warning_is.t   [plain text]


	chdir 't' if -d 't';
	unshift @INC, '../blib/lib';

use strict;
use warnings;

use Carp;

use constant SUBTESTS_PER_TESTS  => 6;

use constant TESTS =>(
    ["ok", "my warning", "my warning", "standard warning to find"],
    ["not ok", "my warning", "another warning", "another warning instead of my warning"],
    ["not ok", "warning general not", "warning general", "quite only a sub warning"],
    ["not ok", undef, "a warning", "no warning, but expected one"],
    ["not ok", "a warning", undef, "warning, but didn't expect one"],
    ["ok", undef, undef, "no warning"],
    ["ok", '$!"%&/()=', '$!"%&/()=', "warning with crazy letters"],
    ["not ok", "warning 1|warning 2", "warning1", "more than one warning"]

use Test::Builder::Tester tests  => TESTS() * SUBTESTS_PER_TESTS;
use Test::Warn;
#use Test::Exception;

Test::Builder::Tester::color 'on';

use constant WARN_LINE => line_num +2; 
sub _make_warn {
    warn $_ for grep $_, split m:\|:, (shift() || "");

use constant CARP_LINE => line_num +2;
sub _make_carp {
    carp $_ for grep $_, split m:\|:, (shift() || "");

use constant CARP_LEVELS => (0 .. 2);
sub _create_exp_warning {
    my ($carplevel, $warning) = @_;
    return $warning               if $carplevel == 0;
    return {carped => $warning}   if $carplevel == 1;
    return {carped => [$warning]} if $carplevel == 2;

test_warning_is(@$_) foreach  TESTS();

sub test_warning_is {
    my ($ok, $msg, $exp_warning, $testname) = @_;
    for my $carp (CARP_LEVELS) {
        *_found_msg         = $carp ? *_found_carp_msg : *_found_warn_msg;
        *_exp_msg           = $carp ? *_exp_carp_msg   : *_exp_warn_msg;
        *_make_warn_or_carp = $carp ? *_make_carp      : *_make_warn;
        for my $t (undef, $testname) {
            test_out "$ok 1" . ($t ? " - $t" : "");
            if ($ok =~ /not/) {
                test_fail +4;
                test_diag  _found_msg($_) for ($msg ? (split m-\|-, $msg) : $msg);
                test_diag  _exp_msg($exp_warning);
            warning_is {_make_warn_or_carp($msg)} _create_exp_warning($carp, $exp_warning), $t;
            test_test  "$testname (with" . ($_ ? "" : "out") . " a testname)";

sub _found_warn_msg {
        ? ( join " " => ("found warning:",
                         WARN_LINE . ".") )
        : "didn't found a warning";

sub _exp_warn_msg {
        ? "expected to find warning: $_[0]"
        : "didn't expect to find a warning";

sub _found_carp_msg {
        ? ( join " " => ("found carped warning:",
                         CARP_LINE) )     # Note the difference, that carp msg
        : "didn't found a warning";       # aren't finished by '.'

sub _exp_carp_msg {
        ? "expected to find carped warning: $_[0]"
        : "didn't expect to find a warning";