) || $class; my $self = bless( \%args, $class ); if ( $args{ base_datetime } ) { $self->set_base_datetime( object => $args{ base_datetime } ); } return( $self ); } # lifted from DateTime sub clone { bless { %{ $_[0] } }, ref $_[0] } sub base_datetime { $_[0]->{ base_datetime } } sub set_base_datetime { my $self = shift; my %args = validate( @_, { object => { type => OBJECT, can => 'utc_rd_values', }, } ); # ISO8601 only allows years 0 to 9999 # this implimentation ignores the needs of expanded formats my $dt = DateTime->from_object( object => $args{ object } ); my $lower_bound = DateTime->new( year => 0 )->subtract( nanoseconds => 1 ); my $upper_bound = DateTime->new( year => 10000 ); if ( DateTime->compare( $dt, $lower_bound ) != 1 ) { croak "base_datetime must be greater then ", $lower_bound->iso8601; } if ( DateTime->compare( $dt, $upper_bound ) != -1 ) { croak "base_datetime must be less then ", $upper_bound->iso8601; } $self->{ base_datetime } = $dt; return $self; } sub legacy_year { $_[0]->{ legacy_year } } sub set_legacy_year { my $self = shift; my @args = validate_pos( @_, { type => BOOLEAN, callbacks => { 'is 0, 1, or undef' => sub { ! defined( $_[0] ) || $_[0] == 0 || $_[0] == 1 }, }, } ); $self->{ legacy_year } = $args[0]; return $self; } sub cut_off_year { $_[0]->{ cut_off_year } } sub set_cut_off_year { my $self = shift; my @args = validate_pos( @_, { type => SCALAR, callbacks => { 'is between 0 and 99' => sub { $_[0] >= 0 && $_[0] <= 99 }, }, } ); $self->{ cut_off_year } = $args[0]; return $self; } DateTime::Format::Builder->create_class( parsers => { parse_datetime => [ { #YYYYMMDD 19850412 length => 8, regex => qr/^ (\d{4}) (\d\d) (\d\d) $/x, params => [ qw( year month day ) ], }, { # uncombined with above because #regex => qr/^ (\d{4}) -?? (\d\d) -?? (\d\d) $/x, # was matching 152746-05 #YYYY-MM-DD 1985-04-12 length => 10, regex => qr/^ (\d{4}) - (\d\d) - (\d\d) $/x, params => [ qw( year month day ) ], }, { #YYYY-MM 1985-04 length => 7, regex => qr/^ (\d{4}) - (\d\d) $/x, params => [ qw( year month ) ], }, { #YYYY 1985 length => 4, regex => qr/^ (\d{4}) $/x, params => [ qw( year ) ], }, { #YY 19 (century) length => 2, regex => qr/^ (\d\d) $/x, params => [ qw( year ) ], postprocess => \&_normalize_century, }, { #YYMMDD 850412 #YY-MM-DD 85-04-12 length => [ qw( 6 8 ) ], regex => qr/^ (\d\d) -?? (\d\d) -?? (\d\d) $/x, params => [ qw( year month day ) ], postprocess => \&_fix_2_digit_year, }, { #-YYMM -8504 #-YY-MM -85-04 length => [ qw( 5 6 ) ], regex => qr/^ - (\d\d) -?? (\d\d) $/x, params => [ qw( year month ) ], postprocess => \&_fix_2_digit_year, }, { #-YY -85 length => 3, regex => qr/^ - (\d\d) $/x, params => [ qw( year ) ], postprocess => \&_fix_2_digit_year, }, { #--MMDD --0412 #--MM-DD --04-12 length => [ qw( 6 7 ) ], regex => qr/^ -- (\d\d) -?? (\d\d) $/x, params => [ qw( month day ) ], postprocess => \&_add_year, }, { #--MM --04 length => 4, regex => qr/^ -- (\d\d) $/x, params => [ qw( month ) ], postprocess => \&_add_year, }, { #---DD ---12 length => 5, regex => qr/^ --- (\d\d) $/x, params => [ qw( day ) ], postprocess => [ \&_add_year, \&_add_month ], }, { #+[YY]YYYYMMDD +0019850412 #+[YY]YYYY-MM-DD +001985-04-12 length => [ qw( 11 13 ) ], regex => qr/^ \+ (\d{6}) -?? (\d\d) -?? (\d\d) $/x, params => [ qw( year month day ) ], }, { #+[YY]YYYY-MM +001985-04 length => 10, regex => qr/^ \+ (\d{6}) - (\d\d) $/x, params => [ qw( year month ) ], }, { #+[YY]YYYY +001985 length => 7, regex => qr/^ \+ (\d{6}) $/x, params => [ qw( year ) ], }, { #+[YY]YY +0019 (century) length => 5, regex => qr/^ \+ (\d{4}) $/x, params => [ qw( year ) ], postprocess => \&_normalize_century, }, { #YYYYDDD 1985102 #YYYY-DDD 1985-102 length => [ qw( 7 8 ) ], regex => qr/^ (\d{4}) -?? (\d{3}) $/x, params => [ qw( year day_of_year ) ], constructor => [ 'DateTime', 'from_day_of_year' ], }, { #YYDDD 85102 #YY-DDD 85-102 length => [ qw( 5 6 ) ], regex => qr/^ (\d\d) -?? (\d{3}) $/x, params => [ qw( year day_of_year ) ], postprocess => [ \&_fix_2_digit_year ], constructor => [ 'DateTime', 'from_day_of_year' ], }, { #-DDD -102 length => 4, regex => qr/^ - (\d{3}) $/x, params => [ qw( day_of_year ) ], postprocess => [ \&_add_year ], constructor => [ 'DateTime', 'from_day_of_year' ], }, { #+[YY]YYYYDDD +001985102 #+[YY]YYYY-DDD +001985-102 length => [ qw( 10 11 ) ], regex => qr/^ \+ (\d{6}) -?? (\d{3}) $/x, params => [ qw( year day_of_year ) ], constructor => [ 'DateTime', 'from_day_of_year' ], }, { #YYYYWwwD 1985W155 #YYYY-Www-D 1985-W15-5 length => [ qw( 8 10 ) ], regex => qr/^ (\d{4}) -?? W (\d\d) -?? (\d) $/x, params => [ qw( year week day_of_year ) ], postprocess => [ \&_normalize_week ], constructor => [ 'DateTime', 'from_day_of_year' ], }, { #YYYYWww 1985W15 #YYYY-Www 1985-W15 length => [ qw( 7 8 ) ], regex => qr/^ (\d{4}) -?? W (\d\d) $/x, params => [ qw( year week ) ], postprocess => [ \&_normalize_week ], constructor => [ 'DateTime', 'from_day_of_year' ], }, { #YYWwwD 85W155 #YY-Www-D 85-W15-5 length => [ qw( 6 8 ) ], regex => qr/^ (\d\d) -?? W (\d\d) -?? (\d) $/x, params => [ qw( year week day_of_year ) ], postprocess => [ \&_fix_2_digit_year, \&_normalize_week ], constructor => [ 'DateTime', 'from_day_of_year' ], }, { #YYWww 85W15 #YY-Www 85-W15 length => [ qw( 5 6 ) ], regex => qr/^ (\d\d) -?? W (\d\d) $/x, params => [ qw( year week ) ], postprocess => [ \&_fix_2_digit_year, \&_normalize_week ], constructor => [ 'DateTime', 'from_day_of_year' ], }, { #-YWwwD -5W155 #-Y-Www-D -5-W15-5 length => [ qw( 6 8 ) ], regex => qr/^ - (\d) -?? W (\d\d) -?? (\d) $/x, params => [ qw( year week day_of_year ) ], postprocess => [ \&_fix_1_digit_year, \&_normalize_week ], constructor => [ 'DateTime', 'from_day_of_year' ], }, { #-YWww -5W15 #-Y-Www -5-W15 length => [ qw( 5 6 ) ], regex => qr/^ - (\d) -?? W (\d\d) $/x, params => [ qw( year week ) ], postprocess => [ \&_fix_1_digit_year, \&_normalize_week ], constructor => [ 'DateTime', 'from_day_of_year' ], }, { #-WwwD -W155 #-Www-D -W15-5 length => [ qw( 5 6 ) ], regex => qr/^ - W (\d\d) -?? (\d) $/x, params => [ qw( week day_of_year ) ], postprocess => [ \&_add_year, \&_normalize_week ], constructor => [ 'DateTime', 'from_day_of_year' ], }, { #-Www -W15 length => 4, regex => qr/^ - W (\d\d) $/x, params => [ qw( week ) ], postprocess => [ \&_add_year, \&_normalize_week ], constructor => [ 'DateTime', 'from_day_of_year' ], }, { #-W-D -W-5 length => 4, regex => qr/^ - W - (\d) $/x, params => [ qw( day_of_year ) ], postprocess => [ \&_add_year, \&_add_week, \&_normalize_week, ], constructor => [ 'DateTime', 'from_day_of_year' ], }, { #+[YY]YYYYWwwD +001985W155 #+[YY]YYYY-Www-D +001985-W15-5 length => [ qw( 11 13 ) ], regex => qr/^ \+ (\d{6}) -?? W (\d\d) -?? (\d) $/x, params => [ qw( year week day_of_year ) ], postprocess => [ \&_normalize_week ], constructor => [ 'DateTime', 'from_day_of_year' ], }, { #+[YY]YYYYWww +001985W15 #+[YY]YYYY-Www +001985-W15 length => [ qw( 10 11 ) ], regex => qr/^ \+ (\d{6}) -?? W (\d\d) $/x, params => [ qw( year week ) ], postprocess => [ \&_normalize_week ], constructor => [ 'DateTime', 'from_day_of_year' ], }, { #hhmmss 232050 - skipped #hh:mm:ss 23:20:50 length => [ qw( 8 9 ) ], regex => qr/^ T?? (\d\d) : (\d\d) : (\d\d) $/x, params => [ qw( hour minute second) ], postprocess => [ \&_add_year, \&_add_month, \&_add_day ], }, #hhmm 2320 - skipped #hh 23 -skipped { #hh:mm 23:20 length => [ qw( 4 5 6 ) ], regex => qr/^ T?? (\d\d) :?? (\d\d) $/x, params => [ qw( hour minute ) ], postprocess => [ \&_add_year, \&_add_month, \&_add_day ], }, { #hhmmss,ss 232050,5 #hh:mm:ss,ss 23:20:50,5 regex => qr/^ T?? (\d\d) :?? (\d\d) :?? (\d\d) [\.,] (\d+) $/x, params => [ qw( hour minute second nanosecond) ], postprocess => [ \&_add_year, \&_add_month, \&_add_day, \&_fractional_second ], }, { #hhmm,mm 2320,8 #hh:mm,mm 23:20,8 regex => qr/^ T?? (\d\d) :?? (\d\d) [\.,] (\d+) $/x, params => [ qw( hour minute second ) ], postprocess => [ \&_add_year, \&_add_month, \&_add_day, \&_fractional_minute ], }, { #hh,hh 23,3 regex => qr/^ T?? (\d\d) [\.,] (\d+) $/x, params => [ qw( hour minute ) ], postprocess => [ \&_add_year, \&_add_month, \&_add_day, \&_fractional_hour ], }, { #-mmss -2050 - skipped #-mm:ss -20:50 length => 6, regex => qr/^ - (\d\d) : (\d\d) $/x, params => [ qw( minute second ) ], postprocess => [ \&_add_year, \&_add_month, \&_add_day, \&_add_hour ], }, #-mm -20 - skipped #--ss --50 - skipped { #-mmss,s -2050,5 #-mm:ss,s -20:50,5 regex => qr/^ - (\d\d) :?? (\d\d) [\.,] (\d+) $/x, params => [ qw( minute second nanosecond ) ], postprocess => [ \&_add_year, \&_add_month, \&_add_day, \&_add_hour, \&_fractional_second ], }, { #-mm,m -20,8 regex => qr/^ - (\d\d) [\.,] (\d+) $/x, params => [ qw( minute second ) ], postprocess => [ \&_add_year, \&_add_month, \&_add_day, \&_add_hour, \&_fractional_minute ], }, { #--ss,s --50,5 regex => qr/^ -- (\d\d) [\.,] (\d+) $/x, params => [ qw( second nanosecond) ], postprocess => [ \&_add_year, \&_add_month, \&_add_day, \&_add_hour, \&_add_minute, \&_fractional_second, ], }, { #hhmmssZ 232030Z #hh:mm:ssZ 23:20:30Z length => [ qw( 7 8 9 10 ) ], regex => qr/^ T?? (\d\d) :?? (\d\d) :?? (\d\d) Z $/x, params => [ qw( hour minute second ) ], extra => { time_zone => 'UTC' }, postprocess => [ \&_add_year, \&_add_month, \&_add_day, ], }, { #hhmmss.ssZ 232030.5Z #hh:mm:ss.ssZ 23:20:30.5Z regex => qr/^ T?? (\d\d) :?? (\d\d) :?? (\d\d) [\.,] (\d+) Z $/x, params => [ qw( hour minute second nanosecond) ], extra => { time_zone => 'UTC' }, postprocess => [ \&_add_year, \&_add_month, \&_add_day, \&_fractional_second ], }, { #hhmmZ 2320Z #hh:mmZ 23:20Z length => [ qw( 5 6 7 ) ], regex => qr/^ T?? (\d\d) :?? (\d\d) Z $/x, params => [ qw( hour minute ) ], extra => { time_zone => 'UTC' }, postprocess => [ \&_add_year, \&_add_month, \&_add_day, ], }, { #hhZ 23Z length => [ qw( 3 4 ) ], regex => qr/^ T?? (\d\d) Z $/x, params => [ qw( hour ) ], extra => { time_zone => 'UTC' }, postprocess => [ \&_add_year, \&_add_month, \&_add_day, ], }, { #hhmmss[+-]hhmm 152746+0100 152746-0500 #hh:mm:ss[+-]hh:mm 15:27:46+01:00 15:27:46-05:00 length => [ qw( 11 12 14 15 ) ], regex => qr/^ T?? (\d\d) :?? (\d\d) :?? (\d\d) ([+-] \d\d :?? \d\d) $/x, params => [ qw( hour minute second time_zone ) ], postprocess => [ \&_add_year, \&_add_month, \&_add_day, \&_normalize_offset, ], }, {[+-]hhmm 152746.5+0100 152746.5-0500[+-]hh:mm 15:27:46.5+01:00 15:27:46.5-05:00 regex => qr/^ T?? (\d\d) :?? (\d\d) :?? (\d\d) [\.,] (\d+) ([+-] \d\d :?? \d\d) $/x, params => [ qw( hour minute second nanosecond time_zone ) ], postprocess => [ \&_add_year, \&_add_month, \&_add_day, \&_fractional_second, \&_normalize_offset, ], }, { #hhmmss[+-]hh 152746+01 152746-05 #hh:mm:ss[+-]hh 15:27:46+01 15:27:46-05 length => [ qw( 9 10 11 12 ) ], regex => qr/^ T?? (\d\d) :?? (\d\d) :?? (\d\d) ([+-] \d\d) $/x, params => [ qw( hour minute second time_zone ) ], postprocess => [ \&_add_year, \&_add_month, \&_add_day, \&_normalize_offset, ], }, { #YYYYMMDDThhmmss 19850412T101530 #YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss 1985-04-12T10:15:30 length => [ qw( 15 19 ) ], regex => qr/^ (\d{4}) -?? (\d\d) -?? (\d\d) T (\d\d) :?? (\d\d) :?? (\d\d) $/x, params => [ qw( year month day hour minute second ) ], extra => { time_zone => 'floating' }, }, { 19850412T101530.123 1985-04-12T10:15:30.123 regex => qr/^ (\d{4}) -?? (\d\d) -?? (\d\d) T (\d\d) :?? (\d\d) :?? (\d\d) [\.,] (\d+) $/x, params => [ qw( year month day hour minute second nanosecond ) ], extra => { time_zone => 'floating' }, postprocess => [ \&_fractional_second, ], }, { #YYYYMMDDThhmmssZ 19850412T101530Z #YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ 1985-04-12T10:15:30Z length => [ qw( 16 20 ) ], regex => qr/^ (\d{4}) -?? (\d\d) -?? (\d\d) T (\d\d) :?? (\d\d) :?? (\d\d) Z $/x, params => [ qw( year month day hour minute second ) ], extra => { time_zone => 'UTC' }, }, { #YYYYMMDDThhmmss.ssZ 19850412T101530.5Z 20041020T101530.5Z #YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ssZ 1985-04-12T10:15:30.5Z 1985-04-12T10:15:30.5Z regex => qr/^ (\d{4}) -?? (\d\d) -?? (\d\d) T?? (\d\d) :?? (\d\d) :?? (\d\d) [\.,] (\d+) Z$/x, params => [ qw( year month day hour minute second nanosecond ) ], extra => { time_zone => 'UTC' }, postprocess => [ \&_fractional_second, ], }, { #YYYYMMDDThhmmss[+-]hhmm 19850412T101530+0400 #YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[+-]hh:mm 1985-04-12T10:15:30+04:00 length => [ qw( 20 25 ) ], regex => qr/^ (\d{4}) -?? (\d\d) -?? (\d\d) T (\d\d) :?? (\d\d) :?? (\d\d) ([+-] \d\d :?? \d\d) $/x, params => [ qw( year month day hour minute second time_zone ) ], postprocess => \&_normalize_offset, }, {[+-]hhmm 19850412T101530.5+0100 20041020T101530.5-0500[+-]hh:mm 1985-04-12T10:15:30.5+01:00 1985-04-12T10:15:30.5-05:00 regex => qr/^ (\d{4}) -?? (\d\d) -?? (\d\d) T?? (\d\d) :?? (\d\d) :?? (\d\d) [\.,] (\d+) ([+-] \d\d :?? \d\d) $/x, params => [ qw( year month day hour minute second nanosecond time_zone ) ], postprocess => [ \&_fractional_second, \&_normalize_offset, ], }, { #YYYYMMDDThhmmss[+-]hh 19850412T101530+04 #YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[+-]hh 1985-04-12T10:15:30+04 length => [ qw( 18 22 ) ], regex => qr/^ (\d{4}) -?? (\d\d) -?? (\d\d) T (\d\d) :?? (\d\d) :?? (\d\d) ([+-] \d\d) $/x, params => [ qw( year month day hour minute second time_zone ) ], postprocess => \&_normalize_offset, }, { #YYYYMMDDThhmm 19850412T1015 #YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm 1985-04-12T10:15 length => [ qw( 13 16 ) ], regex => qr/^ (\d{4}) -?? (\d\d) -?? (\d\d) T (\d\d) :?? (\d\d) $/x, params => [ qw( year month day hour minute ) ], extra => { time_zone => 'floating' }, }, { #YYYYDDDThhmmZ 1985102T1015Z #YYYY-DDDThh:mmZ 1985-102T10:15Z length => [ qw( 13 15 ) ], regex => qr/^ (\d{4}) -?? (\d{3}) T (\d\d) :?? (\d\d) Z $/x, params => [ qw( year day_of_year hour minute ) ], extra => { time_zone => 'UTC' }, constructor => [ 'DateTime', 'from_day_of_year' ], }, { #YYYYWwwDThhmm[+-]hhmm 1985W155T1015+0400 #YYYY-Www-DThh:mm[+-]hh 1985-W15-5T10:15+04 length => [ qw( 18 19 ) ], regex => qr/^ (\d{4}) -?? W (\d\d) -?? (\d) T (\d\d) :?? (\d\d) ([+-] \d{2,4}) $/x, params => [ qw( year week day_of_year hour minute time_zone) ], postprocess => [ \&_normalize_week, \&_normalize_offset ], constructor => [ 'DateTime', 'from_day_of_year' ], }, ], parse_time => [ { #hhmmss 232050 length => [ qw( 6 7 ) ], regex => qr/^ T?? (\d\d) (\d\d) (\d\d) $/x, params => [ qw( hour minute second ) ], postprocess => [ \&_add_year, \&_add_month, \&_add_day, ], }, { #hhmm 2320 length => [ qw( 4 5 ) ], regex => qr/^ T?? (\d\d) (\d\d) $/x, params => [ qw( hour minute ) ], postprocess => [ \&_add_year, \&_add_month, \&_add_day, ], }, { #hh 23 length => [ qw( 2 3 ) ], regex => qr/^ T?? (\d\d) $/x, params => [ qw( hour ) ], postprocess => [ \&_add_year, \&_add_month, \&_add_day, ], }, { #-mmss -2050 length => 5, regex => qr/^ - (\d\d) (\d\d) $/x, params => [ qw( minute second ) ], postprocess => [ \&_add_year, \&_add_month, \&_add_day, \&_add_hour, ], }, { #-mm -20 length => 3, regex => qr/^ - (\d\d) $/x, params => [ qw( minute ) ], postprocess => [ \&_add_year, \&_add_month, \&_add_day, \&_add_hour, ], }, { #--ss --50 length => 4, regex => qr/^ -- (\d\d) $/x, params => [ qw( second ) ], postprocess => [ \&_add_year, \&_add_month, \&_add_day, \&_add_hour, \&_add_minute, ], }, ], } ); sub _fix_1_digit_year { my %p = @_; no strict 'refs'; my $year = ( $p{ self }{ base_datetime } || DateTime->now )->year; use strict; $year =~ s/.$//; $p{ parsed }{ year } = $year . $p{ parsed }{ year }; return 1; } sub _fix_2_digit_year { my %p = @_; # this is a mess because of the need to support parse_* being called # as a class method no strict 'refs'; if ( exists $p{ self }{ legacy_year } ) { if ( $p{ self }{ legacy_year } ) { my $cutoff = exists $p{ self }{ cut_off_year } ? $p{ self }{ cut_off_year } : $p{ self }->DefaultCutOffYear; $p{ parsed }{ year } += $p{ parsed }{ year } > $cutoff ? 1900 : 2000; } else { my $century = ( $p{ self }{ base_datetime } || DateTime->now )->strftime( '%C' ); $p{ parsed }{ year } += $century * 100; } } else { my $cutoff = exists $p{ self }{ cut_off_year } ? $p{ self }{ cut_off_year } : $p{ self }->DefaultCutOffYear; $p{ parsed }{ year } += $p{ parsed }{ year } > $cutoff ? 1900 : 2000; } use strict; return 1; } sub _add_minute { my %p = @_; no strict 'refs'; $p{ parsed }{ minute } = ( $p{ self }{ base_datetime } || DateTime->now )->minute; use strict; return 1; } sub _add_hour { my %p = @_; no strict 'refs'; $p{ parsed }{ hour } = ( $p{ self }{ base_datetime } || DateTime->now )->hour; use strict; return 1; } sub _add_day { my %p = @_; no strict 'refs'; $p{ parsed }{ day } = ( $p{ self }{ base_datetime } || DateTime->now )->day; use strict; return 1; } sub _add_week { my %p = @_; no strict 'refs'; $p{ parsed }{ week } = ( $p{ self }{ base_datetime } || DateTime->now )->week; use strict; return 1; } sub _add_month { my %p = @_; no strict 'refs'; $p{ parsed }{ month } = ( $p{ self }{ base_datetime } || DateTime->now )->month; use strict; return 1; } sub _add_year { my %p = @_; no strict 'refs'; $p{ parsed }{ year } = ( $p{ self }{ base_datetime } || DateTime->now )->year; use strict; return 1; } sub _fractional_second { my %p = @_; $p{ parsed }{ nanosecond } = ".$p{ parsed }{ nanosecond }" * 10**9; return 1; } sub _fractional_minute { my %p = @_; $p{ parsed }{ second } = ".$p{ parsed }{ second }" * 60; return 1; } sub _fractional_hour { my %p = @_; $p{ parsed }{ minute } = ".$p{ parsed }{ minute }" * 60; return 1; } sub _normalize_offset { my %p = @_; $p{ parsed }{ time_zone } =~ s/://; if( length $p{ parsed }{ time_zone } == 3 ) { $p{ parsed }{ time_zone } .= '00'; } return 1; } sub _normalize_week { my %p = @_; # from section # "A calendar week is identified within a calendar year by the calendar # week number. This is its ordinal position within the year, applying the # rule that the first calendar week of a year is the one that includes the # first Thursday of that year and that the last calendar week of a # calendar year is the week immediately preceding the first calendar week # of the next calendar year." # this make it oh so fun to covert an ISO week number to a count of days my $dt = DateTime->new( year => $p{ parsed }{ year }, ); if ( $dt->week_number == 1 ) { $p{ parsed }{ week } -= 1; } $p{ parsed }{ week } *= 7; if( defined $p{ parsed }{ day_of_year } ) { $p{ parsed }{ week } -= $dt->day_of_week -1; } $p{ parsed }{ day_of_year } += $p{ parsed }{ week }; delete $p{ parsed }{ week }; return 1; } sub _normalize_century { my %p = @_; $p{ parsed }{ year } .= '01'; return 1; } 1; __END__