package Log::Log4perl::Internal::Test; use strict; use warnings; # We don't require any of these modules for testing, but if they're # installed, we require minimal versions. our %MINVERSION = qw( DBI 1.607 DBD::CSV 0.33 SQL::Statement 1.20 ); 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Log::Log4perl::Internal::Test - Internal Test Utilities for Log4perl =head1 SYNOPSIS use Log::Log4perl::Internal::Test; =head1 DESCRIPTION Some general-purpose test routines and constants to be used in the Log4perl test suite. =head1 AUTHOR Please contribute patches to the project on Github: Send bug reports or requests for enhancements to the authors via our MAILING LIST (questions, bug reports, suggestions/patches): Authors (please contact them via the list above, not directly): Mike Schilli , Kevin Goess Contributors (in alphabetical order): Ateeq Altaf, Cory Bennett, Jens Berthold, Jeremy Bopp, Hutton Davidson, Chris R. Donnelly, Matisse Enzer, Hugh Esco, Anthony Foiani, James FitzGibbon, Carl Franks, Dennis Gregorovic, Andy Grundman, Paul Harrington, David Hull, Robert Jacobson, Jason Kohles, Jeff Macdonald, Markus Peter, Brett Rann, Peter Rabbitson, Erik Selberg, Aaron Straup Cope, Lars Thegler, David Viner, Mac Yang. =head1 LICENSE Copyright 2002-2012 by Mike Schilli Em@perlmeister.comE and Kevin Goess Ecpan@goess.orgE. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.