[plain text]

package Class::Accessor::Faster;
use base 'Class::Accessor';
use strict;
$Class::Accessor::Faster::VERSION = '0.30';

=head1 NAME

Class::Accessor::Faster - Even faster, but less expandable, accessors


  package Foo;
  use base qw(Class::Accessor::Faster);


This is a faster but less expandable version of Class::Accessor::Fast.

Class::Accessor's generated accessors require two method calls to accompish
their task (one for the accessor, another for get() or set()).

Class::Accessor::Fast eliminates calling set()/get() and does the access itself,
resulting in a somewhat faster accessor.

Class::Accessor::Faster uses an array reference underneath to be faster.

Read the documentation for Class::Accessor for more info.


my %slot;
sub _slot {
    my($class, $field) = @_;
    my $n = $slot{$class}->{$field};
    return $n if defined $n;
    $n = keys %{$slot{$class}};
    $slot{$class}->{$field} = $n;
    return $n;

sub new {
    my($proto, $fields) = @_;
    my($class) = ref $proto || $proto;
    my $self = bless [], $class;

    $fields = {} unless defined $fields;
    for my $k (keys %$fields) {
        my $n = $class->_slot($k);
        $self->[$n] = $fields->{$k};
    return $self;

sub make_accessor {
    my($class, $field) = @_;
    my $n = $class->_slot($field);
    return sub {
        return $_[0]->[$n] unless @_ > 1;
        my $self = shift;
        $self->[$n] = (@_ == 1 ? $_[0] : [@_]);

sub make_ro_accessor {
    my($class, $field) = @_;
    my $n = $class->_slot($field);
    return sub {
        return $_[0]->[$n] unless @_ > 1;
        my $self = shift;
        my $caller = caller;
        $self->_croak("'$caller' cannot alter the value of '$field' on objects of class '$class'");

sub make_wo_accessor {
    my($class, $field) = @_;
    my $n = $class->_slot($field);
    return sub {
        my $self = shift;

        unless (@_) {
            my $caller = caller;
            $self->_croak("'$caller' cannot access the value of '$field' on objects of class '$class'");
        else {
            return $self->[$n] = (@_ == 1 ? $_[0] : [@_]);

=head1 AUTHORS

Copyright 2006 Marty Pauley <>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.  That means either (a) the GNU General Public
License or (b) the Artistic License.

=head1 SEE ALSO


