#!perl -Tw use lib qw(blib/arch blib/lib); # needed since -T ignores PERL5LIB use DBI qw(:sql_types); use Config; use Cwd; $^W = 1; my $haveFileSpec = eval { require File::Spec }; require VMS::Filespec if $^O eq 'VMS'; # originally 246 tests use Test::More tests => 253; #use Test::More 'no_plan'; # "globals" my ($r, $dbh); ## testing tracing to file sub trace_to_file { my $trace_file = "dbitrace.log"; SKIP: { skip "no trace file to clean up", 2 unless (-e $trace_file); is(unlink( $trace_file ), 1, "Remove trace file: $trace_file" ); ok( !-e $trace_file, "Trace file actually gone" ); } my $orig_trace_level = DBI->trace; DBI->trace(3, $trace_file); # enable trace before first driver load $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:ExampleP(AutoCommit=>1):', undef, undef); die "Unable to connect to ExampleP driver: $DBI::errstr" unless $dbh; isa_ok($dbh, 'DBI::db'); $dbh->dump_handle("dump_handle test, write to log file", 2); DBI->trace(0, undef); # turn off and restore to STDERR SKIP: { skip "cygwin has buffer flushing bug", 1 if ($^O =~ /cygwin/i); ok( -s $trace_file, "trace file size = " . -s $trace_file); } is( unlink( $trace_file ), 1, "Remove trace file: $trace_file" ); ok( !-e $trace_file, "Trace file actually gone" ); DBI->trace($orig_trace_level); # no way to restore previous outfile XXX } trace_to_file(); # internal hack to assist debugging using DBI_TRACE env var. See DBI.pm. DBI->trace(@DBI::dbi_debug) if @DBI::dbi_debug; my $dbh2; eval { $dbh2 = DBI->connect("dbi:NoneSuch:foobar", 1, 1, { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 }); }; like($@, qr/install_driver\(NoneSuch\) failed/, '... we should have an exception here'); ok(!$dbh2, '... $dbh2 should not be defined'); $dbh2 = DBI->connect('dbi:ExampleP:', '', ''); ok($dbh ne $dbh2); sub check_connect_cached { # connect_cached # ------------------------------------------ # This test checks that connect_cached works # and how it then relates to the CachedKids # attribute for the driver. my $dbh_cached_1 = DBI->connect_cached('dbi:ExampleP:', '', ''); my $dbh_cached_2 = DBI->connect_cached('dbi:ExampleP:', '', ''); my $dbh_cached_3 = DBI->connect_cached('dbi:ExampleP:', '', '', { examplep_foo => 1 }); isa_ok($dbh_cached_1, "DBI::db"); isa_ok($dbh_cached_2, "DBI::db"); isa_ok($dbh_cached_3, "DBI::db"); is($dbh_cached_1, $dbh_cached_2, '... these 2 handles are cached, so they are the same'); isnt($dbh_cached_3, $dbh_cached_2, '... this handle was created with different parameters, so it is not the same'); my $drh = $dbh->{Driver}; isa_ok($drh, "DBI::dr"); my @cached_kids = values %{$drh->{CachedKids}}; ok(eq_set(\@cached_kids, [ $dbh_cached_1, $dbh_cached_3 ]), '... these are our cached kids'); $drh->{CachedKids} = {}; cmp_ok(scalar(keys %{$drh->{CachedKids}}), '==', 0, '... we have emptied out cache'); } check_connect_cached(); $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 1; $dbh->{PrintError} = 0; ok($dbh->{AutoCommit} == 1); cmp_ok($dbh->{PrintError}, '==', 0, '... PrintError should be 0'); SKIP: { skip "cant test this if we have DBI::PurePerl", 1 if $DBI::PurePerl; $dbh->{Taint} = 1; ok($dbh->{Taint} == 1); } is($dbh->{FetchHashKeyName}, 'NAME', '... FetchHashKey is NAME'); like($dbh->{example_driver_path}, qr/DBD\/ExampleP\.pm$/, '... checking the example driver_path'); sub check_quote { # checking quote is($dbh->quote("quote's"), "'quote''s'", '... quoting strings with embedded single quotes'); is($dbh->quote("42", SQL_VARCHAR), "'42'", '... quoting number as SQL_VARCHAR'); is($dbh->quote("42", SQL_INTEGER), "42", '... quoting number as SQL_INTEGER'); is($dbh->quote(undef), "NULL", '... quoting undef as NULL'); } check_quote(); my $get_info = $dbh->{examplep_get_info} || {}; sub check_quote_identifier { # quote_identifier $get_info->{29} ='"'; # SQL_IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CHAR $dbh->{examplep_get_info} = $get_info; # trigger STORE is($dbh->quote_identifier('foo'), '"foo"', '... properly quotes foo as "foo"'); is($dbh->quote_identifier('f"o'), '"f""o"', '... properly quotes f"o as "f""o"'); is($dbh->quote_identifier('foo','bar'), '"foo"."bar"', '... properly quotes foo, bar as "foo"."bar"'); is($dbh->quote_identifier(undef,undef,'bar'), '"bar"', '... properly quotes undef, undef, bar as "bar"'); is($dbh->quote_identifier('foo',undef,'bar'), '"foo"."bar"', '... properly quotes foo, undef, bar as "foo"."bar"'); $get_info->{41} ='@'; # SQL_CATALOG_NAME_SEPARATOR $get_info->{114} = 2; # SQL_CATALOG_LOCATION $dbh->{examplep_get_info} = $get_info; # trigger STORE # force cache refresh $dbh->{dbi_quote_identifier_cache} = undef; is($dbh->quote_identifier('foo',undef,'bar'), '"bar"@"foo"', '... now quotes it as "bar"@"foo" after flushing cache'); } check_quote_identifier(); print "others\n"; eval { $dbh->commit('dummy') }; ok($@ =~ m/DBI commit: invalid number of arguments:/, $@) unless $DBI::PurePerl && ok(1); ok($dbh->ping, "ping should return true"); # --- errors my $cursor_e = $dbh->prepare("select unknown_field_name from ?"); is($cursor_e, undef, "prepare should fail"); ok($dbh->err, "sth->err should be true"); ok($DBI::err, "DBI::err should be true"); cmp_ok($DBI::err, 'eq', $dbh->err , "\$DBI::err should match \$dbh->err"); like($DBI::errstr, qr/Unknown field names: unknown_field_name/, "\$DBI::errstr should contain error string"); cmp_ok($DBI::errstr, 'eq', $dbh->errstr, "\$DBI::errstr should match \$dbh->errstr"); # --- func ok($dbh->errstr eq $dbh->func('errstr')); my $std_sql = "select mode,size,name from ?"; my $csr_a = $dbh->prepare($std_sql); ok(ref $csr_a); ok($csr_a->{NUM_OF_FIELDS} == 3); SKIP: { skip "dont test for DBI::PurePerl", 3 if $DBI::PurePerl; ok(tied %{ $csr_a->{Database} }); # ie is 'outer' handle ok($csr_a->{Database} eq $dbh, "$csr_a->{Database} ne $dbh") unless $dbh->{mx_handle_list} && ok(1); # skip for Multiplex tests ok(tied %{ $csr_a->{Database}->{Driver} }); # ie is 'outer' handle } my $driver_name = $csr_a->{Database}->{Driver}->{Name}; ok($driver_name eq 'ExampleP'); # --- FetchHashKeyName $dbh->{FetchHashKeyName} = 'NAME_uc'; my $csr_b = $dbh->prepare($std_sql); ok(ref $csr_b); ok($csr_a != $csr_b); ok("@{$csr_b->{NAME_lc}}" eq "mode size name"); # before NAME ok("@{$csr_b->{NAME_uc}}" eq "MODE SIZE NAME"); ok("@{$csr_b->{NAME}}" eq "mode size name"); ok("@{$csr_b->{ $csr_b->{FetchHashKeyName} }}" eq "MODE SIZE NAME"); ok("@{[sort keys %{$csr_b->{NAME_lc_hash}}]}" eq "mode name size"); ok("@{[sort values %{$csr_b->{NAME_lc_hash}}]}" eq "0 1 2"); ok("@{[sort keys %{$csr_b->{NAME_uc_hash}}]}" eq "MODE NAME SIZE"); ok("@{[sort values %{$csr_b->{NAME_uc_hash}}]}" eq "0 1 2"); SKIP: { skip "do not test with DBI::PurePerl", 15 if $DBI::PurePerl; # Check Taint* attribute switching #$dbh->{'Taint'} = 1; # set in connect ok($dbh->{'Taint'}); ok($dbh->{'TaintIn'} == 1); ok($dbh->{'TaintOut'} == 1); $dbh->{'TaintOut'} = 0; ok($dbh->{'Taint'} == 0); ok($dbh->{'TaintIn'} == 1); ok($dbh->{'TaintOut'} == 0); $dbh->{'Taint'} = 0; ok($dbh->{'Taint'} == 0); ok($dbh->{'TaintIn'} == 0); ok($dbh->{'TaintOut'} == 0); $dbh->{'TaintIn'} = 1; ok($dbh->{'Taint'} == 0); ok($dbh->{'TaintIn'} == 1); ok($dbh->{'TaintOut'} == 0); $dbh->{'TaintOut'} = 1; ok($dbh->{'Taint'} == 1); ok($dbh->{'TaintIn'} == 1); ok($dbh->{'TaintOut'} == 1); } # get a dir always readable on all platforms my $dir = getcwd() || cwd(); $dir = VMS::Filespec::unixify($dir) if $^O eq 'VMS'; # untaint $dir $dir =~ m/(.*)/; $dir = $1 || die; # --- my($col0, $col1, $col2, $rows); my(@row_a, @row_b); ok($csr_a->{Taint} = 1) unless $DBI::PurePerl && ok(1); #$csr_a->trace(5); ok($csr_a->bind_columns(undef, \($col0, $col1, $col2)) ); ok($csr_a->execute( $dir ), $DBI::errstr); @row_a = $csr_a->fetchrow_array; ok(@row_a); # check bind_columns ok($row_a[0] eq $col0) or print "$row_a[0] ne $col0\n"; ok($row_a[1] eq $col1) or print "$row_a[1] ne $col1\n"; ok($row_a[2] eq $col2) or print "$row_a[2] ne $col2\n"; #$csr_a->trace(0); SKIP: { # Check Taint attribute works. This requires this test to be run # manually with the -T flag: "perl -T -Mblib t/examp.t" sub is_tainted { my $foo; return ! eval { ($foo=join('',@_)), kill 0; 1; }; } skip " Taint attribute tests skipped\n", 19 unless(is_tainted($^X) && !$DBI::PurePerl); $dbh->{'Taint'} = 0; my $st; eval { $st = $dbh->prepare($std_sql); }; ok(ref $st); ok($st->{'Taint'} == 0); ok($st->execute( $dir )); my @row = $st->fetchrow_array; ok(@row); ok(!is_tainted($row[0])); ok(!is_tainted($row[1])); ok(!is_tainted($row[2])); $st->{'TaintIn'} = 1; @row = $st->fetchrow_array; ok(@row); ok(!is_tainted($row[0])); ok(!is_tainted($row[1])); ok(!is_tainted($row[2])); $st->{'TaintOut'} = 1; @row = $st->fetchrow_array; ok(@row); ok(is_tainted($row[0])); ok(is_tainted($row[1])); ok(is_tainted($row[2])); $st->finish; # check simple method call values #ok(1); # check simple attribute values #ok(1); # is_tainted($dbh->{AutoCommit}) ); # check nested attribute values (where a ref is returned) #ok(is_tainted($csr_a->{NAME}->[0]) ); # check checking for tainted values $dbh->{'Taint'} = $csr_a->{'Taint'} = 1; eval { $dbh->prepare($^X); 1; }; ok($@ =~ /Insecure dependency/, $@); eval { $csr_a->execute($^X); 1; }; ok($@ =~ /Insecure dependency/, $@); undef $@; $dbh->{'TaintIn'} = $csr_a->{'TaintIn'} = 0; eval { $dbh->prepare($^X); 1; }; ok(!$@); eval { $csr_a->execute($^X); 1; }; ok(!$@); # Reset taint status to what it was before this block, so that # tests later in the file don't get confused $dbh->{'Taint'} = $csr_a->{'Taint'} = 1; } SKIP: { skip "do not test with DBI::PurePerl", 1 if $DBI::PurePerl; $csr_a->{Taint} = 0; ok($csr_a->{Taint} == 0); } ok($csr_b->bind_param(1, $dir)); ok($csr_b->execute()); @row_b = @{ $csr_b->fetchrow_arrayref }; ok(@row_b); ok("@row_a" eq "@row_b"); @row_b = $csr_b->fetchrow_array; ok("@row_a" ne "@row_b"); ok($csr_a->finish); ok($csr_b->finish); $csr_a = undef; # force destruction of this cursor now ok(1); print "fetchrow_hashref('NAME_uc')\n"; ok($csr_b->execute()); my $row_b = $csr_b->fetchrow_hashref('NAME_uc'); ok($row_b); ok($row_b->{MODE} == $row_a[0]); ok($row_b->{SIZE} == $row_a[1]); ok($row_b->{NAME} eq $row_a[2]); print "fetchrow_hashref('ParamValues')\n"; ok($csr_b->execute()); ok(!defined eval { $csr_b->fetchrow_hashref('ParamValues') } ); # PurePerl croaks print "FetchHashKeyName\n"; ok($csr_b->execute()); $row_b = $csr_b->fetchrow_hashref(); ok($row_b); ok(keys(%$row_b) == 3); ok($row_b->{MODE} == $row_a[0]); ok($row_b->{SIZE} == $row_a[1]); ok($row_b->{NAME} eq $row_a[2]); print "fetchall_arrayref\n"; ok($csr_b->execute()); $r = $csr_b->fetchall_arrayref; ok($r); ok(@$r); ok($r->[0]->[0] == $row_a[0]); ok($r->[0]->[1] == $row_a[1]); ok($r->[0]->[2] eq $row_a[2]); print "fetchall_arrayref array slice\n"; ok($csr_b->execute()); $r = $csr_b->fetchall_arrayref([2,1]); ok($r && @$r); ok($r->[0]->[1] == $row_a[1]); ok($r->[0]->[0] eq $row_a[2]); print "fetchall_arrayref hash slice\n"; ok($csr_b->execute()); #$csr_b->trace(9); $r = $csr_b->fetchall_arrayref({ SizE=>1, nAMe=>1}); ok($r && @$r); ok($r->[0]->{SizE} == $row_a[1]); ok($r->[0]->{nAMe} eq $row_a[2]); #$csr_b->trace(4); print "fetchall_arrayref hash\n"; ok($csr_b->execute()); $r = $csr_b->fetchall_arrayref({}); ok($r); ok(keys %{$r->[0]} == 3); ok("@{$r->[0]}{qw(MODE SIZE NAME)}" eq "@row_a", "'@{$r->[0]}{qw(MODE SIZE NAME)}' ne '@row_a'"); #$csr_b->trace(0); # use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper([\@row_a, $r]); $rows = $csr_b->rows; ok($rows > 0, "row count $rows"); ok($rows == @$r, "$rows vs ".@$r); ok($rows == $DBI::rows, "$rows vs $DBI::rows"); #$csr_b->trace(0); # --- print "selectrow_array\n"; @row_b = $dbh->selectrow_array($std_sql, undef, $dir); ok(@row_b == 3); ok("@row_b" eq "@row_a"); print "selectrow_hashref\n"; $r = $dbh->selectrow_hashref($std_sql, undef, $dir); ok(keys %$r == 3); ok($r->{MODE} eq $row_a[0]); ok($r->{SIZE} eq $row_a[1]); ok($r->{NAME} eq $row_a[2]); print "selectall_arrayref\n"; $r = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($std_sql, undef, $dir); ok($r); ok(@{$r->[0]} == 3); ok("@{$r->[0]}" eq "@row_a"); ok(@$r == $rows); print "selectall_arrayref Slice array slice\n"; $r = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($std_sql, { Slice => [ 2, 0 ] }, $dir); ok($r); ok(@{$r->[0]} == 2); ok("@{$r->[0]}" eq "$row_a[2] $row_a[0]", qq{"@{$r->[0]}" eq "$row_a[2] $row_a[0]"}); ok(@$r == $rows); print "selectall_arrayref Columns array slice\n"; $r = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($std_sql, { Columns => [ 3, 1 ] }, $dir); ok($r); ok(@{$r->[0]} == 2); ok("@{$r->[0]}" eq "$row_a[2] $row_a[0]", qq{"@{$r->[0]}" eq "$row_a[2] $row_a[0]"}); ok(@$r == $rows); print "selectall_arrayref hash slice\n"; $r = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($std_sql, { Columns => { MoDe=>1, NamE=>1 } }, $dir); ok($r); ok(keys %{$r->[0]} == 2); ok(exists $r->[0]{MoDe}); ok(exists $r->[0]{NamE}); ok($r->[0]{MoDe} eq $row_a[0]); ok($r->[0]{NamE} eq $row_a[2]); ok(@$r == $rows); print "selectall_hashref\n"; $r = $dbh->selectall_hashref($std_sql, 'NAME', undef, $dir); ok($r, "selectall_hashref result"); is(ref $r, 'HASH', "selectall_hashref HASH: ".ref $r); is(scalar keys %$r, $rows); is($r->{ $row_a[2] }{SIZE}, $row_a[1], qq{$r->{ $row_a[2] }{SIZE} eq $row_a[1]}); print "selectall_hashref by column number\n"; $r = $dbh->selectall_hashref($std_sql, 3, undef, $dir); ok($r); ok($r->{ $row_a[2] }{SIZE} eq $row_a[1], qq{$r->{ $row_a[2] }{SIZE} eq $row_a[1]}); print "selectcol_arrayref\n"; $r = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref($std_sql, undef, $dir); ok($r); ok(@$r == $rows); ok($r->[0] eq $row_b[0]); print "selectcol_arrayref column slice\n"; $r = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref($std_sql, { Columns => [3,2] }, $dir); ok($r); # use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper([\@row_b, $r]); ok(@$r == $rows * 2); ok($r->[0] eq $row_b[2]); ok($r->[1] eq $row_b[1]); # --- print "begin_work...\n"; ok($dbh->{AutoCommit}); ok(!$dbh->{BegunWork}); ok($dbh->begin_work); ok(!$dbh->{AutoCommit}); ok($dbh->{BegunWork}); $dbh->commit; ok($dbh->{AutoCommit}); ok(!$dbh->{BegunWork}); ok($dbh->begin_work({})); $dbh->rollback; ok($dbh->{AutoCommit}); ok(!$dbh->{BegunWork}); # --- print "others...\n"; my $csr_c; $csr_c = $dbh->prepare("select unknown_field_name1 from ?"); ok(!defined $csr_c); ok($DBI::errstr =~ m/Unknown field names: unknown_field_name1/); print "RaiseError & PrintError & ShowErrorStatement\n"; $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1; ok($dbh->{RaiseError}); $dbh->{ShowErrorStatement} = 1; ok($dbh->{ShowErrorStatement}); my $error_sql = "select unknown_field_name2 from ?"; ok(! eval { $csr_c = $dbh->prepare($error_sql); 1; }); #print "$@\n"; ok($@ =~ m/\Q$error_sql/, $@); # ShowErrorStatement ok($@ =~ m/.*Unknown field names: unknown_field_name2/, $@); my $se_sth1 = $dbh->prepare("select mode from ?"); ok($se_sth1->{RaiseError}); ok($se_sth1->{ShowErrorStatement}); # check that $dbh->{Statement} tracks last _executed_ sth ok($se_sth1->{Statement} eq "select mode from ?"); ok($dbh->{Statement} eq "select mode from ?") or print "got: $dbh->{Statement}\n"; my $se_sth2 = $dbh->prepare("select name from ?"); ok($se_sth2->{Statement} eq "select name from ?"); ok($dbh->{Statement} eq "select name from ?"); $se_sth1->execute('.'); ok($dbh->{Statement} eq "select mode from ?"); # show error param values ok(! eval { $se_sth1->execute('first','second') }); # too many params ok($@ =~ /\b1='first'/, $@); ok($@ =~ /\b2='second'/, $@); $se_sth1->finish; $se_sth2->finish; $dbh->{RaiseError} = 0; ok(!$dbh->{RaiseError}); $dbh->{ShowErrorStatement} = 0; ok(!$dbh->{ShowErrorStatement}); { my @warn; local($SIG{__WARN__}) = sub { push @warn, @_ }; $dbh->{PrintError} = 1; ok($dbh->{PrintError}); ok(! $dbh->selectall_arrayref("select unknown_field_name3 from ?")); ok("@warn" =~ m/Unknown field names: unknown_field_name3/); $dbh->{PrintError} = 0; ok(!$dbh->{PrintError}); } print "HandleError\n"; my $HandleErrorReturn; my $HandleError = sub { my $msg = sprintf "HandleError: %s [h=%s, rv=%s, #=%d]", $_[0],$_[1],(defined($_[2])?$_[2]:'undef'),scalar(@_); die $msg if $HandleErrorReturn < 0; print "$msg\n"; $_[2] = 42 if $HandleErrorReturn == 2; return $HandleErrorReturn; }; $dbh->{HandleError} = $HandleError; ok($dbh->{HandleError}); ok($dbh->{HandleError} == $HandleError); $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1; $dbh->{PrintError} = 0; $error_sql = "select unknown_field_name2 from ?"; print "HandleError -> die\n"; $HandleErrorReturn = -1; ok(! eval { $csr_c = $dbh->prepare($error_sql); 1; }); ok($@ =~ m/^HandleError:/, $@); print "HandleError -> 0 -> RaiseError\n"; $HandleErrorReturn = 0; ok(! eval { $csr_c = $dbh->prepare($error_sql); 1; }); ok($@ =~ m/^DBD::(ExampleP|Multiplex)::db prepare failed:/, $@); print "HandleError -> 1 -> return (original)undef\n"; $HandleErrorReturn = 1; $r = eval { $csr_c = $dbh->prepare($error_sql); }; ok(!$@, $@); ok(!defined($r), $r); #$dbh->trace(4); print "HandleError -> 2 -> return (modified)42\n"; $HandleErrorReturn = 2; $r = eval { $csr_c = $dbh->prepare($error_sql); }; ok(!$@, $@); ok($r==42) unless $dbh->{mx_handle_list} && ok(1); # skip for Multiplex $dbh->{HandleError} = undef; ok(!$dbh->{HandleError}); #$dbh->trace(0); die; { # dump_results; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($std_sql); isa_ok($sth, "DBI::st"); if ($haveFileSpec && length(File::Spec->updir)) { ok($sth->execute(File::Spec->updir)); } else { ok($sth->execute('../')); } my $dump_dir = ($ENV{TMP} || $ENV{TEMP} || $ENV{TMPDIR} || $ENV{'SYS$SCRATCH'} || '/tmp'); my $dump_file = ($haveFileSpec) ? File::Spec->catfile($dump_dir, 'dumpcsr.tst') : "$dump_dir/dumpcsr.tst"; ($dump_file) = ($dump_file =~ m/^(.*)$/); # untaint SKIP: { skip "# dump_results test skipped: unable to open $dump_file: $!\n", 2 unless (open(DUMP_RESULTS, ">$dump_file")); ok($sth->dump_results("10", "\n", ",\t", \*DUMP_RESULTS)); close(DUMP_RESULTS); ok(-s $dump_file > 0); } is( unlink( $dump_file ), 1, "Remove $dump_file" ); ok( !-e $dump_file, "Actually gone" ); } print "table_info\n"; # First generate a list of all subdirectories $dir = $haveFileSpec ? File::Spec->curdir() : "."; ok(opendir(DIR, $dir)); my(%dirs, %unexpected, %missing); while (defined(my $file = readdir(DIR))) { $dirs{$file} = 1 if -d $file; } closedir(DIR); my $sth = $dbh->table_info(undef, undef, "%", "TABLE"); ok($sth); %unexpected = %dirs; %missing = (); while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) { if (exists($unexpected{$ref->{'TABLE_NAME'}})) { delete $unexpected{$ref->{'TABLE_NAME'}}; } else { $missing{$ref->{'TABLE_NAME'}} = 1; } } ok(keys %unexpected == 0) or print "Unexpected directories: ", join(",", keys %unexpected), "\n"; ok(keys %missing == 0) or print "Missing directories: ", join(",", keys %missing), "\n"; print "tables\n"; my @tables_expected = ( q{"schema"."table"}, q{"sch-ema"."table"}, q{"schema"."ta-ble"}, q{"sch ema"."table"}, q{"schema"."ta ble"}, ); my @tables = $dbh->tables(undef, undef, "%", "VIEW"); ok(@tables == @tables_expected, "Table count mismatch".@tables_expected." vs ".@tables); ok($tables[$_] eq $tables_expected[$_], "$tables[$_] ne $tables_expected[$_]") foreach (0..$#tables_expected); for (my $i = 0; $i < 300; $i += 100) { print "Testing the fake directories ($i).\n"; ok($csr_a = $dbh->prepare("SELECT name, mode FROM long_list_$i")); ok($csr_a->execute(), $DBI::errstr); my $ary = $csr_a->fetchall_arrayref; ok(@$ary == $i, @$ary." rows instead of $i"); if ($i) { my @n1 = map { $_->[0] } @$ary; my @n2 = reverse map { "file$_" } 1..$i; ok("@n1" eq "@n2", "'@n1' ne '@n2'"); } else { ok(1); } } print "Testing \$dbh->func().\n"; my %tables; unless ($dbh->{mx_handle_list}) { %tables = map { $_ =~ /lib/ ? ($_, 1) : () } $dbh->tables(); foreach my $t ($dbh->func('lib', 'examplep_tables')) { defined(delete $tables{$t}) or print "Unexpected table: $t\n"; } } ok((%tables == 0)); $dbh->disconnect; ok(!$dbh->{Active}); 1;