use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::Exception; use lib qw(t/lib); use DBICTest; use Path::Class::File (); my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema(); # The map below generates stuff like: # [ qw/artistid name/ ], # [ 4, "b" ], # [ 5, "c" ], # ... # [ 9999, "ntm" ], # [ 10000, "ntn" ], my $start_id = 'populateXaaaaaa'; my $rows = 10; my $offset = 3; $schema->populate('Artist', [ [ qw/artistid name/ ], map { [ ($_ + $offset) => $start_id++ ] } ( 1 .. $rows ) ] ); is ( $schema->resultset ('Artist')->search ({ name => { -like => 'populateX%' } })->count, $rows, 'populate created correct number of rows with massive AoA bulk insert', ); my $artist = $schema->resultset ('Artist') ->search ({ 'cds.title' => { '!=', undef } }, { join => 'cds' }) ->first; my $ex_title = $artist->cds->first->title; throws_ok ( sub { my $i = 600; $schema->populate('CD', [ map { { artist => $artist->id, title => $_, year => 2009, } } ('Huey', 'Dewey', $ex_title, 'Louie') ]) }, qr/columns .+ are not unique for populate slice.+$ex_title/ms, 'Readable exception thrown for failed populate'); ## make sure populate honors fields/orders in list context ## schema order my @links = $schema->populate('Link', [ [ qw/id url title/ ], [ qw/2 burl btitle/ ] ]); is(scalar @links, 1); my $link2 = shift @links; is($link2->id, 2, 'Link 2 id'); is($link2->url, 'burl', 'Link 2 url'); is($link2->title, 'btitle', 'Link 2 title'); ## non-schema order @links = $schema->populate('Link', [ [ qw/id title url/ ], [ qw/3 ctitle curl/ ] ]); is(scalar @links, 1); my $link3 = shift @links; is($link3->id, 3, 'Link 3 id'); is($link3->url, 'curl', 'Link 3 url'); is($link3->title, 'ctitle', 'Link 3 title'); ## not all physical columns @links = $schema->populate('Link', [ [ qw/id title/ ], [ qw/4 dtitle/ ] ]); is(scalar @links, 1); my $link4 = shift @links; is($link4->id, 4, 'Link 4 id'); is($link4->url, undef, 'Link 4 url'); is($link4->title, 'dtitle', 'Link 4 title'); ## make sure populate -> insert_bulk honors fields/orders in void context ## schema order $schema->populate('Link', [ [ qw/id url title/ ], [ qw/5 eurl etitle/ ] ]); my $link5 = $schema->resultset('Link')->find(5); is($link5->id, 5, 'Link 5 id'); is($link5->url, 'eurl', 'Link 5 url'); is($link5->title, 'etitle', 'Link 5 title'); ## non-schema order $schema->populate('Link', [ [ qw/id title url/ ], [ qw/6 ftitle furl/ ] ]); my $link6 = $schema->resultset('Link')->find(6); is($link6->id, 6, 'Link 6 id'); is($link6->url, 'furl', 'Link 6 url'); is($link6->title, 'ftitle', 'Link 6 title'); ## not all physical columns $schema->populate('Link', [ [ qw/id title/ ], [ qw/7 gtitle/ ] ]); my $link7 = $schema->resultset('Link')->find(7); is($link7->id, 7, 'Link 7 id'); is($link7->url, undef, 'Link 7 url'); is($link7->title, 'gtitle', 'Link 7 title'); my $rs = $schema->resultset('Artist'); $rs->delete; # test _execute_array_empty (insert_bulk with all literal sql) $rs->populate([ (+{ name => \"'DT'", rank => \500, charfield => \"'mtfnpy'", }) x 5 ]); is((grep { $_->name eq 'DT' && $_->rank == 500 && $_->charfield eq 'mtfnpy' } $rs->all), 5, 'populate with all literal SQL'); $rs->delete; # test mixed binds with literal sql $rs->populate([ (+{ name => \"'DT'", rank => 500, charfield => \"'mtfnpy'", }) x 5 ]); is((grep { $_->name eq 'DT' && $_->rank == 500 && $_->charfield eq 'mtfnpy' } $rs->all), 5, 'populate with all literal SQL'); $rs->delete; ### throws_ok { $rs->populate([ { artistid => 1, name => 'foo1', }, { artistid => 'foo', # this dies name => 'foo2', }, { artistid => 3, name => 'foo3', }, ]); } qr/slice/, 'bad slice'; is($rs->count, 0, 'populate is atomic'); # Trying to use a column marked as a bind in the first slice with literal sql in # a later slice should throw. throws_ok { $rs->populate([ { artistid => 1, name => \"'foo'", }, { artistid => \2, name => \"'foo'", } ]); } qr/bind expected/, 'literal sql where bind expected throws'; # ... and vice-versa. throws_ok { $rs->populate([ { artistid => \1, name => \"'foo'", }, { artistid => 2, name => \"'foo'", } ]); } qr/literal SQL expected/i, 'bind where literal sql expected throws'; throws_ok { $rs->populate([ { artistid => 1, name => \"'foo'", }, { artistid => 2, name => \"'bar'", } ]); } qr/inconsistent/, 'literal sql must be the same in all slices'; # the stringification has nothing to do with the artist name # this is solely for testing consistency my $fn = Path::Class::File->new ('somedir/somefilename.tmp'); my $fn2 = Path::Class::File->new ('somedir/someotherfilename.tmp'); lives_ok { $rs->populate([ { name => 'supplied before stringifying object', }, { name => $fn, } ]); } 'stringifying objects pass through'; # ... and vice-versa. lives_ok { $rs->populate([ { name => $fn2, }, { name => 'supplied after stringifying object', }, ]); } 'stringifying objects pass through'; for ( $fn, $fn2, 'supplied after stringifying object', 'supplied before stringifying object' ) { my $row = $rs->find ({name => $_}); ok ($row, "Stringification test row '$_' properly inserted"); } $rs->delete; # test stringification with ->create rather than Storage::insert_bulk as well lives_ok { my @dummy = $rs->populate([ { name => 'supplied before stringifying object', }, { name => $fn, } ]); } 'stringifying objects pass through'; # ... and vice-versa. lives_ok { my @dummy = $rs->populate([ { name => $fn2, }, { name => 'supplied after stringifying object', }, ]); } 'stringifying objects pass through'; for ( $fn, $fn2, 'supplied after stringifying object', 'supplied before stringifying object' ) { my $row = $rs->find ({name => $_}); ok ($row, "Stringification test row '$_' properly inserted"); } lives_ok { $schema->resultset('TwoKeys')->populate([{ artist => 1, cd => 5, fourkeys_to_twokeys => [{ f_foo => 1, f_bar => 1, f_hello => 1, f_goodbye => 1, autopilot => 'a', },{ f_foo => 2, f_bar => 2, f_hello => 2, f_goodbye => 2, autopilot => 'b', }] }]) } 'multicol-PK has_many populate works'; done_testing;