use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::Exception; use lib qw(t/lib); use DBICTest; plan tests => 8; my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema(); # Attempt sequential nested find_or_create with autoinc # As a side effect re-test nested default create (both the main object and the relation are {}) my $bookmark_rs = $schema->resultset('Bookmark'); my $last_bookmark = $bookmark_rs->search ({}, { order_by => { -desc => 'id' }, rows => 1})->single; my $last_link = $bookmark_rs->search_related ('link', {}, { order_by => { -desc => '' }, rows => 1})->single; # find_or_create a bookmark-link combo with data for a non-existing link my $o1 = $bookmark_rs->find_or_create ({ link => { url => 'something-weird' } }); is ($o1->id, $last_bookmark->id + 1, '1st bookmark ID'); is ($o1->link->id, $last_link->id + 1, '1st related link ID'); # find_or_create a bookmark-link combo without any data at all (default insert) # should extend this test to all available Storage's, and fix them accordingly my $o2 = $bookmark_rs->find_or_create ({ link => {} }); is ($o2->id, $last_bookmark->id + 2, '2nd bookmark ID'); is ($o2->link->id, $last_link->id + 2, '2nd related link ID'); # make sure the pre-existing link has only one related bookmark is ($last_link->bookmarks->count, 1, 'Expecting only 1 bookmark and 1 link, someone mucked with the table!'); # find_or_create a bookmark withouyt any data, but supplying an existing link object # should return $last_bookmark my $o0 = $bookmark_rs->find_or_create ({ link => $last_link }); is_deeply ({ $o0->columns}, {$last_bookmark->columns}, 'Correctly identify a row given a relationship'); # inject an additional bookmark and repeat the test # should warn and return the first row my $o3 = $last_link->create_related ('bookmarks', {}); is ($o3->id, $last_bookmark->id + 3, '3rd bookmark ID'); local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { warn @_ unless $_[0] =~ /Query returned more than one row/ }; my $oX = $bookmark_rs->find_or_create ({ link => $last_link }); is_deeply ({ $oX->columns}, {$last_bookmark->columns}, 'Correctly identify a row given a relationship');