#!perl -w use strict; use Test::More tests => 12; ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 04mods.t - ... ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Note: # the modules tested here are all marked as new and not guaranteed, so this if # they change, these will fail. ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { use_ok( 'DBI' ); # load these first, since the other two load them # and we want to catch the error first use_ok( 'DBI::Const::GetInfo::ANSI' ); use_ok( 'DBI::Const::GetInfo::ODBC' ); use_ok( 'DBI::Const::GetInfoType', qw(%GetInfoType) ); use_ok( 'DBI::Const::GetInfoReturn', qw(%GetInfoReturnTypes %GetInfoReturnValues) ); } ## test GetInfoType cmp_ok(scalar(keys(%GetInfoType)), '>', 1, '... we have at least one key in the GetInfoType hash'); is_deeply( \%GetInfoType, { %DBI::Const::GetInfo::ANSI::InfoTypes, %DBI::Const::GetInfo::ODBC::InfoTypes }, '... the GetInfoType hash is constructed from the ANSI and ODBC hashes' ); ## test GetInfoReturnTypes cmp_ok(scalar(keys(%GetInfoReturnTypes)), '>', 1, '... we have at least one key in the GetInfoReturnType hash'); is_deeply( \%GetInfoReturnTypes, { %DBI::Const::GetInfo::ANSI::ReturnTypes, %DBI::Const::GetInfo::ODBC::ReturnTypes }, '... the GetInfoReturnType hash is constructed from the ANSI and ODBC hashes' ); ## test GetInfoReturnValues cmp_ok(scalar(keys(%GetInfoReturnValues)), '>', 1, '... we have at least one key in the GetInfoReturnValues hash'); # ... testing GetInfoReturnValues any further would be difficult ## test the two methods found in DBI::Const::GetInfoReturn can_ok('DBI::Const::GetInfoReturn', 'Format'); can_ok('DBI::Const::GetInfoReturn', 'Explain'); 1;