TESTS   [plain text]

# Automatically built by dist/s_test; may require local editing.

	Create a database greater than 4 GB in size.  Close, verify.
	Grow the database somewhat.  Close, reverify.  Lather, rinse,
	repeat.  Since it will not work on all systems, this test is
	not run by default.

	This one should be faster and not require so much disk space,
	although it doesn't test as extensively.  Create an mpool file
	with 1K pages.  Dirty page 6000000.  Sync.

	Historic DBM interface test.  Use the first 1000 entries from the
	dictionary.  Insert each with self as key and data; retrieve each.
	After all are entered, retrieve all; compare output to original.
	Then reopen the file, re-retrieve everything.  Finally, delete

	Use two different configurations to test deadlock detection among a
	variable number of processes.  One configuration has the processes
	deadlocked in a ring.  The other has the processes all deadlocked on
	a single resource.

	Same test as dead001, but use "detect on every collision" instead
	of separate deadlock detector.


	Same test as dead002, but explicitly specify DB_LOCK_OLDEST and
	DB_LOCK_YOUNGEST.  Verify the correct lock was aborted/granted.

	use timeouts rather than the normal dd algorithm.

	use timeouts rather than the normal dd algorithm.

	Test of env remove interface (formerly env_remove).

	Test of DB_LOG_DIR and env name resolution.
	With an environment path specified using -home, and then again
	with it specified by the environment variable DB_HOME:
	1) Make sure that the set_lg_dir option is respected
	a) as a relative pathname.
	b) as an absolute pathname.
	2) Make sure that the DB_LOG_DIR db_config argument is respected,
	again as relative and absolute pathnames.
	3) Make sure that if -both- db_config and a file are present,
	only the file is respected (see doc/env/naming.html).

	Test DB_TMP_DIR and env name resolution
	With an environment path specified using -home, and then again
	with it specified by the environment variable DB_HOME:
	1) Make sure that the DB_TMP_DIR config file option is respected
	a) as a relative pathname.
	b) as an absolute pathname.
	2) Make sure that the -tmp_dir config option is respected,
	again as relative and absolute pathnames.
	3) Make sure that if -both- -tmp_dir and a file are present,
	only the file is respected (see doc/env/naming.html).

	Test multiple data directories.  Do a bunch of different opens
	to make sure that the files are detected in different directories.

	Test that using subsystems without initializing them correctly
	returns an error.  Cannot test mpool, because it is assumed in
	the Tcl code.

	Make sure that all the utilities exist and run.

	Test various DB_CONFIG config file options.
	1) Make sure command line option is respected
	2) Make sure that config file option is respected
	3) Make sure that if -both- DB_CONFIG and the set_<whatever>
	method is used,	only the file is respected.
	Then test all known config options.

	Test environments and subdirectories.

	Test calls to all the various stat functions.  We have several
	sprinkled throughout the test suite, but this will ensure that
	we run all of them at least once.

	Run recovery in an empty directory, and then make sure we can still
	create a database in that directory.

	Run with region overwrite flag.

	Test duplicate assisted joins.  Executes 1, 2, 3 and 4-way joins
	with differing index orders and selectivity.

	We'll test 2-way, 3-way, and 4-way joins and figure that if those
	work, everything else does as well.  We'll create test databases
	called join1.db, join2.db, join3.db, and join4.db.  The number on
	the database describes the duplication -- duplicates are of the
	form 0, N, 2N, 3N, ...  where N is the number of the database.
	Primary.db is the primary database, and null.db is the database
	that has no matching duplicates.

	We should test this on all btrees, all hash, and a combination thereof

	Make sure that the basic lock tests work.  Do some simple gets
	and puts for a single locker.

	Exercise basic multi-process aspects of lock.

	Exercise multi-process aspects of lock.  Generate a bunch of parallel
	testers that try to randomly obtain locks;  make sure that the locks
	correctly protect corresponding objects.

	Test locker ids wraping around.

	Check that page locks are being released properly.

	Read/write log records.

	Tests multiple logs
	Log truncation
	LSN comparison and file functionality.

	Verify that log_flush is flushing records correctly.

	Make sure that if we do PREVs on a log, but the beginning of the
	log has been truncated, we do the right thing.

	Check that log file sizes can change on the fly.

	Randomly updates pages.

	Tests multiple processes accessing and modifying the same files.

	Test reader-only/writer process combinations; we use the access methods
	for testing.

	Test basic mutex functionality

	Test basic mutex synchronization

	Generate a bunch of parallel testers that try to randomly obtain locks.

	Per-operation recovery tests for non-duplicate, non-split
	messages.  Makes sure that we exercise redo, undo, and do-nothing
	condition.  Any test that appears with the message (change state)
	indicates that we've already run the particular test, but we are
	running it again so that we can change the state of the data base
	to prepare for the next test (this applies to all other recovery
	tests as well).

	These are the most basic recovery tests.  We do individual recovery
	tests for each operation in the access method interface.  First we
	create a file and capture the state of the database (i.e., we copy
	it.  Then we run a transaction containing a single operation.  In
	one test, we abort the transaction and compare the outcome to the
	original copy of the file.  In the second test, we restore the
	original copy of the database and then run recovery and compare
	this against the actual database.

	Split recovery tests.  For every known split log message, makes sure
	that we exercise redo, undo, and do-nothing condition.

	Duplicate recovery tests.  For every known duplicate log message,
	makes sure that we exercise redo, undo, and do-nothing condition.

	Test all the duplicate log messages and recovery operations.  We make
	sure that we exercise all possible recovery actions: redo, undo, undo
	but no fix necessary and redo but no fix necessary.

	Big key test where big key gets elevated to internal page.

	Verify reuse of file ids works on catastrophic recovery.

	Make sure that we can do catastrophic recovery even if we open
	files using the same log file id.

	Nested transactions.

	File create/delete tests.

	This is a recovery test for create/delete of databases.  We have
	hooks in the database so that we can abort the process at various
	points and make sure that the transaction doesn't commit.  We
	then need to recover and make sure the file is correctly existing
	or not, as the case may be.

	Test deeply nested transactions and many-child transactions.

	Verify record numbering across split/reverse splits and recovery.

	Test stability of btree duplicates across btree off-page dup splits
	and reverse splits and across recovery.

	Verify that recovery to a specific timestamp works.

	Test of log file ID management. [#2288]
	Test recovery handling of file opens and closes.

	Test of cursor adjustment on child transaction aborts. [#2373]

	This is a recovery test for create/delete of queue extents.  We
	then need to recover and make sure the file is correctly existing
	or not, as the case may be.

	This is a recovery test for testing lots of prepared txns.
	This test is to force the use of txn_recover to call with the
	DB_FIRST flag and then DB_NEXT.

	This is a recovery test for testing running recovery while
	recovery is already running.  While bad things may or may not
	happen, if recovery is then run properly, things should be correct.

	Test recovery and security.  This is basically a watered
	down version of recd001 just to verify that encrypted environments
	can be recovered.

	Test recover of closely interspersed checkpoints and commits.

	Test txn id wrap-around and recovery.

	Test recovery after checksum error.

	Replication rename and forced-upgrade test.

	Run a modified version of test001 in a replicated master environment;
	verify that the database on the client is correct.
	Next, remove the database, close the master, upgrade the 
	client, reopen the master, and make sure the new master can correctly
	run test001 and propagate it in the other direction.

	Basic replication election test.

	Run a modified version of test001 in a replicated master environment;
	hold an election among a group of clients to make sure they select
	a proper master from amongst themselves, in various scenarios.

	Repeated shutdown/restart replication test

	Run a quick put test in a replicated master environment;  start up, 
	shut down, and restart client processes, with and without recovery.
	To ensure that environment state is transient, use DB_PRIVATE.


	Run a quick put test in a master environment that has one logs-only
	client.  Shut down, then run catastrophic recovery in the logs-only
	client and check that the database is present and populated.

	Replication election test with error handling.

	Run a modified version of test001 in a replicated master environment;
	hold an election among a group of clients to make sure they select
	a proper master from amongst themselves, forcing errors at various
	locations in the election path.

	Test RPC server timeouts for cursor, txn and env handles.
	Test RPC specifics, primarily that unsupported functions return
	errors and such.

	Test invalid RPC functions and make sure we error them correctly

	Test RPC server and security

	Test RPC server handle ID sharing

	Recno backing file test.  Try different patterns of adding
	records and making sure that the corresponding file matches.

	Recno backing file test #2: test of set_re_delim.  Specify a backing
	file with colon-delimited records, and make sure they are correctly

	Recno backing file test.  Try different patterns of adding
	records and making sure that the corresponding file matches.

	Recno backing file test for EOF-terminated records.

	The scr### directories are shell scripts that test a variety of
	things, including things about the distribution itself.  These
	tests won't run on most systems, so don't even try to run them.

	Tests multiple access methods in one subdb
	Open several subdbs, each with a different access method
	Small keys, small data
	Put/get per key per subdb
	Dump file, verify per subdb
	Close, reopen per subdb
	Dump file, verify per subdb

	Make several subdb's of different access methods all in one DB.
	Rotate methods and repeat [#762].
	Use the first 10,000 entries from the dictionary.
	Insert each with self as key and data; retrieve each.
	After all are entered, retrieve all; compare output to original.
	Close file, reopen, do retrieve and re-verify.

	Tests multiple access methods in one subdb access by multiple
	Open several subdbs, each with a different access method
	Small keys, small data
	Put/get per key per subdb
	Fork off several child procs to each delete selected
	data from their subdb and then exit
	Dump file, verify contents of each subdb is correct
	Close, reopen per subdb
	Dump file, verify per subdb

	Make several subdb's of different access methods all in one DB.
	Fork of some child procs to each manipulate one subdb and when
	they are finished, verify the contents of the databases.
	Use the first 10,000 entries from the dictionary.
	Insert each with self as key and data; retrieve each.
	After all are entered, retrieve all; compare output to original.
	Close file, reopen, do retrieve and re-verify.

	Test of security interface

	Test of security interface and catching errors in the
	face of attackers overwriting parts of existing files.

	Basic secondary index put/delete test

	Basic cursor-based secondary index put/delete test

	sindex001 with secondaries created and closed mid-test
	Basic secondary index put/delete test with secondaries
	created mid-test.

	sindex002 with secondaries created and closed mid-test
	Basic cursor-based secondary index put/delete test, with
	secondaries created mid-test.

	Basic secondary index put/delete test with transactions

subdb001	Tests mixing db and subdb operations
	Tests mixing db and subdb operations
	Create a db, add data, try to create a subdb.
	Test naming db and subdb with a leading - for correct parsing
	Existence check -- test use of -excl with subdbs

	Test non-subdb and subdb operations
	Test naming (filenames begin with -)
	Test existence (cannot create subdb of same name with -excl)

	Tests basic subdb functionality
	Small keys, small data
	Put/get per key
	Dump file
	Close, reopen
	Dump file

	Use the first 10,000 entries from the dictionary.
	Insert each with self as key and data; retrieve each.
	After all are entered, retrieve all; compare output to original.
	Close file, reopen, do retrieve and re-verify.
	Then repeat using an environment.

	Tests many subdbs
	Creates many subdbs and puts a small amount of
	data in each (many defaults to 2000)

	Use the first 10,000 entries from the dictionary as subdbnames.
	Insert each with entry as name of subdatabase and a partial list
	as key/data.  After all are entered, retrieve all; compare output
	to original.  Close file, reopen, do retrieve and re-verify.

	Tests large subdb names
	subdb name = filecontents,
	key = filename, data = filecontents
	Put/get per key
	Dump file
	Dump subdbs, verify data and subdb name match

	Create 1 db with many large subdbs.  Use the contents as subdb names.
	Take the source files and dbtest executable and enter their names as
	the key with their contents as data.  After all are entered, retrieve
	all; compare output to original. Close file, reopen, do retrieve and

	Tests cursor operations in subdbs
	Put/get per key
	Verify cursor operations work within subdb
	Verify cursor operations do not work across subdbs

	Tests intra-subdb join

	We'll test 2-way, 3-way, and 4-way joins and figure that if those work,
	everything else does as well.  We'll create test databases called
	sub1.db, sub2.db, sub3.db, and sub4.db.  The number on the database
	describes the duplication -- duplicates are of the form 0, N, 2N, 3N,
	...  where N is the number of the database.  Primary.db is the primary
	database, and sub0.db is the database that has no matching duplicates.
	All of these are within a single database.

	Tests page size difference errors between subdbs.
	Test 3 different scenarios for page sizes.
	1.  Create/open with a default page size, 2nd subdb create with
	specified different one, should error.
	2.  Create/open with specific page size, 2nd subdb create with
	different one, should error.
	3.  Create/open with specified page size, 2nd subdb create with
	same specified size, should succeed.
	(4th combo of using all defaults is a basic test, done elsewhere)

	Tests lorder difference errors between subdbs.
	Test 3 different scenarios for lorder.
	1.  Create/open with specific lorder, 2nd subdb create with
	different one, should error.
	2.  Create/open with a default lorder 2nd subdb create with
	specified different one, should error.
	3.  Create/open with specified lorder, 2nd subdb create with
	same specified lorder, should succeed.
	(4th combo of using all defaults is a basic test, done elsewhere)

	Test DB->rename() method for subdbs

	Test DB->remove() method and DB->truncate() for subdbs

	Test deleting Subdbs with overflow pages
	Create 1 db with many large subdbs.
	Test subdatabases with overflow pages.

	Test subdbs with locking and transactions
	Tests creating and removing subdbs while handles
	are open works correctly, and in the face of txns.

	Small keys/data
	Put/get per key
	Dump file
	Close, reopen
	Dump file

	Use the first 10,000 entries from the dictionary.
	Insert each with self as key and data; retrieve each.
	After all are entered, retrieve all; compare output to original.
	Close file, reopen, do retrieve and re-verify.

	Small keys/medium data
	Put/get per key
	Dump file
	Close, reopen
	Dump file

	Use the first 10,000 entries from the dictionary.
	Insert each with self as key and a fixed, medium length data string;
	retrieve each. After all are entered, retrieve all; compare output
	to original. Close file, reopen, do retrieve and re-verify.

	Small keys/large data
	Put/get per key
	Dump file
	Close, reopen
	Dump file

	Take the source files and dbtest executable and enter their names
	as the key with their contents as data.  After all are entered,
	retrieve all; compare output to original. Close file, reopen, do
	retrieve and re-verify.

	Small keys/medium data
	Put/get per key
	Sequential (cursor) get/delete

	Check that cursor operations work.  Create a database.
	Read through the database sequentially using cursors and
	delete each element.

	Small keys/medium data
	Put/get per key
	Close, reopen
	Sequential (cursor) get/delete

	Check that cursor operations work.  Create a database; close
	it and reopen it.  Then read through the database sequentially
	using cursors and delete each element.

	Small keys/medium data
	Put/get per key
	Keyed delete and verify

	Keyed delete test.
	Create database.
	Go through database, deleting all entries by key.

	Small keys/medium data
	Put/get per key
	Close, reopen
	Keyed delete

	Check that delete operations work.  Create a database; close
	database and reopen it.  Then issues delete by key for each

	Small keys/large data
	Put/get per key
	Loop through keys by steps (which change)
	... delete each key at step
	... add each key back
	... change step
	Confirm that overflow pages are getting reused

	Take the source files and dbtest executable and enter their names as
	the key with their contents as data.  After all are entered, begin
	looping through the entries; deleting some pairs and then readding them.

	Small keys/large data
	Same as test008; close and reopen database

	Check that we reuse overflow pages.  Create database with lots of
	big key/data pairs.  Go through and delete and add keys back
	randomly.  Then close the DB and make sure that we have everything
	we think we should.

	Duplicate test
	Small key/data pairs.

	Use the first 10,000 entries from the dictionary.
	Insert each with self as key and data; add duplicate records for each.
	After all are entered, retrieve all; verify output.
	Close file, reopen, do retrieve and re-verify.
	This does not work for recno

	Duplicate test
	Small key/data pairs.
	To test off-page duplicates, run with small pagesize.

	Use the first 10,000 entries from the dictionary.
	Insert each with self as key and data; add duplicate records for each.
	Then do some key_first/key_last add_before, add_after operations.
	This does not work for recno

	To test if dups work when they fall off the main page, run this with
	a very tiny page size.

	Large keys/small data
	Same as test003 except use big keys (source files and
	executables) and small data (the file/executable names).

	Take the source files and dbtest executable and enter their contents
	as the key with their names as data.  After all are entered, retrieve
	all; compare output to original. Close file, reopen, do retrieve and

	Partial put test
	Overwrite entire records using partial puts.
	Make surethat NOOVERWRITE flag works.

	1. Insert 10000 keys and retrieve them (equal key/data pairs).
	2. Attempt to overwrite keys with NO_OVERWRITE set (expect error).
	3. Actually overwrite each one with its datum reversed.

	No partial testing here.

	Exercise partial puts on short data
	Run 5 combinations of numbers of characters to replace,
	and number of times to increase the size by.

	Partial put test, small data, replacing with same size.  The data set
	consists of the first nentries of the dictionary.  We will insert them
	(and retrieve them) as we do in test 1 (equal key/data pairs).  Then
	we'll try to perform partial puts of some characters at the beginning,
	some at the end, and some at the middle.

	Partial put test
	Partial put test where the key does not initially exist.

	Partial put test
	Partial put where the datum gets shorter as a result of the put.

	Partial put test where partial puts make the record smaller.
	Use the first 10,000 entries from the dictionary.
	Insert each with self as key and a fixed, medium length data string;
	retrieve each. After all are entered, go back and do partial puts,
	replacing a random-length string with the key value.
	Then verify.

	Basic offpage duplicate test.

	Run duplicates with small page size so that we test off page duplicates.
	Then after we have an off-page database, test with overflow pages too.

	Offpage duplicate test
	Key_{first,last,before,after} offpage duplicates.
	Run duplicates with small page size so that we test off page

	Partial get test.

	In-Memory database tests.

	Btree range tests.

	Use the first 10,000 entries from the dictionary.
	Insert each with self, reversed as key and self as data.
	After all are entered, retrieve each using a cursor SET_RANGE, and
	getting about 20 keys sequentially after it (in some cases we'll
	run out towards the end of the file).

	Test of DB->getbyteswapped().

	Duplicate test
	Exercise deletes and cursor operations within a duplicate set.
	Add a key with duplicates (first time on-page, second time off-page)
	Number the dups.
	Delete dups and make sure that CURRENT/NEXT/PREV work correctly.

	Record number retrieval test.
	Test the Btree and Record number get-by-number functionality.

	DB_APPEND flag test.

	Small keys/medium data w/duplicates
	Put/get per key.
	Loop through keys -- delete each key
	... test that cursors delete duplicates correctly

	Keyed delete test through cursor.  If ndups is small; this will
	test on-page dups; if it's large, it will test off-page dups.

	Off-page duplicate test
	Test026 with parameters to force off-page duplicates.

	Check that delete operations work.  Create a database; close
	database and reopen it.  Then issues delete by key for each

	Cursor delete test
	Test put operations after deleting through a cursor.

	Test the Btree and Record number renumbering.

	Test DB_NEXT_DUP Functionality.

	Duplicate sorting functionality
	Make sure DB_NODUPDATA works.

	Use the first 10,000 entries from the dictionary.
	Insert each with self as key and "ndups" duplicates
	For the data field, prepend random five-char strings (see test032)
	that we force the duplicate sorting code to do something.
	Along the way, test that we cannot insert duplicate duplicates

	By setting ndups large, we can make this an off-page test
	After all are entered, retrieve all; verify output.
	Close file, reopen, do retrieve and re-verify.
	This does not work for recno


	Use the first 10,000 entries from the dictionary.  Insert each with
	self as key and "ndups" duplicates.   For the data field, prepend the
	letters of the alphabet in a random order so we force the duplicate
	sorting code to do something.  By setting ndups large, we can make
	this an off-page test.

	Test the DB_GET_BOTH functionality by retrieving each dup in the file
	explicitly.  Test the DB_GET_BOTH_RANGE functionality by retrieving
	the unique key prefix (cursor only).  Finally test the failure case.

	DB_GET_BOTH without comparison function

	Use the first 10,000 entries from the dictionary.  Insert each with
	self as key and data; add duplicate records for each.  After all are
	entered, retrieve all and verify output using DB_GET_BOTH (on DB and
	DBC handles) and DB_GET_BOTH_RANGE (on a DBC handle) on existent and
	nonexistent keys.

	This does not work for rbtree.

	test032 with off-page duplicates
	DB_GET_BOTH, DB_GET_BOTH_RANGE functionality with off-page duplicates.

	Test033 with off-page duplicates
	DB_GET_BOTH functionality with off-page duplicates.

	Test KEYFIRST and KEYLAST when the key doesn't exist
	Put nentries key/data pairs (from the dictionary) using a cursor
	and KEYFIRST and KEYLAST (this tests the case where use use cursor
	put for non-existent keys).

	Test DB_RMW

	DB_GET_BOTH, DB_GET_BOTH_RANGE on deleted items

	Use the first 10,000 entries from the dictionary.  Insert each with
	self as key and "ndups" duplicates.  For the data field, prepend the
	letters of the alphabet in a random order so we force the duplicate
	sorting code to do something.  By setting ndups large, we can make
	this an off-page test

	Test the DB_GET_BOTH and DB_GET_BOTH_RANGE functionality by retrieving
	each dup in the file explicitly.  Then remove each duplicate and try
	the retrieval again.

	DB_GET_BOTH/DB_GET_BOTH_RANGE on deleted items without comparison

	Use the first 10,000 entries from the dictionary.  Insert each with
	self as key and "ndups" duplicates.  For the data field, prepend the
	letters of the alphabet in a random order so we force the duplicate
	sorting code to do something.  By setting ndups large, we can make
	this an off-page test.

	Test the DB_GET_BOTH and DB_GET_BOTH_RANGE functionality by retrieving
	each dup in the file explicitly.  Then remove each duplicate and try
	the retrieval again.

	Test038 with off-page duplicates
	DB_GET_BOTH functionality with off-page duplicates.

	Test039 with off-page duplicates
	DB_GET_BOTH functionality with off-page duplicates.

	Concurrent Data Store test (CDB)

	Multiprocess DB test; verify that locking is working for the
	concurrent access method product.

	Use the first "nentries" words from the dictionary.  Insert each with
	self as key and a fixed, medium length data string.  Then fire off
	multiple processes that bang on the database.  Each one should try to
	read and write random keys.  When they rewrite, they'll append their
	pid to the data string (sometimes doing a rewrite sometimes doing a
	partial put).  Some will use cursors to traverse through a few keys
	before finding one to write.

	Recno renumbering and implicit creation test
	Test the Record number implicit creation and renumbering options.

	Small system integration tests
	Test proper functioning of the checkpoint daemon,
	recovery, transactions, etc.

	System integration DB test: verify that locking, recovery, checkpoint,
	and all the other utilities basically work.

	The test consists of $nprocs processes operating on $nfiles files.  A
	transaction consists of adding the same key/data pair to some random
	number of these files.  We generate a bimodal distribution in key size
	with 70% of the keys being small (1-10 characters) and the remaining
	30% of the keys being large (uniform distribution about mean $key_avg).
	If we generate a key, we first check to make sure that the key is not
	already in the dataset.  If it is, we do a lookup.

	Small random tester
	Runs a number of random add/delete/retrieve operations.
	Tests both successful conditions and error conditions.

	Run the random db tester on the specified access method.

	Overwrite test of small/big key/data with cursor checks.

	DBcursor->c_get get test with SET_RANGE option.

	Cursor stability across Btree splits.

	Cursor operations on uninitialized cursors.

	Overwrite test of small/big key/data with cursor checks for Recno.

	Fixed-length record Recno test.
	0. Test various flags (legal and illegal) to open
	1. Test partial puts where dlen != size (should fail)
	2. Partial puts for existent record -- replaces at beg, mid, and
	end of record, as well as full replace

	Renumbering record Recno test.

	Test of the DB_REVSPLITOFF flag in the Btree and Btree-w-recnum

	Cursor maintenance during key/data deletion.

	This test checks for cursor maintenance in the presence of deletes.
	There are N different scenarios to tests:
	1. No duplicates.  Cursor A deletes a key, do a  GET for the key.
	2. No duplicates.  Cursor is positioned right before key K, Delete K,
	do a next on the cursor.
	3. No duplicates.  Cursor is positioned on key K, do a regular delete
	of K, do a current get on K.
	4. Repeat 3 but do a next instead of current.
	5. Duplicates. Cursor A is on the first item of a duplicate set, A
	does a delete.  Then we do a non-cursor get.
	6. Duplicates.  Cursor A is in a duplicate set and deletes the item.
	do a delete of the entire Key. Test cursor current.
	7. Continue last test and try cursor next.
	8. Duplicates.  Cursor A is in a duplicate set and deletes the item.
	Cursor B is in the same duplicate set and deletes a different item.
	Verify that the cursor is in the right place.
	9. Cursors A and B are in the place in the same duplicate set.  A
	deletes its item.  Do current on B.
	10. Continue 8 and do a next on B.

	Basic cursor operations.
	This test checks basic cursor operations.
	There are N different scenarios to tests:
	1. (no dups) Set cursor, retrieve current.
	2. (no dups) Set cursor, retrieve next.
	3. (no dups) Set cursor, retrieve prev.

	Cursor maintenance during deletes.
	Check if deleting a key when a cursor is on a duplicate of that
	key works.

	Cursor maintenance during key deletes.
	Check if we handle the case where we delete a key with the cursor on
	it and then add the same key.  The cursor should not get the new item
	returned, but the item shouldn't disappear.
	Run test tests, one where the overwriting put is done with a put and
	one where it's done with a cursor put.

	Verify that deleting and reading duplicates results in correct ordering.

	Cursor ops work with a partial length of 0.
	Make sure that we handle retrieves of zero-length data items correctly.
	The following ops, should allow a partial data retrieve of 0-length.

	Test of the DB_EXCL flag to DB->open().
	1) Attempt to open and create a nonexistent database; verify success.
	2) Attempt to reopen it;  verify failure.

	Test of txn abort and commit for in-memory databases.
	a) Put + abort: verify absence of data
	b) Put + commit: verify presence of data
	c) Overwrite + abort: verify that data is unchanged
	d) Overwrite + commit: verify that data has changed
	e) Delete + abort: verify that data is still present
	f) Delete + commit: verify that data has been deleted

	Test of partial puts (using DB_CURRENT) onto duplicate pages.
	Insert the first 200 words into the dictionary 200 times each with
	self as key and <random letter>:self as data.  Use partial puts to
	append self again to data;  verify correctness.

	Test of the DB_RDONLY flag to DB->open
	Attempt to both DB->put and DBC->c_put into a database
	that has been opened DB_RDONLY, and check for failure.

	Test of DB->get_type
	Create a database of type specified by method.
	Make sure DB->get_type returns the right thing with both a normal
	and DB_UNKNOWN open.

	Test of DB->stat(DB_FASTSTAT)

	Test of cursor overwrites of DB_CURRENT w/ duplicates.

	Make sure a cursor put to DB_CURRENT acts as an overwrite in a
	database with duplicates.

	Test of DB_CURRENT partial puts onto almost empty duplicate
	pages, with and without DB_DUP_SORT.

	Test of DB_CURRENT partial puts on almost-empty duplicate pages.
	This test was written to address the following issue, #2 in the
	list of issues relating to bug #0820:

	2. DBcursor->put, DB_CURRENT flag, off-page duplicates, hash and btree:
	In Btree, the DB_CURRENT overwrite of off-page duplicate records
	first deletes the record and then puts the new one -- this could
	be a problem if the removal of the record causes a reverse split.
	Suggested solution is to acquire a cursor to lock down the current
	record, put a new record after that record, and then delete using
	the held cursor.

	It also tests the following, #5 in the same list of issues:
	set, duplicate comparison routine specified.
	The partial change does not change how data items sort, but the
	record to be put isn't built yet, and that record supplied is the
	one that's checked for ordering compatibility.

	Test of DB_BEFORE and DB_AFTER with partial puts.
	Make sure DB_BEFORE and DB_AFTER work properly with partial puts, and
	check that they return EINVAL if DB_DUPSORT is set or if DB_DUP is not.

	Test of DB_CURRENT partial puts without duplicates-- test067 w/
	small ndups to ensure that partial puts to DB_CURRENT work
	correctly in the absence of duplicate pages.

	Test of DB_CONSUME (Four consumers, 1000 items.)

	Fork off six processes, four consumers and two producers.
	The producers will each put 20000 records into a queue;
	the consumers will each get 10000.
	Then, verify that no record was lost or retrieved twice.

	Test of DB_CONSUME (One consumer, 10000 items.)
	This is DB Test 70, with one consumer, one producers, and 10000 items.

	Test of cursor stability when duplicates are moved off-page.

	Test of cursor stability on duplicate pages.

	Does the following:
	a. Initialize things by DB->putting ndups dups and
	setting a reference cursor to point to each.
	b. c_put ndups dups (and correspondingly expanding
	the set of reference cursors) after the last one, making sure
	after each step that all the reference cursors still point to
	the right item.
	c. Ditto, but before the first one.
	d. Ditto, but after each one in sequence first to last.
	e. Ditto, but after each one in sequence from last to first.
	occur relative to the new datum)
	f. Ditto for the two sequence tests, only doing a
	DBC->c_put(DB_CURRENT) of a larger datum instead of adding a
	new one.


	Test of DB->rename().
	(formerly test of DB_TRUNCATE cached page invalidation [#1487])

	Test creation of many small databases in a single environment. [#1528].

	Test of DB_GET_RECNO [#1206].

	Test of DBC->c_count(). [#303]

	Test of deletes in large trees.  (test006 w/ sm. pagesize).

	Check that delete operations work in large btrees.  10000 entries
	and a pagesize of 512 push this out to a four-level btree, with a
	small fraction of the entries going on overflow pages.

	Test of DB->remove()

	Test off-page duplicates and overflow pages together with
	very large keys (key/data as file contents).

	Test of DB_PREV_NODUP (uses test074).

	Test of DB->key_range.

	Basic sanity test (test001) with large (64K) pages.

	Test of cursor behavior when a cursor is pointing to a deleted
	btree key which then has duplicates added. [#2473]

	Test of cursor stability across btree splits/rsplits with
	subtransaction aborts (a variant of test048).  [#2373]

	Test of cursor stability when converting to and modifying
	off-page duplicate pages with subtransaction aborts. [#2373]

	Does the following:
	a. Initialize things by DB->putting ndups dups and
	setting a reference cursor to point to each.  Do each put twice,
	first aborting, then committing, so we're sure to abort the move
	to off-page dups at some point.
	b. c_put ndups dups (and correspondingly expanding
	the set of reference cursors) after the last one, making sure
	after each step that all the reference cursors still point to
	the right item.
	c. Ditto, but before the first one.
	d. Ditto, but after each one in sequence first to last.
	e. Ditto, but after each one in sequence from last to first.
	occur relative to the new datum)
	f. Ditto for the two sequence tests, only doing a
	DBC->c_put(DB_CURRENT) of a larger datum instead of adding a
	new one.

	Test of cursor stability across btree splits with very
	deep trees (a variant of test048). [#2514]

	Concurrent Data Store test (CDB)

	Enhanced CDB testing to test off-page dups, cursor dups and
	cursor operations like c_del then c_get.

	Test for functionality near the end of the queue using test001.


	Test of DB_DIRTY_READ [#3395]

	We set up a database with nentries in it.  We then open the
	database read-only twice.  One with dirty read and one without.
	We open the database for writing and update some entries in it.
	Then read those new entries via db->get (clean and dirty), and
	via cursors (clean and dirty).

	Test using set_bt_compare.

	Use the first 10,000 entries from the dictionary.
	Insert each with self as key and data; retrieve each.
	After all are entered, retrieve all; compare output to original.
	Close file, reopen, do retrieve and re-verify.

	Test using set_dup_compare.

	Use the first 10,000 entries from the dictionary.
	Insert each with self as key and data; retrieve each.
	After all are entered, retrieve all; compare output to original.
	Close file, reopen, do retrieve and re-verify.

	Bulk get test. [#2934]

	Db->truncate test.

	Open up a large set of database files simultaneously.
	Adjust for local file descriptor resource limits.
	Then use the first 1000 entries from the dictionary.
	Insert each with self as key and a fixed, medium length data string;
	retrieve each. After all are entered, retrieve all; compare output
	to original.

	Test of DB_GET_RECNO and secondary indices.  Open a primary and
	a secondary, and do a normal cursor get followed by a get_recno.
	(This is a smoke test for "Bug #1" in [#5811].)


	Test of DB->get and DBC->c_get with set_recno and get_recno.

	Populate a small btree -recnum database.
	After all are entered, retrieve each using -recno with DB->get.
	Open a cursor and do the same for DBC->c_get with set_recno.
	Verify that set_recno sets the record number position properly.
	Verify that get_recno returns the correct record numbers.

	Test for functionality near the end of the queue
	using test025 (DB_APPEND).

	Test for functionality near the end of the queue 
	using test070 (DB_CONSUME).

	Begin, commit, abort testing.

	Verify that  read-only transactions do not write log records.

	Test abort/commit/prepare of txns with outstanding child txns.

	Test of wraparound txnids (txn001)

	Test transaction ID wraparound and recovery.

	Test of wraparound txnids (txn002)

	Test of wraparound txnids (txn003)