#line 1 use strict; use warnings; use 5.006; package Module::Install::ExtraTests; use Module::Install::Base; BEGIN { our $VERSION = '0.006'; our $ISCORE = 1; our @ISA = qw{Module::Install::Base}; } sub extra_tests { my ($self) = @_; return unless -d 'xt'; return unless my @content = grep { $_ =~ /^[.]/ } ; die "unknown files found in ./xt" if grep { -f } @content; my %known = map {; $_ => 1 } qw(author smoke release); my @unknown = grep { not $known{$_} } @content; die "unknown directories found in ./xt: @unknown" if @unknown; { no warnings qw(closure once); package # The newline tells PAUSE, "DO NOT INDEXING!" MY; sub test_via_harness { my ($self, $perl, $tests) = @_; my $a_str = -d 'xt/author' ? 'xt/author' : ''; my $r_str = -d 'xt/release' ? 'xt/release' : ''; my $s_str = -d 'xt/smoke' ? 'xt/smoke' : ''; my $is_author = $Module::Install::AUTHOR ? 1 : 0; return qq{\t$perl "-Iinc" "-MModule::Install::ExtraTests" } . qq{"-e" "Module::Install::ExtraTests::__harness('Test::Harness', $is_author, '$a_str', '$r_str', '$s_str', \$(TEST_VERBOSE), '\$(INST_LIB)', '\$(INST_ARCHLIB)')" $tests\n}; } sub dist_test { my ($self, @args) = @_; my $text = $self->SUPER::dist_test(@args); my @lines = split /\n/, $text; $_ =~ s/ (\S*MAKE\S* test )/ RELEASE_TESTING=1 $1 / for grep { m/ test / } @lines; return join "\n", @lines; } } } sub __harness { my $harness_class = shift; my $is_author = shift; my $author_tests = shift; my $release_tests = shift; my $smoke_tests = shift; eval "require $harness_class; 1" or die; require File::Spec; my $verbose = shift; eval "\$$harness_class\::verbose = $verbose; 1" or die; # Because Windows doesn't do this for us and listing all the *.t files # out on the command line can blow over its exec limit. require ExtUtils::Command; push @ARGV, __PACKAGE__->_deep_t($author_tests) if $author_tests and (exists $ENV{AUTHOR_TESTING} ? $ENV{AUTHOR_TESTING} : $is_author); push @ARGV, __PACKAGE__->_deep_t($release_tests) if $release_tests and $ENV{RELEASE_TESTING}; push @ARGV, __PACKAGE__->_deep_t($smoke_tests) if $smoke_tests and $ENV{AUTOMATED_TESTING}; my @argv = ExtUtils::Command::expand_wildcards(@ARGV); local @INC = @INC; unshift @INC, map { File::Spec->rel2abs($_) } @_; $harness_class->can('runtests')->(sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } @argv); } sub _wanted { my $href = shift; no warnings 'once'; sub { /\.t$/ and -f $_ and $href->{$File::Find::dir} = 1 } } sub _deep_t { my ($self, $dir) = @_; require File::Find; my %test_dir; File::Find::find(_wanted(\%test_dir), $dir); return map { "$_/*.t" } sort keys %test_dir; } 1; __END__