#!perl -w use strict; use Test::More tests => 50; ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 15array.t ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { use_ok('DBI'); } # create a database handle my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Sponge:dummy", '', '', { RaiseError=>1, AutoCommit=>1 }); # check that our db handle is good isa_ok($dbh, "DBI::db"); my $rv; my $rows = []; my $tuple_status = []; my $dumped; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("insert", { rows => $rows, # where to 'insert' (push) the rows NUM_OF_PARAMS => 4, execute_hook => sub { # DBD::Sponge hook to make certain data trigger an error for that row local $^W; return $_[0]->set_err(1,"errmsg") if grep { $_ and $_ eq "B" } @_; return 1; } }); isa_ok($sth, "DBI::st"); cmp_ok(scalar @{$rows}, '==', 0, '... we should have 0 rows'); # ----------------------------------------------- ok(!$sth->execute_array( { ArrayTupleStatus => $tuple_status }, [ 1, 2, 3 ], # array of integers 42, # scalar 42 treated as array of 42's undef, # scalar undef treated as array of undef's [ qw(A B C) ], # array of strings ), '... execute_array should return false' ); cmp_ok(scalar @{$rows}, '==', 2, '... we should have 2 rows'); cmp_ok(scalar @{$tuple_status}, '==', 3, '... we should have 3 tuple_status'); ok(eq_array( $rows, [ [1, 42, undef, 'A'], [3, 42, undef, 'C'] ] ), '... our rows are as expected'); ok(eq_array( $tuple_status, [1, [1, 'errmsg', 'S1000'], 1] ), '... our tuple_status is as expected'); # ----------------------------------------------- # --- change one param and re-execute @$rows = (); ok( $sth->bind_param_array(4, [ qw(a b c) ]), '... bind_param_array should return true'); ok( $sth->execute_array({ ArrayTupleStatus => $tuple_status }), '... execute_array should return true'); cmp_ok(scalar @{$rows}, '==', 3, '... we should have 3 rows'); cmp_ok(scalar @{$tuple_status}, '==', 3, '... we should have 3 tuple_status'); ok(eq_array( $rows, [ [1, 42, undef, 'a'], [2, 42, undef, 'b'], [3, 42, undef, 'c'] ] ), '... our rows are as expected'); ok(eq_array( $tuple_status, [1, 1, 1] ), '... our tuple_status is as expected'); # ----------------------------------------------- # --- with no values for bind params, should execute zero times @$rows = (); $rv = $sth->execute_array( { ArrayTupleStatus => $tuple_status }, [], [], [], []); ok($rv, '... execute_array should return true'); ok(!($rv+0), '... execute_array should return 0 (but true)'); cmp_ok(scalar @{$rows}, '==', 0, '... we should have 0 rows'); cmp_ok(scalar @{$tuple_status}, '==', 0,'... we should have 0 tuple_status'); # ----------------------------------------------- # --- with only scalar values for bind params, should execute just once @$rows = (); $rv = $sth->execute_array( { ArrayTupleStatus => $tuple_status }, 5, 6, 7, 8); cmp_ok($rv, '==', 1, '... execute_array should return 1'); cmp_ok(scalar @{$rows}, '==', 1, '... we should have 1 rows'); ok(eq_array( $rows, [ [5,6,7,8] ]), '... our rows are as expected'); cmp_ok(scalar @{$tuple_status}, '==', 1,'... we should have 1 tuple_status'); ok(eq_array( $tuple_status, [1]), '... our tuple_status is as expected'); # ----------------------------------------------- # --- with mix of scalar values and arrays only arrays control tuples @$rows = (); $rv = $sth->execute_array( { ArrayTupleStatus => $tuple_status }, 5, [], 7, 8); cmp_ok($rv, '==', 0, '... execute_array should return 0'); cmp_ok(scalar @{$rows}, '==', 0, '... we should have 0 rows'); cmp_ok(scalar @{$tuple_status}, '==', 0,'... we should have 0 tuple_status'); # ----------------------------------------------- # --- catch 'undefined value' bug with zero bind values @$rows = (); my $sth_other = $dbh->prepare("insert", { rows => $rows, # where to 'insert' (push) the rows NUM_OF_PARAMS => 1, }); isa_ok($sth_other, "DBI::st"); $rv = $sth_other->execute_array( {}, [] ); ok($rv, '... execute_array should return true'); ok(!($rv+0), '... execute_array should return 0 (but true)'); # no ArrayTupleStatus cmp_ok(scalar @{$rows}, '==', 0, '... we should have 0 rows'); # ----------------------------------------------- # --- ArrayTupleFetch code-ref tests --- my $index = 0; my $fetchrow = sub { # generate 5 rows of two integer values return if $index >= 2; $index +=1; # There doesn't seem any reliable way to force $index to be # treated as a string (and so dumped as such). We just have to # make the test case allow either 1 or '1'. return [ $index, 'a','b','c' ]; }; @$rows = (); ok( $sth->execute_array({ ArrayTupleFetch => $fetchrow, ArrayTupleStatus => $tuple_status }), '... execute_array should return true'); cmp_ok(scalar @{$rows}, '==', 2, '... we should have 2 rows'); cmp_ok(scalar @{$tuple_status}, '==', 2, '... we should have 2 tuple_status'); ok(eq_array( $rows, [ [1, 'a', 'b', 'c'], [2, 'a', 'b', 'c'] ] ), '... rows should match' ); ok(eq_array( $tuple_status, [1, 1] ), '... tuple_status should match' ); # ----------------------------------------------- # --- ArrayTupleFetch sth tests --- my $fetch_sth = $dbh->prepare("foo", { rows => [ map { [ $_,'x','y','z' ] } 7..9 ], NUM_OF_FIELDS => 4 }); isa_ok($fetch_sth, "DBI::st"); $fetch_sth->execute(); @$rows = (); ok( $sth->execute_array({ ArrayTupleFetch => $fetch_sth, ArrayTupleStatus => $tuple_status, }), '... execute_array should return true'); cmp_ok(scalar @{$rows}, '==', 3, '... we should have 3 rows'); cmp_ok(scalar @{$tuple_status}, '==', 3, '... we should have 3 tuple_status'); ok(eq_array( $rows, [ [7, 'x', 'y', 'z'], [8, 'x', 'y', 'z'], [9, 'x', 'y', 'z'] ] ), '... rows should match' ); ok(eq_array( $tuple_status, [1, 1, 1] ), '... tuple status should match' ); # ----------------------------------------------- # --- error detection tests --- $sth->{RaiseError} = 0; $sth->{PrintError} = 0; ok(!defined $sth->execute_array( { ArrayTupleStatus => $tuple_status }, [1],[2]), '... execute_array should return undef'); is($sth->errstr, '2 bind values supplied but 4 expected', '... errstr is as expected'); ok(!defined $sth->execute_array( { ArrayTupleStatus => { } }, [ 1, 2, 3 ]), '... execute_array should return undef'); is( $sth->errstr, 'ArrayTupleStatus attribute must be an arrayref', '... errstr is as expected'); ok(!defined $sth->execute_array( { ArrayTupleStatus => $tuple_status }, 1,{},3,4), '... execute_array should return undef'); is( $sth->errstr, 'Value for parameter 2 must be a scalar or an arrayref, not a HASH', '... errstr is as expected'); ok(!defined $sth->bind_param_array(":foo", [ qw(a b c) ]), '... bind_param_array should return undef'); is( $sth->errstr, "Can't use named placeholder ':foo' for non-driver supported bind_param_array", '... errstr is as expected'); $dbh->disconnect; 1;