use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::Exception; use lib qw(t/lib); use DBICTest; use DBICTest::Schema; use Scalar::Util (); BEGIN { require DBIx::Class; plan skip_all => 'Test needs ' . DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_missing_for ('deploy') unless DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_ok_for ('deploy') } # Test for SQLT-related leaks { my $s = DBICTest::Schema->clone; my $sqlt_schema = create_schema ({ schema => $s }); Scalar::Util::weaken ($s); ok (!$s, 'Schema not leaked'); isa_ok ($sqlt_schema, 'SQL::Translator::Schema', 'SQLT schema object produced'); } # make sure classname-style works lives_ok { isa_ok (create_schema ({ schema => 'DBICTest::Schema' }), 'SQL::Translator::Schema', 'SQLT schema object produced') }; my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema(); # Dummy was yanked out by the sqlt hook test # CustomSql tests the horrific/deprecated ->name(\$sql) hack # YearXXXXCDs are views # my @sources = grep { $_ !~ /^ (?: Dummy | CustomSql | Year\d{4}CDs ) $/x } $schema->sources ; my $idx_exceptions = { 'Artwork' => -1, 'ForceForeign' => -1, 'LinerNotes' => -1, 'TwoKeys' => -1, # TwoKeys has the index turned off on the rel def }; { my $sqlt_schema = create_schema({ schema => $schema, args => { parser_args => { } } }); foreach my $source_name (@sources) { my $table = get_table($sqlt_schema, $schema, $source_name); my $fk_count = scalar(grep { $_->type eq 'FOREIGN KEY' } $table->get_constraints); $fk_count += $idx_exceptions->{$source_name} || 0; my @indices = $table->get_indices; my $index_count = scalar(@indices); is($index_count, $fk_count, "correct number of indices for $source_name with no args"); for my $index (@indices) { my $source = $schema->source($source_name); my $pk_test = join("\x00", $source->primary_columns); my $idx_test = join("\x00", $index->fields); isnt ( $pk_test, $idx_test, "no additional index for the primary columns exists in $source_name"); } } } { my $sqlt_schema = create_schema({ schema => $schema, args => { parser_args => { add_fk_index => 1 } } }); foreach my $source_name (@sources) { my $table = get_table($sqlt_schema, $schema, $source_name); my $fk_count = scalar(grep { $_->type eq 'FOREIGN KEY' } $table->get_constraints); $fk_count += $idx_exceptions->{$source_name} || 0; my @indices = $table->get_indices; my $index_count = scalar(@indices); is($index_count, $fk_count, "correct number of indices for $source_name with add_fk_index => 1"); } } { my $sqlt_schema = create_schema({ schema => $schema, args => { parser_args => { add_fk_index => 0 } } }); foreach my $source (@sources) { my $table = get_table($sqlt_schema, $schema, $source); my @indices = $table->get_indices; my $index_count = scalar(@indices); is($index_count, 0, "correct number of indices for $source with add_fk_index => 0"); } } { { package # hide from PAUSE DBICTest::Schema::NoViewDefinition; use base qw/DBICTest::BaseResult/; __PACKAGE__->table_class('DBIx::Class::ResultSource::View'); __PACKAGE__->table('noviewdefinition'); 1; } my $schema_invalid_view = $schema->clone; $schema_invalid_view->register_class('NoViewDefinition', 'DBICTest::Schema::NoViewDefinition'); throws_ok { create_schema({ schema => $schema_invalid_view }) } qr/view noviewdefinition is missing a view_definition/, 'parser detects views with a view_definition'; } lives_ok (sub { my $sqlt_schema = create_schema ({ schema => $schema, args => { parser_args => { sources => ['CD'] }, }, }); is_deeply ( [$sqlt_schema->get_tables ], ['cd'], 'sources limitng with relationships works', ); }); done_testing; sub create_schema { my $args = shift; my $schema = $args->{schema}; my $additional_sqltargs = $args->{args} || {}; my $sqltargs = { add_drop_table => 1, ignore_constraint_names => 1, ignore_index_names => 1, %{$additional_sqltargs} }; my $sqlt = SQL::Translator->new( $sqltargs ); $sqlt->parser('SQL::Translator::Parser::DBIx::Class'); return $sqlt->translate({ data => $schema }) || die $sqlt->error; } sub get_table { my ($sqlt_schema, $schema, $source) = @_; my $table_name = $schema->source($source)->from; $table_name = $$table_name if ref $table_name; return $sqlt_schema->get_table($table_name); }