use Test::More tests => 124; use Graph; use Graph::Directed; use Graph::Undirected; my $g = Graph::Directed->new; $g->add_weighted_path("b", 1, "f", 2, "c", 3, "d", 3, "f", 2, "g", 2, "e"); $g->add_weighted_edges("d", "e", 3, "g", "a", 3, "g", "f", 2, "b", "a", 3, "h", "b", 1, "h", "c", 1); my $u = Graph::Undirected->new; $u->add_weighted_path("b", 1, "f", 2, "c", 3, "d", 3, "f", 2, "g", 2, "e"); $u->add_weighted_edges("d", "e", 3, "g", "a", 3, "g", "f", 2, "b", "a", 3, "h", "b", 1, "h", "c", 1); my $sgb_d = $g->SPT_Dijkstra(first_root => "b"); is( $sgb_d, "b-a,b-f,c-d,f-c,f-g,g-e" ); my $sgb_bf = $g->SPT_Bellman_Ford(first_root => "b"); is( $sgb_bf, "b-a,b-f,c-d,f-c,f-g,g-e" ); my $sgh_d = $g->SPT_Dijkstra(first_root => "h"); is( $sgh_d, "b-a,b-f,c-d,f-g,g-e,h-b,h-c" ); my $sga_d = $g->SPT_Dijkstra(first_root => "a", next_root => undef); is( $sga_d, '' ); my $sub = $u->SPT_Dijkstra(first_root => "b"); is( $sub, "a=b,b=f,b=h,c=h,d=f,e=g,f=g" ); my $suh = $u->SPT_Dijkstra(first_root => "h"); is( $suh, "a=b,b=f,b=h,c=d,c=h,e=g,f=g" ); my $sua = $u->SPT_Dijkstra(first_root => "a"); print "# sua = $sua\n"; ok( $sua eq "a=b,a=g,b=f,b=h,c=h,d=e,e=g" || $sua eq "a=b,a=g,b=f,b=h,c=h,d=f,e=g" || $sua eq "a=b,a=g,c=f,c=h,d=e,e=g,f=g" || $sua eq "a=b,a=g,c=f,c=h,d=f,e=g,f=g" ); # Sedgewick, Algorithms in C, Third Edition # Chapter 21, "Shortest Paths", Figure 21.10 (p 282) my $g2 = Graph::Directed->new; $g2->add_weighted_edge(qw(0 1 0.41)); $g2->add_weighted_edge(qw(1 2 0.51)); $g2->add_weighted_edge(qw(2 3 0.50)); $g2->add_weighted_edge(qw(4 3 0.36)); $g2->add_weighted_edge(qw(3 5 0.38)); $g2->add_weighted_edge(qw(3 0 0.45)); $g2->add_weighted_edge(qw(0 5 0.29)); $g2->add_weighted_edge(qw(5 4 0.21)); $g2->add_weighted_edge(qw(1 4 0.32)); $g2->add_weighted_edge(qw(4 2 0.32)); $g2->add_weighted_edge(qw(5 1 0.29)); my $s2_di = $g2->SPT_Dijkstra(first_root => "0"); is( $s2_di, "0-1,0-5,4-2,4-3,5-4" ); my $s2_bf = $g2->SPT_Bellman_Ford(first_root => "0"); is( $s2_bf, "0-1,0-5,4-2,4-3,5-4" ); my $g3 = Graph::Directed->new; $g3->add_weighted_path(qw(a 1 b 2 c 3 d -1 e 4 f)); my $s3_da; eval '$s3_da = $g3->SPT_Dijkstra(first_root => "a")'; like($@, qr/Graph::SPT_Dijkstra: edge d-e is negative \(-1\)/); is( $s3_da, undef ); my $s3_bf; eval '$s3_bf = $g3->SPT_Bellman_Ford(first_root => "a")'; is($@, ''); is( $s3_bf, "a-b,b-c,c-d,d-e,e-f"); $g3->add_weighted_path(qw(b -2 a)); undef $s3_bf; eval '$s3_bf = $g3->SPT_Bellman_Ford(first_root => "a")'; like($@, qr/Graph::SPT_Bellman_Ford: negative cycle exists/); is( $s3_bf, undef ); # my $g4 = new Graph::Undirected; $g4->add_weighted_edge("r1", "l1", 1); my $d4 = $g4->SSSP_Dijkstra("r1"); is($g4, "l1=r1"); is($d4, "l1=r1"); # Nathan Goodman my $g5 = Graph::Directed->new; $g5->add_edge(qw(0 1)); $g5->add_edge(qw(1 2)); my $sg5 = $g5->SPT_Dijkstra(first_root => "0"); is($sg5, "0-1,1-2"); # Test the attributes of the $s2_di from earlier. # $s2_di->_dump; is($s2_di->get_edge_attribute('0', '1', 'weight'), 0.41, "edge 0-1"); is($s2_di->get_edge_attribute('0', '5', 'weight'), 0.29, "edge 0-5"); is($s2_di->get_edge_attribute('5', '4', 'weight'), 0.50, "edge 5-4"); is($s2_di->get_edge_attribute('4', '3', 'weight'), 0.86, "edge 4-3"); is($s2_di->get_edge_attribute('4', '2', 'weight'), 0.82, "edge 4-2"); is($s2_di->get_edge_attribute('0', '3', 'weight'), undef, "edge 0-3"); is($s2_di->get_edge_attribute('3', '5', 'weight'), undef, "edge 3-5"); is($s2_di->get_edge_attribute('5', '1', 'weight'), undef, "edge 5-1"); is($s2_di->get_edge_attribute('1', '2', 'weight'), undef, "edge 1-2"); is($s2_di->get_edge_attribute('2', '3', 'weight'), undef, "edge 2-3"); is($s2_di->get_edge_attribute('1', '0', 'weight'), undef, "edge 1-0"); is($s2_di->get_edge_attribute('5', '0', 'weight'), undef, "edge 5-0"); is($s2_di->get_edge_attribute('4', '5', 'weight'), undef, "edge 4-5"); is($s2_di->get_edge_attribute('3', '4', 'weight'), undef, "edge 3-4"); is($s2_di->get_edge_attribute('2', '4', 'weight'), undef, "edge 2-4"); is($s2_di->get_edge_attribute('3', '0', 'weight'), undef, "edge 3-0"); is($s2_di->get_edge_attribute('5', '3', 'weight'), undef, "edge 5-3"); is($s2_di->get_edge_attribute('1', '5', 'weight'), undef, "edge 1-5"); is($s2_di->get_edge_attribute('2', '1', 'weight'), undef, "edge 2-1"); is($s2_di->get_edge_attribute('3', '2', 'weight'), undef, "edge 3-2"); is($s2_di->get_vertex_attribute('0', 'weight'), undef, "vertex 0"); is($s2_di->get_vertex_attribute('1', 'weight'), 0.41, "vertex 1"); is($s2_di->get_vertex_attribute('2', 'weight'), 0.82, "vertex 2"); is($s2_di->get_vertex_attribute('3', 'weight'), 0.86, "vertex 3"); is($s2_di->get_vertex_attribute('4', 'weight'), 0.50, "vertex 4"); is($s2_di->get_vertex_attribute('5', 'weight'), 0.29, "vertex 5"); is($s2_di->get_vertex_attribute('0', 'p'), undef, "vertex 0 p"); is($s2_di->get_vertex_attribute('1', 'p'), 0, "vertex 1 p"); is($s2_di->get_vertex_attribute('2', 'p'), 4, "vertex 2 p"); is($s2_di->get_vertex_attribute('3', 'p'), 4, "vertex 3 p"); is($s2_di->get_vertex_attribute('4', 'p'), 5, "vertex 4 p"); is($s2_di->get_vertex_attribute('5', 'p'), 0, "vertex 5 p"); is("@{[$g2->SP_Dijkstra('0', '0')]}", "0", "path 0 0"); is("@{[$g2->SP_Dijkstra('0', '1')]}", "0 1", "path 0 1"); is("@{[$g2->SP_Dijkstra('0', '2')]}", "0 5 4 2", "path 0 2"); is("@{[$g2->SP_Dijkstra('0', '3')]}", "0 5 4 3", "path 0 3"); is("@{[$g2->SP_Dijkstra('0', '4')]}", "0 5 4", "path 0 4"); is("@{[$g2->SP_Dijkstra('0', '5')]}", "0 5", "path 0 5"); is("@{[$g2->SP_Dijkstra('1', '0')]}", "1 4 3 0", "path 1 0"); is("@{[$g2->SP_Dijkstra('1', '1')]}", "1", "path 1 1"); is("@{[$g2->SP_Dijkstra('1', '2')]}", "1 2", "path 1 2"); is("@{[$g2->SP_Dijkstra('1', '3')]}", "1 4 3", "path 1 3"); is("@{[$g2->SP_Dijkstra('1', '4')]}", "1 4", "path 1 4"); is("@{[$g2->SP_Dijkstra('1', '5')]}", "1 4 3 5", "path 1 5"); is("@{[$g2->SP_Dijkstra('0', '0')]}", "0", "path 0 0"); is("@{[$g2->SP_Dijkstra('0', '1')]}", "0 1", "path 0 1"); is("@{[$g2->SP_Dijkstra('0', '2')]}", "0 5 4 2", "path 0 2"); is("@{[$g2->SP_Dijkstra('0', '3')]}", "0 5 4 3", "path 0 3"); is("@{[$g2->SP_Dijkstra('0', '4')]}", "0 5 4", "path 0 4"); is("@{[$g2->SP_Dijkstra('0', '5')]}", "0 5", "path 0 5"); is($s2_bf->get_edge_attribute('0', '1', 'weight'), 0.41, "edge 0-1"); is($s2_bf->get_edge_attribute('0', '5', 'weight'), 0.29, "edge 0-5"); is($s2_bf->get_edge_attribute('5', '4', 'weight'), 0.21, "edge 5-4"); is($s2_bf->get_edge_attribute('4', '3', 'weight'), 0.36, "edge 4-3"); is($s2_bf->get_edge_attribute('4', '2', 'weight'), 0.32, "edge 4-2"); is($s2_bf->get_edge_attribute('0', '3', 'weight'), undef, "edge 0-3"); is($s2_bf->get_edge_attribute('3', '5', 'weight'), undef, "edge 3-5"); is($s2_bf->get_edge_attribute('5', '1', 'weight'), undef, "edge 5-1"); is($s2_bf->get_edge_attribute('1', '2', 'weight'), undef, "edge 1-2"); is($s2_bf->get_edge_attribute('2', '3', 'weight'), undef, "edge 2-3"); is($s2_bf->get_edge_attribute('1', '0', 'weight'), undef, "edge 1-0"); is($s2_bf->get_edge_attribute('5', '0', 'weight'), undef, "edge 5-0"); is($s2_bf->get_edge_attribute('4', '5', 'weight'), undef, "edge 4-5"); is($s2_bf->get_edge_attribute('3', '4', 'weight'), undef, "edge 3-4"); is($s2_bf->get_edge_attribute('2', '4', 'weight'), undef, "edge 2-4"); is($s2_bf->get_edge_attribute('3', '0', 'weight'), undef, "edge 3-0"); is($s2_bf->get_edge_attribute('5', '3', 'weight'), undef, "edge 5-3"); is($s2_bf->get_edge_attribute('1', '5', 'weight'), undef, "edge 1-5"); is($s2_bf->get_edge_attribute('2', '1', 'weight'), undef, "edge 2-1"); is($s2_bf->get_edge_attribute('3', '2', 'weight'), undef, "edge 3-2"); is($s2_bf->get_vertex_attribute('0', 'weight'), undef, "vertex 0"); is($s2_bf->get_vertex_attribute('1', 'weight'), 0.41, "vertex 1"); is($s2_bf->get_vertex_attribute('2', 'weight'), 0.82, "vertex 2"); is($s2_bf->get_vertex_attribute('3', 'weight'), 0.86, "vertex 3"); is($s2_bf->get_vertex_attribute('4', 'weight'), 0.50, "vertex 4"); is($s2_bf->get_vertex_attribute('5', 'weight'), 0.29, "vertex 5"); is($s2_bf->get_vertex_attribute('0', 'p'), undef, "vertex 0 p"); is($s2_bf->get_vertex_attribute('1', 'p'), 0, "vertex 1 p"); is($s2_bf->get_vertex_attribute('2', 'p'), 4, "vertex 2 p"); is($s2_bf->get_vertex_attribute('3', 'p'), 4, "vertex 3 p"); is($s2_bf->get_vertex_attribute('4', 'p'), 5, "vertex 4 p"); is($s2_bf->get_vertex_attribute('5', 'p'), 0, "vertex 5 p"); is("@{[$g2->SP_Bellman_Ford('0', '0')]}", "0", "path 0 0"); is("@{[$g2->SP_Bellman_Ford('0', '1')]}", "0 1", "path 0 1"); is("@{[$g2->SP_Bellman_Ford('0', '2')]}", "0 5 4 2", "path 0 2"); is("@{[$g2->SP_Bellman_Ford('0', '3')]}", "0 5 4 3", "path 0 3"); is("@{[$g2->SP_Bellman_Ford('0', '4')]}", "0 5 4", "path 0 4"); is("@{[$g2->SP_Bellman_Ford('0', '5')]}", "0 5", "path 0 5"); is("@{[$g2->SP_Bellman_Ford('1', '0')]}", "1 4 3 0", "path 1 0"); is("@{[$g2->SP_Bellman_Ford('1', '1')]}", "1", "path 1 1"); is("@{[$g2->SP_Bellman_Ford('1', '2')]}", "1 2", "path 1 2"); is("@{[$g2->SP_Bellman_Ford('1', '3')]}", "1 4 3", "path 1 3"); is("@{[$g2->SP_Bellman_Ford('1', '4')]}", "1 4", "path 1 4"); is("@{[$g2->SP_Bellman_Ford('1', '5')]}", "1 4 3 5", "path 1 5"); is("@{[$g2->SP_Bellman_Ford('0', '0')]}", "0", "path 0 0"); is("@{[$g2->SP_Bellman_Ford('0', '1')]}", "0 1", "path 0 1"); is("@{[$g2->SP_Bellman_Ford('0', '2')]}", "0 5 4 2", "path 0 2"); is("@{[$g2->SP_Bellman_Ford('0', '3')]}", "0 5 4 3", "path 0 3"); is("@{[$g2->SP_Bellman_Ford('0', '4')]}", "0 5 4", "path 0 4"); is("@{[$g2->SP_Bellman_Ford('0', '5')]}", "0 5", "path 0 5"); { my $g = Graph::Directed->new(refvertexed => 1); $g->add_edge(qw(a b)); $g->add_edge(qw(a c)); $g->add_edge(qw(c d)); $g->add_edge(qw(c e)); $g->add_edge(qw(e f)); my $r = [1, 2, 3]; $g->add_edge('f', $r); my $s0 = $g->SPT_Dijkstra(first_root => 'a'); ok($s0->has_vertex('f')); my @e0 = $s0->successors('f'); is(@e0, 1); is_deeply($e0[0], $r); my $s1 = $g->SPT_Bellman_Ford(first_root => 'a'); ok($s1->has_vertex('f')); my @e1 = $s1->successors('f'); is(@e1, 1); is($e1[0], $r); }