Changes   [plain text]

Revision history for Perl extension String::ShellQuote.

1.04 Mon Jun  7 09:09:36 EDT 2010

    - Don't escape "=" unless it's in command position.  Thanks to Chip
      for the inspiration.
    - Use "#!perl" in test.t (closes #38072).
    - Don't try to test or install the shell-quote script on Windows
      (closes #46445).

1.03  Tue May  3 06:47:39 EDT 2005

    - Add shell-quote script.

1.02  Thu Feb 10 22:08:27 EST 2005

    - Allow qw(! % + , : @ ^) to appear without being quoted.  (This was
      in 1.01, but I forgot to mention it.)

1.01  Wed Feb  9 20:43:46 EST 2005

    - Have shell_quote() croak if the string can't be encoded
      (currently, if it contains NULs).
    - Add shell_quote_best_effort() which will return what it can

1.00  Sun Dec 07 12:03:36 EST 1997

    - In shell_quote, drop leading and trailing ''.

0.01  Tue May 13 22:29:27 EDT 1997

    - Initial version.

$Id: Changes,v 1.6 2010-06-11 20:00:24 roderick Exp $