#!perl -w #!d:\perl\bin\perl.exe # -- SOAP::Lite -- soaplite.com -- Copyright (C) 2001 Paul Kulchenko -- # example that shows how to handle types specified in other schemas package EncodedTypes; sub as_TickDirection { $_[1] } sub as_Exchanges { $_[1] } package main; use SOAP::Lite; $d = SOAP::Deserializer->new; $d->xmlschemas->{'http://marketdata.earthconnect.net/encodedTypes'} = 'EncodedTypes'; $r = $d->deserialize(q! EarthConnect Corporation 66.7 2001-07-17T14:19:45.3310450-07:00 0.34 23456778 Down 88.21 88.22 300 5800 64.8987 68.4356 87.43 86.34 640 one of NASDAQ or NYSE or AMEX or INDEX false false false false false false false false false false false false false false false !)->result; print "Tick (types:TickDirection): ", $r->[0]->{Tick}, "\n"; print "Exchange (types:Exchanges): ", $r->[0]->{Exchange}, "\n";