use strict; use Test::More qw(no_plan); use IO::Scalar; use lib 't/lib'; use Foo; ok(Foo->add_trigger(before_foo => sub { print "before_foo\n" }), 'add_trigger in Foo'); ok(Foo->add_trigger(after_foo => sub { print "after_foo\n" }), 'add_trigger in foo'); my $foo = Foo->new; { my $out; tie *STDOUT, 'IO::Scalar', \$out; $foo->foo; is $out, "before_foo\nfoo\nafter_foo\n"; } ok(Foo->add_trigger(after_foo => sub { print "after_foo2\n" }), 'add_trigger in Foo'); { tie *STDOUT, 'IO::Scalar', \my $out; $foo->foo; is $out, "before_foo\nfoo\nafter_foo\nafter_foo2\n"; } ok(Foo->add_trigger(after_foo => sub { print ref $_[0] }), 'add_trigger in Foo'); { tie *STDOUT, 'IO::Scalar', \my $out; $foo->foo; is $out, "before_foo\nfoo\nafter_foo\nafter_foo2\nFoo", 'class name'; } # coverage tests { # pass a non-code ref and catch the carp my @die; eval { local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {push @die, @_}; Foo->add_trigger(wrong_type => []); }; like(pop(@die), qr(add_trigger[(][)] needs coderef at ), 'check for right callback param'); } { # pass a multiple triggers and catch the carp my @die; eval { local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {push @die, @_}; Foo->add_trigger(hello => sub{}, world => sub{}); }; like(pop(@die), qr(mutiple trigger registration in one add_trigger[(][)] call is deprecated.), 'check for depricated multi-trigger add'); }